Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 621: Finally found out!

After killing the ogre, Li Jiayu no longer had a little interest, and used the Queen's whip to make all the remaining cults into bolognese!

After finishing this, Li Jiayu just clap his hands, turned around and left, and said:

"Hey, the effect of the dragon set pendant is better than I expected. Under the eyes of the public, the first-order high-order, the second-level low-order, and even the second-level middle-level can't find me. I must converge on the breath, three-level. People may not be able to find me?"

"Ah! Good man, please save us!"

Four or five lucky refugees who have not been slaughtered have called out, but Li Jiayu has already turned into a streamer and disappeared into this basement...

"Rely! Isn't she going to save us?"

Four or five refugees had big eyes and small eyes. They were relatively speechless for a while, but fortunately, the movements here were very big, and there was **** smell. So long after, the army of Yangcheng came in and saved this. A few refugees are also fortunate in the misfortune.

At this time, Li Jiayu has re-applied the dragon pendant, and the nature of three or four kilometers, arrived at the research institute in Yangcheng.

Honestly, on this road, I really didn’t touch the officers of Yangcheng. The officers were noisy and seemed to be searching for someone, but Li Jiayu was too lazy to manage. She only wanted to steal the research institute. In the magic plant seedlings, then steal some of the rehabilitative remedies.

The research institute is an important department of every provincial capital. It has gathered a large number of alchemists, enchanters, sorcerers, and even many scholars and experts, which is equivalent to the highest scientific and technological department in the peacetime era. Research institutes are related to the era of supernatural magic. Specializing in the manufacture of magic weapons, refining medicinal herbs. Cultivate magical plants, or train special combat machines, in short, quite awesome...

There are 30 million people in Yangcheng, and the inheritors are like a lot of people. Naturally, the scale of scientific research institutes is quite large, and the guardians are also very numerous. The three-step, one-post, five-step and one-whistle, the scientific research institutes are strictly protected, especially It is a small master who stands at the door of the second level...

but. This is hard to beat Li Jiayu. She walked straight into the door from the door.

She saw that the second-level pinnacle master wore a silver-white helmet and thought it was very interesting. Simply use both hands to pick up the helmet of the little master. When he became a soccer ball, he flew out and fell to a point not far away. Inside the pond.

"Fuck! Who touched my head? Hey? How did my helmet fly into the pond! Who gave me in!"

The little master screamed at the low voice. Unbelievably looking around, he clearly remembered that someone had just made fun of him, but why... He couldn’t remember who was the hand?

"Not me!" A companion shook his head.

"Not me..."

"Lao Zhang, you don't think that the goalkeeper is very stuffy, and you want to lose your temper when you are crazy?"

"Hey, no one has just approached you, can you take off your helmet, who else can you be?"

The surrounding companions whispered, and the little master also wondered to the extreme...

"Hah. It's really interesting. This group of people really ignored me completely, and regarded me as an irrelevant dragon..."

Li Jiayu smiled and continued to sway into the research institute. She used to run a few research institutes with Xiao Qingqing in her last life, but that was a year later. Research institutes will naturally have earth-shaking changes.

Following a little bit of fire, Li Jiayu entered the facade of the building of the research institute.

These buildings are obviously newly built. They are controlled by a large number of rock giants and soil masters to control the soil and stones. Although the decoration is rotten, the earthquake resistance and defensiveness are first-class, ordinary. Flying worms are hard to break through those walls.

Li Jiayu converges and carefully walks in the research institute.

Although it is already half a night, there are still many researchers, experts and scholars busy in the research institute. Almost every room is lit with a turbid yellow worm...

The most lively is the forging room on the first floor.

There are several huge ovens burning there. There are three low-level, medium-order insect eyes in the oven. The insects of these high-grade insects are excellent energy sources, which can release an ultra-high temperature and easily put each A variety of metals are melted into a liquid...

Many scientific researchers, Fu Yi Shi, Enchanter, Essence Master, and Jie Jie are gathered in the forging room. They are busy mixing the liquid metals into a certain proportion, pour them into the mold, and then enchant. , carving, injecting spirituality, making a low-level magic weapon.

At this stage, because human beings have just left the high-tech era and entered the era of magical civilization, the experience is still relatively shallow, and there is no good metal with no outer boundaries. Therefore, it is difficult to produce high-quality magic weapons, and at most, it can produce two levels. High-end things only.

Of course, if you can thoroughly analyze the insects of the high-grade insects, or study the mysteries of the dragon scales, and even know how to use the bones of Warcraft, then the forging level of the research institutes will definitely be a new level, the magic weapon of the third level. Nothing to say.

It is by the corpses of those monsters that human beings can create more powerful weapons, thereby giving the monsters a stronger and more powerful counterattack!

In the tailoring room, there are quite a few people who are using Dragon Skin and Warcraft Leather to make leather armor, armor and cloak. It seems to be specially made for the Major General of Yangcheng.

Li Jiayu’s heart moved directly into the tailoring room and took a set of pure white dragon cloak on his shoulder. For a time, Li Jiayu felt that his body seemed to be a lot lighter, hey, it turned out that this dragon skin cloak There are also wind elements.

"Hey? Xiaofang! Where did the cloak of the demon have just gone?"

"Isn't you holding it?"

"Yeah, I just took it, but obviously someone took it... Who is that person? Why can't you think of it?"

The people in the tailor's room are all big-eyed and small-eyed. They can't speak one by one. Inexplicably, they don't see a dragon's cloak. Is this too ridiculous? But no one can tell who is taking the dragon cloak...

Li Jiayu followed the stairs and walked up the third floor.

Suddenly, she felt a strong violent momentum, like the dragons in the deep sea, and the whole ocean was tossed to no peace!


A slightly wild question was heard from the small single room in front. Li Jiayu’s heart trembled, and he was secretly discovered that he was discovered?

In the small single room, it is a rough-looking man. It looks like a man in his twenties. His skin is dark and his muscles are angry. His hair is upside down like a lion, showing domineering and wildness.

His eyes slowly opened, and the whole small room was lit up. It was even filled with a kind of heavy pressure like Mount Tai, but it was more like a thousand beasts and fierce beasts facing you.

This man, is the same as "Wuhuang" Ling Qingyun, the name of Huafeiyang, the peak of the three poles, "Beast Emperor" inheritance, can be turned into a super powerful monster, melee attack power is scary!

Li Jiayu held his breath.

In the bottom of my heart, it’s awkward. Isn’t the dragon pendant a so good thing, even the inheritors of the three poles are not enough?

Also, Huafei Yang, your bastard, how did you go to the research institute to practice? Are you eating enough to do nothing?

If it is really discovered by Hua Feiyang... Maybe he will play with him. This is the peak of the three poles. Can you beat him? It is still a big problem...

When Li Jiayu was uneasy, Hua Feiyang in the small single room closed his eyes. He felt that everything was an illusion just now, because his spiritual power spread out, but he did not find any abnormality.

"Oh... maybe it’s my heart..."

Li Jiayu stood in the same place, waiting for a few breathing hours, and found that Huafeiyang did not come out, her heart was slightly stable, she carefully patted the chest, and then continued to move toward the fourth floor...

The fourth floor is the key point of the focus, because there are magical plants cultivated here, all kinds of green seedlings, as well as colorful culture liquids, and do not know what kind of materials are used.

"Old yellow, this kind of corn seed, which combines a lot of good genes, is still carefully selected..."

"Old Huang, look at this rice seed, full and thick, one kind, you can sprout in half a day, you can head in three days, you can harvest in a week..."

"Old Huang, look at this potato, don't look at it. It's only the size of the finger. It's just the smallest one I picked out. I really want to plant it. This stuff can absorb nutrients quickly, and the development speed is incredible. Tens of thousands of pounds are not a problem..."

Several scholars and physicists are discussing each other. When Li Jiayu swayed, he swayed in, took a few fine seeds, put them in his pocket, and finally continued to sway.

"Hey? Strange... How did the seeds I just took out disappear?"

The bots face each other, but no one remembers where the seeds went.

Li Jiayu went up to the fifth floor, where there are a lot of refining medicinal herbs. These medicinal herbs are masterpieces of alchemists and sorcerers. They use many precious materials, as well as dragon blood, insect blood and insect brain. Some of the things, together with the melted insect crystal refining, some medicinal herbs can temporarily stimulate the potential, some can stop bleeding and blood, some can treat the pain, some can restore physical strength.

As for the restoration of mental strength, there are naturally, but relatively rare, each one is quite expensive.

Li Jiayu can be expensive, she directly caught a few bottles of rejuvenating medicinal herbs into the pocket, and then patted the **** to leave.

But it is at this time!

There were a few angers behind him:

"Hey! Little girl! How did you get in?" (To be continued)

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