Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 517: North American black dragon!

The rain is still in the ground, but the rain has weakened a lot, and the hail seems to be getting smaller and smaller, and eventually disappears.

Everyone on the battlefield was wet with clothes, and the cold wind blew, and it was so cold that it shivered.

The atmosphere, the extraordinary depression and sadness...

Not long after, the people of Xijiang University finally arrived on the battlefield.

Xie Wenyuan, Pei Zisu, Campanulaceae, Wang Yang, Li Donglin, Yu You, Li Banyue...

They had to come because they also felt the real embarrassment that happened tonight, especially the bellflowers and Wang Yang, and also saw the struggle between Li Jiayu and the dark evil dragon far away...

They know that Li Jiayu is afraid of being fierce, but in any case, he must confirm it!

Xie Wenyuan's hand holds a compass and a turtle shell, which is what divination uses.


When Xie Xiaomei saw Xie Wenyuan, he was quite wronged and called out.

Xie Wenyuan sighed and patted her daughter's shoulder, and looked at her granddaughter with a sprained her hands. She couldn't help but have a few wrinkles on her face...

"Brother? Where is your brother? Xie Ayi, tell me soon..." Li Banyue rushed to Xie Liangmei and asked him.

Xie light eyebrows smiled, shook his head sadly, and had to say what happened just now...

The sable basil and the platycodon are crying out, tears are sorrowful, and all faces are mourning...

"Jiayu should not be in danger now..."

Quietly said quietly, she signed a contract with Li Jiayu as a master and servant. Once Li Jiayu died, she would follow the funeral, so she could confirm that Li Jiayu had no life at risk.

"Hey... How is Jiayu’s life so bitter..." Li Donglin sighed, and his voice was full of sorrow and worry.

"Slow, don't be so anxious to make a conclusion..."

The eyes of Xie Wenyuan’s insight into the world suddenly flashed a glimmer of light, and looked at everyone with sorrow, slowly saying:

"The dragons clearly have the upper hand. They eventually returned to the Dragon Channel. Why is this, have you thought about it?"

Still not waiting for everyone to answer, Xie Wenyuan continued:

"Let the dragons retreat, there are only two possibilities, one is the command, the two, the leader is dead on the battlefield... just like a wolf. Usually you just kill the wolf king, the rest of the wolf Will retreat..."

"Dad, what do you mean..." Xie Xiaomei suddenly thought of something.

"Yes, it should be that the dragons think that the royal dragon has fallen. So it will be so eager to return to the dragon world, just like the defeat..." Xie Wenyuan showed a smile.

“Why do they think so?” Li asked.

"Probably because... they have not felt the life of the royal dragon? Whether it is our world or the dragon world..." Xie Wenyuan said first: "According to what you have seen, combined with the magic of the skyfire meteor Suddenly misfiring, I guess, the crack in the space that engulfed the dark evil dragon is not the dragon, but the other world..."

"Don't it be Li Jiayu's last killing? When he was defeated, he still had to come to a jade to burn, and the royal dragon was dragged down..." He frowned.

"Probably this is the case...but it's hard to burn any jade." Xie Wenyuan touched the white beard of his chin, and there was a radiant glow in his eyes: "Remember? The body of the dark octopus... Being sucked in by space cracks, and as the owner of the dark octopus, Li Jiayu was also sucked into the space crack... There must be a deep connection between these two things..."

"Yes! It should be like this..." The 晏 晏 眼 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , There are planes with cannons, more pure men and Liu Weidi Wang Wan, and even Chen’s camera and Xie’s green hat...”

"Will, Jiayu is summoned to the world by the dark octopus?"

When Li Hanyue just said this speculation, he immediately closed his mouth, because she suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the dark octopus is dead, how can it be called to call Li Jiayu?

"Jiayu and the dark evil dragon. It has been half an hour since it was swallowed by space cracks..." Xie Wenyuan put the turtle shell and the compass on the ground, and took some ancient copper coins from his pocket, and pressed it on the turtle shell. A few yellow turbid singular runes.

"I guess, Jiayu and the dark evil dragon should land in different places... Of course, this is just a guess... Now, I have to divinate well to see if Jiayu can return to our world... ”

"Master. I am in trouble..." Li Donglin thanked him deeply.

He regarded Li Jiayu as his own son for 19 years. In the past few days, Li Jiayu was regarded as a son-in-law. Therefore, his feelings of reading Li Jiayu are extremely profound. He definitely does not want to see Li Jiayu again in the future!

"Divination across time and space... It’s the first time, I don’t have a bit of control, and the accuracy is only terrible..."

Xie Wenyuan smiled and stopped talking. Instead, he licked his turtle shell and compass. Not long after, Fang Fang ran over and offered a drop of Li Jiayu's blood.

This is a drop of blood that Li Jiayu gave to Fang Fang today. Fang Fang had not had time to absorb it, just to collect it. I did not expect it to come in handy now.

With Li Jiayu's blood, the direction of divination is much clearer.

The group of friends and relatives onlookers were in the fog, and they couldn’t understand what Xie Wenyuan’s drums had. But after a few minutes, Xie Wenyuan was full of red light and caressed the turtle shell:

"The elephant shows that... It’s Fu Xing Gao Zhao, Jia Yu has a big luck, Da Fu Yuan...”

"Really? That Jiayu should be safe..." Li Donglin was excited, and Xiao Qingqing and Yan Zisu were also happy.

"Don't be excited first... Beyond time and space, it is not accurate. Jiayu is not necessarily good for Fuxing, but one thing is certain that he will not be in danger..." Xie Wenyuan said.

"When will my brother come back? Come back to us..." Li Banyue pulled the sleeves of La Xie Wenyuan.

"This...not easy to say, short one or two days... slow for half a month..." Xie Wenyuan blinked and said: "The moon night after half a month, the yin is very heavy, and then it may be time and space. Li Jiayu also has the opportunity to return to our world..."

"Short for a day or two, slow for half a month..." Xiao Qingqing muttered to himself, in the end of the year, half a month is a very long time...

Today, the high-end strength of Yucheng, in addition to Fang Fang, Liu Yinsha, Campanulaceae, Wang Yang, Shadow Magic, did not suffer any injuries, other such as Chu Taihong, dyed Hongxia, Lu Dingyun, Lin Qiuqiu died, waste, The number of masters has dropped sharply, and the defense force of the entire city has slipped to a trough!

If this is half a month... there will be a large-scale bug attacking the city, or the dragons will kill another rifle...

Then, Yucheng has ten ** to be finished!

I don’t know when Li Jiayu came back, can you still see a complete Yucheng...

"So, in the days when Jiayu’s brother left... We have to work hard." Fang Fang said: "You can’t always rely on Jiayu’s brother to survive.... Sometimes we have to take responsibility and play. The role of the flow in the column."

"That's right... Jiayu has tossed away the dark evil dragon, then the rest of the mess is handled by us. When he comes back, he will not be disappointed!" He Zisu clenched the powder box and said, she Li Jiayu is full of confidence, she knows that Li Jiayu will be able to return safely, because Li Jiayu said that she wants to step into the marriage hall with her.


There was a thunder in the sky, and the whole world was shining.

Xiao Qingqing and others raised their heads and looked at the sky.

They know that Li Jiayu is quietly waiting for the moment of return in a corner of time and space...

at the same time--

Earth in parallel space -

There is no invasion by the Zerg and the corpse. In general, the whole world is still peaceful. Every country is developing in a prosperous way. Few people die under the baptism of war.

North America, United States.

"Gentlemen, ladies, what you have seen... is the most powerful aircraft carrier in the United States. The cost is not convenient to disclose. You only need to know that this is a sea hegemon. At sea level, there is no boat. Can sink it..."

The US waters are undergoing an open military visit and a naval military visit, located in a military port, with a variety of ships, various planes, and metal-specific The icy and smelly.

Many people interested in military affairs in the United States ran to visit, holding mobile phones, cameras, and even many high school and university students to visit.

Some amiable sergeants also led a group of students to introduce them to various naval combat weapons, let them know the power of the US Navy, and hope that they will sign up for the army one day and become a naval warrior!

"Wow, it’s cool to buy a cake! These weapons and boats... I like it very much..."

Many visitors have burst into excitement and praise.

The sergeants all showed a proud smile. Haha, everyone knows that the US Navy is so powerful that it can sweep half a globe.

It is at this time!


A loud noise!

All the visitors caught their ears!

The officers were raised alertly!

In an instant, they were stunned, and their eyes almost fell out of their eyes!

"Hey! Buy a cake...that's a dragon!"

It’s true!

In the sky that was already clear in the sky, suddenly there was a thunderstorm...

Then, a black dragon descended from the sky!

At this moment, the king is in the world, Longwei is the world!

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