Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 355: Forest chaos

"She, she is the summoner! Impossible! How can we have more than three summoners in the city!"

The head of the Da Ming Hunting Magic Group screamed in horror and his face was sullen. He was a group of people. He did not know much about the major powers of the city, but he also heard it slightly, but he was really I haven't heard of any summoner who got a countertop, even if there are occasional second-level high-level summoners, they are among the same level of opponents!

"Kill them!"

When the two super-small summoned beasts appeared, Li Jiayu issued an order, and a dog and a bear immediately deceived themselves, like a landslide and tsunami, raised their claws and took them to the enemy!

"Ha! There is no way to escape, then go back to the water!"

The head of the Da Ming Hunting Magic Group is also a hard bone. Knowing that this battle is extremely dangerous, but also to fight up, after all, the entire Da Ming hunting magic group is his hard work. As a leader, he can watch his own eyes. The brother was killed by Li Jiayu one by one!

"Yes! Back to the water! The noise here is so big, as long as you insist on it for a minute or two, the military will send people to rescue, and the brothers should not be self-defeating!"

The dark knight Qin Anbang also followed the big cockroaches, and the body suddenly turned into a black mist, like the ink dripping into the clean water, and spread out!

The head of the demon squad rushed to the front and screamed. The muscles of the whole body swelled for several laps and became full three meters high. The blue ribs on the face were raised, and the lower body pants were ruptured by the muscles. , full of devastating power!

The head of the team is also considered to be a rare occupation. The mad warrior with extremely strong muscles is more powerful than the ordinary mad warrior. On the battlefield, it can even counter the three flame beetles without falling into the wind!

However, he is facing Li Jiayu, facing the **** dog and the extreme frost tyrant!


The violent tyrant patted it from above with a paw. The head of the team raised the magic knife and resisted it. He was shocked by the power that surged to the extreme. The tiger's mouth is cracked, and the wrists of the knife are screaming!

A knife, a claw, only stalemate for less than a second. It has already been separated!

The head of the Berserker simply resisted the power of the Frost Tyrant, and his wrist was bent. The magic long knife fell to the ground and made a bang!

The next moment, the extreme frost tyrant immediately took another paw!


Under the horror of the sea. The body of the Berserker is directly smashed by the violent tyrant. Make a sound that pinch the egg!


Seeing that the head's body was completely covered by the claws of the Extreme Frost Tyrant, the members were all stunned. They thought that the battle might be very difficult, but never expected the head of the team would be defeated in the first face!

Impossible, the head of the team is a super master close to the third level!

Head, you are standing up!

but. The head of the team is no longer able to stand up again.

Because they saw that the extreme frost tyrant raised its bear claws. There are many rotten flesh and white bones stuck on the claws...

In an instant, they had a sense of horror in the end of the world. For the first time in their lives, they felt so chilly. Even the heads were so easily killed. How could these fishes be rivals?

Unbeatable, it is impossible to beat the third-level master, we still have to run fast, leaving the green hills in the fire!

At this moment, only the remaining members have all retired, but this time they want to run, it is too late!

The three dogs of the **** dog Kakari spurt out the horrible ice fire and thunder magic, which is absolutely unbeatable, completely covering a dozen members. In the magical sound, not only the twelve second-level middle All the elite members have become sacred corpses and ice sculptures. Even the second-level high-ranking ice fire mage and the temperament are also ventilated with less air intake, and only a little worse.

The only one who stood up and stood still was the Dark Knight Qin Anbang, but his dark fog had been completely relieved, his skin was full of burns, and he gasped fiercely, seemingly consuming most of the dark magic. Can harden it!

Qin Anbang swallowed a bitter bite, looked at the surrounding bodies, could not help but sigh, hoarse and asked:

"Before dying... I want to be an understanding ghost, why are you killing us?"


Li Jiayu took a snap and took back the two super-large summoned beasts. This slowly moved to Qin Anbang and smiled at Sen Han:

"I came to Li for half a month."

Qin Anbang pupil tightening!

Li half-moon, of course, he knows that it is related to the people who started the Da Ming hunting demon group, but he can't believe it when he died. The captive Li half-moon will provoke the whole hunting demon to kill him!

"She, she..." Qin Anbang opened his mouth and stuttered, seemingly out of breath because of extreme regret.

Li Jiayu’s face was full of haze, and Qin’s head was caught in his hand, dragging him all the way to the most luxurious villa, because Li Jiayu knew that her sister was inside.

"How is she? Is it already given to you..." Li Jiayu asked Qin Anbang's body while he was whispering, and the voice was cold like the cold air that Siberia blew.

Qin Anbang struggled, and his head was very uncomfortable caught by Li Jiayu, but he had to tremble and replied: "No, no! She is very safe... no one dares to bully her..."

"Hey! Then why are your heads going to the upper body!" Li Jiayu gritted his teeth.

"Hey, hey... The head of the team is very rough, especially after he became a Berserker, he likes to show his muscles. He rarely sees him wearing clothes at the headquarters!"

"Hey..." This is the turn of Li Jiayu's speechless, and he just thought that his sister had been ruined by the head of the team...

"In the afternoon, Li half-month injured our people. We caught her and returned to the headquarters. As before, the head of the group was very interested in the beautiful girl of this age, and immediately she slapped her two slaps. When she was about to be happy with her brothers, she cried..."

"... continue to say!" Li Jiayu's heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, what is the meaning of music, he is too clear. It must be a group of strong men in rotation, in the doomsday world without a legal system. This situation is too common. What is humiliating a woman is not a rare thing at all.

Although Qin Anbang said that Li is not being bullied, Li Jiayu still worried that his sister was taken advantage of the group of dog hybrids, so the strength of his hand increased a point, and Qin Anbang’s head was bleeding. Dripping on the stairs...

Qin Anbang hurts cold sweat, and quickly added: "Light. Light, Li Banyue, she really did not be bullied, when she cried. Tears drop down. It became a diamond, I was there at the time, so it is very curious Picking up her tears and condensation, I don’t know, but when I look at it, my tears contain strange energy. It’s not inferior to the second-order low-order insect crystal!”

"Well? What? Half-month tears..." Li Jiayu is suspicious.

"In order to confirm this, the head of the team fanned her a few more slaps. She cried even more, tears flowed, and more than 20 diamonds, each with magic of different attributes. At that time, all of us were crazy, knowing that we had a baby, because as long as we kept crying for half a month, we will continue to have that kind of tear diamond, which is equivalent to our endless second-class insect crystal. Therefore, we can cultivate a large number of forces, or take tears and diamonds to trade with the army..." When it comes to this, Qin Anbang seems to be excited too, both eyes are braving the light.

"Her tears are so magical?" Li Jiayu frowned. He had been in the last days of his life. He also heard that some of the inheritors had no fighting power, but they could improve others. It seems that Yang An has A super good girl, good at yin and yang double repair, every time with Yang An after the love, can make Yang Anshuang sky, the power is also skyrocketing at the speed visible to the naked eye, if not because of the best girl, Yang An, how genius, also Can not be able to press Gu Qing, Ye Lou and others to become the second master of the Tian Dynasty.

Well, that super girl is now in Jingzhou, it seems to be called Chu Xiangyu or something, in short, is a very beautiful woman, if you have the opportunity to go to Jingzhou, we must stop her from becoming Yang's wife!

"It's very amazing. Li Banyue is just an inexhaustible treasure house. The head of the group wanted to immediately violently abuse her and let her shed more tears, but I stopped because I was worried that after Li Banyue lost. Losing this incredible magical ability, the head listened to my advice and let her go. The head of the self-control is still very good. He said that he wouldn’t touch it if he didn’t touch it. He really didn’t have any humiliation. ..." Qin Anbang battled the road.

Li Jiayu gloomy face, carrying Qin Anbang's head, forcibly dragging him to the third floor, entering a hall, but seeing a group of women in the corner shivering, all of them are quite beautiful, do not want to know that it is Daming The woman who is hunted by the demon squad is probably the venting tool of the head, perhaps because of the family members who play with the members, maybe who is the female relative.

However, Li Jiayu was too lazy to manage these women, even more lazy to kill them, and walked directly into a room in the horrified eyes of the group of women.

Inside, he is holding his sister.

However, when he was five or six meters away from the door, Li Jiayu could keenly smell a sweet and fragrant smell. It was a kind of floral fragrance similar to nature, not artificial sweetness. Greasy.


Li Jiayu opened the door.

In an instant, Li Jiayu’s heart began to violently jump. He saw his sister being tied to a stool. The fragrance in the room was more fragrant, but Li Jiayu clearly smelled a strange smoke from the air. taste!

This is clearly the smell of tears!

This group of **** bastards!

In order to get more tears in the diamonds, they actually turned Li half-month in a room full of tears!

Li Jiayu was tempted to break, and her heart could not stop anger, because he saw that his sister had been comatose. Her clothes and the floor were covered with round, crystal-clear diamonds, reflecting the beautiful brilliance and being very moving.

And on her face, there are still two five-finger red marks, presumably that should be caused by the slap in the head of the hunting demon group!

"You guys, this kind of dog hybrid, dare to put my sister in this place?" Li Jiayu looked at Qin Anbang's eyes, and the strength in his hands could not help but add a point.

Qin Anbang immediately felt that his skull was about to break, and he quickly danced his limbs and pleaded:

"Right, this, this is already a very good result... If, if not, I have this idea, the head of the team will probably use her whipping, insulting and other ways to make her cry..."


Li Jiayu squeezed his head in his hands, and then threw out Qin Anbang’s body. Then he slid quickly to his sister and directly tore the rope on her body. Then he held Li Banyue in one hand. In the arms.

Holding her, Li Jiayu is like holding the whole world, and there is a ecstasy in her heart, but behind the ecstasy, there is endless bitterness.

Yes, I finally have a chance to see it again for half a month... But why do I feel so overwhelmed? This silly girl, she is my sister, if she is as noisy as she was in the past, what should I do? After all, it is impossible between brothers and sisters. This is even more sinful and 10,000 times more than the violation of the church.


Perhaps Li Jiayu's raincoat was too cold, and they were in contact with each other. Li half-moon was so cold that he was so cold that even in a coma, he frowned uncomfortably, and Li Jiayu was so distressed that he quickly shed light in his palm to slow her down. Slow down while holding her away from the room.

Perhaps it is because half of the month has inhaled too much tear gas, and I am afraid that I can't wake up for a while, but it doesn't matter. For Li Jiayu, as long as my sister is safe and sound...

Out of that luxurious villa, Li Jiayu was completely relieved.

Since the rebirth, the biggest wish has finally been reached...

Xiao Qingqing, Yan Zisu, Li Donglin, Li Banyue, the closest relatives, the most loved ones, have gathered around him, he has put so much effort, and finally ushered in the best results!

A month, I will never let you put in other men's arms in this life, because I will protect you!

When he was about to walk out of the neighborhood with his sister, Li Jiayu felt a chill coming straight. He suddenly looked up, but he saw half of the air, and there was a young man in his arms. He stepped on a long sword and was dark. The long hair danced in the wind, and the green military-style robes hunted.

"Da Ming Hunting Magic Group, but you killed?"

The young man is high on the top, cold-eyed Li Jiayu, with a kind of domineering in the world, just like the sky is falling down, he is also not afraid of the same, but there is an unspeakable smell of dust between the words, returning to the wind and snow Show the immortal atmosphere, it seems that you have to take the wind at any time, step on the clouds and climb the fairy.

"Yes, I killed it!"

Li Jiayu stood quietly on the open ground, looked up coldly and looked at the handsome man in the sky.

"Hey? Is it a woman? Very good, you have killed four second-level high-level players, and you must not put the covenant of the city's inheritors in your eyes. Well, I am in the woods." Autumn will bring you back, military law disposal!"

Major General Lin!

This man turned out to be the hottest Major General Lin!


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