Time passed quickly, and the exciting battles entered the heat. Fang Fang, Liu Yinsha, and Ivy were all taken down by the Queen Vine. The high-end main battlefield left only Li Jiayu, who was still supporting, when people saw The goddess of light was smashed by the thick tentacles, and it was smashed on the ground like a cannonball. When the leg bones were broken, all of them felt heartache like a dead spouse, and even secretly prayed for Li Jiayu silently!

The power of these prayers is very weak, but it can't stand many people. When the power of hundreds of millions of prayers comes together, it is like a vast ocean, and it is absorbed into the body of the dark octopus...

With the power of prayer, the weak dark octopus has finally turned into amazing changes...

"The fairy will not have anything..."

"Damn, this group of monsters dare to insult my goddess, don't let them come to my big Russia, otherwise I will mobilize the army to destroy them!"

"Who is going to help the sacred angels, the Almighty Lord, you have to watch your daughter being eroded by the devil..."

"Fairy, she is too reluctant, how can she fight so many horrible monsters alone, hey, why don't she know that she has to run away, leaving Qingshan without burning wood?"

When the Earth’s friends thought that Li Jiayu would be defeated, Li Jiayu, who was soft on the ground, ate a cucumber that appeared out of thin air, and then unbelievably erupted the small universe, and summoned the loess and the storm messenger at the Lord’s level. Under the blessing of the bright gods, the two elements of the giants turned around. With the momentum of Mount Tai, the enemy will be beaten!

Seeing this, everyone feels incomparably deflated, tightly pinching his fist and clenching his teeth, eagerly hope that Li Jiayu can quickly explode the four monsters!

However, deeper despair has shrouded...

Because the Queen Fiona, who was hidden inside the Tortoiseshell Tortoise, instantly emerged, looking for a lightning-like attack on Li Jiayu, she carried her neck. She twisted her hands and wrists, and also removed her chin, and another palm was shot on her forehead. Thoroughly abolished Li Jiayu, there is no way to resist it...

Li Jiayu was like a chicken by Fiorati in midair, and this scene fell into the eyes of friends in the earth. No one feels insulted and grief-stricken, really wants to fly to the world immediately, punch the evil queen, and then rescue the dreamy goddess...

"Is this true or false... The fairy will not end up in such a tragic end... Those evil devils are cruel, there are so many tentacles, can the fairy be able to withstand it..."

"Paralyzed! Other gods, Erlang God, Sun Wukong, Dai Dai Tianwang, and Bossian Devil are still not coming out to save the field. Do you have to watch the fairy gods suffer bad luck..."

"God, you yelled at me, I want to cross the fairyland to protect the fairy!"

A series of curses and mourning sounds one after another. It’s almost a hundred times more complicated than in the cinema. Obviously, most of the netizens’ minds are completely attracted to this video... The immersive level is still the first time in history. This kind of fanaticism, so one heart!

Then, the shock and resentment of the fellow citizens of the earth became even stronger...

They saw that the female sword god, who had been corrupted and bloody, was struggling to climb. Regardless of her sister (Xie light eyebrows are too young, the earth people think she is the sister of Hongxia), she resolutely fought in the battle, her eyes have already collapsed, and the palms have been eroded with little meat, even The swords are not stable. How could she help?

However, dyed Hongxia was in the forefront, and the momentum of death was deeply touched by everyone. With her phrase "Give her back to me", it touched the soul of everyone. People looked at the golden runes and her. Neon anger, no matter how unclear, they also see that dyed Hongxia is burning their lives...


Dyed red Xia broke the devil turtle king.


Dyeing Hongxia penetrated the tentacle king...

In an instant, the compatriots of the earth were so excitedly trembled with the two swords, and the excitement in their hearts was as difficult as the sparrows that were out of the cage, and they all applauded for the dyed Hongxia!

"This is the sword god, too strong, too gorgeous. It turns out that the Eastern world is not only the Japanese ninja, the samurai, the Yin and Yang division, but even the Chinese swordsman is so sharp... No, it cannot be compared, the Japanese ninja warrior is only The comic animation has been deified...and this female sword **** is actually present in reality!"

"Good-looking female warrior... Ah, she must be Athena in our Greek mythology, the goddess of war Athena!"

"Go! Let's save the fairy. You are not alone, you have the support of our entire city, the whole country, the whole world!"

At this moment, the compatriots of the earth deeply liked to dye the red glow, and could not wait to hope that the dyed Hongxia could turn the tide, and the fierce and fierce Queen Fiona was also given the knife!


The bottomless abyss-like despair once again swallowed up everyone's soul, but saw Queen Fiona catching Li Jiayu as a hostage in front of her chest, forcing the red Xia to die, and finally dyed the red heart, exhausted, skin Burst, fainted to the ground in the spur of blood, if the hair is in the hair, it may die at any time...

What is even more mad is that Queen Fiona is still trampled on the head of the dyed red Xia, squatting back and forth, another foot smashing in the neck of Hongxia, flying her tens of meters away On the rock, there is no breath, it seems to be dead...

Seeing here, everyone is screaming, not to mention the tall and mighty men, even the housewives who are usually the chickens in the stomach and the stomach of the chickens are mad at three corpses, and immediately screaming at the Queen of Fiona. Even the mouse, teacup, and electric flea in your hand are thrown out!

Then, the audience of the earth saw an extremely exciting picture, but saw Queen Fiona put her hand into Li Jiayu's clothes, smashing her chest and pinching it into various attractive shapes. The waves are raging. It was fascinating, and later Queen Fiona got her hands into the trousers of Li Jiayu, and Li Jiayu’s face was a shameful expression. Even her eyes didn’t dare to open...

Just at this time--

The humming sound of “嘀”, the live broadcast video that was originally played well was broken, and the screen was a snowflake. Where is the color?

I can't see the video on such a knot. That kind of taste is like a wife who finished the foreplay but told me that the menstrual period is so uncomfortable. Some rich impulsive foreigners are so angry that they can drop their mobile phones on the ground!

what's the situation?

Is it a network problem, or the video is not accepting badly. Or is the photographer from a different world killed?

Anyway, we just want to know the final result!

"Fuck! Is there any **** in the battlefield?"

"The demon woman will not really insult the Holy Angel, the Almighty Lord. You will not come, your daughter will be finished..."

"What will happen in the end, let us see the finale, whether it is evil or the end of the road, I want to see the goddess against it, the brave, the hero, how can the male lead not come out to save the goddess, this one The movie is too unscientific!"

"Don't it... The human beings on the battlefield are going to suffer from the catastrophe... My female swordsman, dragon loli, blood angels will not really be finished..."

"What about the two bright young women and the dark young women..."

For a time, all major cities complained. Sighing and sighing, but when the whole family watched TV a few decades ago, they were half-way to insert advertisements.

At this time, a lot of staff and female agents in the New York Building looked at the dark octopus with incomprehensible and confused eyes.

"Moon Rabbit Daxian... What happened to you..."

"The power of faith has been collected enough..." The dark octopus has changed its shape and changed from a small flying state to its original shape, which is the octopus state of sixteen tentacles. It helped the sunglasses that lifted the wind on the face, and the tone was incomparably awe-inspiring: "Is the dyed mother and mother all broken off the vitality? The development of the situation is really beyond my prediction range. No, I will save it now." the host……"

The dark octopus is very much looking forward to Li Jiayu being humiliated by the three queens of Fiona, Elena, and Catherine. It even hopes that the three queens will be able to teach Li Jiayu to be a beauty slave, but the dyed Hongxia and Xie Liangmei are almost dying. Many of the masters, such as Xiao Qingqing, Liu Yinsha, Fang Fang, etc., were also seriously injured. Therefore, the dark octopus can't sit still and ignore it. If it is so grinded again, I am afraid that all the mothers will be fragrant and jade, and only Li Jiayu will be left alone in the dungeon...

"Moon Rabbit Daxian, don't leave, people all over the world are waiting for your live video, they are all worried about your master! What's more, your master can't beat the enemy, you don't help. what……"

"No, now only I can rewrite the victory! Because... I am the **** of silk who is in charge of the counterattack!"

"Walt? What is silk, there is no such word in American English..."

Just as the staff were puzzled, the dark octopus had already waved the tentacles, and the body was filled with colorful light. The void on its head split a gap, attracted it, and then quickly closed the passage!

The dark octopus disappeared from the eyes of everyone... just like Li Jiayu disappeared in the concert!

Due to the crazy broadcast of the video, the more people pay attention to the war, the more the viewers are sorrowful because of the stoppage of the video. I don’t know how many people are difficult to sleep all night, and they are all praying. Li Jiayu can be safe, but there are also some perverts to pray that Li Jiayu is insulted...

In just half a day, the whole earth swept a magical frenzy, and many people were deeply fascinated by those wonderful magic, fairy tales, and super powers. Many countries’ research departments looked back and forth repeatedly. Video, the map to study the mystery of supernatural power...

There are also many civilians who spontaneously formed seminars and fan leagues. They not only discussed the bit by bit in the video, but also formed the dyed Hongxia, Ivy, Xiao Qingqing, Liu Yinsha, Jelly, Chu. Fan League of Taihong, Linqianqiu, Black Boy and others, specially took pictures from HD videos, made posters, and posted them everywhere...

The total global click-through rate of that video reached 5 billion in a short period of time. Some people repeatedly watched it more than a dozen times. Every time they watched it, they were shocked once. Every time they saw the end, they were heart-wrenching. However, they urged them to discuss with others the speculation of Li Jiayu's next fate...

Later, the US official released a message saying that "the moon rabbit" ran to rescue Li Jiayu, which made the compatriots on the earth feel better...

Since then, the entertainment industry of the world's movies, music, games, animation, novels, etc. has entered a new era of epoch, because many screenwriters, cartoonists, and writers have found inspiration from that precious video, and their creativity has also improved. In several grades, the works compiled are completely different from the previous ones...

If Li Jiayu's advent makes the Earth compatriots know what is the first beauty under the stars, then this video is an opportunity to change the creativity and thinking inertia of the Earth. It is a new era of Tullow...

Of course, these are all words, not to mention...

Parallel world, Yucheng, on the devastated battlefield -

Li Jiayu was crying and weeping with redness, and Xiao Qingqing, Qin Silao, and Xie Wenyuan, who were seriously injured, jumped out of the city in spite of their own madness, and looked at Xie Liangmei, who was pierced by the heart and nailed to the wall.

"Light eyebrows, I only have such a daughter, if you go with Hongxia, I still have something to live with..." Xie Wenyuan tears and tears, full of despair and misery, he has always been calm If the water, a pair of floating old gods, but this time, he is like a white-haired person to send the black man's lonely old man crying, whispering.

"Da Bo, cousin still saves... I will try it... maybe I can help her..." Xiao Qingqing and Qin Silao cried.

"The light eyebrows have no heartbeat..." Xie Wenyuan sneered, laughing more embarrassed than crying. The original smooth jade forehead showed a wrinkle, and the dark short hair was also white, even touching the counterattack. Internal injuries, repeated hemoptysis.

Not only dyed Hongxia, Xie light eyebrows have three long and two short... On the entire battlefield, I don’t know how many people sacrificed heroically to protect the city, and they were beaten into a muddy mud by the monsters.

At this time, the remaining monsters actually rioted!

Thousands of magic tortoises and tentacles seem to have reached an agreement, and they have gathered together in a rumble. Although the leaders have been destroyed, and Queen Fiona is rebellious, they still have hundreds of third-level The strongmen above the lower level, the combined strength is still enough to push the city, revenge for their king!

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