Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 821: Touch the truth

"The lord can cooperate with the goddess and share information. Everything that the lord knows will be told one by one... After all, we have a common enemy, and the worms and the worms are also intertwined. You will regard the lord as a dark chess inside the worm world... If the worm community launches a general attack on the earth, the lord will send you a message in advance... If necessary, ask the goddess to help remove a few aliens. It is best to destroy the other worms' claws."

"Hah, do you mean to take me as a gun to help the worms behind you fight against your opponent? Very good, although I hate being used... but this is also a win-win proposal, it is good for you. Li Jiayu shines in front of her eyes.

If you can really insert eyeliner in the insect world... then, Li Jiayu will take the lead and get an unparalleled advantage in the human-worm battle!

"Goddess, you have promised this, it is a goddess of light, your wisdom and your beauty are generally leading the way... If the mother of the king knows to be on the line with the goddess, it will be very happy..."

The Sakura Fire gold beetle barely climbed up and coughed, and praised it diligently.

However, Li Jiayu can not eat this set, he swears:

"Hey, it’s good to say, but how can I make sure that you will keep in touch with me? If you run back to the worm world, you will never come out again. I will take nothing for you."

"Goddess adult...please believe in the sincerity of this lord."

"Sincerity? Your little life is pinched in my hand, how can I talk about sincerity with me?" Li Jiayu shrugged, although he was much smaller than the huge Sakura gold beetle, but he looked at the cherry blossom gold beetle's gaze, but It is like the judgment of the gods of the heavens.

"That way, you open your heart and be willing to be my summoned beast, and contribute your strength and loyalty to me..."


Sakura Fire Gold Beetle did not want to refuse, the only insect eye also radiated inexplicable brilliance, and repeatedly coughed:

"The lord's loyalty. Only dedicated to the mother of the king... Not to mention, if the lord becomes your summoned beast, it means that the worm will be betrayed..."

"Is it? Then you should not blame me for being so hot. For the enemy who does not listen to me, only death, innocent!"

Li Jiayu slammed the fierce light, and slammed the blush of the flames, and approached the cherry blossom gold beetle. Looking at the posture, it seems that it is really necessary to put it under the knife!

"Wait! Goddess, please wait!"

The Sakura Fire Gold Beetle suddenly changed his face, and the broken giant python was a one-in-one. Even the only compound eye showed a horror, and quickly said:

"If you want the lord to be your summoned beast... it is not impossible, but if the lord is contaminated with your breath, it may be perceived by many lords, kings, and emperors in the worm world. Knowing that the lord is working with you, you may even be tired of the insect king behind you..."

"Do not talk nonsense, don't tell me what it is! I only ask you the last sentence. I want to die or want to live!"

Li Jiayu jumped to the head of the Sakura Fire gold beetle, and condescended to the head of the blush with its blush, as long as it dared to say no words, Li Jiayu would immediately kill it, never soft!

Silence, silent silence.

After a while, the Sakura Fire gold beetle facing the death threat was dejected and closed. It seemed to be a thousand words, but it was impossible to talk about. After all, Li Jiayu was put on a very unreasonable person, and it had to be planted.

"I want to live..."

"Good! Then open your mind and sign a contract with me!"

Li Jiayu sneered, his thumb on his lips and gently bit his finger. Extending a trace of blood, then the blood condenses into a drop of water, dripping onto the scalp of the Sakura Fire gold beetle...


The blood of the Emperor was immediately like the ink dripping into the clean water, spreading rapidly. Mixed chaos, the twinkling of a spiral of spiritual energy, blowing in all directions.

Soon, the gold beetle's scalp emerged with a **** summoning array...

"From today, you are my servant. No matter what height you will grow in the future, even if you are a legendary legend, you can't get rid of the embarrassment between me and you. I, the intermediate summoner Li Jiayu, will live forever. Your master, as pointed out by my sword, is where you are charged!"

With Li Jiayu's mantra finished, the **** summoning squad is fully integrated into the body of the Sakura Fire Gold Beetle, and its flesh and soul are combined into one...

Since then, the powerful worm at the main level is Li Jiayu's pet!

"Goddess adult...you are satisfied with this, but the lord is happy. After returning to the worm world, everything must be cautious. Once the lord is exposed to the fact that you are summoning the beast... will surely provoke the killing disaster!"

There is a hint of frustration and loss in the voice of the Sakura Fire gold beetle, and there is a deep sorrow, apparently because it is quite unpleasant to be forced to become Li Jiayu's summoning beast.

"That's your business, I can't control it... But you look smarter than other bugs, I believe you won't be so easy to expose the secret between us..."

"Goddess adult...you are too worthy of the lord, the lord..."

The cherry blossom gold beetle just wanted to say something, Li Jiayu was interrupted coldly, like a smile:

"How, in front of me... Do you dare to call yourself the lord? Don't forget, you are my maid now, and I am a human being... In some ways, you should also be human. Wouldn't it be ridiculous to dare to claim to be a Zerg lord in front of me?"

Li Jiayu’s words suddenly smashed the gold beetle, and after a while it looked unnaturally:

"The goddess is right... After that, I will call myself a slave..."

"Hey, since you call yourself a slave, then you should tell me the truth?" Li Jiayu waved the blush in his hand, and the flames were burned to the head of the gold beetle, hotening the tender meat exposed to the air. For a while, there was a smell of roasting in the faint.

Although it hurts a lot, the gold beetle doesn't even dare to scream because it knows that Li Jiayu has noticed a loophole in his words.

Deceive the master, it is a death sin!

"Goddess adults...the slaves are telling the truth, only a little language trap..."

"Oh, this is also reasonable. Just now you and I are in the opposite direction. If I am you, I will not be able to make it out. What information is available... But you should not treat me as an idiot. Millions of worms can be born, and there are nearly 100 billion insects in the worm world... Then, when you invade, you will lose millions of low-level worms, which is a slap in the face of the zerg’s huge base. ...how can it provoke the hatred of the high insects, so that they want to completely eliminate humans?"

"Oh..." The Sakura Fire Gold Beetle indulged for a moment, and then sorted out the thoughts and sent a spiritual resonance: "This is very involved... Is the goddess really ignorant? I believe you know the earth today. There has been an extremely dramatic change, and the air is filled with a lot of special energy...and this energy even involves dark matter, negative energy..."

"Dark matter? Negative energy? What do you mean? Do you think you are a scientist? Mix things!"

Li Jiayu didn't understand anything about science. He used to be just an art student. He didn't read anything about science and exploring nature. He talked to him about dark matter and negative energy. .

"It seems that the goddess has not yet revived the memory... Hey, it is like this... There is a delicate transition between matter and energy, and there is a delicate balance between dark matter and light matter... But if this earth can be stable Is there a dark matter in the earth? A little dark matter collides with the light matter, and the energy that erupts is even enough to destroy the planet...that is beyond the epic energy!"

"Hey... what are you talking about? This is not going into the science column. I don’t understand the dark matter you said... readers don’t understand it. Is this your delay or the number of words? !"

"Goddess adults do not understand? What are the readers and friends?" Sakura fire gold beetle smashed, but in the face of Li Jiayu's fierce gaze, the final is still low-eyed: "Well, simply... is the earth The law of time and space has changed, just as electrical appliances can't be used. The fundamental reason is that the laws of electrons have changed... I believe you also realize that the earth's magnetic field is completely chaotic, and the earth's heart is also bursting with endless energy. The earth is constantly erupting, the earth's crust is moving, and even the volume of the earth is constantly expanding. To put it bluntly, the earth is stuck in a lost time and space with new rules..."

Said that the earth has stuck in a lost cosmic crack, Li Jiayu suddenly understands.

No wonder, it’s no wonder that the earth is good, it will change, it not only reduces the cosmic storm, but also causes so many natural disasters, and even attracts the insect world, the dragon world, the abyss...

It turned out that because of this dark and lost time and space, there are different rules!

Just like a video game, it is a lot of programming, and if these programming changes, the various settings of the video game will also change, such as the popular plug-in in online games... The plug-in is to change the character of the game. These data scripts, in turn, give the account a powerful power, copy the wall invincible, and even hit the second kill oss!

"I understand... The earth today is not in the former space node, but in a lost cosmic crack... and dark matter and negative energy are a major feature of this cosmic crack."

"Yes, goddess adults... can understand this..."

The Sakura Fire gold beetle talks and shows the IQ that is not inferior to the scientist. (To be continued.)

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