Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 590: Black beast

At the same time, eighty kilometers away from Yangcheng -

A black-blooded beast is lying on the ground, sleeping beautifully. ././

Within a few kilometers of the circle, there are no bugs, no Warcraft, everything is quiet!

It radiates a kind of indecent black flame, and the air is burning and twisting. It seems to break open a space at any time!

It is a lord-level Warcraft!

With unparalleled strength, it is also a strong three-pointer than the original black-winged worm. It is awesome. In the border of Yangcheng, he often ran to the edge of Yangcheng to harass, causing a large number of hunters to die in its claws. under!


Behind a boulder hundreds of meters away, there are more than a dozen inheritors, who are staring at the black beasts in the distance, one by one, holding their breath, and restless, and the one of them is holding A golden-colored Hummer knife asked the companions.

"Ready! Head, do we really have to fight with that kind of monster... Will it be too dangerous?" A mad warrior asked uglyly, and at a critical juncture, he suddenly regretted it. There was a retreat in the room.

"The danger is certain! But the harvest is enough for us to take any risks..." The head of the team is a big knife in the early thirties. It has a strong third-level strength. It is enough in the place of Yucheng. Advance to the rank of major general, but in the sheep city, it can only be a head of a hunting demon.

This hunting demon group in front of you is the most powerful hunting demon in Yangcheng - the round dance hunting magic group!

And these dozen members. All of them are elite masters in the round dance hunting magic group, each of which has a strength of three or more levels, especially the deputy head of the group leader, and the third level!

The power of this hunter. Enough to compete with the third-level high-order monsters!

"Yeah, this adventure is actually worth it..." Shen Sheng, the deputy head of the hand-held bow and arrow, said: "The black beast was seriously injured by the city owner once. In the past few days, it was beaten by the lord of the lord class. Injury, but this time it often rains, the moisture is extremely incomparable, the black beast is covered with flames, naturally it is difficult to recover from the impact of the environment... We will take it seriously when it is not healed. Give it a fatal blow, In this way, the materials and magic crystals on the body are all ours!"

Inside the round dance hunter, there is a talented tailor. You can use the animal skin to make a perfect leather armor, and then cooperate with the sorcerer and the enchantress. You can definitely make the leather armor into a super good equipment. Once you sell it, you will definitely be rushing to explode. The round dance hunting magic group can also make a big profit, and then continue to recruit and expand the strength.

"Yes! I am also eager to get the magic crystal of the lord level... You think, how precious is the lord level? It is enough to exchange more than a dozen high-level insect crystals. I and the deputy group have already reached the upgrade. The edge, if you can get more than a dozen three-level high-level insect crystals. Can definitely break through to the third-order high-order in a short time... At that time, our hunting magic group also has a great voice in Yangcheng! Long-eyed and confident.

"Well... since the head of the team said so. Then let us go and fight!"

The Berserker swallowed a slobber, and once again there was passion and courage in his heart. He held the magical axe in his hand and prayed for the next battle.

Soon, this hunting demon took action on the injured black beast!

"call out"

The deputy head shot a shocking yellow arrow, like a lightning bolt that cut through the sky!

Black Yan beast is still snoring.

The next moment, the arrow containing the energy shot on the tip of the black inflammatory beast, suddenly pierced into the flesh, and also exploded a group of toxic substances, these toxic substances are hard to burn even the black flame Naturally, some of them have penetrated into the nostrils of the black inflammatory beast!


The black-skinned beast that had eaten the pain suddenly woke up. It opened the eyes full of violent and suffocating eyes, and looked around in anger!

But the next moment, it felt a sense of dizziness spread from the nose to the depths of the brain...

Damn, the group of humans actually used poison, and it was the weak poison powder refined by the alchemists!

"Get together! Kill this beast!"

At this time, the head of the squad screamed and led the members to rush to the momentum. He waved the big knife and the deputy head ran and shot the arrow. The madman’s magical axe spewed a horrible temper. There are also Flame Master, Frost Mage, Phantom Assassin, Bright Sacrifice...

Every member of the group is not a fuel-efficient lamp. They are all masters of the same side. They can play a great role in mutual cooperation!

Only a face-to-face, the black-inflamed beast was entangled and fell into a stalemate state. Its stalwart-level lord-level Warcraft was surrounded by this group of human beings because of serious injuries, sneak attacks, poisonous powder, and weak potential. Hey!

Slowly, the black beast actually fell into the wind, and more and more wounds appeared on the body. The **** humans specifically caught its weaknesses and wounds to fight.

The most annoying thing is that there are three Frost Mage in the human camp. The black-beast is most afraid of the enemy of the Frosty System. It was raining heavily last night. It is all water in the vicinity, and the flame on it is also falling. At the lowest point...

The black-inflamed beast is simply unlucky to go to the house, and the air has the power of the lord, but it is played by three Frost Masters, and a large group of humans like a dog!


The black-inflamed beast is completely angry. It is a strong person in the abyss, but how can it be crushed by this **** human?


Suddenly there was a strong roar in the air, and the black-fired beast suddenly ignited the blazing flame of the scorpion, which was more than two meters high, especially the deep blue flame burning on its head. It was like The wildfire that comes out of **** makes people frightened!

"Oops! This black-skinned beast can still use the magic of self-harm to stimulate potential!"

"Impossible! Didn't it be used in the fight against the city owner a few days ago? It is reasonable to say that it can't be used for more than a month..."

"I know! It is a mother animal with a fetus in its body. It uses the fetus as a victim, but it can use a self-harming magic again..."

"Oh, **** it! Its strength has doubled, we are still retreating, we can't hold it off!"

The Berserker just roared, and the black-inflamed beast, whose strength was soaring, was photographed with one paw, and the mad warrior was photographed as a meat sauce, and the dead could not die anymore!

"Zhong Tao!"

Seeing that the Berserker was killed by a slap in the face, all the members could not help but jump in the heart, and it was difficult to contain a fear of restraint...

Yeah, this black-fired beast has used self-mutilation magic, too strong, and can’t stand it. The only way is to escape. Only escape a long distance. Wait a few minutes, this black beast will naturally Exhausted and dying, the repeated self-harming magic will definitely let its soul die!


If you escape, the fire masters and Frost Masters who are running slowly in the team will all die on the battlefield. They will never run the black beast!

"Damn! I am wrong!"

"No! Head, this does not blame you, who can think of it as a pregnant mother..."

"Head, let's go... I can escape a few, it is better than our entire army!"

"Oh... you flee! I am going to withstand this black beast. I am the head of the team. I have the responsibility to protect my members! You are going, anyway, I will delay you for half a minute!" He screamed and stood in front of the black beast. He swears to protect the hunters that have been painstakingly built, because this is his lifelong effort!

"Head leader..."

"Come on! Revenge for me later!"


More than a dozen members of the group were cold-hearted, but hesitated for a moment and immediately agreed with the head of the group. They quickly retreated toward the rear and ran wildly, especially the Shadow Assassin and Orc Warriors held the women in the team. Take them to the road and run away!


The head of the team is still fighting with the black-skinned beast. The black-inflamed beast is too strong. Even if it is seriously injured, it can still exert the fighting power of the peak of the three poles after using the self-mutilation magic, or because one of its eyes is smashed, one The legs are smashed, and I have already slapped the head of the team!


In the mouth of the black inflammatory beast, a big fireball was spurted out. The speed was very fast. The head of the team couldn’t get away from it. He could only bite the scalp, hold the big horse in his hand, and slammed it out, and cracked the big fireball. However, the energy emitted by the explosion of the fireball caused the head to burn all over the body, and there was no more fighting power!

The head of the team squatted on the ground with one hand on the big knife. The eyes were full of unyielding eyes, but he had tried his best and tried to fight his level. It was impossible to fight this black beast...

Behind him, the partners have already slipped a few hundred meters away, enough, his mission is completed, a few hundred meters away, I believe that enough members to escape...

The black beast raised his claws.

It stared at the man in hatred, if it wasn't because of their sneak attack and step by step... it didn't need to take the fetus in the belly as a sacrifice!

Kill, be sure to break this man's body!


The big claw, with the momentum of Mount Tai, suddenly slammed down from the air. If it was shot, the head of the team must be photographed as a meat sauce, just like the horrible warrior!

The members who fled in the distance seemed to feel a little. When they ran and looked back, they all shouted excitedly when they saw it all:

"Do not!"

But it is useless, no one can stop this black beast!

However, at this time, the change suddenly occurred!


There are countless red lightning flashes in the sky, just like the crazy red snakes, and then they are combined into a thunder!

This thunder, even beaten on the body of the black beast!

The black-inflamed beast smashed the thunderbolt, and immediately smoked and stiffened on the ground...

This lord-level Warcraft, so dead is not clear! (The support of this site.com is my biggest motivation.)

{飘天文学 www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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