Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 533: 嫦娥仙子的相相


Moonlight is like water and breezy. --./--./--

On the blue sky, there is a round of dimly lit moon. On the top of this simple and elegant hotel, it is beautifully arranged. Not only is it covered with small lanterns, but also has many classical styles. The screen is surrounded by a small fountain that reflects the fire. The atmosphere and scenery are not ordinary elegance.

Li Jiayu’s ice-blue scorpion turned a bit, and there was a complex feeling of being separated from the world. In the original world, there were broken walls and temporarily built walls, even if the buildings inside the city were mostly damaged. There is no such thing as a city atmosphere. It is more like a slum. Because of the large amount of rain, many ground worms are destroyed. Almost all the streets are completely unrecognizable. Where is the same as before?

Now it’s good to say goodbye to the ruined city that has almost become a ruin. When I came to this world, Li Jiayu deeply experienced the comfortable and comfortable city life. It is still the most loved life of mankind. Of course, the premise is that human beings have no Any danger and threat to life.

Tight nerves in the last days...

Perhaps it is time to relax.

Li Jiayu was sitting in a chair at random. Immediately, a waitress wearing a cheongsam came forward to tea, the tea was light green, and the white smoke of the scented scented tea smelled out, and I didn’t know what it was. Like the precious tea, even if she knows, Li Jiayu has no concept at all. She is a laity, and she knows nothing about tea and drinks, not to mention the parallel world.

Li Jiayu was really thirsty. He directly took the tea from one hand and opened the rabbit mouth of the "moon rabbit" with one hand. He filled a cup of tea into the mouth of the "moon rabbit".


The dark octopus was almost coughed out and screamed:

"Master... I don't like to drink tea..."

Li Jiayu squinted, cold and ice:

"Do not talk nonsense, these teas are not a big problem?"

"Of course it's not a big problem... This is a very good tea. Drinking can prolong life, nourish the brain, soothe the mood, and cultivate the taste..." The dark octopus pouted, the rabbit ears bent down, and asked the wind to pull the wind. Sunglasses, snoring and sighing: "Master, your temper is more and more anxious, drink more tea, calm your mind... In fact, you can open a little. This is not very good, octopus likes the master drifting. Beautiful and bright..."

After that, the dark octopus also trembled, rubbing the palm of Li Jiayu with the pink rabbit hair, letting Li Jiayu tickle, throwing the dark octopus on the round table like an electric shock, with a sullen expression on his face. This dead octopus, the courage is getting bigger and bigger. Actually dare to spend on her mouth, if it is not because she has to rely on it to return to the original world, Li Jiayu really wants to beat it.

"Pour tea!"

Li Jiayu said coldly to the waitress.

"Okay. Fairy please wait..."

The waitress was still stunned and stared at the talking "moon rabbit", but Li Jiayu talked to her. She was nervous and flattered, carefully taking a white jade cup and keeping the temperature moderate. The tea poured into the cup and was excited and nervously handed to Li Jiayu.

Li Jiayu is really thirsty, and if he doesn't say anything, he will pick up the cup and raise his head. - The tea was swallowed into the stomach with a bang, and then the teapot was robbed, but it was lifted up, and the mouth was opened slightly, and the tea was tilted down from the spout...

A pot of premium premium Guanyin tea. In three or two seconds, Li Jiayu drank a fine light.


Li Jiayu threw the teapot on the table at random, and then he took a deep breath and sat slowly in the chair, closing his eyes with some ease.

The strong dryness in the throat and the vertigo in the brain were all relieved. Even the discomfort in the lower abdomen has weakened a lot. Li Jiayu only feels that it is a lot easier, not as weak as before.

"Hey... I’m a fairy..."

Li Jiayu closed his eyes in a hurry, but the group of people who watched Li Jiayu were stupid, and all of them looked at each other and felt extremely incredible.

what happened?

The legendary 嫦娥仙子 is in charge of the Guanghan Palace. It is reasonable to say that it should be a very noble and elegant fairy. It should be very quiet and beautiful, and should pay attention to court etiquette...

But in front of this "嫦娥仙子", beauty is beautiful to bubbling, but why do you have a kind of unspeakable wildness, even use the teapot to pour tea into your mouth, which is too humiliating. ......

What is even more shameful is that the pot of tea is extremely valuable. It is regarded as the top tea in Hong Kong and even in the whole of Guangdong Province. I don’t know how many local tyrants are rushing for it, but they are all priceless, and the hotel owner only occasionally gets one. Ding points, usually do not dare to drink, this time the fairy is under the hood, he only wisely ordered the waiter in the hotel to make it into tea, in the hope of a good reception to the fairy, let her see the world of tea and heaven What is the difference between fairy tea?

However, she even had a drink of sea drink, just like a strong man pouring beer, and finished drinking it in a few times!

God, don't she know that good tea should be tasted bit by bit?

Or is she drinking tea like this in heaven?

This is simply a violent thing!

The hotel owner wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and stopped talking. Li Jiayu, who closed his eyes, swallowed a bitter bitterness, and finally said with distressed courage:

"Fairy, this tea... How do you feel? Can you have your appetite? Compared with the tea in the heavens, how inferior?"


Li Jiayu opened her eyes, and the pair of scorpions like a cold lake turned a little, and glanced at the hotel owner slightly impatiently.

"Alright, better than fresh water..."


The hotel owner immediately squinted his eyes like a cockroach, and his neck was violently raised with a few blue veins. He almost couldn’t breathe in his chest. He stared blankly at the face. Li Jiayu, in his mind, he is arguing that "it is better than fresh water" and "better than fresh water" is almost stupid!

Nima, that's the top tea, the tea that is brewed is enough to make a lot of tea experts, but you actually said... just better than fresh water, isn't it mad?

Or, the fairy fairy is used to the fairy tea of ​​the Temple of Heaven, so it is dismissive of the tea in the world?

No matter what. Anyway, the hotel owner is messy in the wind...

For a while, the group of Hong Kong dignitaries who had been waiting in the hospital for Li Jiayu also ran to the top floor, all of them were red, or wearing expensive suits, or wearing sophisticated Tang suits, or wearing cool and elegant night dresses. On the top of the small building, hundreds of people gathered at once, and even the top executives of the previous sessions in Hong Kong were present.

Li Jiayu just wants to have a dinner. I don't want to have so many people running around. According to her temper, I should have lost my temper and walked away on the spot, but tonight the situation is too special and there is no self-protection, so Li Jiayu had to bite her teeth and endure it. The acquiescence of the group of people sat at other banquets, watching her with hot and mad eyes.

Fortunately. Li Jiayu exudes a cold atmosphere, and he brings a gas field that no one enters, like a lotus flower. It is inviolable, but it can only be seen from afar. Many of the dignitaries who want to stick to the celestial spirit feel the cold eyes of Li Jiayu, and feel the hair in their hearts. They dare not come forward to deal with each other.

Even many celebrities on the scene felt a strong sense of self-defense, and few people could take the courage to sit beside Li Jiayu.

"Hello fairy. I am..." A 50-60-year-old man was seated next to Li Jiayu. He wore a big back and wore a brand-name black suit. With a calm and extravagant spirit, in fact, he is the third-hand man of Hong Kong. He is in a powerful position. No one dares not give him a face in the three-point land of Hong Kong.

But Li Jiayu does not have that concept. Just glanced at him, he snapped a finger and shouted to the hotel owner:

"I am hungry, hurry up!"

The suit man was ignored by Li Jiayu, and he smiled a little. I didn’t know what I was thinking about in the blink of an eye. Instead, the hotel owner quickly nodded and sipped the waiter to serve the food. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The restaurant is full of all kinds of ingredients. Good food.

Soon, the waiter put the exquisite Cantonese cuisine on the banquet, thin-skinned shrimp dumplings, seafood specialties, unicorn squid, crab yellow croaker, boat porridge, boiled shrimp, white pheasant, roast goose, snake oil beef, a variety of snacks, a variety of vegetarian dishes A variety of Cantonese specialties put the table full, full of color and flavor, a variety of enticing dishes mixed together, so that Li Jiayu's stomach made a slight scream...

"嫦娥仙子... Please taste Cantonese cuisine. This is the crystallization of the people of Guangdong for thousands of years. Although it is far less than the taste of the mountains and the sea, it is not too bad..." The hotel owner smiled and said with pride. I noticed the waves that flashed in Li Jiayu's nephew. I want to come. I have never seen such a rich and enticing dish in the millennial life of the fairy in the Guanghan Palace.

"It looks like it's delicious."

Li Jiayu licked some dry lips and the index finger moved. He directly added a lot of dishes to the "moon rabbit" with chopsticks. The dark octopus was full of mouthfuls and screamed with gusto:

"Master, very delicious, absolutely safe, there will be no bad poison..."

Li Jiayu nodded and wanted to come to the public. This hotel would not be too idiot to poison her, but she was too cautious.

Throwing the chopsticks to the dark octopus, Li Jiayu picked up a pair of chopsticks again, and swallowed it at an ultra-fast speed. In the surprised eyes of everyone, the dishes on the table were sandwiched by Li Jiayu and eaten. There is a trace of greasy on the corner of my mouth...

That kind of eating, although not as bad as it is, but with the beauty of the country, there will be a very strange feeling, it is hard to believe, this is ugly, the person who is indecent, will be the fairy !

Especially when eating chicken, she picked up her sleeves directly and grabbed the greasy chicken legs directly with her hands. It was not a bit of a gentleman. She just took a big bite on the chicken legs and poured a boat. Porridge, and more exaggerated is that when Li Jiayu eats crabs and eats fresh shrimps, he is too lazy to peel off the shells and directly crush the crab shells and shrimp shells on the Karakal...

It’s not a fairy, but the mouth is so good...

The whole audience, some of them looked at Li Jiayu with a bit of shame, and they all had straight eyes, and they didn’t know what to say...

Sure enough?

Legend has it that the Tianchang Guanghan Palace is as light as water, it turns out to be true...

But isn't the fairy a fairy?

Immortals should be vegetarian...

But why does she prefer a variety of meats? Even the slightly fat roast suckling pigs have been eaten sweetly, which is far from the legendary sly and elegant image!

It's hard to imagine, the fairy's left-handed chicken legs, the right hand crab meat, the mouth stuffed with braised squid, the eyes still hotly aiming at the other dishes on the table... God, where is her country-like fragrance, gentle and elegant, clearly like The granddaughter of the peach banquet!

It’s not just Li Jiayu’s disregard for the image, even the “moon rabbit” guy is in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, rolling his chopsticks with rabbit ears, skillfully holding all kinds of delicacies into his mouth, and using it with sorrow. The lame English praises the words "Ness", "Walley", "Northern Nose", "I eat more, eat more"... Sometimes I use Japanese to scream "Oh, faint", obviously it is Satisfied with these Cantonese cuisines, the degree of satisfaction is not much more than the consumption of underwear for girls.

"Three minutes... Within three minutes, I will eat so many things, and there is no such thing in her stomach, or else it will not rise at all..."

"The fairy is not a man of temperament, eating such a bold and domineering... Too much appetite..."

"Yeah, much better than those women who are tweaking and making small mouthfuls..."

"Look at her eating so cool, I want to eat..."

"It's no wonder that the chest of the fairy is so tall, it turned out that because of her excellent appetite..."

"Hey, the rabbit is amazing too much? You can use your ears to use chopsticks... The mouth can still split, and a sea crab is swallowed up for living. Is it a rice cake? Oh no, It is clear that only the size of the palm, eat so many things, how can you not see it to burst?"

The crowds around were whispering, and each one looked at the master and servant with a difficult-looking gaze, and the group of reporters adjusted the camera tightly, and the first time they put "the fairy on the earth food is quite The video of "satisfaction" was transmitted to the live radio station, and it was transmitted to the Internet. The people who paid attention to Li Jiayu in China all watched the blood! (The support of this site.com is my biggest motivation.)


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