Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 643: Base of the survivors of Guizhou

"No! You can't leave Xiaofen, you have to go! I want to have trouble with Xiaofen..."

Seeing that several companions were about to drop the girl who fell to the ground, a strong man in his early thirties couldn’t help himself. He turned back and ran with the big hammer in his hand and ran towards the falling girl. She lifted her up, but the blue-eyed giant ant that rushed to the front had already rushed to the surface. It raised the scorpion's double tongs high and slammed it down. !


The strong man is a second-class mid-level brute force fighter. He is a pure melee-type power system inheritor. The big hammer in his hand is made from the fusion of the insect's carapace. At this time, he wields a hammer and a dazzling yellow. The light burst out from the hammer, carrying explosive power, and colliding with the giant tongs of the blue-eyed giant ant!


Strong and strong, only one face, the strong man's wrist burst into a burst of fried beans like a crisp sound, apparently he can not withstand the giant force of the blue-eyed giant ants, the shock of the power of the tiger's mouth cracked, wrist dislocation !

The blue-eyed giant ant is a strong man in the Zerg, even the second-order high-ranking Berserkers are not willing to compete with it, let alone a second-class middle-aged brute force fighter!


The hammer in the hands of the brute force fighters immediately flew out. The terrible impact force was to smash the brute force fighters and the fallen girls out of the dozens of meters. The two men squatted on a big tree and streaked the drama. Pain, the lungs smashed into the sea, almost broke off!

"team leader!"

"Well! How is the captain so stupid, knowing that he can't save Xiaofen, but he still wants to die in the past!"

"Continue to escape! Don't worry about the captain and Xiaofen. With our strength, it is not the opponent of the blue-eyed giant ant. Not to mention other bugs..."

"But...but the captain saved me so many times, I can't watch the captain die like this!"

"Yes! That's right. I'm not a devout cowardly coward. Anyway, it's a scary thing to continue to live in a shackle. It's better to die heroically, decent!"

For a time, two other men in the remaining six escaped teams rushed over. These two men were only the second-order low-level of the district, and their strengths were rather low. However, they did not rush to the blue-eyed giant ants. Attack, fireball, and curse all greet the blue-eyed giant ants!


It is useless at all, their low strength. Even the insects of the blue-eyed giant ants can't be broken!


The blue-eyed giant ant was successfully attracted to the attention of the two men. It glared at his eyes, turned his head, and glanced at them with hatred and violently. At the same time as the screaming screams, the blue tentacles on his head radiated two lightnings!

These two lightnings. The two men were slammed in the air, and they were all burnt in the air, and there was a thick smoke. They didn’t know whether they were dead or alive. Anyway, they turned into coke and fell softly on the ground. .

The power of blue-eyed giant ants is much stronger than them. Killing them is like simply eating and drinking!

"No! Su Zhe, Wang Yue... Let's go! Hurry up. Don't take care of us anymore. Just go back a dozen kilometers and go back to our base. Then we will rescue the soldiers and let them give us revenge!"

The brute force soldier who coughed with blood gasped, and hardened himself to get up, even though his hands were dislocated. But he still has some power to fight again!

"Yes... Captain yourself, be careful!"

The remaining four companions sighed with sorrow and despair, turned their heads and left, letting the strength of the milking rush to the base.

It’s a pity that they thought it was too naive, because there was a sharp break in the back, and four companions were shocked, and the heart almost stopped beating!

That kind of voice...

It is a purple beetle!

The purple beetle at the second peak!


The purple beetle doesn't know how much it is better than the blue-eyed giant ant. Even the three-level low-ranking strongman is quite difficult to deal with, let alone the flying speed of the purple beetle. Four people are two. The low-level inheritors, although they all run faster than motorcycles, but in front of the purple beetle is simply the existence of slag!

In the twinkling of an eye, the purple beetles had already flown over their heads and then landed in front of them. It squirmed a sharp and cold python, just like a mouse, watching the four shivering Humanity!

"The purple beetle... God, why are we so unlucky to encounter this bug!"

"Let's commit suicide, suicide can at least die a little dignity, better than being eaten by insects..."

"It’s better to die than to die. I don’t want to die... fight, we can’t sit still!”

Among the four men, three men have been completely desperate. They just want to wait for death. Only a handsome young woman with a short hair in her thirties is unyielding and unwilling. She carries the alloy sword in her hand. Suddenly erupted, the vague sword in the middle of the sacred sword with the naked eye, waving between, there is the power of the storm, forming the prototype of the wind blade, obviously this hearty young woman is about to break through to the second-level middle.

It is a pity that she will not be unwilling to make a breakthrough. How can she break through and make a difference in the face of huge power gap? Only when she meets, the purple beetle waved her forefoot very impatiently, and opened the young woman’s sword, followed by another The other front leg was heavily bombarded on the young woman, and the young woman was suddenly thrown out, and there was no breath, no life or death!

Seeing that young women also hate defeat, all the people... are desperate, dead, can't see any hope, and can't bring any courage to resist!


At this time, the insects in the back have already rushed up, and the head is a green beetle. This green beetle crawls extremely fast, and the wind and fire are rushing toward the brute force fighters. The brute force fighters are red-faced. The dislocated hands are wrestling with the green beetle!

However, another green beetle has also rushed over. Its goal is not a brute force fighter, but the name of Xiaofen, the first girl who fell to the ground and dragged the whole team!

In the face of the attack of the green beetle, Xiaofen could only close her eyes with horror and uneasiness. She was extremely injured and her lungs tumbling, and even a little resistance could not be done!

"No, Xiaofen..."

In the roar of the grievances of the brute force fighters, Xiaofen was rushed over by the blue beetle. The two front legs were directly caught on Xiaofen’s shoulders, tearing it to the flesh and blood, and the poisonous fluff between the legs. Deeply pierced into the blood vessels...


Xiaofen gave a sputum-like low-pitched, painful face. However, at this time, the green beetle had opened its mouth and the big sickle was also opened to the limit. The gums are torn down!

It only takes a blink of an eye to bite Xiaofen’s head!

Seeing that Xiaofen is going to break his soul, the entire team is about to end the group...


Just listening to a muffled sound, a fierce light at the speed of the naked eye is difficult to see through the layers of air, flying and rolling, like a turbine like a broken air!

what is that?

That turned out to be a group of spinning-like rotating lights!


The next moment, there was a crisp sound, but the rotating light group had already passed through the body of the green beetle. The power of the violent light caused the body of the blue beetle to burst into black smoke and burn its flesh and blood. The power of terror is to carry a large body of several tons of green beetles, fly out a dozen meters away, and squat on the trunk!

It struggled a few worm legs, and in the faint mourning, there was no breath at all, and the huge wounds of the discs also ran out of nausea and visceral debris.

Under one blow, killing the blue beetle does not make people feel shocked...

However, everything that happened next time, but the members of the conscious team in the field almost gave up the eyes!


I saw the sky madly twisting and swaying the green vines. These vines are like dexterous water snakes, but they are like rubber bands that can be extended indefinitely, spilling over and over!

The purple beetle looked up and slammed a few times, and was tied tightly by the vines. There was no gap at all!

Even the ten-meter-high behemoth, a blue-eyed giant ant, is also completely covered by vines, just like the poor insects that have been submerged by the swamp...

In addition, the dozens of worms that rushed over, including the scorpion scorpion, the shield beetle, the colorful scorpion, the venomous spider, and the wolf-headed spider, were all entangled in dense vines, one of which was only wrapped like mummy!

The next moment.

All the vines are tight!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

More than a dozen sore explosions rang...

The brute force fighter, Xiaofen, and the other three desperate men are stunned, and they almost have to breathe, because they know that the sounds are the explosion of the worm body being squeezed into vine sauce by the vines...

It’s easy, the powerful bugs that just got them out of the group, so they’ve been pinched by the vines?


Soon, all the twisted vines contracted backwards and turned into a red long whip nearly 100 meters long. At this time, brute force fighters and other talents followed the long whip and saw a sacred handsome in the sky. The huge angel, on his arm, is holding two beautiful human women, one of them holding a long whip...

Obviously, the woman with the long whip saved the team!

"She, who are they? Is it human? Is she the savior sent by other bases to support our base?"

The brute force soldier wiped his face with his back, his eyes were full of shock and sluggishness, and there was deep admiration and conviction...

It is easy to kill so many bugs in the second, I am afraid that the two people in the sky are all above the middle level? ! ~!

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