Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 758: Scarred brawny on the construction site

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Thanks to the generosity of the army, the gimmicks were sent to the gimmicks and even the innocent insect crystals were sent, so the enthusiasm of the migrant workers was unprecedentedly high. Even if the snow was so big, the weather was so cold that it could not stop the tens of thousands. The footsteps of thousands of urban construction workers!

The city walls do not need to be expanded, but they need to be thickened and reinforced, and more towers and magic towers and shelter walls should be built. The total construction of these forests is extremely large. Even if it is a large-scale machine in peacetime, it is not easy to complete. Not to mention that we can only rely on manpower now. Although there are many Hercules, Earth Masters and Rock Giants sitting in the town, it is still difficult to complete this difficult task.

Hundreds of thousands of workers are divided into hundreds of teams, each responsible for their respective areas, facing the snow, carrying simple tools to sweep away the thick snow on the ground, and then playing with a variety of irons Carrying a ladder to carry four or five tons of clods, sweating like rain...

At noon, the snow of the goose feathers finally rested, but the heavens and the earth were still white, and looked up. In addition to snow or snow, there was still a little bit of green on the canopy at the edge of the city, which had already been covered with frost.

"Dad, why are you still coming to this place? Is it not good to stay at home well, you have to run here to blow the cold wind... Hey, freeze the dead..."

A playful young girl smirked her red mouth and her voice was slightly dissatisfied. She wore bright and glamorous clothes on her body, and she was wearing pure black moccasin boots on her feet. The footsteps were light and full of youth. Vibrant, wearing a warm hood on the head, the soft and shiny blue silk naturally fell down, coupled with the delicate and pretty face, very smart and lovely.

The girl is holding the arm of a middle-aged man. He is a man who looks ordinary. The only thing that is different from ordinary people is that he grows strong enough. The full mass of the muscles is full of the training clothes. He wears very little, but he looks as usual. Breathing is steady, obviously there is a deep instinct to protect the body and resist the cold.

"Half a month, don't be naughty... Before your brother didn't come to Yucheng, Dad was working in the construction team to help move bricks. If you don't rely on the army's relief food, I am afraid that you and Bai Jie's sister will be starved to death. ... At that time, I got along well with people in several construction sites, almost like brothers. Now, Dad is also a half-powered person. It is time to visit them and see what can help you... ..."

Middle-aged man who speaks, who is Li Donglin?

On the 3rd, the singer was treated with enthusiasm. Today, Li Donglin is no longer a bricklayer who was interrupted by a group of mixed shackles. The so-called husband is rich, and he not only has a prominent identity, but also has a good strength. Has been promoted to the second-level middle-level qigong master, even the fighting spirit has also been trained to the second-level low-order, real-life double repair Qigong and vindictive. It is really strong enough.

Li Donglin has too many resources around him. In order to please the future father-in-law, Liu Yinsha tried every means to refine the medicinal herbs with dark secrets, and Li Jiayu naturally did not neglect. He gave his father a lot of the best. The insect crystal, but also invited a few powerful fighters, qigong masters to guide his father to practice.

Therefore, in just ten days, Li Donglin was able to make breakthroughs again and again, from the first level to the second level. A punch can blow a stone.

"It’s true that you are saying this... but you don’t need to be personally involved. Just tell the people of the army a few words, and ask them to be kind to your friends. Is there enough time? It’s better to go outside with me. Hunting, Dad, you don’t know. There are a lot of bugs in the south of the city, and there are a lot of bugs. There are some plant-like bugs, bugs that walk on the nose, and bugs that are covered with eyes. It’s rare, but it’s hard to get around. Some of my brother’s classmates were injured yesterday... Dad, listen to me, let’s go to the insects with our father and daughter!”

"...you are crazy, you know that you are killing insects." Li Donglin shook his head, and he was angry and funny.

"It is the king of killing insects. Not only do you play well, but you can also kill the people. Dad, you don’t know that I was a female **** of war yesterday, dyed the second generation of Hongxia, just the insects that died in my hands. There are thirty or forty heads, including a blue-eyed giant ant. I made them all stone carvings, then shattered them, and smashed a bag of insect crystals..."

Li Banyue eagerly showed his own record like his father, but he quickly fell down and slammed the snow on the ground. He was unhappy and shouted:

"Dad, the last time the magic object was attacked the city, it’s been ten days..."

"Well, ten days... Time flies so fast..." Li Donglin sighed, feeling the gloom, and the safety was difficult.

"But my brother didn't go home once.... Hey, he always lives in the commander's office of Hongxia's sister. I don't know how much I miss him. I can understand that he wants to treat Hongxia's sister, but he I can't be so cold, so I am also his biological sister..."

"Half a month, don't be willful, your brother is a big man..."

Li Donglin twitched his eyes and his face was a little unnatural. Li Banyue was indeed his biological daughter, but Li Jiayu was not his biological son, so... Li Jiayu and Li Banyue are not brothers and sisters, but a stupid girl. Still in the dark, I still don't know the truth.

"What big thing, my brother is not like a person who has done a big job. It is only a super master. If he is allowed to manage the city, he will be confused." I see, he It must be a chance to get close to Hongxia’s sister, and there’s a sunny day, Dad... You should also teach your brother, he’s a big radish, see one love one!”

"... well, I will tell him next time." Li Donglin reluctantly perfunctory, just at this time, an officer in front noticed the arrival of Li's father and daughter, and suddenly he rushed over and quickly ran over. Nodded and bowed and greeted with respect.

The officer introduced Li Donglin to the basic situation of the construction site. Li Donglin listened carefully. He did not understand architecture. He did not know much about the news of Yucheng, but his current rank is much higher than that of the officer. Actually, the captain has a three-point voice.

With Li Hanyue seeing the former workers, those middle-aged men who are still very hard in their situation and who can't care for the three meals are stunned, and they still praise Li Donglin's daughter, Chang Jun...

"Oh, more than a month ago, we are still the same sad reminder, we have to work 14 hours a day to work hard... But now, you are already a super soldier, and the two daughters are more than one. Hey, if you knew that Major Li was your daughter, we should really be in a relationship with you."

"Hey, people are more dead than people... Lao Li, you are so lucky..."

"My daughter is so bad, Lao Li, your two daughters, are all nine days of phoenix..."

The workers all took Li Donglin’s long and short sighs, and each one had an incredible feeling. If they didn’t see it, they wouldn’t want to believe that their former colleagues had become the emperor of the city, but it’s not. They all fell into the control of Li Jiayu, and Li Donglin was naturally too imperial.


At this time, there was a burst of exclamations in the distance, and the voices were full of incomparable surprises and surprises, which attracted all the attention within a hundred meters.

Even Li’s father and daughter are no exception. The father and the daughter follow the sound and look to the source of surprise!

It was a shirtless man.

In the extremely cold weather, I dare to play bare-chested. It is not a neuropathy or a successor. However, the man’s upper body is densely covered with a shocking and scary scar, like a yellow beak crawling over his chest and back.

The reason is amazing because the man's brute force is terrifying.

He held his hands flat and held five large pieces of mud that were stacked together. Each piece was as large as a refrigerator. Because it was a clod that was processed by the earth mage, the density was quite tight, not much worse than the stone. The block of soil is less than five tons, which means that the five pieces add up to 25 tons!

Twenty-five tons, that is 50,000 pounds!

With a heavy weight of tens of thousands of pounds, you can still walk as fast as you can. What a terrible horror!

"Dad... that person is so hard..." Li Banyue was a little surprised.

"Well, it's really big... even if Chu Xiang came in person, I'm afraid it's not as easy as he is. He is just like eating and drinking without pressure..." Li Donglin looked closely at the one. Strong man, said Shen Sheng.

Chu Xiang is a dragon, three low-level, physical fitness is a hundred times more common, the power is two hundred times more than ordinary people ... but when he wants to play two hundred times the power, you must activate the dragon blood to do it, far from being like that Scars are like men and women, and they are more than enough.

At this point, the knife and the strong man had been stalking these big clods to the gap in the wall, and the clods were put down a few times, and the walls shook and shook, and the construction workers were scared. I took a cold breath.

Damn, is this guy a reincarnation of Hercules?

Such a great strength, is definitely the inheritor?

However, all the inheritors are distinguished and noble. They rarely rush to the construction site to help move bricks. There are only a few hundred strong men and brute force fighters, but even the Hercules inheritors, It’s 70 or 80 times the strength of ordinary people. It’s already the limit to move two pieces. It’s going to be dead if you move five pieces!

All the workers, in their hearts, guessed who the goods were.

"Dad... Do you think that the man's back is familiar?"

Suddenly, Li Banyue pulled his father's sleeves and raised his face. He said strangely. (To be continued)

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