Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 668: Old dean

"How is it so noisy outside?"

Inside the Yucheng Research Institute, a group of researchers, botanists, metal abilities, enchanters, alchemists, celestial masters, and fire masters wearing white coats held meetings in the lobby of the top floor. It informs the progress and breakthroughs of research in recent days.

Just as the meeting was coming to an end, when it was about to break up, the outside was like a cannon. The cheers and the screams of indecent screams were even more horrible than the patients in the mental hospital. The research institutes of the University of Denno are turbulent and seriously affect the meeting.

"Don't worry about what people are going crazy outside and continue to meet. We just need to start a large soundproof enchantment, and it's good to isolate the sound outside the hall!"

The person who spoke is the old dean of the scientific research institute. He is over 60 years old. His hair on his head has already fallen into the light. The standard big bald head is slightly fat, but in the time of peace, he was in the capital’s Chinese Academy of Sciences. Gao, later transferred to Tiannan Province, presided over the development of science and technology in Tiannan Province, is a master figure who has been immersed in the scientific research area for decades.

After the end of the world, he obtained the ghost of the alchemist. He was a three-level low-ranking character. Now he has passed for more than three months. He has been promoted to a third-level mid-level alchemist. It is more proficient in alchemy and forging. There are many special effects and magic weapons in the museum.


Nowadays, the research institutes are caught in a state of paralysis. Because the plant department has failed one after another, despite the investment of a lot of energy and funds, the effect is extremely unsatisfactory. The more anxious, the more eager for quick success, the final result... ... Naturally, the magic seeds that are cultivated are slag. Even the most effective premium sweet potato takes half a month to really mature... and the sweet potatoes that are produced are not too many. Once you pick it up, it’s gone.

Half a month?

Have a fart! After half a month, I am afraid that there are two million hungry people who have starved to death in Yucheng!

"The dean, the enchantment has been laid out."

An enchanted teacher waved his hand at random and said to the old dean, bowing his head. This enchantment is the best character in Yucheng, and the strongest enchantment. It is close to the third-level middle class. It is a big man. However, his sense of fighting is very poor, he did not dare to go to the battlefield, usually stay in the research institute to drum, or help the building to arrange the protective enchantment.

"Well... continue. Let's continue to talk about whether there is a new breakthrough direction. We must overcome this difficulty in the shortest time, because we can't wait, the hope of more than seven million hungry people in the city is in ours. On the shoulders!" The old dean looked around in a circle, his eyes swept through all the faces, and said in a sigh of anger.

"Sorry... Dean, we really can't do anything. You have seen these sweet potatoes. This is our limit, unless we give us another month or two..." A third-grade low-level botaster Shaking his head and sighing, he is also very anxious, but it is difficult for a clever woman to be without rice. Tiannan Province is an emerging province after all. The foundation is weak, lack of a large number of botanists and agronomists, lack of theoretical basis in a short time, and the strongest phytologist Lu Dingyun has also died, so it is difficult to cultivate new magic seeds. How can it happen overnight?

"Oh! This is not the case, it will not work... We are against the people of the city!"

The old dean shook his head in blame, and the thin palms were pinched into fists, exposing many blue veins. Obviously he also felt a deep weakness and anxiety.

Xie Wenyuan opened his mouth, but still did not say anything, but could not help but sigh.

Xie Wenyuan is the vice president of the research institute, presided over the work of Rune Wen, and led the team of the enchantment division, Xie Wenyuan's strength. It is also close to the third-level intermediate, and is well versed in the enchantment of the Fairy Rune and the Fairy, and is second only to the Vice President in the position and prestige of the entire research institute.

But this extremely wide famine is too difficult, and Xie Wenyuan has no way at all...

At this time, the enchantment was shocked and quite awkward:

"Not good, it seems that someone has to force it in, my sound enchantment has been broken..."

The voice of the enchantment was not lost, and the steel door of the roof of the research institute was kicked open, followed by a magnetically pleasing female voice:

"Oh, I am really coming when I am... are people so okay?"

Upon hearing this voice, many people in the research institutes were struck by lightning, and they turned their heads and brushed their heads with unbelievable eyes on uninvited people...

that person……

It is a bright goddess Li Jiayu who was exiled to a different world with the dark evil dragon!

how is this possible?

Although Xie Wenyuan has revealed that she may return to Yucheng on the full moon night... But who said this? Divination is divination after all, there is no one hundred percent accuracy, many people do not believe that Li Jiayu can return to the world!

But now Li Jiayu not only came back, but also came back in advance, and even unscathed, a pair of excellent squats, as if she was not captured by the dark evil dragon, but traveled happily outside!

"Li... Major Li... How come you..."

Even the old dean had opened his mouth and pointed his fingers to Li Jiayu. He was so shocked that he couldn’t speak. Li Jiayu was the man of the city, and saved more than seven million survivors. I personally ended the Battle of the Dragons, which almost destroyed the city. The old dean even knows how to deal with the outside world, and I recognize that this person is Li Jiayu!

"Oh, nothing, just the end of the tour."

Li Jiayu slowly walked over to the crowd. At this time, Xie Wenyuan smiled quite comfortably. He nodded to Li Jiayu and calmly said:

"It’s good to come back, late Qing and Hongxia are waiting for you..." I don’t know why, Xie Wenyuan’s eyes on Li Jiayu are no longer the same as before, but with a kind of... Looking at the strange taste of the granddaughter, perhaps, Xie Wenyuan has also seen it very open, no longer contradicting the love of Li Xia.

"Well, I will see them later when I will..."

Said, Li Jiayu took out a transparent glass bottle from the bag, poured out a lot of magic seeds from it, and threw it directly on the table, watching the old dean, whispered:

“You don’t have to waste any energy on cultivating new crops... it’s enough to just plant these plants vigorously.”

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