Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 581: Sad little blue widow

Yucheng -

Chu Xiang’s body lies on a wooden frame. It is a wooden shelf that Lan Xiaoyue specially built for him. The material used is a kind of pine wood. It is easy to burn the fire and burn the flame of super high temperature. Can swallow the body quickly...

"Chu Xiang, go all the way..."

Lan Xiaoyue held the torch and stood in front of Chu Xiang’s body with tears. She was still wearing a wedding dress, wearing a diamond ring, dressed up beautifully, and had the charm of Li Jiayu, and Chu Xiang’s body was carefully Packed, washed away the blood, put on a suit, even the face of the skull wiped a little powder...

Chu Xiang is indeed dead.

Need to be cremated as soon as possible.

Today is the eighth day after the end of the Dragon disaster. Ling Shaoping’s body has already been cremated by his friend Yang Xuyan. There is no way. Ling Shaoping’s ** is not much different from ordinary people. It is easy to corrupt and degenerate, so it must be as early as possible. Processing, but Chu Xiang is a dragon, the body is strong, even if it is dragged to the present, there is no trace of rot and stink...

This day, it happened to be the day when Lan Xiaoyue adjusted his mentality, so everyone decided to take the funeral of Chu Xiang today.

"Small moon, wronged you..."

Sun Weiwei comforted her. She knew that it was a cruel thing for the bride to cremate the bridegroom.

"I don't get in the way, I have already seen it. It doesn't matter if Xiang is dead or dead. He will always live in my heart..." Blue Xiaoyue shook his head, but his eyes could not stop flowing two lines of clear Tears and eyelids are slightly reddened.

"Small moon, don't be sad, Chu Xiang does not want you to be so sad in the Spirit of Heaven, you must be strong, live his life, and live happily!" 晏紫苏拍拍蓝月On the shoulder, she likes this girl who looks like Li Jiayu, so she takes care of it.

"Well, I will..." Blue Xiaoyue wiped his tears. I looked up and glanced at the comrades around me. I took a look at Chu Xiang on the wooden shelf and choked: "In fact, this cremation should be done by Jiayu. The most admired person in Axiang’s life is good. Jade, dreaming is thinking about being a **** of Jiayu, but it will take a long time for Jiayu to come back. Axiang can't wait for so long..."

Lan Xiaoyue mentioned Li Jiayu. The people present were suddenly bowed their heads, and their hearts were as bitter as they were to knock over the five-flavored bottles. They had already got used to the existence of Li Jiayu, but once she left, the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group seemed to have lost its backbone and doing anything. Feeling uneasy, especially during these days, the Zerg attacking the city became more and more turbulent, and more and more inheritors died in the city. Most of the masters who got the countertops were still recovering from injuries...

If Jiayu is still in Yucheng. Whether he is a third-grade high-order or a three-pole peak, all of them must be in front of Li Jiayu to give the first prize!

"Small moon, it is enough. Let's get started..." Seeing that Blue Moon was sluggish for a few minutes in front of Chu Xiang's body, Sun Weiwei could not help but be reminded.


Lan Xiaoyue whispered and responded. Some of them lost their souls and walked to the front of Chu Xiang's body. They reached out and touched Chu Xiang's cheek. Once again, it was difficult to stop crying. The tears were like pearls, and they dribbled on Chu Xiang's body.

Lan Xiaoyue closed his eyes painfully and placed the torch in his hand on the shelf of Chu Xiang, igniting those fluffy combustion aids. Just listening to the "call", the shelf burned a red flame, just a gust of wind swept over, the fire borrowed the wind, the wind borrowed the fire. In a moment, the flame has completely engulfed Chu Xiang...

Looking at Chu Xiang in the flame, Lan Xiaoyue dropped the torch, sobbing and falling to the ground, constantly squirming his lips. It seems to be talking about what is goodbye in the afterlife.

And Lu Feiyang, Yitianzhao, Chen Kun, Luo Yanyu, Feng Yuyuan and others looked up and silently prayed for Chu Xiang, praying that Chu Xiang could obtain eternal life in heaven, and Xiao Qingqing was mourning some solemn and sacred. The poems of the poems are full of warm and soft light.

"Wait a minute! Let the fire go out! Chu Xiang may have saved!"


A sweet female voice broke this silence!

Everyone turned their heads, but the people who saw the words turned out to be dyed Hongxia!

The serious injury to Hongxia did not improve much. It was still pale, and the movement was inconvenient. The limbs were severely dislocated, but she was still swaying and screaming at the side, and still shouted in her mouth: Don't lie, just let the fire go! The grandfather said that today's very special day, the energy of the space is quite chaotic, maybe we can try a bold experiment, that is, put the three-level high-order dragon crystal into the Chu In the chest of Xiang, let Longjing replace the heart and jump again!"


Lan Xiaoyue heard that the brain was almost short-circuited, and the sable basil next to it was a quick-eyed hand, and it directly hit a crystal clear water column and collided on the burning wooden shelf.


The flaming shelf was instantly extinguished. Fortunately, Chu Xiang's skin was thick and thick, only the skin burned a little black, but it was not burned badly by the flame.

Dyeing Hongxia slammed into the face of Blue Moon, in her sluggish eyes, took out a pure blue dragon crystal and handed it to her, revealing an encouraging smile, whisper: "Chu Xianglin Before he died, he has awakened his dragon soul, changed his blood, and has a powerful life like a dragon... So, my grandfather will feel that this attempt has a certain success rate. You can try it in a small month, even if it is a success rate. Only half is good..."

"I know."

In the eyes that everyone expects, Lan Xiaoyue took over the dragon crystal of the fission dragon. She knows that this dragon crystal is extremely precious, and it can almost match the insect crystal of the black sky. If it is given to the third-order middle The integration of the Major Generals will at least increase the combat power of 10%!

However, in order to save Chu Xiang, I can't care so much. Blue Xiaoyue eagerly hopes that Chu Xiang can wake up and grow old with her!

Carefully open the ashes of those suits, and the blue moon will put Long Jing into the heart of Chu Xiang’s heart.

At this moment, a miracle has appeared!

A splendid golden light rises into the sky, there is also the sound of dragons in the faint, Chu Xiang's body also exudes a faint dragon, the horrible chest hole re-grows in the extreme time, Repairing the wound and regenerating a heart, his body begins to flow with a dragon's blood!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Everyone can hear the violent heartbeat of Chu Xiang, and they are all amazing!

Chu Xiang is resurrected!

Thank goodness!

Blue Xiaoyue was so weeping and crying with his lips. She looked at her white wedding dress, and suddenly felt the suffering and suffering of these days are worth it!


After a quarter of an hour, Chu Xiang whispered and opened his eyes. He saw his newlywed wife with tears at first sight, but he was indifferent and his face was sluggish.

"Chu Xiang, are you okay?"

Lan Xiaoyue also refused to see that Chu Xiang was dirty and dark. Straight into his arms, shouting at his neck.

"Who are you? Why are you holding me..." Chu Xiang was quite confused and looked at Lan Xiaoyue with a puzzled look and frowned.

Even in his tone, there is a trace of disgust that can't be said!

"You don't remember me?"

Lan Xiaoyue’s smile solidified on his face in an instant, and opened his mouth with difficulty, carefully said: “A Xiang, I am Xiaoyue, your wife...”

"Wife? How could I like such an ugly woman?" Chu Xiang violently pushed Blue Xiaoyue away.

"You said that I am ugly?" The smile of Lan Xiaoyue is not solidified, but completely collapsed. She really didn't think that the first sentence after the resurrection of Chu Xiang turned out to be that she was ugly!

She admires Li Jiayu and imitates the appearance of Li Jiayu everywhere. Today, Li Jiayu has two or three charms. It is a super beautiful woman. Before, Chu Xiang praised her every day like a fairy!

But now... Chu Xiang is like a personal change!

"You are all ugly..."

Chu Xiang shook his head and looked at all the people in disgust. Kong Wu vigorously climbed up from the wooden shelf. For a moment, the lizard pattern on his face grew more and more, and the facial features became more and more like the legendary dragon. People, two of them are golden tentacles, and their eyes are like melting steel balls. The dragon's horn on the forehead is getting thicker and longer.

Even a long dragon tail grows in his tailbone!

If Chu Xiang was originally ugly, then it is even more ugly now, and it’s ugly, he’s not like people. It is more like a dragon!


Chu Xiang’s back is a pair of feminine and gorgeous bat wings, with a solidized cyan wind, which is strikingly similar to the wing of the Flying Dragon!

"Chu Xiang, have you lost your memory?" Xiao Qingqing suddenly came over.

"Amnesia? I don't understand... I don't know who I am. I can't think of anything. I only know that you are all ugly..." Chu Xiang said with a sigh of relief, then he grabbed his forehead and seemed to be When I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I have a headache, and I finally grow up involuntarily.

"How could this be... How could Chu Xiang lose her memory?"

Lan Xiaoyue is soft on the ground. She still thinks that she can continue her wedding with her after she resurrected. She has already prepared for joining Xiangxiang with Chu Xiang...


Why are the feelings between the two so rough?

Is it true that Sun Weiwei’s “widow curse” really exists?

Everyone does not know that the resurrected Chu Xiang has changed a lot, and his soul is even more integrated with the fissure dragon!

Therefore, Chu Xiang is no longer inclined to primates, but rather to lizards, it is for this reason... So Chu Xiang’s aesthetic has undergone tremendous changes!

In other words, Chu Xiang, who tends to be a lizard, feels that the primate woman is ugly.

Even if Blue Moon is beautiful, it is just a ugly thing in the eyes of Chu Xiang at this time!

In the face of a custom ugly, how can Chu Xiang accept, like, or even continue to marry?

"Chu Xiang..."

Lan Xiaoyue tears her eyes and wants to be close to Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang, who is seriously dragonized, screams at her, and sways the lizard's tail up and down. She shouts: "Don't come close to me! Ugly woman! Look at you and me. I feel sick!"

"Oh..." Blue Xiaoyue only felt that there were thousands of thunderstorms in his head, and he couldn’t believe that the groom’s official would say such a heartfelt words to her!

The heart of Lan Xiaoyue is broken. She has been sad for Chu Xiang for so long. Even if he is amnesia, it should not hurt her so much, or... In his mind, Lan Xiaoyue has always been a ugly monster. ?

"Chu Xiang, don't be excited, take a rest and rest, and when your resurrection sequelae dissipate, you will think of everything..."

Feng Hunyuan stepped forward and braved the courage to approach Chu Xiang. This time, Chu Xiang did not lick his teeth, but nodded docilely. He said: "My head hurts, I can't think of anything... but you give me the feeling. Very kind, maybe we used to be good brothers."

It’s funny to say that Chu Xiang has no good feelings for human women, but there is not much rejection of human men...

A little blue moon on the side cried even more fierce, tears DC, she could not understand, the wind has made Chu Xiang feel kind, then what about her? She is accompanying Chu Xiang for three months, and she is a woman who is screaming at the same time. Isn’t she giving Chu Xiang a feeling of intimacy?

Why did Chu Xiang forget his bride so thoroughly?

Lan Xiaoyue doesn't know that she is sending a heart to Chu Xiang, and there will be no slight reward.

From the time she began to imitate the appearance of the goddess of light, she was destined to be a tragedy.

Imitating the goddess of light, this is a kind of blasphemy against the goddess of light, destined to be punished by heaven, so it is very likely that Lan Xiaoyue will have an old virgin for a lifetime...

Unfortunately, no one knows this secret, even the dark octopus does not know...

It is bitter Chu Xiang, who is called Chu Xiang, this girl must marry Lan Xiaoyue? Marriage with Blue Xiaoyue means that you have to break the virgin for Lan Xiaoyue, and the consequences of welcoming Chu Xiang... It is a punishment for heaven, and his aesthetics have undergone great changes!

Sure enough, Li Jiayu is a moving star, and most of the women around her have nothing to stop...

At the same time Hong Kong -

The Hong Kong Coliseum, commonly known as the Red Pavilion, usually has no sports activities, but often some heavyweight stars will have a concert here, which is quite large.

However, the number of people who ran to the Red Pavilion this evening was several times more than usual. The crowds were full of people. The Hong Kong authorities have dispatched a large number of police forces to maintain order. Many Hong Kong people who cannot enter the Red Pavilion gather in Hong. Outside the pavilion, pushing and squeezing, noisy, no fun.


Suddenly, the sky was flooded with a few thunders, and the sky quickly became dull. The cold wind in the pavement caught some cold water drops!

"It’s raining!"

"It doesn't matter if it rains, even if it snows, it can't stop my sincere heart!"

"Yeah! I’m going to have a concert at the Fairy, and I’m going to stay outside the Red Pavilion!"! ~!

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