Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 542: Tragic Arab prince

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"Respected Fairy Fair... Hello, we are representatives of Global Entertainment..."

The group of people in the US Department of Defense had just retired, and immediately a group of people in suits and suits ran forward and stunned. Wen Sheng asked:

"We have heard of ancient Chinese legends, and we have heard about your legends... I am a fairy who is in charge of the Heavenly World Palace. I believe I can sing and dance... I don’t know if you have any meaning to show your singing and dancing. For the world's human beings, everyone can enjoy the best audio and video..."

The implication is that I want to sign a contract with Li Jiayu, and Li Jiayu can become a star of their own, and then out of the album to make a movie...

That's enough!

This group of foreign embarrassed people are all filled with money, are they business opportunities?

Not so far, I ran to find Li Jiayu as a singer, and I didn't want to think about the feasibility and possibility!

Li Jiayu shook her eyelids, still teasing the dragon's wings, and did not pay attention to the group of people. Her time is precious. How could she rush to the entertainment circle?

What's more, Li Jiayu, who lives in the world of killing, has no vanity at all, and there is no star dream. How can he sing and dance on the stage like a monkey for people to enjoy?

"Master, think about it..."

The dark octopus sticks out the pink dragon tongue, swallows the foie gras handed by Li Jiayu into his mouth and squints his eyes:

"I really want to see the masters out of the album, filming, only on the stage, in that case, the master can sweep the entertainment circle of the whole earth, everyone will fall under your charm, oh right, I am now I have never heard the owner sing, nor have you seen the owner wearing **** women..."

Li Jiayu is the goddess of light. The voice is elegant and gentle, and it is extremely beautiful. If you sing a song, it will definitely have great lethality. And if she put on a gorgeous dress, dress up well, and then carefully handle the hairstyle, the charm index can skyrocket several times. At that time, it is not that people are fascinated, but the soul is flying away.

"To shut up!"

Li Jiayu stuffed a large salted chicken leg into the baby's mouth and blocked its mouth, lest it add to Li Jiayu.

"嫦娥仙子...you are the most beautiful woman in the world. You need to show your beauty to everyone in the world..." The representative of Global Entertainment stood up and said: "The representative of Hollywood is When you come to China, they also have the same will. If you can join Hollywood and shoot some beautiful movies, then you will refresh the box office record in the past 100 years and sweep all the film and television awards. Oscar is prepared for you. !"

"Oh. But I am not interested."

"Yu Xianzi, if you make a record, the company's profits can all be yours. And what you pay is only half an hour, sing a few songs, then you can earn hundreds of millions, even It’s billions of dollars!”

Really enough, can this group of people only see the financial resources rolling?

Li Jiayu licked the ear hole and picked up a bottle of cold drink on the table. He poured it on the floor and did not look at the group of men.

Foreigners in suits don’t give up. He screamed and screamed:

"It’s a pity that I don’t have this wish.... So, have you ever thought about making a photo album? In the extremely beautiful background, take some beautiful photos and turn the intoxicating moments into eternity. ......"

"No interest. I hate taking pictures..."

Li Jiayu shook his head and shook his head, making the men in the suits extremely disappointing, and felt great regret. In their view, the flawless Li Jiayu is a natural stage emperor. If she can step on the stage and show her beauty to the world, it will surely push the global entertainment industry to an unprecedented peak. It is so popular in the world that it is thousands of times more powerful than Audrey in the last century!

Even, it can be said that there is no one who has never come before, at least in the 21st century, no one can surpass the fairy....

The group of ladies on the scene also sighed secretly. They all looked at Li Jiayu with a red face. The complexion was extremely complicated. Every woman likes to compare with other women. They are no exception, but they are like Li Jiayu. The light of the firefly is eclipsed.

They are vanity, they are proud, they like to be concerned by men. If Universal and Hollywood can also extend their olive branches to them, they will be flattered and feel honored... But Li Jiayu is indifferent to Hollywood and Universal Entertainment. Even very impatient, Nima, this is the gap, the highest glory in their eyes, but it is just the dung in the eyes of Li Jiayu!

"嫦娥仙子... You said that you came to the mortal world from heaven for sightseeing..."

Soon, several suit men came forward. They are representatives of Dubai. This place in Dubai is rich and rich. It has gathered many real rich people and gathered many consortia. In the eyes of outsiders, Dubai is undoubtedly Heaven on earth.

Li Jiayu frowned, and some impatiently snorted:

"Yes, I just want to distract my heart, and occasionally travel, I don't want to worry about it anyway..."

"That would be great. We can dissipate the fairy to see us in Dubai. It has the most gorgeous city scenery, the environment is absolutely beautiful and beautiful, and it gathers all kinds of cuisines all over the world. If you come to Dubai, definitely not I will be disappointed, I believe that one day in the future, you will choose to settle in beautiful Dubai..."

"Oh? Is it? Well, after half a year, I will consider going to Dubai to play..."

Li Jiayu sent the group of Dubai suit men. This time, she was polite. At least she did not ignore them. In fact, Li Jiayu still has the intention to travel around the country to get a taste of the world, but there is a The premise is that...the situation on the other side of the city has stabilized.

And half a year, probably enough for her to be promoted to the lord level, if you really need to wash the darkness of your heart, you can also go to Dubai, but now Li Jiayu only wants to play in China, do not want to go too far local……

Then, a group of professors from the American Research Institute appeared. They asked if Li Jiayu is an alien, whether there are alien companions, and what is the purpose of Li Jiayu's coming to the earth. When Li Jiayu returned to Mars, he also asked Li Jiayu to give them some Blood, some white hair, so that they can study the genes of Li Jiayu, thus uncovering the mysterious veil of alien creatures.

This group of brains is a professor of water!

Li Jiayu shook his eyelids and lifted his legs. From the beginning to the end, he ignored the group of scientific fanatic professors.

Then, it was another Arab prince who stumbled directly in front of Li Jiayu. There is also a small exquisite gift box with a necklace. The bottom of the necklace is inlaid with a huge blue gem. The gem is a natural gem that has just been excavated from South Africa. It is expensive.

"You are my goddess... I saw you through the Internet for the first time last night. I was deeply captured by you. I think I will not fall in love with other women in my life... Are you willing to accept me? Oh no, this is too abrupt. You forgive me for rashness. If you can, I want to be a simple friend with you..."

That's enough!

Are the Arabs so enthusiastic?

Just after a large group of people ran around, Li Jiayu angered her. Now there is still a guy who publicly shows her love in front of her. Is this Arab prince who is a dog-like dog who knows that Li Jiayu is a man?

Li Jiayu has the dignity of a man!


Can't bear it, no need to bear it!

Li Jiayu is like a wild cat who has stepped on the tail. He is violent and thunderous. He also cares about the fairy style. He directly squats on the door of the Arab prince. He flew a few meters away and gave a table. Hit it!

"Ah, it's done!"

The audience is stunned!

I used to talk about how good a fairy would say, turning my face and turning my face, and beating the youngest and most promising royal heir in a big country in Arabia!

If this is changed to an ordinary person who beats the prince, I am afraid that it will be met with hatred and revenge from the entire Arab world!

Everyone is stupid, some people are surprised, some people are gloating. Some people secretly envy, but everyone knows one thing too - that is, Li Jiayu's temper is worse than they think, she will easily be annoyed!

Moreover, before you become a love lover, don't try to soak Li Jiayu. Otherwise, it will be a beating!

"Prince! How are you?"

The servants of several Arab princes quickly helped him up, but saw that the Arab prince had a light red shoe print on his face, his nose was red, and his nosebleed, the handsome and handsome prince suddenly It became a funny clown...

"I'm fine, this is the punishment I deserve..." The Arab prince seemed to be in the middle of evil. He was too singular to marry. Li Jiayu's flying scorpion was not angry, but he felt sweet. He stood up and wiped it. Nose blood, continue to look at Li Jiayu with that fiery gaze, firmly and persistently said:

"Thank you for giving me a foot... that is the same as the arrow of love that Cupid shot into my heart..."

It’s really infatuated, young and mature, young and promising, and handsome and handsome. In the future, he will inherit an Arab throne and change other women. I am afraid that this diamond has long been heart-warming, but Li Jiayu But he was sorely licked by his disgusting body, and she was filled with an uncontrollable killing!


Li Jiayu, who was pouring oil on the fire, was flushed with red eyes, and his eyes were cold. He also refused to converge. He jumped up from the sofa and rushed to the Arab prince in lightning. He would beat him again!

The two servants quickly stopped in front of Li Jiayu to protect the prince!

The servant from the royal family, while taking care of the prince, also learned a lot of fighting techniques. Although it is not very strong, it is not weak. At the very least, it also has the fighting level of ordinary special forces. I want to clean them up. It is not an easy task.

However, Li Jiayu is not vegetarian!

Her speed is very fast, her fighting consciousness is also extremely horrible, her body shape is like a dragon, and the blast is punched in the throat of a servant, and another punch is in the belly of a servant, and they are beaten 100% stiff. Then, flying out of the feet, the soles of the slippers squatted on their crotch, and they let them soften to the ground, screaming in pain in the crotch, and rolling all over the floor.

Fortunately, Li Jiayu's strength is not big now, it is stronger than ordinary women, but also better than a young man, otherwise, Li Jiayu has long smashed their crotch.

The whole process took only a short period of one or two seconds. At this time, the heavyweights in the whole house reacted!

"Hey fairy, calm down!"

"Don't do it, you forgive the smashing prince."



The heavyweights quickly ordered the wall around him to stop Li Jiayu, but it was already late. Li Jiayu grabbed the collar of the Arab prince and sweared at his two eyes. He gave him a free pair. Panda eyes, it hurts him to blame.

"Your luck is good, I changed the previous one... I have already sent you a worm to feed the worms! Today I am going out to travel well, I will barely let you go. From then on, if you appear again in front of me I saw you hit you once! Translation, tell me this paragraph!"

Li Jiayu, who was cold-eyed, pulled the prince's collar and did not swear to the Arab translator. The translator was in a treacherous position and bowed to the prince. The prince was holding a pair of panda eyes and wanted to say something. What, but Li Jiayu's murderousness made him feel the back of his back, and the pressure was so fierce that it seemed that the heart was pinched.


The prince's cell phone suddenly rang, and he glanced at Li Jiayu with trepidation. He carefully took out the phone and shuddered and asked, and the next moment, he was shocked!

"Prince! It’s a big deal. Please return to the country immediately. Your mother’s adultery has been exposed. The King’s Thunder is furious and will kill your mother. Your heir’s position has also been shaken...”

The Arab prince is like pouring a plate of cold water, cold from head to toe, and all the goose bumps!

Nima, what's wrong with this? Is it going to fall down?

He finally saw the goddess, and when he was so happy that he was soaking the goddess, he heard such a terrible bad news. Not only did his mother’s adultery disappear, but his prince’s position was also in jeopardy...

The Arab prince took the two servants and twisted them, and walked out of the villa with great embarrassment...

He did not know that his misfortune was actually brought to him by Li Jiayu. If he did not annoy Li Jiayu, he would not be beaten by Li Jiayu, and would not be in contact with Li Jiayu's skin. Finally, his mother's adultery would not be here. A moment of exposure... (this station..,. with - I - read en text - xue learning - u floor

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