Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 695: Brotherhood, completely insulated

"Don't you come!"

Li Jiayu angrily said that when Fang Fang was almost killed by Liu Yinsha as a real beauty dog, Li Jiayu was forgiven for Fang Fang, and she was regarded as a "dry sister" to take care of her and let her Live with Li Banyue.

However, it is not a wish, Li Jiayu was taken away from the world by the dark evil dragon for eight days. Although the eight-day time is not very long, it is enough to happen too many things, especially Liu Yinsha. The slutty woman of the color will surely take the opportunity to take Fang Fang back again! .

Therefore, Fang Fang spent another ten nights under Liu Yinsha’s arrogance... Fang Fang at this time has been trained by Liu Yinsha to become a gentle and obedient beauty dog, will not resist, only Conversely, even if Liu Yinsha told her to do anything as shy, she would not complain, but would be faintly excited.

I don’t know how many nights, Fang Fang was sullenly insulted by Liu Yinsha, crying and crying, and even the pink little hips behind him were stretched out by Liu Yinsha’s four fingers. ......

"Reassured, I have my own size... Fang Fang is such a superb stunner, how can I be mad at her? I have not annihilated her personality and dignity, just to make her more sensitive and more reversible, Oh, the day is pure and innocent, like an angelic girl... In the evening, she is hungry and thirsty, like the little color girl who is treated rudely... isn't that good?"

"It's not good at all! Don't do it too much! Fang Fang, she is so pitiful, can't you be a little better for her?"

"Fang Fang is the most fun toy... Toys are for people to play, playing horizontally and vertically, what is the relationship between playing and metamorphosis?" Liu Yinsha said with a smile: "You must kill her at the beginning." ...... You don't even think about it. If you kill her, would it be too cruel, and I just tame her, and you feel that I am hopeless, oh, how can you be so indecisive. Repeated impermanence? It won't be in the relationship with Fang Fang... You look at the little girl, I can have something in front, Fang Fang that little hoof, can only hurt, can't love... you don't forget that she is Blood Angel!"


Li Jiayu snorted with anger and stunned Liu Yinsha.


At this time, the door of the villa was pushed open, and Luo Li Fangfang, who was carrying two cute scorpions, finally came in. There was a trace of exhaustion on her face, apparently that she consumed too much physical energy when she went out to kill the worms today.

"Mom... I am back, hey, is your brother?"

Fang Fang’s tender and crisp voice sounded, and then she immediately lit her eyes and looked at Li Jiayu with surprise. No matter what, she ran to Li Jiayu. She said: “Is my brother looking for Fang Fang?”

"Small waves hooves stayed on the side, did not see the aging mother is intimate with your brother?" Liu Yinsha is still sitting on Li Jiayu's lap. Hold his neck.


"Into your room, put on your sailor suit, this evening your Jiayu brother should enjoy our mother and daughter!" Liu Yinsha smugly swept Fang Fang.

"Scared? Really..." Fang Fang snorted. I don't know if I am shy or looking forward to it.

Sure enough, has this little girl been assimilated by Liu Yinsha?

However, she was only in her early teens!

"Don't listen to Liu Yinsha nonsense, I am not a satyr... I never thought I would mess with you..."

Li Jiayu rolled his eyes and pushed Liu Yinsha down. Then he stood up and took Fang Fang’s hand. His eyes flashed a little bit of pity: “I’m going to live with me for half a month tonight, now I’m back. Don't mix up with Liu Yinsha's big metamorphosis, she will pollute you like her... Hey, let me go."

Li Jiayu’s kindness is really hard to come by, but unexpectedly...

Fang Fang actually showed a difficult color, hesitated for a moment before gently shaking his head. Crisp and lively: "Jiayu brother... Sorry, I still prefer to live with my mother, my mother is very good to me, and Fang Fang is very comfortable..."

"Oh... you..."

Li Jiayu was really insulted by Fang Fang, and Fang Fang was completely conquered by Liu Yinsha at such a young age. Still have it in the future?

"Hey, have you seen it? Fang Fang is not willing to go with you, it is better to stay with Fang Fang..."


Li Jiayu, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, directly took Fang Fang away and took her away from Liu Yinsha, lest she be stunned by Liu Yinsha...

Liu Yinsha is a woman who is terrible. Now Fang Fang has already gone out of the way and likes the taste of being taught by her. If it is another three or five years, what kind of virtue will Fang Fang become? I am afraid that the pure and lovely Fang Fang will become the second Liu Yinsha.

A Liu Yinsha is enough for Li Jiayu to have a headache. If another girl version of "Liu Yinsha" comes in, Li Jiayu will be finished!

This night, Li Jiayu let his sister Li Banyue take care of Fang Fang well, and he slept with the sables. The mother-in-law of the next room was arrogant and angry, and complained that the son-in-law was too jealous and did not know to come to comfort. A mother-in-law who was a cold day.

"Jiayu... Today, when I went to distribute food with colorful clothes and Jiang Feng, I met a very familiar friend..." 晏紫苏偎在李佳玉怀, softly said, the voice seems to have a little bit of sorrow .

"Familiar friend? Male woman?" Li Jiayu squatted on the waist of the sable, and gently kissed her chest before raising her head and asked.

"Men's... He seems to be my elementary school classmate, but I can't completely confirm that his face has been disfigured, and there is no way to see what he looks like..." He has a memory of it.

"Oh? Is there anything special about him?" Li Jiayu moved gently, closer to the sable, almost entering her deepest part.

"Well, lightly... He has a strange power, very powerful, and it seems that he is not much worse than the second-level tyrant. But he is a fool, his brain is not good, he does not know who he is. However, he has an accent of Xijiang City, and... his name is Ming Jiali."

"Ming Jiali?" Li Jiayu could not help but tremble!

Ming Jiali! ? ?

Reversed to read... Isn’t Li Jiamin?

Li Jiamin is a cousin!

When I thought of my cousin, the body temperature of Li Jiayu dropped a lot, and the original strong ** also extinguished a lot... but the little brothers below are even more hot. Because he is holding the once-in-a-century!

"Well... Ming Jiali, the previous primary school table is also the name of the name, he should be my primary school classmates, but I am not sure... oh, I don’t know why, I will think of it when I see him. Jiamin, Jiayu. You won't blame me... Would you give me some more time, I will completely forget him and be your wife wholeheartedly..." 晏紫苏 sobbed infinitely, holding Li Jiayu Hold tighter.

In fact, she also found some clues in her subconscious... but she did not dare to face it. She only thought that her feelings for Li Jiayu were not pure enough, and she was afraid that she would not be loyal to Li Jiayu.

"It doesn't matter, you don't need to blame the perilla. In fact, I am a big bad guy. I grabbed you from my cousin... If you really want to settle, I am sorry for him... but what about it? I like you. I don't want to lose you, so I just want you to be my wife, not to mention... my cousin has been eaten by the devil wolf. He is already in heaven. He can't resurrect, he can't take care of you. Let me come to you!"

"Fortunately, I still have Jiayu you, Jiamin, he has been eaten by the devil wolf, and why should I be self-interested... Jiamin can work for him. I have been cold for half a year, I really hate him... good Jade, I have been in your life, even if you are in your next life, you will always be yours!" 晏紫苏 excited to be tight, tears. The face is full of strange flushes, and I don’t know the peaks caused by the unique taste. Or I completely let go of my heart and I met Li Jiayu. She finally let go of herself completely...

After a fragrant time, the sable is only looking up. Deeply gazing at Li Jiayu, she was breathless, and the blush on her face became more and more attractive. The shameful and sultry style was fascinating, and Rao was seen by Li Jiayu countless times.

"Jiayu, let me... take a break."

"Well, do you like it?"

"I hate to die... Don't call me again, shame.... Are you coming out first? It's so good to be sour, you guys, why are you still not finished, it's been half an hour..."

"I don't know, maybe it's especially exciting tonight..." Li Jiayu is also a bit distressed. I don't know why. Whenever he mentions the cousin who died, he will be especially excited... This seems to be a bit abnormal.

"You know this bully thing, you know that you have to bully... I don't know how to learn!" The sables flew over the dagger, squinting at Li Jiayu, and said with affection, pushing away the little lover on his body, while gasping. While struggling to use water to restore his red and swollen huā valley.

The Wushan ** between the inheritors is extremely violent. The frequency of ordinary people can only be three or four times a second, but the big stallion like Yang An can go up to one hundred seconds. Li Jiayu The kind of **** is inferior, and it can only be one tenth of a second... but even so, the soft scallions are too much to eat.

"Cang, I still want to..."

Li Jiayu was full of passion tonight, and she suddenly let the 晏 晏 跪 跪 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 让 , 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 让 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛 猛

"Bad boy, come back to bully me..."

He has a closed eye, and he is ashamed and shivering...

"Isn't it the favorite to use a small huā..."

Li Jiayu's lips are attached with a trace of devilish smile. In the relationship with the sable basil, he has already found out the preferences of the priest, and she is the most sensitive to the small huā.

At the same time, a dormitory in the Yucheng army -

Here, it is the single suite that the most elite soldiers of the Warrior Camp can enjoy. Not only is the environment comfortable and complete, but even the magical array with water system, you can take a bath in the suite at any time.

"Ming Jiali! You will live with me in the future, have you heard it?"

Wearing a military gown, the heroic female officer holds the pointer, standing in front of the two idiots like a queen, and arrogantly teaching.

"Why, why should I live with you... The second fool is not used to such a spacious place... The second fool likes to live in the kennel..."

The second idiot is only unassuming that the ugly face under the cover of fluffy hair shows a hint of depression and irritability.

He has become accustomed to the life of poverty and sorrow. He is used to smelling the moldy smell all day long, and he is more accustomed to curling up in the corner like a wild dog, so he resists such a luxurious residence from the bottom of his heart.

"Dog nest? Well, of course you can live in the kennel. Hey, have you seen it? Just under my bed, isn't the space inside it too small? You can clean the dust under the bed, afterwards You will use the bottom of the bed as a kennel, so that you are satisfied?" The female officer said with a smile.

"But I...but I hate the smell on your body... This smell is weird... it makes me uncomfortable..." The second fool said with a dementia.

"What? The smell on my body is weird? It's a woman's fragrance! You foolish knows a fart. It's really unrecognizable. Some people are stupid to this point..." The female officer's board looked like a provocation. I used the pointer in my hand to smack the chest of the two idiots.

"I don't like it, I don't like it... You smell it... The smell of the dog on my body is good..." The second fool went to the female officer and approached the past.

The female officer was irritated and angry. When she punched, she slammed the two idiots a few meters away. Fortunately, the two idiots were thick and thick, but they were only beaten by the mouth, but it didn’t matter.

"You can't move men and women to give up, don't kiss me, don't rely on me so close, and your dog's smell should be cleaned up. Otherwise, I will punish you for not eating meat buns for three days!"

"Ah? Don't ah... The second fool can't have no delicious meat buns..." The second fool wants to cry without tears, pouting, just as sad as the death of the whole family.

"Take me to take a shower! After the shower, I will teach you how to use the energy of your body. You guys, there is a slap in the air and the internal force, but there is no move... No wonder you obviously The peak of the level is still not able to beat the second-level high-ranking officers..."


After a long while, the two fools in the bathroom screamed: "Oh, these bubbles are so strange that they can get more and more..."

In this way... The second idiot Ming Jiali lived with the beautiful officer, and worshipped this beautiful officer as a master.

Fortunately, this beautiful woman officer did not despise the second idiot and was ugly. Instead, he taught him with all his heart and soul. She believed that the second fool would one day soon... can become a major master of the major general! (to be continued

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