Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 711: Black cloud pressure city

A large group of abyssal monsters rushed out from the gaps in time and space, and smashed the smoke on the ground. The horrible impact destroyed the towering trees along the way. Even some hills and large rocks that block the road have been crushed into pieces!

This group of monsters has nearly eight thousand heads!

Perhaps, the 8,000-headed monster is not too much. It is not comparable to the previous large-scale insects and corpses. However, these monsters have extraordinary postures, and the body is filled with cold magic, and they are connected together. It’s like a wolf that goes straight into the sky, and it’s extremely amazing!

The team of eight thousand monsters is more powerful than the nearly 100,000 worms in the momentum!

Even the Dragon War, half a month ago, the horrible dragons who played were far from being able to compare with this group of monsters...

"What? Is there a corpse drilled out of the space crack in the west of the city?"

"How come? Before the corpse came out, the crack in the space would pre-boiling, how could it be that there was not a harbinger to run out of a large group of corpses..."

"Eyemaster! Eyes, look at the enemy!"

"No, Chu Commander, that is not a corpse...but the Mozu who ran out of the abyss. I saw thousands of magic tortoises, octopus monsters, weird vines, and small crabs and lobsters. Frogs... No, those animals are not the earth creatures we usually see, but the magical alien monsters... They are very strong, at least have the second-level strength, most of them are second-order high-order , peaks, and more than three levels... Oh, damn, there are close to a thousand heads above the third level!"

"A thousand heads above three?"


"Are you kidding? Sky-eyes, are you sure that your twenty-four-k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes are not broken? How can there be so many three-level strong hands in the magic object?"

So far, the inheritors of Yucheng have been solved and have been well trained and strengthened. There are also a variety of ammunition medicinal herbs supported by the research institutes, so the number of third-level inheritors is increasing, from a month ago. Hundreds of people have grown to more than two hundred, if they are counted dead. Then there are three hundred!

The inheritors of the third level or above can be regarded as the entrance to the room, and can get the situation on the battlefield. A three-level low-level master can get the same occupation of three or four second-level peaks, even if it is a hard metal plate. It may also be destroyed by their bare hands!


Now the eye-teacher actually said that there are nearly a thousand three-level monsters hidden in the enemy, such a terrible force... enough to push all the inheritors of the city into ashes. Even the entire city can be razed to the ground, chickens and dogs do not stay!

"Chu Sling, it's true! The group of monsters are all elite, full of magic, strong and strong, and fierce. At first glance, they are brave and good... they are all fast, too fast... this is In a blink of an eye, they have already run for two kilometers..."

I heard the embarrassment of the eye. Chu Taihong’s face became sullen, and he turned his head and looked at the smoke from the west side of the sky. Biting his teeth, he screamed:

"Pass me to order, mobilize all the inheritors to the west wall of the city! Whether it is the army ... or the hunter, or even the free man, must obey the order! Tonight we have to fight with the monster..."

"Chussian! Can we live? The other side may be several times stronger than the dragons half a month ago... maybe there is still a lord in the other camp..."

The eye-eyes shouted, he knows that Chu Taihong will not back down, but the meaningless refusal is simply not worth it... It’s better to spend a little time with the whole city being destroyed, think about how to make a small part. People escaped outside the city. Leave a kind of ignition to Tiannan Province...

"Stop! You can't help but swear! Before I die, Yucheng will not collapse!" Chu Taihong's face was gloomy, but there was another deep silence in the eyebrows. He was like a wolf. Look at the eye-eye master. Speak loudly:

"No matter how terrible the danger... God will shelter us, because...the goddess is with us! As long as she is still alive, even the monsters at the Lord's level will not want to attack the city!"

"Goddess...Yes, we have a goddess of light...but she doesn't have the epic power of a true goddess of light, in case she has a leak. We are not..." A deputy advised.

"Don't say it! Do as I say!" Chu Taihong waved his hand, and all the officers on the school field looked at each other. After hesitating for a moment, they all sneaked a military ceremony, and then they were on fire. The local action went.

At the same time, the people of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group have also realized the situation in the west. Jelly patted the heart with some fear and looked at all the people and said:

"The bug I was eating outside gave me the sight it saw... There, a large group of monsters... all quite powerful, even some monsters and tentacles as big as the hills... These hill-sized monsters have three levels of high-level, peak strength... Nima, which is more exaggerated than the last cracked dragon and thunder dragon... Hey, Li Jiayu, I also saw a lot of handsome men. Beauty... Aren't they the last male Roto and female Luoteng? God, there is a big head in the crack... Hey, a big turtle! It’s bigger than the black worm, no It's not a tortoise... It's almost going to evolve into a basalt, and there are a few snakes on the tail! I guess it's true... it's the lord, it's definitely the lord, and at the very least the lord-level middle!"

The soft and crisp sound of the jelly rang in the quiet room. Every time she said a word, everyone’s face in the room was ugly, especially when everyone learned that they would face a lord-level middle-class "At the time, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe!

Everyone is facing each other, even if Li Jiayu is no exception, he has widened his eyes, and now it is still unbelievable...

Just now he was still preparing for dinner tonight, and the city was calm, but why did so many magical things emerged in the blink of an eye, and the middle-class goods of the lord ran out... God, this is the beginning of the last days, You don't need to be so anxious to put super-powerful monsters out of harm to humans?

This is totally inconsistent with the historical process. Over and over again, the butterfly effect of the three places has quickly made Li Jiayu doubt his own memory.

"Xuanwu... It is unlikely that there may be no basaltic sacred beasts in the abyss. It should be a kind of magic tortoise. The higher their level, the longer they look like basaltic, but they don't have the power of basaltic...but The strength of the magic turtle is unquestionable. It’s really a master of the city, and maybe it’s possible to beat it...” Li Jiayu’s face was dignified and he scanned all the relatives and friends, but he soon thought of it. What are you talking about:

"Jelly, you said that there are male Luo Teng female Luo Teng in the magic object? The idiot... It seems that the female Roretta Queen is right, this sinister scorpion..."

Li Jiayu still remembers that the female Queen Routine is mad at the "Queen" and "Queen". She seems to regard herself as an emperor and Li Jiayu as a queen. She wants to capture Li Jiayu into her harem. What is even more perverted is that the female singer, the stupid queen, stunned Li Jiayu on the battlefield, and immediately took off Li Jiayu's trousers and pulled out his little brother. Li Jiayu was almost raped by her.

Of course, at that time, Li Jiayu was comatose because of the blood of the empress, and he did not know the specific situation. He was also a random guess. Naturally, the female queen of the vines would become a female devil.

"Unfortunately, the last time I fell short, I didn't take the opportunity to kill her... The result was that she ran back to the abyss to raise her wounds, and invited her to the big back. Hey, the magic turtle was tempted by her. Would you like to run to the city?"

"Jiayu, we are now..." Li Donglin clenched his fist. He felt that his blood was boiling. He had been practicing hard for so long. He already had a second-class combat power. Maybe he could help a little. busy.

"Well, fight against it!" Li Jiayu nodded and glanced at all the companions and relatives in the room. His face was firm and said, no matter what kind of crisis the city encountered... he had no second choice, the city was in the city, the city Broken people!

"breathing of fish--"

The jelly suddenly blew a bright whistle, and the flying worms in the basement of the hunter were immediately stimulated, rushing out of the passage, and then orderly arranged in the open space of the hunter, waiting The arrangement of the jelly.

These days... Jelly people's products broke out, and their mental strength leaps and bounds. After breaking through the second peak, they triumphed and advanced to the third-level low-level. The whole person seems to have undergone a transformation from the inside out, mental strength and capacity. It is five times stronger than half a month ago!

Today, her tamed pet has a three-level low-ranking upper dragon, two three-level mid-level worm kings, and ten ten-level low-level large worms. As for the third level, there are as many as one hundred. It was the basement where she placed the bugs. It was as big as three football fields, and almost all the underground of the Xijiang Hunting Magic Group was hollowed out!

"Sit on the back of the worm, we rushed to the west of the city at the fastest speed!" Jelly urged, the Xijiang hunting magic group's elite combat did not hesitate, one by one climbed on the back of the worm...

A moment later, Li Jiayu and others appeared in the west wall of the city of Yucheng. There, there have been a lot of restless and uneasy inheritors. The eight major generals came four or five, and the pair of red Xia and Xie light eyebrows The mother and daughter are also standing on the lookout, staring at the distance...

At the waist of the dyed red glow, there is a gorgeous knife with a golden brilliance. This legendary weapon is shaking in the ground. I don’t know if I want to drink the blood of the monster, or I want to wear it again. A few green hats...

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