Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 433: Past comrades

Li Jiayu's heart is like a surging sea of ​​anger, and can't stop to pick up the hustle and bustle.

Once successful, can ordinary people become superhuman?

Is it possible?

Do you think that you are using a machine to make pork into sausages, and you will make a bunch of them all at once?

The human body is full of infinite mystery, but it is easy to develop it. Once a few mistakes are made, it will immediately lead to unimaginable consequences. Therefore, in the face of horrific alien invasion, human combatants can’t keep up. Consumption, in addition to the inheritance of the soul, the devil fruit, the strengthening of the insect crystal, the soul of the corpse, there is basically no other way, even if there are, individual examples, or the kind of harm more than the benefits, can not get on the table.

However, in order to protect their homeland, human beings always want to rebuild the old scientific and technological civilization, and re-excavate the previous scientific justifications, trying to change this with the knowledge of genetics, biochemistry, genetics, etc. in scientific evidence. The end of the world.

Therefore, in the end of the world, there will be malformed monsters such as worm warriors, self-destructive warriors, biochemical blood corpses, and human cockroaches... They can no longer be called humans, and they are only a monster that sacrifices their lives for human beings.

Unfortunately, the research institutes in Yucheng have a large group of old antiques and scientists. They are gathered together, and there are a lot of alchemists and enchanters pointing at them. So they set up a biochemical department and developed a diamond. Not a bad, infinitely powerful super warrior.

When I think of this, Li Jiayu is angry and thunderous. The idiot's biochemical department has failed countless times and wasted a lot of rare materials. As a result, good things can't be done, but after six months, I started a biochemical hero plan. Transform a strong ordinary person into a superman in the movie.

Li Donglin happened to be the first batch of experimenters and the only successful test piece that survived. But Li Jiayu blamed the fire in the wilderness, Li Donglin did not become a superman. It became a biochemical blood corpse. A kind of war machine with only instinct and instinct, the flesh of the whole body rolled out, and the blood permeated constantly, and the limbs of the prey were pulled down and stuffed into the mouth to bite. The eyes of blood and tears are full of destruction...

At first, Li Donglin did set a great record for Yucheng. After all, the biochemical blood corpse that he has formed is the most advanced, and the quality is also the best. It has a strong strength close to the third-level high-level □ to be more powerful than the current stage of the forest. Therefore, the research institute regards Li Donglin as a trump card.

But unfortunately... Li Donglin slowly lost control. After being enslaved for a few months, he became more and more violent. When he broke through to the third-level high-level, he completely got rid of the embarrassment and died. After controlling his alchemist. I escaped from the research institute and let go of the massacre in Yucheng. And the full release of all kinds of blood poisons and corpses of their own body, instantly killed tens of thousands of people, just at that time, Yucheng is in the post-war stage, all masters are seriously injured, no one has to get Li Donglin...

Therefore, Li Donglin, who had let go of the massacre, smashed the catastrophe. The civilian population who died in his hands was nearly 200,000. When Chu Taihong, Dye Hongxia, and the rest of the generals returned, they joined forces to subdue him. Finally, I dyed Hongxia to cut off his head and then smashed the body...

Biochemical blood corpse Li Donglin, but an ordinary basketball coach... It is true that he committed a sin that is difficult to wash, but at that time, his soul has long since vanished, not Li Donglin, but the inheritor of Yucheng remembers, Li Donglin There is a son named Li Jiayu, Li Jiayu is very sinful and despicable, and the gods and gods are angry and thunderous. It is necessary that Li Dong will lose control. It must be Li Jiayu's hands and feet.

Under the help of the people, the whole people in Yucheng hated Li Jiayu, and the account of the biochemical blood corpse Li Donglin was counted on Li Jiayu’s head. Even the dyed Hongxia completely confessed to Li Jiayu, seeing him killing him once. He once.

Li Jiayu also hated the dyed Hongxia, although she knew that the red blood was killed by the biochemical blood corpse, but he still succumbs to it. For some time, he stubbornly believed that dyed Hongxia was the father of the enemy, until the truth became clear. Only then did she understand that she was relieved of her father, and she was dyed with red Xia and Li for half a month, otherwise Li Donglin’s daughter had long been angered and killed.

But even so, Li Jiayu habitually hated the dyed Hongxia, and the two sides became more and more enemies, until they did not die, Li Jiayu a lot of summoned beasts were dyed Hongxia to explode, a lot of friends who dyed Hongxia, The comrade-in-arms were also cruelly refining the human skin by Li Jiayu. Even the one that she had raised was going to be eaten by the suede and bones. The gas was dyed with red radish and three liters of blood, and the blood was sworn, and the eternal life was endless. In the reincarnation, he chased Li Jiayu. He killed him once when he reborn, and he continued to kill him until he died.

Therefore, Li Jiayu heard that the redness of Hongxia suddenly suddenly increased the strength of the panic, because he is a rebirth, so it is a sudden encounter with the red Xia, if the soul of her previous life is attached to her On the body... then don't think about it, with the mature version of Ling Xiao gradually dyed the sinful temper of Hongxia, and the blood and hatred that can't be washed away, she must have rushed to the enemy in the first time, and Li Jiayu smashed the corpse. The paragraph will be frustrated!

The grievances of past lives are actually so simple. Although there have been misunderstandings, it is really necessary to count them. Li Jiayu has become the public enemy of the entire city and even the entire Tian dynasty. It can be said that the reason why Li Jiayu will fall into the land of everyone is because of this **** biochemical department!

If it weren’t for the biochemical hero program of the biochemical department, Li Jiayu would not lose his father, would not madly abandon the soul and pursue strength, and would not miss the sister and the cousin, which would cause them to die miserably, even the predecessors’ hunters. It will not be copied by Li Jiayu because of the reason, and the cramps are peeled off and hung on the wall to mark the sky lanterns!

"Well, yes, I heard that the biochemical department has gathered the best scientists. It is really fortunate. In May and June, the country successfully built a genetic engineering base in Yucheng, not only sent many genetics in China. The authoritative figures of the scholars, even many professors of genetics in the United States, England, France, and Dongpu have gathered there, planning to further crack the mysteries of genes, but the plan is only halfway through, and the end of August will usher in the end of the world... ...but those professors and scientists have all been protected, and all have joined the research institute..."

"If you can really turn an ordinary person into a superman... then the worm is nothing terrible?"

"Yeah, Jiayu, are you not a prophet? Can you predict that the biochemical department can successfully implement their plans?"

Everyone looked at Li Jiayu tightly, and he could give an answer. After all, the people present were all students except the bellflowers, and they still had high expectations for the science and technology.

"Oh... the harm of others!" Li Jiayu bit his teeth, sneered, and the cold in the middle of the mouth is chilling.

"Hey... Jiayu, you are... Can you say that they will fail?" So many people present at the scene belonged to Chu Xiang’s most blind worship of Li Jiayu. Anyway, as long as Li Jiayu said it, it was a decree for him. Oh, it can't be wrong.

"Hey, who knows what is wrong? I only know... they have to be in trouble!"

Li Jiayu’s pair of blue eyes swept the king’s eyes coldly, and his eyes glanced lightly. Many of the inheritors were chilling, and there were thousands of wet snakes crawling on their backs. Health - this kind of eyes, too familiar, this is clearly the face of Li Jiayu before the violent Mori cold, every time he violently, will always set off some **** rain, killing a large number of people, can it be said that Li Jiayu wants to People in research institutes start?

Is he crazy? The research institute is a holy place for the protection of the city, not to mention how Chu Taihong, Lu Dingyun, and dyed Hongxia may make him mess! ?

When it came to the research institute, Li Jiayu came to the air, and the good mood was all messed up. In the following conversation, Yi Xing was stunned. Although Chu Xiang and others kept reporting various news and rumors, Li Jiayu had already Can't afford too much interest.

"Hey, right, Jiayu, your sister, she is getting more and more strange these days. The smell on her body seems to be getting better and better. The average person stays with her for a long time. It will faint like a drunk, and it will hurt the uncle one day. I have to sleep for more than twenty hours..."

"Ah? Isn't it?" Li Jiayu stunned. He knew that Li Banyue was eating sweet fruit, but she only relied on the sweet smell of her body to make her dad sleep from early to late and sleep late. Early, that’s really not funny...

"Yes, but she recently stayed with the president, and they were very close relatives to their mother and daughter. The dyeing president gave her a lot of insect crystals and gave her a lot of guidance, so the strength of the half month was improved very quickly. Can use petrified ray to deal with ordinary corpse poison spiders..." Orange Gong said.

"This girl always likes to use violence to solve everything. After gaining strength, she will definitely run on the battlefield with her temper. No, she must find a way to tie her to her side, and she will stay in the red sand." Too unsafe..."

For the energetic and cute little sister, Li Jiayu is quite a headache. Who is this gimmick and likes to spend a lot of fun? But she is so stupid, she never has to use her mind, she just raises her fist and rushes forward...

"Right, the people of Nanhai Martial Arts School have been stationed at the headquarters of the Hunting Magic Group. Liu Rong, Liu Jiajia and Xu Changqing are very familiar with this matter, so they will be handed over to them. It is estimated that tomorrow, Xijiang Hunting Magic Group The headquarters can be completely repaired, and we should move to live..." Chen Kundao.

"Well, this, you decide, I am just a pickpocket..."

Li Jiayu said, in the heart of the move, it is time to look for the comrades in the past hunters!


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