Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 720: Foreign aid from the outside world

Dyeing Hongxia with the broken dream knife and the newly comprehended mother and daughter swordsmanship, the strength exerted has been infinitely close to the lord level, and is more powerful than the Lingcheng cloud of Yangcheng.

Unfortunately, her opponent is the tentacle king.

When the goods are young, even the legendary can be singled out, even if they are now dying, they also have the 30% combat power in the peak period. Once the madness comes, the middle-level leader is not necessarily its opponent! .

Therefore, dyed Hongxia was settled by ten tentacles, and the huge power gap was not so easy to cross...


The body that dyed Hongxia was thrown over to Li Jiayu like a meteor.

Li Jiayu was very interested in dyeing Hongxia's life and death. She did not hesitate. She directly fanned her wings and turned it into a lightning bolt. When she was empty, she rushed over to dye Hongxia and took her in her arms!

If she doesn't catch her, God knows where she will be thrown by that giant force. If she throws it on any hard stone, she may be smashed by the physical state of her body. ......

But it is at this time!

The tentacle king caught Li Jiayu's flaws and took advantage of her to catch the red glow. She suddenly smashed out more than 20 tentacles. These tentacles curled up and down, carrying the enormous power of the earth, and accelerated. Every tentacle The explosive force emerged, and Li Jiayu slammed down at the head. The tentacles covered with scarlet thorns and pink suckers shrouded the entire area, and it was filled with fierce and murderous murder!


Li Jiayu holds the dyed red glow, and the left and right rushes, like a light swift in the rain, evading the endless tentacle, but because the tentacle is too dexterous, the angle of the attack is smashing, and the tentacle king’s fighting consciousness and experience It is extremely rich and can accurately predict, so the sucker and barb of the tentacle often pass by Li Jiayu. If there is no bright shield to support, I am afraid that Li Jiayu has long been the poisoned hand of the tentacle king!

This old and undead old dog, really is not a fuel-efficient lamp, the mind is actually delicate to this extent!

Li Jiayu gradually couldn't avoid it. When she saw that she would be surrounded by countless tentacles, she whispered her lips, and the two clear cold springs burst into two lightnings, whispering in a low voice: "God's punishment Light!"

As soon as the voice fell, the black clouds in the sky smashed dozens of huge lightnings. Each of them had the same fatality as a water tank. It was bombarded in every tentacle of the tentacle king. It has a small hard straight, and the tentacles still have a stinky black smoke. It seems that there are still many barbs and suckers that are blown up and fluttered and flesh and blood are blurred!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Jiayu quickly flew out of the tentacles of the tentacle with the dyed red Xia, and then kept the distance and sent the red Xia to the hands of the Sun brothers and sisters to help them take care of the big silly girl.


The tentacle king roared, and a **** basin spewed a stinking heat wave, emitting a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye, and the people and monsters that shook the entire battlefield trembled!

"Hey, is it irritating? But it’s useless to get angry. Come on, let’s take a good look at the account. She is my person. In this world, only I can hurt her any other creature to hurt her. I have to pay for it. The price!"

Li Jiayu whispered coldly at the tentacle king. She stretched out her hand, and in a series of starlights, the lord's weapon blush appeared in her hands!

To deal with the evil creatures of the tentacle king, it is natural to use the blush of the flame attribute to burn it!

The tentacle king did not hesitate, and did not seem to put the legendary weapon in his eyes.

It directly squirmed the tentacle and rushed toward Li Jiayu, confident that he could crush Li Jiayu!

Two lord-level creatures clashed.

Tentacles, suction, black gas, mixed together, everywhere is full of crisis, the tentacle king even spews out a black-red ink, these inks spilled on Li Jiayu's bright shield, instantly light The shield is clean and clean, and dissolves the mental power of Li Jiayu...

Li Jiayu also has no soft hands, the light of the gods, the light of the arrows, the rain of the meteor, the light magic of the lord level, one by one, the range is great, the damage is also very strong, and the dark creatures are very good. Effect, especially Li Jiayu waving a long blush with one hand, drawing a beautiful arc, the crimson fire and the sacred white light complement each other and turn into Changhong!

Changhong rolled down, Fang Fang avalanche when the snow on the top of the snow rushing down the snow, with an unstoppable trend, in the vertical and horizontal can not be the power of the world, the tentacle king completely swallowed!


The tentacle king couldn't stand Li Jiayu's restraint on its attributes. The black-red skin was burnt by the white light and red light. There was no skin on the surface. The skin was intact. A lot of barbs and suckers were Destroy, blood and pus flow are everywhere!

Li Jiayu also had some whitish face. Although she was not hurt by a tentacle, her mental power was also polluted by the black gas of the tentacle king. Not only did it become impure, but it was also extremely depleted. But in a minute, Li Jiayu has only half of his mental strength!

The horrible tentacle king, this is not only a lot of tentacles, complicated means, but also a gift to erode other people's spiritual strength, no wonder it will be so strong...

Seeing the tentacle king and Li Jiayu playing the real fire...

Not far from the Tortoise King has won!


Countless ice arrows, greeted the blood fog and black smoke, and let Fang Fang and Liu Yinsha return to human form, both of which spit blood and soft on the ground!

They have tried their best, but in the end... still can't resist the turtle at the lord level!

This cargo is too strong. Even if it hangs down, the strength falls to the lower level of the lord, but it is also a bad ship and three nails. All kinds of experience and power are not the two new ones!

"Oh... this stinky tortoise is too hard, it can't be moved at all, but its magical attack is still so frequent, who can hold it..."

Liu Yinsha complained that his face was white and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. Obviously, he was extremely unwilling. He couldn’t come out to play the limelight. The result ended in disastrous defeat. Anyone who changed it would be quite unhappy, but what is her solution? ? She is only a three-level middle class, Fang Fang and Ivy are only three high-level, three low-level women want to challenge the lord level, it is simply a dream!

The only one who has not been injured is the fairy dragon Ivy. With her rebound and teleportation, she hasn’t been beaten by the turtle.

However, she is now cowardly and weak, seeing Fang Fang also fell to the ground, suddenly panic, do not know what to do...

Worse, the Magic Turtle King apparently gave up Ai Wei, anyway, how to fight can not hurt the little Loli, it is better to change the target!

Naturally, the Turtle King selected the target on Li Jiayu!

It has to join forces with the tentacle king to make Li Jiayu down!

"Smelly tortoise, don't run, don't go to hinder Ivy's mother, your opponent is me, hear no!"

Ivy was so anxious that her eyes were red, and she used space cutting magic to make a magic like a wind blade. This super-killing magic can easily cut off the titanium alloy, but it greets the turtle. But it was immediately wiped out by the protective layer on it, and even the body could not do it!

The defense of the Lord Turtle King is not the third-level high-ranking younger sister who can break it. Ivy is good at teleportation and sneak attack and magic. The overall attack power is better than that of the top. This super-strong meat shield, she can only blink.


Far away, the Turtle King spewed out the ice arrows and poison arrows at Li Jiayu, and almost forced Li Jiayu into a desperate situation!

"Mom! Two heads of the lord level to find me, this is to die! My companion is too unreliable, Chu Taihong became rotten meat, dyed Hongxia unconscious, Fang Fang and Liu Yinsha also fell I can't afford it, even Ivy's little **** can't help me to attract firepower. Just one person, I played these two monsters..."

Li Jiayu secretly complained in his heart. When he was sorrowful and angry, he almost wanted to marry his mother. The whole super master of the city was almost dead and wounded. He could still stand up to the situation. Only the black man on the battlefield and the research institute The old cockroach is not dead, as for her Li Jiayu, naturally not a super master, but a peerless master...

But even if she is peerless, she can't bear such pressure...

Not to mention her, even if I changed Yang's boy over, I guess I have to kneel down... After all, the tentacle king is getting stronger and stronger, and it is almost crazy to climb to the lord level, even if Yang’s guy has four. Big heritage, there are three legendary equipment, and may not be able to reverse the battle here!


Another dozen tentacles came, Li Jiayu quickly propped up the bright shield, but it was like a table tennis shot!


Another ice arrow full of venom shot over, Li Jiayu did not dazzle, immediately slammed his body and trembled, even the bright shields were faint!

The two old lords joined forces... The power is so strong that they are a bit of a partner. They have been partners for nearly a hundred years, and the cooperation has reached a point where they are seamless!

Damn, go on like this, it will really die!

Li Jiayu is in a hurry...

At this time, suddenly there was a heat flow in the bottom of my heart.

Li Jiayu was in the heart.

She was surprised to find that... I received a message in the brainwave!

That information is actually from the "Three Kingdoms Warriors", which is the world where Zhao Yun is!

What happened, Zhao Yun is not hanging up, he should go back to raise the bed to be right, how can you still have the strength to contact me?

Can you say... He asked me for foreign aid?

With the expectation, Li Jiayu activated the contract signed with Zhao Yun...

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