Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 402: Didala

Chapter 404


Without the power provided by the abyss, the Queen Randoni could not summon the vines endlessly like the original. Every time a vine was blown, she would have to spend a long time to recover. .

At this time, there is only a point that may be able to deal with the female Routine Queen. Otherwise, the female Luo Teng, who is constantly getting the vitality supplement, can’t be killed a little bit. After all, Li Jiayu and Lin Qiuqiu’s level are still too low. Just like the next copy, I met a big one that kept going to fill the blood.


It's a low level of equipment and skill, even if you have a god-like technology, there is nothing to do.

But... then again, the mad female Queen Roto, really is not a joke, the strength is stronger than the other side, even without the supplement of the abyss, her explosive power is also explosive, now I was anxious to fight with her, afraid that I wouldn’t even know how to die, let alone kill her.

"No, she can't play at all during the madness. Sunglasses, can you predict the end of the madness of the Queen R.?"


"There is still two minutes in advance..."

"Oh, that's not anxious. After two minutes, the madness of the madness came up. We turned the gun again and told her to be sick!"


"The goal is the miracle creature... This madness is more than the madness of other races. The closer it is to the end time, the faster the blessing will be after the madness. According to the calculation, before the end of the madness, her speed will be Beyond you...suggestions, go back immediately and deal with the target."

Seeing the proposal of the hollow sunglasses, Li Jiayu’s heart was cool and cool.

His innocent dark summoner, do not know how many inheritors, how many Zerg lords, how many abyss kings fought, but he has never seen the wonderful creatures of female vines!

It stands to reason that the madness should be very fierce at the beginning, and the latter will be declining. However, the madness of the female Queen Routine is quite different. The more the back is, the more powerful it is. What is the difference between this and the external plug?

Li Jiayu really wants to swear, how can there be a female rattan in this world, is this creature born to be his nemesis?

The female Luo Titan of Xijiang University killed him once. The female queen of the vines was chasing him, and he almost died of death. Now he is forced to lose even the opportunity to escape. Going to face the enemies who are so powerful!

"Fang Fang, turn back to meet the enemy!"

Li Jiayu screamed, and Fang Fang of the cleverness did not hesitate. She was the one who listened to Li Jiayu's words. She turned her head and flew to Li Jiayu. (氵昆

氵 点 点 点)

Lin Qiqiu’s pupils contracted for a while, and looked at Li Jiayu and Fang Fang with horror, and the female Rondo, who was about to rush, and his face changed slightly, and his voice shouted:

"Li Jiayu! Are you crazy? She is at the peak of the momentum, we don't need to resist her at this time!"

After shouting, Lin Qiqiu did not say anything, but also flew to the side of Li Jiayu and fought side by side with the goddess in the heart. Lin Qiuqiu was a very pure person. If other guys did something stupid, he would not bother to go. The meeting, but Li Jiayu is stupid, Lin Qiqiu does not need to know the reason, directly help the knife...

Well, this is... the power of misunderstanding, and the superiority of the goddess, and I don’t know what kind of mentality and expression will be in the future when I know the true gender of Li Jiayu.

"Queen... you are... my... my..."

Seeing that Li Jiayu stopped, the female Queen Luo Ting couldn’t help but fly. In her view, Li Jiayu was the shackle of the shackles. Even if he struggled desperately, he could not escape the birth...

Hey, when I think of finding the legendary queen, the Queen Roto is excited to see Venus, excited to be self-control, and the strange flowers blooming around the body also emit more and more floral fragrance...

"Lin Shaoer, Fang Fang, in any case, must adhere to two minutes, after two minutes, her strength will be greatly reduced, maybe we have the opportunity to kill her!"

Li Jiayu screamed, and the look of Lin Qiuqiu was complicated. He looked deeply at Li Jiayu’s face, which was much more beautiful than the Queen, and there was a flame in his heart. He was willing to protect the most perfect of the world. A handsome girl and died.

Fang Fang has recovered her life. She whispered her scarlet eyes and rubbed her head. I couldn’t understand why Li Jiayu’s brother was so sure that after two minutes, the Queen Roto would be weak...

The fallen angel loosened Li Jiayu and let Li Jiayu fall. When he was about to kneel on the ground, Li Jiayu calmed down with the floating pope of the Pope.

In this way, the fallen angel is free, he can free his hands and feet to deal with the female queen, and Li Jiayu can also down-to-earth, using the mellow strength of the earth, a little bit of mental strength, after all, repeatedly fighting to the present, his The mental strength is less than half, and the death of the Dragon Warrior is also very big for him, and now he still feels depressed.


The forest screamed and screamed again, and again, a large block of golden red swords and shadows, a beautiful light and waves screaming and smashing through the sky, Fang Fang also followed into a large piece of blood fog, rushed up, she liked the female The vine juice of Queen Vine, although a bit urinating, but the more flexible her mind is when she drinks more.


The fallen angel Safiros also fanned the black wing, and the volley flew toward the queen of the girl, the bright knives of the wind and the thunder of the wind, like a slap in the air, and even cut off more than a dozen vines!

Li Jiayu once again wrapped the bright spiral in the ice wheel, threw it out, and desperately recited the spell.

He wants to summon the blue-eyed white dragon!

When dealing with the Dark Knight Luo Peiyang, it was the call of the Dark Pope, who ran out to save Li Jiayu, and defeated Luo Peiyang in two or three strokes. I don’t want to know that Qingyan Bailong has three intermediate strengths. And it is the peak of the middle class, almost broke through to the third-order high-order,

On the strength, it should be similar to the forest chaos.

Unfortunately, Qingyan Bailong did not have a contract with Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu allowed him to summon the shadow of Qingyan Bailong to scare people. It is not a general difficulty to summon the complete body of Qingyan Bailong. .

But now, you have to bet once!

Li Jiayu anxiously finished the spell of the dragon summoning beast, half a squat on the ground, stroking the land with one hand, while arrogant:

"Come out, blue-eyed white dragon!"

However, Li Jiayu is dumbfounded, because the blue-eyed white dragon does not appear!

"Damn! My luck is not so good, just by myself, without the help of the Pope, there is no way to drag the blue-eyed white dragon out..."

Li Jiayu was in a hurry, just at this time, the Queen of the Roretta was once again prosperous, and countless vines slammed down, and suddenly the forest was chaotic, and Fang Fang was so embarrassed that even the fallen angels were entangled in several vines. If he was not flexible enough, and quickly cut the vine with a long knife, I was afraid that it would be smashed by the body!


There are more than a dozen vines, and Li Jiayu is on the ground!

Li Jiayu's face changed dramatically, but she had no choice but to rush to summon a "clay bomb" that she hadn't used for a long time!


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