Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 418: Wife and woman silver

Chapter 418

Wife and woman silver

Li Jiayu had a problem. The students at the Xijiang University camp were worried. They were also rushing to visit Li Jiayu, but the number was too large. The provincial party committee was extremely inconvenient. Li Jiayu needed to be rested. So they didn't make it. Instead, the army's people ran to assign tasks, male students were sent to build the walls, and female students were sent to Lu Dingyun's magic manor to take care of the crops.

In the afternoon, Chu Taihong personally led the team to visit Li Jiayu. Lin Lin’s dozens of officers suddenly made Jiang Minghui’s villa seem crowded, but it was quite lively. Jiang Minghui laughed and opened the flowers, and quickly said that these officers were close to them. He did a good job, but the officer saw that he was not a successor. He was somewhat ignorant of him. However, Jiang Minghui did not put it in his heart. He still insisted on the set of officials. He stubbornly believed that he would rely on one day. The relationship of the wife is recognized by the officers.

Li Banyue, Li Donglin, and Bai Jie’s mother and daughter seemed to be overwhelmed. They were so depressed in front of the mighty generals wearing magical uniforms, especially when Chu Taihong came to Li Jiayu’s bed, and looked at the coma with relief. Li Jiayu, then patted Li Donglin's shoulder with respect and respect, and held his hand, admiring:

"Mr. Li, you have a good niece. If it weren't for her, then the city would be in jeopardy. She was the same as the squadron. She was the guardian hero of the city, guardian angels, and thousands of people from the city of Chengcheng accepted her. grace!"

Li Donglin is just an ordinary middle-aged man. He has been bitter and haha ​​since the end of the world. When he saw such a big squad, he stared at the innocent king of this city, and he was flattered:

"No, no... The commander of the Chu is heavy, and Jiayu should do this..."

Although Li Donglin wants to explain to Chu Taihong, Li Jiayu is his son who is not a prostitute, but at such a serious juncture, it is very damaging to the atmosphere.

Chu Taihong also praised a few words, and turned a sigh, the words of the Yangtze River after the waves pushed forward waves, saying that the young strong people in the new rise of the city have sprung up, and there are endless streams of forests, such as Lin Qiuqiu and Jiangyue Ying. Now there are dyed Hongxia, Li Jiayu, Fang Fang, and even if Chu Taihong is dead in the battlefield, he can also laugh at Jiuquan. When it is time to dye Hongxia and Li Jiayu to lead the city, after all, the potential of these two girls It’s much bigger than the forest.

The officers naturally thought that Chu Taihong was talking about the guest words. However, these words were heard in Li’s ears, but they made her eyes wide open and looked at the brother lying on the bed in disbelief!

Open and open jokes...

The commander of the first strong, Chu Shiling, even said that his brother is likely to become a successor. How is this possible? When he was a child, he was clearly a big idiot with super-developed motor nerves. Even wild dogs could chase him across the street, but after growing up, how could it become so powerful!

Last night, my brother said that he was in the autumn with the forest, and Li Banyue liked to be awake for a long time. He felt that his brother could sit on the same level with the radiant forest, and she could be a face-to-face thing. I am proud of it, after all, Lin Qiqiu is the hero and idol of the young people in Yucheng, even if Li Banyue is also in the autumn of the forest!

However, only a day passed, and my brother made a huge contribution. He tried to suppress the forest and chaos. It is said that he would almost blow up what queen to be ashes, and provoke the big man like Chu Shiling to attach great importance to it. Even the rank of Major General was awarded early, and the whole city was named!

The whole city of Yucheng, the generals are not only the seven or eight people, and the brother is one of them, even more powerful, is the strength of the brother is the most powerful, the forest will be better than the forest!

Li half-moon was a bit stunned and quickly pinched his face to determine if he was dreaming, but the slight pain told her that everything in front of him was incomparably real, and that the idiot brother brought her surprise again and again. And in the case she did not know, set an amazing record, and embarked on the top of the power of the city!

My brother is too powerful, no, I have a gene similar to him. I can’t lag behind him too much. When he wakes up, he must teach me how to become stronger. If one day in the future, I can My brother has become a major general of Yucheng, so what awesome thing!

"Give me all the way! The aura of the spirits is disturbed by you!"

He frowned and screamed, her aura was used very reluctantly. Now there are more than 20 people gathered in this room. The array is almost going to collapse

In desperation, Chu Taihong had to sneak out with the officers. In the house, there were Bai Jie mother and daughter, dyed Hongxia mother and daughter, Li Donglin father and daughter, and the rest of the treatment staff. The couple of mothers and daughters and fathers and daughters rushed out, leaving only the basil, Xiao Qingqing to take care of Li Jiayu.

"What, the woman is so fierce! I am his sister, yeah, it is not right to be with him!"

Li Banyue complained a few times, but she was very affectionate to talk to her. Li Banyue’s violent, impulsive and energetic girl suddenly became more interested in dyeing Hongxia. Seeing hate late, many of their opinions, thoughts, and views on life are strikingly similar, and they all have inexplicable affection for Li Jiayu, so I haven’t talked for a few minutes, just like my sisters...

Xie Liangmei also talked with Li Donglin. She regarded Li Donglin as a relative, but never thought that maybe one day in the future, she would be shorter than Li Donglin...

In the evening, the Liu Yin yarn, which was refreshing and refreshed, finally woke up. When Li Hanyue saw her coming out of a certain room, she did not hit a place when she was in the air. It’s a screaming day, but Li is a little girl, and the degree of rhetoric is far less than that of Liu Yinyin. In the end, Liu Yinyin is so irritated that he wants to cry, and he still wants to swear. Come down.

"Hey, it’s a little girl who is inferior. I want to fight with you. You are still twenty years old. Forget it. Anyway, Jiayu is also occupied by you. I will go to my daughter to play." Liu Yinyin took a shot of the buttocks and went to the military hospital to visit Fang Fang. However, Li Luyue jumped up like a stepped tail and shouted at the nose of Liu Yinyin:

"You are not allowed to bully Fang Fang again! My brother said, I want to give Fang Fang freedom again. From today, I am the guardian of Fang Fangxin!"

"Guardian? Giggle, your brain is in the water? Even the hair is not long, the yellow hair hoe, dare to rob me Fang Fang? You don't know she has recognized me as a godmother? Giggle, she is now, if it is gone overnight My fingers, the little buttocks will itch very badly, can't sleep." Liu Yinyin licked the lips of the cherry, and licked the white jade fingers, she did not use her fingers to explode Fang Fang's chrysanthemums, they are about to put Fang Fang tutored into a beautiful dog who was indulging in a perverted pleasure.

"You are shameless!"

"Giggle, Fang Fang's body has already left my mark. Do you know what night and night she is at night? Do you know why she doesn't dare to sleep in the bed but want to sleep on the floor? You know why she saw me take off. Does the stockings drool? Do you know why she didn't take the collar off her neck? Do you know what type of dog food she likes?"

Liu Yinyin bent slightly, tilting the water snake's waist, almost close to Li's face, forming a fierce oppressive feeling, giggling:

"You don't know these! She is already a beautiful dog I have raised. Once I am gone, I will continue to tune her. Her life will be completely messed up. It is better to die. In this world, only I can be her master, little girl. Not qualified enough yet."

"Nonsense! I don't believe it. In short, I don't want you to bully Fang Fang, or I will tell my brother!"

I have never seen Li Fuyue in the world. I don’t know what the adult world is like. I still stubbornly believe that I can take care of Fang Fang. The stupid girl who dyed Hongxia finally couldn’t bear it. She ran out to condemn Liu Yinyin and accused Liu Yinyin. Unmanned.

"Well, since your attitude is so determined, Fang Fang will give you a few days to see if she will be confused in your care, but ah, you have to remember, Fang Fang likes to eat leftovers, you are the most. She will be hungry for a day or two and then give her an overnight meal, she will be even more happy." Liu Yinyin's eyes are full of gloating.

"Scum! Swing. Woman! Beast! Scum!" Li Banyue was trembled by Liu Yinyin, but dyed Hongxia has long been used to it, too lazy to pay attention to Liu Yinyin, directly pulling Li Banyue to the military region The hospital, to see if Fang Fang is in good condition, if she has already woken up, take her back to take care of it.

In the evening, Liu Yinyin couldn't stand the loneliness. He held a small lamp lit by insects and ran to the top of the building to look at the night scene. At the same time, he realized more darkness and hoped to quickly break through to the third level.

When Jiang Minghui saw Liu Yinyue running up the top of the building, he couldn't help but play a small abacus. He also quietly followed the Liuyin yarn to the top of the building. He also put on a gentleman's demeanor and talked with Liu Yinyin. Not to mention, the **** charm of Liu Yinyin's fox is ten times more fierce than Xiao Qingqing. It has a fatal appeal to men. Jiang Minghui can't be spared. He was fascinated by Liu Yinyin and could not find North.

at the same time--

"Purple, you are very tired, go back to the room to rest, just hand it over to me."

Xiao Qingqing sent the squid, which was so tired that he was going to the room next door. No way, the squid used a half-day purification, and the iron body could not hold it, and the squat was too tired to maintain the spirit. Just went back to her own room to rest.

At this time, in the room, only the night of the night, Xiao Qingqing, and the coma Li Jiayu.


Suddenly, Li Jiayu issued an unconscious whisper. Xiao Zhongqing’s heart moved, and quickly rushed to the past to listen to Li Jiayu’s heartbeat, but the next moment, something that made her extremely surprised!


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