Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 511: The invincible posture of the Dark Dragon!

~ Date: ~November 15~

A few minutes ago -

In the basement of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Headquarters, the body of the dark octopus was placed on the icy floor.

"Master Xie... Have you seen the body of the octopus moving?" Li Banyue suddenly said with excitement pulling Xie Wenyuan's sleeve.

"Is there such a thing?" Xie Wenyuan came to interest and followed his eyes on the body of the dark octopus.

However, the body of the dark octopus has nothing to look at. Its twenty-four tentacles have been taken out of the roots, leaving a huge head, and the head is even flattened, even the brains are Flowed out.

After carefully observing the time of a breath, Xie Wenyuan did see that the body of the dark octopus was moving, but that was clearly the sputum produced by the residual nerve.

"... half a month, gimmick, too much thinking, its touch is rich in nerves, it is normal."

"No, I just saw that the head of the octopus is moving... its eyes are still fascinating! The mouth seems to be moving, it seems to want to talk..."

"Half a month, don't be excited..."

"I really saw that the octopus is looking at me! It is definitely not dead..."

The words of Li Banyue not only caused the attention of Xie Wenyuan, but even the people such as Yu You, Yan Zisu, Li Donglin, and Sun Weiwei came over. After asking the questions, they also followed the dark octopus in a blink of an eye. .

The final result is still very disappointing, the octopus is indeed dead... There is no more breath in death...

This makes everyone feel sorry and sad, and can only sigh.

"Half month... don't make a temper..." Li Donglin shook his head.

"Daddy squid just really moved his eyes, it must have not died yet, can you hear us talking..."

"Half a month!" Li Donglin screamed, the dark octopus is dead. He doesn't want his daughter to take the dark octopus for something.

Li half-moon whispered a small mouth and sighed angrily.

"The octopus is accompanying Jiayu for three months... It suddenly died like this. Jiayu will definitely be very sad... I don’t know if the dark octopus will be lost in the future, and the days will be boring... ”

晏 晏 颦 颦 颦 颦 颦 颦 颦 颦 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

But when everyone sighs!


A soft bang!

I saw a crack in the space suddenly bursting into the air, like a horizontal mirror that was erected on one side!

Followed by...

The body of the dark octopus. Turned into a little starlight, quickly broke into the crack!

The whole process is incredible!

When everyone reacts...

The crack has completely closed and disappeared without a trace!

If it weren't for the dark octopus's body disappeared, everyone couldn't believe there was a space crack in it!

"what happened?"

Everyone looks at each other. But they can only have big eyes and small eyes.

They didn't know at all why the crack in the space would swallow the body of the dark octopus...

This is a bad thing. I don’t know how Li Jiayu will come back after he came back...

At the moment on the central battlefield -


The sound of nine days of screaming. Like the anger of Leigong, the thunderclouds that shook the sky were scattered, and the black vortex channel became horrible at this moment, dark!

That terrible dragon sounds. It was actually dropped from the sky with a shock that was visible to the naked eye. The faint Longwei, which enveloped the military headquarters, was a few kilometers away. The affiliated races of the Noduo dragons were screaming and surrendered to the ground, giving awesome fear to the coming dragon. !

"this is……"

Li Jiayu's scalp is numb!

He knows that he is going to suffer!

Because of the advent, it is a dragon with a peak of three poles! ,

It has the terrorist power of the Lord!

The inheritors of the scene, each of them fought for nearly ten minutes, the ordinary inheritors said that ... but the majority of the super masters have been injured and used up their strength.

Li Jiayu's mental power has long been completely warned, so he can't even summon the dragon warriors, and can only use the Queen's whip and the power of light to fight.

Dyeing Hongxia also used almost the power of Xianyuan, and because of the big killings just left a strong aftereffect...

Chu Taihong was seriously injured...

Lu Dingyun fell directly to the fly ash.

Xiao Qingqing, because of the wide range of heroic auras, the power of light is extremely fast, and now there are very few left...

Liu Yinsha is also like Xiao Qingqing, and his spiritual power is like running water...

The only thing that is more and more brave, only Fang Fang!

She has absorbed so many dragon blood, and her strength has almost climbed to the third-level high-level, and her body is full of vitality!

But only Fang Fang... can you really deal with that terrible dragon?

In addition to Fang Fang, there are Lin Quqiu, Jin Gulong, Wang Shaozhi and others, but they also consumed in the previous battles. Several of them were seriously injured and dying. Even the best forests and autumns almost exhausted the fairy. Force, the strength that can be played today is less than 60% of the peak state!

Just because of the number of people in Yucheng today, this power...

In front of the dragon of the leader's strength, it is simply a group of dregs!

Just when everyone is shaking...

A huge horrible giant shadow with a length of 100 meters, the wind and the waves rushing out from the black vortex channel, a kind of murderous breath, coming to the world!

The violent violently suffocating Longwei is just a natural distribution, so that everyone's heart is mentioned in the eyes of the blind.

It seems that the top of the head is pressed with a rock weighing a hundred pounds...


This dragon is all black, but it is dotted with the strange white runes. It stands tall and bold, and the glory of glory and pride is radiated from the body. On its body surface, there is a hexagonal black dragon scale, which is combined like a brilliant armor. It has added a lot of domineering to it, people only look at it... It is deeply impressed by its mighty domineering, it is difficult to raise the heart of rebellion!

"Dark dragons..."

Li Jiayu's lips were a little trembling, and there was a trace of water ripples in his eyes.

Why is it a dark evil dragon!

This is the royal family in the Dragon!

Among the dragons, there are the next dragon, the middle dragon, the upper dragon, and the royal family. royal……

Strength, increasing in order...

The most powerful, no doubt, is the royal family in the dragon!

The dragons were originally the darlings of nature. Each head has the ability to overcome the challenge... and the royal dragon is the darling of the darling!

They can challenge two levels!

In other words...

The dark dragon of this three-pole peak has a terrible power of four levels! There are also a variety of royal talents and secret dragon magic!

The fourth-order low-level is enough to let the inheritors of the audience fight their lives...

So what about the fourth grade?

This is simply no solution!

Even if I try to make the last drop of blood... I can't help but with this dark evil dragon?

You know, the lord level is a huge watershed!

Below the lord level, it is also a group of cockroaches. Only the lord level or above has a really powerful power!


When the Dark Evil Dragon debuts, it is immediately a super-range dragon magic!

Summon Skyfire Meteor!

Thousands of hot fireballs descend from the sky!

Just like the bombing of countless bombers...

on the ground. The blazing fire and the terrible explosion are shining!


Just such a horrible dragon language magic...

The battlefield of the military headquarters was devastated and the fire was burning. The inheritors of this terrible magic are as many as seven or eight hundred!

There are even a number of tributary races of the dragons. Also died in this indistinguishable magic!

"Humans... let us... dare to resist... killing my dragons... welcoming us will be the pain of eternal life!"

The dull voice, which sounded from the dark dragon's mouth, once again displayed the dragon language magic.

This is the magic of the royal family, the secret of the dark evil dragon!

"The soul cage!"

I saw all the black and fog, the evil atmosphere filled, the yin wind blowing, the group of inheritors who died under the skyfire meteor, all filled with faint smoke!

That, it is the soul of the inheritor!

In this world, few people can touch the realm of the soul, let alone detain the soul and extract the soul...

However, the dark evil dragons are extremely terrible creatures. They are born to manipulate the souls of the dead... Of course, they must be the dead in their hands!

The Dark Evil Dragon collects seven or eight hundred souls on the dragon's claws.

Then, in the eyes of everyone's horror, it swallowed all the souls into the **** mouth...

As long as it is the soul that is swallowed by it, it will be eternal and eternal in its abdomen to be tortured until it is gone, because there is a small blood pool **** in the belly of each dark evil dragon!


Weifeng domineering, press the dark dragon of the audience, suddenly swooped down!


A paw is shot on Chu Taihong!


Chu Taihong flew hundreds of meters on the spot, smashed many walls, and was buried alive in the wreckage, life and death are unknown!

"call out"

An appendix!

Lin Chaoqiu, Jin Gulong, and Wang Shaozhi were all shaken out and vomited blood on the spot!

"The darkness is coming!"

The third dragon language magic!

I saw countless black **** pouring from his body, and bombarded the body of Liu Yinsha, Fang Fang, and Xiao Qingqing...

Three women, their faces are as white as paper... There is no more power to fight again!


The dragon claws are once again waved, and the dyed red glow of the Yujian flight is directly pressed into the dirt! Hey shot a terrible deep pit!

I am afraid... so horrible dragon claws, dyed Hongxia has been fierce and less...

Li Jiayu lowered her cold sweat on her forehead...

He looked at the dark dragon who was arrogant but fascinated by the world. For a time, he didn’t even know what he should do!

It is really too strong to be strong enough to resist! (To be continued.

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