Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 600: 晏紫苏娘

Yangcheng is not the same as Yucheng.

Because of the large number of masters, the pressure on the end of the world is relatively small. Even if they encounter a large-scale worm attack, or a large-scale corpse attack, or even a dragon, they can cope with it, unlike the city. On the side, because of the lack of masters, they are often beaten by aliens.

In addition, the Yangcheng area is located in the Pearl River basin, the terrain is quite flat, and the earthquake will basically not appear.

Therefore, there are quite a lot of fashionable buildings preserved in Yangcheng, and the streets and highways are relatively complete. Even the pedestrians on the streets are not as hurry and full of dishes as the city.

Yangcheng also has a communicative planter who, like Lu Dingyun, can produce food on a large scale.

Moreover, the research institutes in Yangcheng are much better than the research institutes in Yucheng. As early as two weeks ago, they have successfully cultivated high-yielding plants, which are now being planted and only need to be matured in one week. Because of the lack of sunlight, the energy needed to produce starch from these plants is certainly not from the sun.

Then, the energy needed by the magical plants comes from the corpse of the worm. The soldiers of the Yangcheng usually smash the worms and the bodies of Warcraft, and then they are sterilized and made into nutrient solution for the magic plants to absorb...

In addition, Yangcheng also has a unique advantage, that is, there are many World of Warcraft around, most of the meat of World of Warcraft can be eaten by humans, where is like the city of Yucheng, except that the corpse is a worm, can eat less insects. Little!

For a lot of reasons, Yangcheng has more advantages than Yucheng in terms of food...

Yucheng is like a country, and Yangcheng is like an emperor!

Yes, Yangcheng and Modu are the most powerful cities in the southern province of the sky!

"Oh... the octopus said that Yangcheng is called Guangzhou in its world?"

Li Jiayu snorted and shuttled on the street. She was somewhat purposeless because she did not know...

In the end, I should do something first.

Is it necessary to find a place to change clothes?


Now she is still the body of the goddess of light. The chest is tall and the waist is slender. If you wear men's clothing, it will feel strange...

Hey, there are still three or four hours from the dark, how can this time go so slowly?

Women's clothing can't be changed, and it's not in a hurry... Hey, I should go to the museum in Yangcheng for a little medicine. Or go to the acquaintances of past lives?

Li Jiayu suddenly stayed in her sleep and rolled her eyes.

Oops, I don’t think there is anything that can change money. What should I take to replace the mental and magical medicines?

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, my nickname in my previous life was called "the squatting rural gangster". The favorite thing is robbery, and it is still a violent robbery. It doesn't matter if there is no money. Is it not right to grab it directly?

There are many pedestrians on the street. Walking along without a trace, Li Jiayu can even see people on the street holding small stalls and selling some daily necessities...

"Sure enough. Yangcheng has already entered the right track... slowly starting to recover from the collapsed order. However, this kind of recovery is not of much use at all. After the arrival of a large number of monsters, the Yangcheng will not be able to. So comfortable, in another year or two, the legendary and legendary monsters should also debut. Yangcheng has no me, no Qingqing sister, no Xiaoyan, can’t support it?

Li Jiayu is simply not eating grapes and saying that the grapes are sour. Probably the imbalance in my heart.

The city is so miserable, hungry and full of land, the situation is ten times worse than the sheep city...

"Can't wait any longer... It seems that I have to steal some of the magic crops in Yangcheng, and bring that thing back to Yucheng. Should I be able to solve the food crisis in Yucheng a little? Oh, yes, I have to take the Yangcheng. Some research products are also brought back..."

Thinking so, Li Jiayu did not know that he actually began to become enthusiastic.

When I changed Li Jiayu from previous lives, where would I pay attention to people's livelihood? Even those who die in front of him will not blink. However, under the infection of Xiao Qingqing, Campanulaceae, and dyed Hongxia, Li Jiayu began to think about the people, and did everything possible to guard the people of Yucheng...

Just as Li Jiayu walked aimlessly on the street, there was a man who was quite old.

The man is holding a cane, his face has been crawling a lot of wrinkles, and even walking is a bit bumpy, as if he might fall at any time...

He seems to be about sixty years old? The hair on the head has already turned white...

"Well? How is he so familiar?"

Li Jiayu’s eyes locked on the man and tried to think back to what...

The next moment, she was shocked!


That man, Li Jiayu had seen it when he was a child!

It is at the wedding of the church, the basil, and the cousin!

He is the father of Pesto!

Li Jiayu suddenly remembered that he was Song Wentao, a small businessman in Yangcheng. He used to do business very much. Later, because of the financial crisis and the bubble economy, he was near bankruptcy, so he changed from a big boss to a small businessman...

It is said that twenty or thirty years ago, the father of Pelican was a big man who was shaking and shaking in Yangcheng!

Seeing Song Wentao, Li Jiayu is also a little excited, this is the father of Pei Su, the equivalent of Li Jiayu's father-in-law, in any case, Li Jiayu should properly protect this man!

In the past life, when Li Jiayu came to Yangcheng, she could not find Song Wentao. Presumably, Song Wentao had already died in this doomsday world.

"Uncle Song..."

Li Jiayu slammed into the face of Song Wentao and whispered softly.

"Cough... are you?"

The old Song Wentao coughed, and he could feel that the man hidden in the black magic robe was a powerful inheritor, not his ordinary old man could get it.

"Uncle Song... I am... um, I am half a month, that is, the cousin of your son-in-law Li Jiamin."

Li Jiayu wants to say that she is Li Jiayu, but there is no way. She is now a daughter. It is very troublesome to explain. Simply take the identity of her sister to top it.

"Oh... you are, are you Li Banyue?" Song Wentao groaned, and then his face twitched. He didn't expect it. He would meet Li Banyue in this place in Yangcheng. When he was in Yucheng several years ago. I have seen Li Luyue. At that time, Li Banyue was only a yellow-haired girl, and I didn’t understand anything.

"Well... yes, Uncle Song, let's find a place to talk..."

Li Jiayu whispered, Song Wentao nodded again and again, with a crutches, took Li Jiayu toward the back, his hands were shaking!

"Uncle Song... Auntie, is she okay?"

"Good... very good, the basil is very good now!"

Song Wentao was excited when he mentioned the mother of the basil. (){飘天文学 www.PiaoTian.com Thank you for your support, your support is our greatest motivation}

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