Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 482: Shouyuan has done

I don't know why, once again seeing the dyed Hongxia, Li Jiayu is hard to raise her previous resentment. Even if she is dressed up as much as her previous life, Li Jiayu will not have an urge to abuse her...

Probably because the mentality has changed.

Dyeing Hongxia has become the pillar of the city, and it bears the safety of thousands of people on the shoulders. Li Jiayu also fulfilled his wish and regained his loved ones and comrades in this turbulent end of the world. Under the warmth, his heart has been softened a lot, not as stubborn as before...

Dyeing Hongxia is a very good girl. She has her attachment and road. As long as she will not be enemies with Li Jiayu like her previous life, Li Jiayu will not be embarrassed.

"It’s not as beautiful as half of you. Now who doesn’t know, dyeing the young will be the first master of the city, a new generation of patrons? I don’t know how many people believe in you as a bodhisattva...”

"What nonsense, I am just a three-legged cat... everything is broken by a dream knife. If you didn't give me a broken dream knife, I was still a stupid girl who would almost be beaten into a broken meat by colorful 蜈蚣. It..."

Dyeing red Xia is standing in front of Li Jiayu, and her face is reddish, biting her lips, and she looks forward to it. If she is seen by the officers under her hand, she will be amazed, because the daughter who is exposed by Hongxia at this moment will be surprised. It’s too rare to have a look at home. There are a lot of men in the army who pursue her, but she never gave a false impression.

"Well, let's talk about it here first, Jiayu, go ahead and see the situation of Lu Shiling." Xiao Qingqing said.

In fact, she saw Li Jiayu also in her heart, recalling the ridiculous night, she dreamed of Li Jiayu in these days, she found that her life is full of traces left by Li Jiayu, whether it is ** or soul ......

Jiang Minghui pleaded for countless times, even praying for her return to good, husband and wife love, but Xiao Zhongqing's heart has long been occupied by Li Jiayu, and Li Jiayu raped a small chrysanthemum. How could she go to pay attention to Jiang Minghui?

Although I really want to talk to Li Jiayu, but the situation is not allowed, it is more appropriate to get the official business first.

"Well, this is going in."

To be honest, Li Jiayu did not want to visit Lu Dingyun because he knew that Lu Dingyun was mortal. Shouyuan had done everything, not just a physical breakdown. What's more, the soul has weakened to the point where it is difficult to repair, like a wooden barrel that has leaked a hole underneath. No matter how much water you pour inside, it will also completely drain the water. I can't keep a little bit of water.

If it wasn’t for Xiao Qing’s invitation, Li Jiayu was too lazy to waste time coming...

However, there is no absolute thing. In fact, it is no problem to look at Lu Dingyun. Maybe there will be a miracle, although the probability is infinitely close to zero.

Lu Dingyun's house is made of vines. There are no bricks and tiles. It is entirely composed of plants. A piece of green oil, even the air is very fresh, at this moment Lu Dingyun, lying on a low bed paved with soft grass, breathless, every breath, it is very difficult.

Lu Dingyun is like a light in the wind and rain. It seems to be extinguished at any time.

He is already wrinkled, like a long-lasting, dry bark, with no wrinkles, but the turbid and vicissitudes of the eyes still have a unique wisdom and glory.

As soon as Li Jiayu came, Lu Dingyun slowly raised his head, and his white eyebrows moved and narrowed his eyes. It’s only a long time to open the door:

"Mr. Li... I haven't seen you for a long time..."

Li Jiayu opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

For Lu Dingyun, even Li Jiayu, who is cold-hearted, can't be disrespectful, because Lu Dingyun is an old man who deserves to be respected. He uses his own vitality and life to burn, and exchanges the power of defending the city. And painstakingly support the food consumption of Yucheng, he alone pays more than Chu Taihong, dyed Hongxia!

Li Jiayu reached out and burst into the light, holiness and solemnity, the star-studded new light, the rain-like moisturizing Lu Dingyun's old and ruined candle.

A few minutes later, Li Jiayu gave up her efforts.

As he expected, Lu Dingyun has been unable to return to the sky, his soul has been damaged, and it is impossible to recover, unless Li Jiayu has the legendary and even the legendary bright power, otherwise...

Lu Dingyun is likely to die within half a month and turn into dust...

"Jiayu, how is it?" dyed Hongxia carefully asked.

Li Jiayu slowly turned her head and pulled the corner of her mouth.

"His life has come to an end... originally his life, it should be one hundred and twenty years old, and after getting the inheritance of the wood botany, he should be able to live to two hundred years old, but because of the overdraft life again and again , so he has not been saved, long for half a month, short three or five days, his heartbeat will stop, no longer beating..."


Li Jiayu’s words suddenly silenced the dyed Hongxia, not only dyed Hongxia, but even Xiao Qingqing, and several granddaughters and grandchildren who took care of Lu Dingyun in the tree and rattan house were also sad and sighed.

"Jiayu, even you have no way?" Xiao Qingqing asked.

"No, sorry... I am not almighty..."

This time, Li Jiayu could only disappoint Xiao Qingqing and dyed Hongxia because he was not a omnipotent god. He allowed him to be a man with a little strength.

"But... Jiayu, can you think of a way... You can't have Roussin in the city, otherwise, the city will be finished, there is no food provided by the Roussin, and the starving citizens are afraid that it will be millions. Count..." Dyeing Hongxia grabbed Li Jiayu's sleeve and said softly, but her tone was a firm and pleading.

Li Jiayu shook his head and pulled the red Xia's hand. The atmosphere in the small room was a bit dignified. It seemed that the air was completely solidified.

"Mr. Li... dyed the young man... you don't have to worry about it... my body, I know, it's really impossible to recover again... I can... before I die... I have done something for the city, I am very satisfied. ... people, always die, I have no regrets... On the day I died, I will try my best to use my last vitality to ripen the plants again, enough for the city to eat for ten days. The rest...you have to work **** your own..."

Lu Dingyun, who was dead, said with difficulty. After saying this, he hurriedly gasped and couldn’t lift his strength to say it. He saw Xiaoqing, dyed Hongxia and his granddaughters were so sad.


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