Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 438: Qin Silao

Chapter 438

Qin Silao

This kind of taste... Needless to say, it is also known as the stench of the carrion, only the smell of the rotten dead people! .

However, how can there be a rotten corpse in the headquarters of the Hunting Magic?

Li Jiayu’s heart slammed up!

I can't think of the situation is already bad to this point!

The entire body of the squad leader has begun to rot, not only the fleshy rot, but the blood in the body has also become filthy, full of corpse poison, the normal physiology can not work, or because of madness The powerful vitality and life-like insect crystal support of the warrior, I am afraid that the head of the thunder has been turned into a meat sauce early, and the eggs in the body hatch early to eat breakfast...

"Sun Pioneer..."

Even if the indoors are stinking, there are still many members in the group, standing in front of the leader of the thunder, and a few strong members get a beautiful wine, crying and laughing, tears Accompanied by the thundermaster to drink.

Yes, the head of the thunder is about to die. It is not so regrettable to accompany him to drink before he dies...

However, the leader of the thunder has long been weak and unable to move. Every time he raises a cup, he seems to have exhausted his strength. When he drinks, he will cough hard and cough up a strange black liquid and sprinkle it in the wine. Inadvertently, I put it back into the mouth with alcohol again. Anyway, the body is too dirty to be smashed again. What is the bad blood in the district?

The whole room was filled with a mournful atmosphere. Although the head of the thunder shouted desperately that everyone must smile and let him die, the members only laughed numbly, and the tears had already wet the collar.

"Come on... come... Sun Xianfeng, you come to accompany me for a drink... Your kid has a good potential. In the future, there will be a lot of things to do. In the future, we will be the pillars of our hunters. You must do it well, don’t die too early. Or else, I will make you a meatloaf under the ground..."

"The head of the thunder, don't drink it first... maybe there is hope..." Sun Xiaoxian cried and shook his head.

The entire Luoying hunting demon group is like a family. Although the strength is ruined, and because the relief refugees are too squeaky, the hunting devil is like a big family. They care for each other and become close comrades, brothers, and feelings. Very deep,

If the leader of the thunder really fell, let alone Sun Xiaoxian, even the entire hunting devil group up and down nearly 100 people will be heartbroken.

"Don't be stupid... I know my situation... It's better to be tortured than to die like this. It's better... I'm better off after drinking this glass of wine with you, Sun Xiaoxian, you remember, be sure Burning my body into ashes, I want all the eggs in my body to be smouldering, and there is no residue left... Hahahaha..."

The Lei group grew up laughing, but suddenly coughed up. It seemed that even the gasping could not breathe. A member of the group could not see it and wanted to help him.

However, the leader of the thunder screamed openly, because the leader of the thunder was afraid that his corpse would be transmitted to him as a member of his own body through skin contact.

At this moment, the thunder is long, and it has already been swollen, and the skin is also unnatural black-purple. The pores are oozing out of the strange and strange liquid. The corners of the eyes, the nostrils and the ears are constantly flowing out of inexplicable oil. It was wrapped in a large number of white bandages. Obviously, after he was invaded by the corpse king, he was greeted by the front legs of the blue-eyed giant ants and was almost photographed as a meat sauce.

On the side of the bed, there was a plate and surgical supplies. The plate was a black-red kidney that was still shaking. It was already riddled with holes. Beside the kidneys, it was a black worm body. It is the corpse king who was trampled to death!

"The leader of the thunder..."

Li Jiayu could not help but shouted with a heartfelt voice. The tone was very light and soft. He also had a slight inability to cry. He owed too much to the thunder. The former Li Jiayu was young and stupid, and it was not a thunder. After a long period of care, Li Jiayu simply can't live, let alone train the skills of survival in the last days.

"Cough...cough...hey, you are...you admire my name, come to drink with me..."

On the face of the head of the thunder, there was a rosy returning light. He looked like a **** worm in his eyes, and looked at Li Jiayu with a blurred vision. Although he couldn’t see it, the old instinct told him that he was in front of him. The silver-haired man is not a simple character.

The rest of the members also looked at Li Jiayu with suspicion. They were shocked by the cool and bubbling style of the fallen angels. They all searched for the intestines and wondered what the fallen angels were. They also turned their attention to Sun Xiaoxian. I want to ask him who the fallen angel is.

"No, I am not coming to drink with you."

Li Jiayu walked toward the head of the thunder in three steps. A powerful member of the team moved his feet and wanted to protect him in front of the thunder.

But when he thought that the head of the thunder would die soon, the silver-haired man would not be unfavorable to the head at this time even if he was stupid, so he let Li Jiayu walk to the bed of the leader.

"Then you are... Are you coming to talk to me about business... I am sorry... I am starting to get confused now, afraid that I can't handle the business... If you are coming to annex Luo Ying..."

"No, I am here to save you."

Li Jiayu stretched out his hand and condensed the brilliance of countless stars. Like the flowers of the heavenly woman, these light spots nourish the long rotten body of the thunder, and Li Jiayu’s palm also touches the heart of the thunder, giving He injects more energy into the light.

"Don't touch! Take your hand off, you will get infected with the corpse..." A beautiful young woman can't help but stop.

However, Li Jiayu was unmoved, still purifying the body of the thunder leader with bright magic. Unfortunately, this ** is a fallen angel. It is not compatible with Li Jiayu’s bright pope, and can only play half of the light power, and Li Jiayu's level of light sacrifice also fell back to the third-level low-level, so the white light caused by it was very rare.

"You are... Are you a bright sacrifice?" The glamorous young woman looked at Li Jiayu with a slight stunned look. I can't think that the tall and handsome man would be a bright sacrifice. Generally speaking, the light sacrifice should be a woman, the male light. There are few sacrifices, and the bright sacrifices of Gao Yingying are almost unseen.

Li Jiayu turned his head and looked at the young woman in a complicated way. He nodded lightly and said nothing. In the face of Qin Si Yao’s life, he didn’t know how to face it. After all, he owes her too much. She was so horrified that she was encroached by the fascinating soul, and finally became the juiced woman who slept in the world...

"It’s useless, we have invited the military’s light sacrifices... but the results are very small...” Qin Siyao shook his head in a blank voice. She didn’t want Li Jiayu to do nothing more. Instead of letting the head of the team be more painful, it’s better to end this as soon as possible. Human torture.

The other members of the group were also disappointed with their faces, and they sighed with a sad face.

But after a while, they were surprised to find that the leader of the thunder snorted comfortably:

"It’s so happy and happy, just like being burned... Hey, my whole person has become spiritual, is it my return to light, or is your kid’s treatment really effective?”

Just after the words were finished, the leader of the thunder coughed a large black blood. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and spurted in the other direction, otherwise Li Jiayu would have to be squirted by him.

Spit the blood, the color of the thunder leader has become much better, the skin is not as dark as it was originally, even the breathing is more powerful, and most importantly, the body of the thunder is no longer like the previous one. It’s just as stiff, you have to know that when he was drinking, he had to spend a lot of time on his wrist!

All the members of the group, all face each other, you see me, I see you, and then brushed their eyes on Li Jiayu, incredibly watching this silver-haired man can really treat their head!

Is this true?

Last night, I spent a lot of merits, and invited a low-level light sacrifice of three levels, but the light sacrifice was helpless, and Ding’s busyness could not help, and asserted that Da Luo Jinxian could not save the life of the leader. Now, after a night, the head’s body is completely **, and there is almost no vitality. Even if he comes to a hundred three-level low-level light sacrifices, he will never save him...

However, the silver-haired man, just a shot, gave the head of the team a strong agent, and instantly set the head of the fire!

God, this guy is Da Luo Jinxian or God, is this amazing?

In this place in Yucheng, when did such a bright sacrifice come from the sky?

The members of the group have heard that Li Jiayu is a three-level mid-level goddess of light, but Li Jiayu’s dragons are not seen at the end, and rarely appear in the eyes of ordinary people. The Luoying hunting magic group in the area has never seen Li Jiayu’s style, just listen. Said Li Jiayu looks like a goddess of light...

Li Jiayu is a girl, but the silver-haired man in front of her is a cool man who can't be cool anymore. It must not be the same person!

I don’t know, what kind of relationship does this macho with the rumored goddess Li Jiayu...

"Hey... Hey... Hey... It’s so cool, it’s so cool, it’s like a hot spring...” The thunder leader closed his eyes and the wrinkles on his face twitched, apparently enduring a light burn. However, as an indomitable mad warrior, he has no other skills. Instead, he has a strong and painful ability. Although the body is like a fire, the thunder leader feels that his body seems to be filtered by the spring. It is much more comfortable and comfortable. Even the dirty blood glowed with the vitality of spring.


Soon, a pore at the thunder's long arm was opened to the limit, and a sesame-sized white granule was squeezed out!

As soon as I saw the white particles, all the members were suddenly discolored and stunned!

what is that!

That is clearly the egg of the corpse king!

It’s amazing!

All the members of the group had big eyes and eyes, and they were so surprised that they couldn’t speak.

Li Jiayu can bring vitality to the head of the team. This is very commendable. It should be able to keep the head of the team... But everyone is still worried because the head of the group has thousands of eggs, which are already distributed in him. The lungs, blood, and even the brain are completely impossible to remove, and these eggs are like the skeleton of the sacrum, combined with the internal organization of the thunder, even if you invite the dark sacrifice to curse the eggs. Death does not have the slightest effect, but it will speed up the death of the head...

However, Li Jiayu brought them a miracle!

With the treatment of light, Li Jiayu easily solved the problem of the most difficult eggs!

This is for sure. Li Jiayu is a bright pope who can live dead human bones. As long as there is still a breath, he can save it. For example, the dark octopus was cut in half by the green-haired zombies. Li Jiayu does not rely on this goddess. The tears resurrected it, and the troubles of the leader of the thunder were just a joke in front of the Pope.

In a moment, the skin of the thundermaster opened his pores, just like the dandruff, and the white eggs continued to smash along his skin. Thousands of "white sesame seeds" were made on the sheets. They are all filthy, and some white eggs are also boasting black-red blood, which looks extremely disgusting.

But all this is enough for the Luoying Hunting Magic Group, but it is enough for everyone to be too excited to make it. Let’s fall off, and all of them will fall out. As long as all the eggs are forced out, the head will be able to heal. The British Hunting Magic will not collapse like this!

"Haha... thank you so much... If it wasn't for your help, my old life is afraid to come to an end, oh... If so, let my wife and son wait for me for a few months under Jiuquan. Ok..."

The leader of the thunder slowly breathed a sigh of relief and spewed out the stench in his mouth. Everyone clearly saw that his originally turbid teeth had recovered white under the powerful light power, and that had already shrunk and rancid. The muscles also faded away from the majority of black and purple, regaining the yellow-brown peculiar to middle-aged people.

The entire group of people seems to be a lot of spirits. However, there are still black pus in the nostrils. These are the poisonous blood that has already been corrupted in his body. It is impossible to purify it. It can only be excreted. The head of the thunder was all over the body, but he didn’t care at all, but instead made a joke:

"Hey, a few of you come over and pack up all the sesame-sized eggs... raise them with pork. Oh, this hatred doesn't wear the sky. Are they not going to hatch? I just smashed their wishes. Raise them for a few days, and Lao Tzu uses fire to cook them one by one!"

Seeing that the head of the group was so openly driving this disgusting joke, Sun Xiaoxian, Qin Silao and even the rest of the members were ashamed, but they were infinitely happy, because the head of the team seemed to have no major problems, although it was still weak, but it was already out of the way. The danger, the internal environment has been purified, and there is no more deadly poison and decay. As long as he is allowed to stay for half a month and make up the blood, he should be able to get better...

"Little brother, thank you for your help! Haha, I said what, just happened to see a magpie flying, I know that life should not be over, haha..."

The head of the thunder is a hearty person. He started talking about jokes without the worry of his life. Nowadays, the food crisis in the city of Yucheng, almost all the birds that can eat are eaten up. Where else is there a magpie that rises in the sky?

"The head of the team is very polite, but it is just a little effort..."

Li Jiayu waved his hand and smiled very hard. The handsome and handsome face was matched with this smile, and the glamorous young woman next to him saw it.

To be honest, Li Jiayu is really proud of her heart.

Proud of the Pope.

With the help of the Pope, he was able to save all the people who wanted to save, instead of watching them die in front of their eyes.

"Right, little brother, you have been here for so long, we haven't known your name yet..." At this time, Sun Xiaoxian suddenly asked.

"um, I……"

Li Jiayu stunned and asked if he would say his name to Li Jiayu.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside:

"The dog breed of Luoying Hunting Devil! All are given! Blood debts are paid!"


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