Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 743: Legend of the broken dream knife

"You... what are you talking about?"

When I heard the dark octopus, Xiao Qingqing’s body was shocked. When the eyes were smashing, there was a layer of water mist, and the red lips were moving. It was difficult to make a step back toward the back. Looking up and down the dark octopus, it was like looking at a deceived girl. The perverted strange uncle.

"Late and sunny mother, you are smart and snowy... Didn't you already see the point?"

The dark octopus floated over to Xiao Xiaoqing and finally floated in front of her, squinting:

"Hongxia's mother is indeed a talented person, but there must be a demon in the event of an abnormality... You also saw that in the two months of the flight, the main mother of Hongxia only rose from the second-order high-level to the second peak... only At the first level, but she got a broken dream knife. After arriving in Yucheng, she rose to the fourth level in just one month and reached the peak of the three poles... This horrible upgrade speed is simply the oldest Don't say that the geniuses of different worlds, even the gods of the gods, can't do it..."

Xiao Qing Qing silently, she also felt strange early, but has not been deeply considered, only thought that dyed Hongxia is a great opportunity, and now reminded by the dark octopus, she noticed some clues.

"The mother guessed it very well... This reason fell on the broken dream knife... It was the broken dream knife that gave the powerful power of the main character of Hongxia..." The expression of the dark octopus instantly became very embarrassing, and the thief He laughed and said: "In other words... If the mother of Hongxia is wearing a green hat by her close relatives, then the broken dream knife will resonate with her... This point, you should have a deep understanding of the late mother. It’s right...”

"Oh, no wonder..."

Xiao Qingqing immediately tightened his body and took a breath. He thought of what happened a month ago. At that time, Li Jiayu was seriously injured by Queen Fiona and was unconscious. Even the blood was boiling in the countercurrent, and was later sent to the home of Xiao Qingqing to heal. That night, the sables and the scent were resting in the next room. Jiang Minghui was soaking Liu Yinsha on the top of the building, so only Xiao Xiaoqing looked at Li Jiayu. At the last moment, Li Jiayu sneaked away and blackened, forcibly turning Xiao Qingqing down. Invaded her little flowers...

Although it was very painful at the beginning, after getting into the good environment, Xiao Qingqing was greatly satisfied, deeply indulged in the pleasure of mixing, lost in self...after the event. Xiao Qingqing finally broke through to the third-level middle class, but it was still sadly reminded to be discovered by Liu Yinsha. In the past three days, Liu Yinsha was ridiculed as "the sacred son" and "false high", and she was so shameless that she was self-confident. There is also a strange discomfort in the buttocks, and I don’t dare to sit down in a few days...

And even more strange is. On the second day after she was invaded by Li Jiayu... She heard the good news of dyed Hongxia. This prostitute has even made a breakthrough. It is only one step away from the middle level of the third grade. The headless knight’s fart is flowing, and even Chu Taihong must be willing to go down the wind...

"No wonder. It is no wonder that Hongxia will surpass Chu Taihong overnight... It turned out that I was Jiayu..."

Xiao Qingqing whispered softly, but immediately stopped his mouth. I was afraid of being heard by the dark octopus. This is the secret between her and Li Jiayu. It must not let the dark octopus know the perversion. At the same time, her heart is also choppy and shameful. She always feels that she was raped by Li Jiayu. Dyeing Hongxia but the strength is skyrocketing, this kind of thing is quite speechless...

"Oh... sunny mother. There is one more thing you don't know. Isn't the main mother of Hongxia injured by the dark dragon? The ribs are badly damaged. At the very least, I want to recover. For many months, but the main talent returned from a different world, the main mother of Hongxia recovered a large part of the night, and also went further and broke through to the third-level high-level... Don’t you think this is very strange?”

The dark octopus squinted at the eye, revealing a rather wretched expression, and there was a slap in the corner of his mouth.

"You mean..." Xiao Qingqing's face changed suddenly. It seemed to have thought of something. The original white face was suddenly stunned, and he dared not say it again. At the same time, his fingers were slightly shaking, apparently nervous.

"Oh... the mother of the late Qing has guessed it... It’s the reason for the light-browed mother!" The dark octopus screamed excitedly, and seemed to have long wanted to tell the secret that had been in his heart for a long time. I hope that it will be more happy than those who have won thousands of awards.

"When you want to fight, when is the cousin become your mother?" Xiao Qingqing smiled awkwardly, but soon silenced, she really did not expect her beloved cousin to be infected with Li Jiayu, to know... Her cousin, Xie Biaomei, is a very reserved woman. She has never thought about finding a dad after dyeing Hongxia for 20 years, but...but it is the cousin who is dignified and reserved, but finally robs her husband with her daughter. Is this too too bad for a bad time?

Is the cousin worthy of her daughter, and is it worthy of her son-in-law? If this matter is known to Xie Wenyuan, God knows what kind of expression Xie Wenyuan would be. He is a literary master, a moral model, a modern saint, but his daughter and granddaughter. But doing such an ugly drama is really a bad reputation!

"Ah, my mother, where do you want to go? The light-browed mother has not been smashed by the owner... At most, it’s just a sincere meeting, in the bathroom, a little bit, a little cuddle, distance relationship Still far away..."

The dark octopus Mingli is defending Li Jiayu, but in fact it is smearing Li Jiayu. It is deliberately wanting Xiao Qingqing to eat her cousin vinegar. Once Xiao Qingqing knows the relationship between Li Jiayu and her cousin, then Xiao Qingqing will get along with her cousin. Very embarrassing, the atmosphere is quite embarrassing... However, the dark octopus is also well-intentioned, it is clearly to help Li Jiayu to collect the glamorous young women and sisters flowers!

"Don't, don't say it... I don't want to know too much about Jiayu and my cousin... Hey, Jiayu is like this, knowing that the cousin is the mother of Hongxia, but she has to be a cousin. If it is red Xia knows what Jiayu is doing to her mother, I am afraid that she will be self-confident..." Xiao Qingqing sighed softly and secretly blamed Li Jiayu. She knew that Li Jiayu was a standard young woman who controlled mature women. The best young woman does not have much resistance. She prefers the light eyebrows and the mature version of the dyed Hongxia. So Li Jiayu will have a leg with Xie Xiaomei and there is nothing to be surprised about. It’s strange to blame Xiao Qingqing and she knows it...

Yes, at the beginning... At the beginning, Xie Wenyuan also warned that she had dyed Hongxia, and told her not to let Li Jiayu see her mother. At that time, Xiao Qingqing thought that Xie Wenyuan was too fussy. Now it seems that Xie Wenyuan is far-sighted, but unfortunately Has become a porridge, Jiayu and cousin have kissed each other, even for the sake of Hongxia, can not be hard to dismantle Jiayu and cousin ... cousin is also very bitter, for the red Xia resolutely widowed for twenty years...

"Hey, don't say it, don't say... late Qing mother, now you should know why Hongxia's mother has progressed so fast..."


Xiao Qingqing was silent, his cheeks were hot, Lizzling was faint, but he didn't dare to say anything more. He just sneaked into the heart of the broken dream knife. He was so happy that he was born with a cuckold, how could he be born under the sun? These wonderful weapons?

"Ah, the late mother has some idea..." The dark octopus seems to have guessed what Xiao Qingqing was thinking, and quickly explained: "In the distant time and space, there is a legend about the broken dream knife... According to legend, a great **** The prince's mana is boundless, Ze is born, he is bitterly in love with a goddess... but the goddess is not swearing to him, and finally the goddess is taken into the harem by the Supreme God, becoming the prince's stepmother... the prince is so depressed and depressed, depression Decadence, but can only accept this reality, and forced himself to live happily with the stepmother who once loved, and it was fun... Later, the kingdom of God was captured by the dead country, the **** was killed, and the goddess was captured by the magic emperor. The emperor's aunt... After thousands of years, the retired prince finally achieved great power and led the remnant of the remnant of the country to kill the demon, successfully avenged his father, and saved his goddess stepmother... ...but it’s too late, because the goddess his beloved goddess has already fallen into a demon, and has become a female succubus with a wave of sorrow... The prince of God has hoped to marry his goddess stepmother, seal her But the goddess Divine Mother ...... evil stepmother has been hard to change, even without the knowledge of the Prince of God, gods ...... sleep over the whole kingdom of God also gave birth to many children, but those children are not flesh and blood ...... prince of God "

Hearing here, Xiao Qingqing was gradually attracted to the legend of the broken dream knife... But she did not feel ridiculous. After all, those Greek myths are even more absurd. Is Zeus not a big breeder?

The dark octopus paused and continued:

"After that... the Emperor was reborn again, and the strength increased greatly. Once again, the demon of the dead country invaded the Kingdom of God and vowed to recapture the goddess... In the fierce battle, the prince and the emperor lost both sides, and the goddess was also injured. The three families are about to fall, and even the kingdom of God is beginning to collapse... At the last moment, the goddess tells the truth to the prince, she really loves the prince of God, but she prefers to love the prince of God. Fighting with other gods and devils will make her more excited and more satisfying... For thousands of years, she has put a thousand green hats on the prince of God... The prince who knows the truth is inexplicably inexplicable and has a blood red The tears of the gods, and then exhausted all the power, the magic king, the goddess and his own body were merged together, tempered into a broken dream knife, used to seal the collapsed kingdom of God..."

Speaking of this, the dark octopus has long sighs, revealing endless sadness and sorrow, just like experiencing the ridiculous catastrophe in person, shook his head and shouted:

"So, the broken dream knife will be filled with the power of the green hat... I don't know what happened later. In short, the broken dream knife was expelled from the kingdom of the country by the time and space, and flowed to the hands of many powerful and demon... ...and finally fell into the hands of the main mother of Hongxia."

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