Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 682: Devilish sneer

Speaking of it, Lan Xiaoyue is also asking for bitterness. Imitate who is not good. I want to imitate the goddess of light. As a result, I have violated some of the taboos in the dark, and I have been cursed by the goddess of light...

What’s worse is that Lan Xiaoyue’s wedding day was still stupid enough to invite Li Jiayu. At the wedding, Li Jiayu also shook hands with Chu Xiang and arranged the suit collar for the groom’s official... So Chu Xiang was destined to After the annihilation, the destiny has pushed forward the bottomless abyss. Li Jiayu’s “widowed halo” and “death male halo” have all been fully opened, and the newly married couples have been devastated on the day of the wedding, and they have been dismantled... ....

The secret of this meditation has not yet been known by anyone. Even if the party’s broom star Li Jiayu is not aware of the situation, he is completely unaware that he is suffering from Chu Xiang’s marriage to the afflicted couple.

Ironically, Li Jiayu actually pretended to have a look of distress and grief to comfort the "abandoned woman" Blue Xiaoyue, the standard cat crying and swearing.

"Small moon, I want to open it... Chu Xiang is not completely unable to come back. Maybe he still has one percent, one thousandth chance to return to the previous stupid big..."

"No matter how many opportunities, I believe that my sincerity will surely touch him and remind him of our true love between each other..." Blue Moon’s fingers trembled in uneasiness, although his face made every effort to put a pair The expression of death, but anyone can see that she has no grasp at all, but she is deceiving herself and obeying it.

"Hey... why are you doing this? I don't object to infatuation... but blind infatuation has no good results, I ask you, why do you like Chu Xiang?"

Lan Xiaoyue was asked by Li Jiayu to feel shocked and sighed:

"Chu Xiang is very strong and very heroic. I am also very caring for me. I used to be very ordinary. I didn't recognize anyone who was thrown into the crowd, but Chu Xiang did not deny me ordinary, often cooperate with me, even if I have pulled his hind legs several times and he has not blamed me. Instead, he has repeatedly comforted like a big brother... When I fled, my strength was too weak to control the insects but could not effectively attack. I often encounter dangers, and occasionally I will linger on the line of life and death. If Chu Xiang saved me... I am afraid I have already buried halfway..."

"Just because Chu Xiang saved you several times, you like him?" Li Jiayu has summoned the void mirror. Use this to improve your IQ and emotional intelligence.

"No... Chu Xiang, he is really good to me. There has never been a boy who is so good to me. I am very happy to be with him..."

"Are you sure you really love him? There are many kinds of love...not necessarily the love between men and women, but also the love between brothers and sisters. If you freeze, you love her bugs, although often order her bugs as cannon fodder. The battle was dead, but she usually had excellent worms, and the worms were willing to die for her. However, there was only master and servant between the jelly and the worm, and there was no love... otherwise it was the human worm. The horror film." Li Jiayu made a metaphor.

"No, it is not like this... Chu Xiang is not a bug. I really have deep feelings with Chu Xiang!"

"Do you know that your feelings are deep? I know that you are willing to be killed by Chu Xiang, and you know that you have a lot of tears for Chu Xiang... but you are really wrong, you just enjoy the warm feeling of taking care of you. You used to be too humble and too ordinary. They are often ignored or even teased by boys, so you will easily move your heart in contact with Chu Xiang. In fact, you are not tempted. You just like a man around you. Just wandering..."

"You are nonsense... You don't know my feelings at all. Why do I say that I am wrong, you are not a locust in my stomach..." Blue Xiaoyue licked his ears with both hands, as if he saw the monsters and monsters looked at the cold and incomparable Li Jiayu, still shaking his head desperately, is unwilling to continue listening.

But Li Jiayu’s voice seems to have a magical power. Heavy and powerfully hit her confidence, let her start to shake up, she involuntarily began to doubt ... whether he really liked the dragon people Chu Xiang in just three months.

"I am not a locust in your stomach, but I am getting along with you and Chu Xiang. I don't think you are married to Chu Xiang. It is his wife. Don't dream, what you do is Already betrayed you, you are a woman who is vain and wants to face. Otherwise, you will not live in this dormitory, and you will not meet your parents. If you really love Chu Xiang, what you should do is to think. Trying to help him recall his memory, instead of trying to hug him three times and four times, he was kicked and kicked and hurt back to the nest and secretly shed tears..."

"Don't say it, even if you have a lotus flower, I still love Chu Xiang... I am Chu Xiang's bride!" Lan Xiaoyue closed his eyes painfully, and there was a drop of tears in his eyes that slipped silently, shaking his head. The magnitude is even bigger, and a silver-white hair is smashed, and it becomes messy from the original suppleness.

"Let's come to the bride to live alone, have you kissed Chu Xiang? Have you slept with Chu Xiang? Have you ever been pregnant for him? Even if these are all, it does not mean anything, in this cruel world of people eating people... The number of people in ** is that if you have several couples, you don’t have a couple of wives. Many women have hundreds of husbands?”

"No... I am very pure with Chu Xiang, not what you want. Chu Xiang is stupid and awkward. He never takes the initiative to take advantage of me. He respects me very much... But I just like his modest gentleman... ..."

"Oh, even the relatives have not kissed, you are still very embarrassed to say that his wife is awkward, don't forget, you did not drink a glass of wine during your wedding, and did not enter the bridal chamber." Li Jiayu shrugged, wearing a void on his face The mirror exudes a faint radiance, adding a wise scent to Li Jiayu, as if he has an insight into all the world, he continues: "Chu Xiang does not really love you... know? Chu Xiang is just Think of you as a substitute..."


Blue Xiaoyue was stiff and looked up at Li Jiayu. Suddenly, she felt a bitter cold chill and passed it from the head to the sole of her foot. Even the blood in her body seemed to form ice. She almost collapsed. With his lips, muttered to himself:

"I don't believe... Chu Xiang is so good to me, he will definitely not just use me as a substitute..."

"Less comes from deceiving people." Li Jiayu deliberately extended his voice, his lips swelled, and ridiculed like a sharp flying knife into the heart of Blue Moon: "You don't know Ling Shaoping, Yang Xuyan, Lu Feiyang, Feng They are thinking about what they are... They all treat me as a woman, even if I know that I don’t have a chest, I force myself to turn my brain into a goddess of light, all of them are daydreaming... Chu Xiang The same is true. On the surface, it is very heroic. I am willing to be a pawn, but in fact, what he thinks and thinks... There is not much difference with Ling Shaoping. It happens that you started to imitate me at that time. I got a similar white hairstyle and blue eyes, but you became a golden partner with him, so he poured the perverted distorted feeling into you and regarded you as the goddess of light, that is, I... bluntly, you are just my substitute..."

"No... not like this, I am not your substitute... You don't want to be too self-righteous to cut off the relationship between me and Chu Xiang. Not all men in the world have feelings for you... You lied to me, you must be Laugh me!" Blue Xiaoyue's pupil violently contracted, shaking his head in disbelief, his brain was in chaos, and the cold sweat instantly covered his back. At this moment, she simply panicked to the extreme.

"Oh? Not a substitute? Not a substitute. Why do you still have to imitate me? Before you imitate me, did Chu Xiang have a look at you once? Even if there is, it is only for the care of the companions. Is it you? I didn't find out, the more you imitate me... The more Chu Xiang likes you? Don't say Chu Xiang... Even if they look at your eyes, haven't they completely changed?" Li Jiayu smiled coldly and sat down On the sofa, I didn't look at Lan Xiaoyue, but his voice was like the cold hurricane blown out of hell, and Lan Xiaoyue had a goose bump and shivered.

"Just, even if Chu Xiang just treats me as a substitute... I like to be your substitute!" At this time, Lan Xiaoyue finally collapsed, tears flowed, and he said the most in his heart. To say something.

"Isn't that you got it? Since you have already admitted... Why should you go to the horns again? Chu Xiang just treats you as a substitute. Half of his feelings for you are false... Have you ever heard of it? People are rational creatures. Even if they lose their memory, they will not be alienated from those they have loved before. They will not punch and kick people who have loved them. Do you see that Chu Xiang has aversion to the wind and the original? You see Chu Xiang has hated his family, his parents? Obviously not... So we can draw a conclusion... that is, Chu Xiang has never loved you!"

"Even if he didn't love me deeply... I have already married him..." Lan Xiaoyue closed his eyes and squeezed all the tears from the eye mask, and his nose was crying red.

Seeing the pain of Lan Xiaoyue, Li Jiayu sighed and grabbed the wrist of Lan Xiaoyue and forced her to pull in front of her face. Her face was facing her face and her breath could be sprayed on the other side.

"Even if you marry someone, can you still divorce? What's more... The feelings between you are all false. It's like a bubble. It's not practical. Instead of continuing to squat down... it's better to break it earlier, otherwise it will be reversed. Suffering from its chaos, it is you who are suffering at the time, but also Chu Xiang... Look at the opening of Xiaoyue, do you look at Feng Yuyuan and Yang Xuyan, are they not a talent?" Li Jiayu showed a devilish sneer.

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