Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 513: Mid-Autumn Festival Hong Kong Night

The blue night sky, hanging high in a corner of the moon, exudes a dim glow, surrounded by stars, and flickering lonely.

The moonlight is like water, and the breeze is gentle.

Here is the bustling eastern city of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong is adhering to the strong culture of Guangdong. Whether it is diet, festivals or customs, it is similar to Guangzhou, full of all kinds of Guangzhou...

"Tao, do you want to come out? Five hundred mosquitoes, good peace, one-stop service, you are satisfied, cool to full bed rolling!"

"The system is really true..."

"Of course, it’s tied, Taipa, taking advantage of the Mid-Autumn Festival, I will give you a 20% discount, and I will receive you four hundred mosquitoes. How are you?"

"Good! That's it!"

Hong Kong's nightlife is full of all kinds of gorgeous, financial transactions are almost everywhere, but it is enough to show Hong Kong's prosperity and prosperity, full of lust, only the rich city, will be this special transaction everywhere Ok...

Tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

In the moon, there is a faint yellow turbid glow in the sky, silent and silent, but the whole sky is full of dreamy colors...

Throughout Hong Kong, the lights are shining, and all kinds of neon radiances are printed on the whole sky, and even if it is night, it is like a day, Hong Kong is a day-to-day city!

The streets are full of hustle and bustle, full of pedestrians, and small vendors are selling berber porridge, beef, mutton skewers, and of course many people sell moon cakes on the street.

The young couple smiled hand in hand, the happy family laughed and laughed, the street gangsters smashed each other, and the newly-employed wage earners rushed to the food stalls...

There are many things in life.

But today, because it is the Mid-Autumn Festival, Hong Kong is particularly lively, and the number of people on the streets has doubled, dancing lions and dragons. Circus juggling, big show, and even a lot of magicians performing on the street, some middle-aged and old people directly wore costumes, pulling erhus on the street and blowing the horns, singing Cantonese opera.

Many foreigners with white skin are also strolling on the streets of Hong Kong, feeling the unique festive atmosphere of China...

Mooncake Festival. Naturally, there are some live broadcasts.

In a large venue in Hong Kong, a large-scale auction was held.

The venue gathered a lot of people, college students, and celebrities. There are senior officials, well-known movie stars, super rich, and more beautiful Miss Hong Kong...

"Everyone, Taipa's niece and friends, everyone, what we are seeing now... is the mooncake merchant's commemorative moon cake made by nearly 5 million Hong Kong dollars!"

The host on the stage wore a beautiful black dress, high-profile hair, dignified and generous, beautiful and moving. She held the microphone and introduced the expensive mooncakes in the box next to it.

This moon cake can't be eaten naturally.

It is not cooked with lotus root and flour...

It is made of pure gold, and then inlaid with a series of fine diamonds, pearls and gems on the surface, it looks gorgeous and unusual, reflecting the dazzling colorful light under the light.

Everyone who saw this "diamond" moon cake. Involuntarily give heartfelt praise, it is very beautiful, and very expensive, enough for every woman to be extremely tempted by it...

"Well, I must know the precious meaning of this moon cake.... Then start bidding, the price is high, and today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. You big bosses don’t want to boast a good intention. Since then The family is happy, is the group round?" The host on the stage is mobilizing the atmosphere.

The competitors in the audience all whispered, there was a commotion for a short period of time, and finally, in the temptation of the host, the bidding began.

"Six million!"

"Eight million!"

"Nine hundred and nine hundred thousand!"

"One million two million!"


A hammer!

This mooncake made of pure gold is sold at 12 million!

at the same time. The live video is also spread through TV and the Internet, making many people interested in celebrity auctions dark.

"Well, the auction of diamond mooncakes is finished, then let's auction the next one..." The female host was talking, and the staff was about to send the diamond mooncakes on the stage to the backstage.


Just at this time--

The moonlight in the sky has a moment of stagnation...

"Table tennis 啷 啷..."

Above the stadium, it was covered with a very hard glass!

But a turbid yellow turbid moonlight descended from the sky, like a torrent of water crashing into a hole in the glass!

If there is a real moonlight, it will finally come on the exhibition stand, and it will be a strong enthusiasm. The flowers on the stand will be swayed, and the host and the staff will be shocked to fall on the spot!

The dazzling moonlight beam is like a super-powerful light bulb.

Everyone was stunned by the strong light and closed their eyes. Even a lot of light bulbs were disturbed by a strange energy, and they were completely extinguished after a few bursts!

With a bang, the light column disappeared.

When everyone reacted and reopened their eyes...

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, and both eyes were wide open, filled with all kinds of inexplicable gods...

What did they see?

Is it a rare treasure or an alien?


They saw a goddess!

Moonlight is like water, everything is like a dream...

The supple white long hair is like a crooked star river, draped over the shoulders, and the black tattered leather armor, forming a sharp contrast, looks more white, seems to have a moonlight atmosphere!

The pure and natural beauty, with a trace of holiness and glory, the five senses are flawless, especially the blue scorpions are like the bottomless black holes, seemingly flooded with water, exuding an unpredictable and powerful attraction. Force, when people see these eyes, they will indulge in the rolling vortex...

There is no trace of fireworks on her face, just like the detachment of red dust, blended into the moonlight, fluttering like a fairy...

The most peculiar...

It is a bunch of gorgeous wings behind her!

Pure white, unfolded and scattered with a little starlight, beautiful!

However... this goddess seems to have gone through a fierce battle because her face is pale and her lips are bloody. The leather armor of the body is also ragged, and there are some sparse and light red marks on the neck, palms, and faces...

In her palm, she still holds a long whip full of barbs.

At this moment, the entire venue was silent, and the needles were audible. Only the heartbeat of everyone was more and more like, and everyone was shocked by the fascinating glory of the goddess that suddenly appeared!

Everyone is like a devil. Staring at the goddess, I don’t want to look away for a moment...

Even the female host who fell on the ground was stunned and opened her mouth. Can't come together!

She is Hong Kong's top socialist flower, and she is quite beautiful, but she asks herself, compared with the goddess in front of her...

She is like a firefly under the moonlight... ridiculous and pathetic, there is no comparability at all!

The moment before, she attracted the attention of the audience with her own beauty.

But now, no one has paid attention to her, because everyone's eyes are already like the magnets attached to the iron. Tightly adsorbed on the goddess, not willing to leave for a moment...

Time, as if it was really at this moment, turned into eternity.

"Oh... here is..."

The goddess who descended from the sky, besides Li Jiayu, who else?

Li Jiayu stood on the red carpet with some difficulty, and looked around at the gorgeous hall. There is a blank in my head...

How is this going?

Didn't I have been caught by the Dark Dragon?

How did I feel lost in weight for a moment, and I came to this place inexplicably?

and many more!

What is that dazzling?



It can never be a light... The cosmic storm has already made all the appliances in the world unusable...

Li Jiayu stared blankly at the booth, the red carpet, and the crowds, and there was almost no way to think about it.

Seeing Li Jiayu's face was amazed, the scorpion was full of confusion, and the candidates and reporters in the audience returned from the deep surprise.

At the same time, they all burst into inhalation and sighs -


"This... this is the goddess!"

"How can there be such a perfect person in this world..."

"What is the best in the best..."

"Women of this class... How could they appear in the world?"

"Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival... Is it her legendary fairy?"

"Right. 嫦娥 Fairy... Only the fairy can be so perfect, not eating fireworks!"

"Let's go down!"

In an instant, all the people in the audience were crazy. The reporters were busy raising their cameras and cameras, slamming the photos, desperately trying to turn the "Fairy Fairy" into an eternal commemorate!

That is a fairy. Goddess!

Being able to turn her into an eternal commemoration is a supreme glory for these reporters!

Li Jiayu frowned fragilely, his lips were a little white.

In the battle with the dark evil dragon, he was seriously wounded, and all the power and spiritual power and even the energy produced by the soul were consumed.

Even if Li Jiayu has a tyrannical strength... Nowadays, it is just a person who has no power to support himself. There is no such thing as self-protection.

"I am dreaming... How can I appear here? Is it... I am back in the past? Back to the end of the last days?"

Li Jiayu’s heart is filled with ominous premonitions...

Just at this time.

Suddenly he felt a strong discomfort in his body...

The moonlight that sprinkled on him through the glass, like hot hot water, made him quite uncomfortable.

He had to look up and glance at the moon in the sky...

"There are still half a month from the full moon night... But why... Why is it the full moon night? Did I really leave the original world?"

When Li Jiayu was amazed, she suddenly felt the heat in her chest, and there was a feeling of itching...

At the same time, Li Jiayu was surprised to find that his silver hair had grown a lot longer in the moment he had lost his mind, as if he had pour it down...

[The eruption of ten consecutive days... It’s really tired. Let’s take two chapters today, take a rest, and make up six chapters tomorrow. I know that some people see this, they will delete books in anger and swear, but I can only smile with apologetics. No matter how I write, my grades will not be good, and there will not be a few people who are satisfied. So, I will write to people who really like this book. 】

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