Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 865: Have a nosebleed

"A good harvest, four eggs, plus such a thick bird's legs, is definitely enough for us to have a meal..." Yang An laughed.

"You really want to be beautiful, these are not for you to eat!" Li Jiayu snorted.

"I don't eat bird eggs and bird legs... What should I eat? It's hard to be eaten, you want to eat you..." Yang An's eyes swept on Li Jiayu's chest and laughed.

"You are weak, you must eat something nutritious, and you can eat meat, eggs, and other rough foods. I am afraid that it will have a great impact on your recovery, so I will bring you back a bird." Head...oh, that's it."

Said, Li Jiayu used to change the trick from the back of a bird that was smashed by a stone. This bird is quite awkward, not only the head is bleeding, but even the brain is flowing out, and a pair of bird eyes are everted. There is no bird hair on the top of the head, it looks quite disgusting...


Li Jiayu threw the bird's head in front of Yang An, raised a round and lovely chin, and commanded Yang An to command:

"I saw it, this is your breakfast! Listen to me, don't look at these brains with a stinking smell, but after my speculation, this brain is definitely a cure for holy medicine, drink a strong body and drink two long Life is a hundred years old, drink three straight feathers to climb the fairy, Yang An, what are you waiting for, don't delay, and quickly drink brains!"

"Oh... I think it’s okay, I’m afraid I will be poisoned...”

Yang An swallowed a bitter bitterness. Some of them looked at the disgusting bird on the ground and looked at Li Jiayu, who was shining. Smiled:

"Jiayu, if you really worry about my injury, you can help me massage, or give me a warm hug... You know, the power of love is endless..."

"Don't be disgusting, if you are estrus, do you want me to go out and catch a female monkey to give you a slumber?" Li Jiayu turned his eyes and said disdainfully.

"Jiayu. I..."

Yang An was a slogan. He really didn't expect Li Jiayu to be so vulgar. Li Jiayu was so gentle and lovely when he was drunk last night. Filled with the grace of the goddess, the gestures are all kinds of styles, and they will blush when they move. But why come together this morning, she has become a personal, cold Yang to the extreme.

"What are you, oh, is it that you can't satisfy a mother monkey? Well, look at our sufferings and commons. I can help you out and catch a few monkeys... If you are not satisfied, then I You can also help you catch the female wild boar, or catch the mother Raptor. Anyway, you have a flower aura, as long as you have a tiger body, these female animals will definitely wash you in the white, let you plug in..." Li Jiayu shrugged Shrugging, a arrogant look.

"Jiayu. I am not interested in animals, I am only for you..."

"Okay, less nonsense! That strange bird, I am so hard to risk my life to kill, the purpose is to take it to the brain to give you a supplement. You are grateful left, right love, how I am now looking for a healing holy medicine for you. You don’t appreciate it, saying, Yang An, don’t you look down on me!”

Speaking of the last sentence, Li Jiayu turned a blind eye. She stepped forward and provoked Yang's chin.

"Not..." Yang An is a bit shameful. He has always been an extremely strong person, but he is only nervous in front of Li Jiayu. It is easy to mess up the situation. The so-called concern is chaos. The more he loves Li Jiayu, the easier it is. He was caught in a magical obstacle, especially now that he was seriously injured and had to rely on Li Jiayu's care.

"No? Then you drank those brains... Yang An's face was a burst of blue, and finally Li Jiayu forced him to nowhere. He thought that this was what Li Jiayu gave him. Even if it was poison, he would be willing to drink!

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Ancai trembled and picked up the bird's head. Then he opened his mouth and squeezed the broken wound of the bird's head with his hands. He only heard the sound of "咕唧", and a stinky brain was sputtered to Yang's mouth. In the middle, the bitter and bitter brains made Yang An almost vomit, but because of Li Jiayu’s face, he still resisted swallowing his stomach...

Seeing Yang An’s painful expression, Li Jiayu next to him showed a sly smile.

Hey, the previous generation Yang An did not take Ai Wei as a military division, so he used many tricks to slay Li Jiayu. Li Jiayu was often chased by Yang Anwei and his wife. I never thought that this world Li Jiayu also had the opportunity to tease Yang An. , forcing him to eat something so disgusting.

Do not……

The brains in the district are still not enough. In the future, there is a chance to force Yang An to eat the dinosaur's droppings, completely ruining Yang's dignity!

Really for a moment, Li Jiayu has the thrill of being a traitor...

Looks like, the body of this goddess is not entirely a bad thing, at least you can play Yang An in the applause, treat him as a dog, not what...

"I finished eating, the taste is not bad, Jiayu I specially left you a little, your body has not recovered, you have to try it too?"

Yang An wiped the gray brain with a corner of his mouth. A face was almost turned black. The strong vomiting made his facial features distorted, but he tried to put on a faceless expression, but on his forehead. The sweat has already flown down.

"No, you just drink it yourself, hey, remember to drink more..."

"Drink together, so that there is an atmosphere." Yang An smiled.

"Who has an sentiment with you, and is passionate!"

Li Jiayu snorted and saw that Yang An was almost abused. Her heart was slightly relieved. When she thought of it, she could slowly abuse Yang An on the desert island. Li Jiayu was a little inexplicable expectation and excitement.

However, her attention was quickly placed on today's breakfast.

Because of the cleansing of the contents of the stomach bag last night, Li Jiayu had already been hungry and screaming. If she did not replenish her nutrition, she would be weak and could not walk.

The strange bird's legs are quite rough, strong and flexible, and even more difficult than the meat, if not cooked. It is difficult to swallow at all.

But the problem is that there is no fire in this cave!

The bonfire last night was already extinguished in the early hours of the morning.

"Hey, Yang An, can you drill the wood for fire?"

"Can... of course..." Yang An responded and wanted to stand up, but only halfway through. The wound on the leg and leg was cracked again.

"Less come to be stubborn, you can be a fart! Hey, it’s a useless thing. It still seems to be me!"

The hardwood blocks, the pointed wood strips, and some dry moss that were collected last night are still left. It should be no problem to use the wood for fire. Li Jiayu was kneeling on the ground, picking up the sharp wooden strips and approaching the hardwood blocks, his hands turning.

Unfortunately, Li Jiayu’s ** power is too small. It’s not so good compared to ordinary women. After drilling for more than ten minutes, there is still no white smoke coming out...

"Damn, why not?"

Li Jiayu was not angry. Yang An just turned around last night, and the fire seedlings screamed. Why is it not her turn to be...

Yang An silently bleeds nosebleeds in the back. His eyes will lock on the curve of Li Jia's squad from time to time. Li Jiayu's dragon leather trousers were a bit loose, but she is now kneeling on the floor and tightening her pants. Outlined the extremely beautiful hip curve, the first thing that caught the eye was the blessed buttocks that were blessed with the body, slightly backwards along the body, and even because the action of the firewood swayed gently, and Yang’s blood was angry.

"Yang, how do you have a nosebleed!"

Suddenly. Li Jiayu turned his head, but he saw a large piece of blood on Yang’s chest, and he also had a dementia like a neuropathy.


Yang An can't tell the truth about the sequelae of monkey wine aphrodisiac, and he has to hide his eyes.

"It looks like the brains you just gave me are poisonous... I am so sick with my brain, and the nosebleeds are screaming..."

"Oh, then you continue to flow more."

"it is good……"

"A good fart! Look at it again, believe it or not, I dug your dog's eyes! Really treat me Li Jiayu as a fool!"

"Jiayu, there are two reasons...you are so good, so-called sorrowful lady, gentleman is good, you are so beautiful, how can I not watch it, huh, huh, I want to come to you as a good wife... Of course, the main reason Also lies in the brain of the strange bird, it seems that this brain has the role of aphrodisiac and aphrodisiac..."

"Shut up! Don't think about yelling at me!"

Li Jiayu had no way to live in the wild, and she had already had a sigh of relief in her heart. Now Yang’s goods are still dare to play tricks. She really wants to pick up a stone and put Yang’s head out of her brain. !

"Jiayu, take it easy, don't worry, it's patience to drill wood and fire."

"I told you to shut up!"

In this wilderness, it is not easy to get a fire from a wood. Just after heavy rain last night, the whole forest is wet, and there is no way to use other methods to get fire...

In desperation, Li Jiayu had to sit and rest for more than an hour, barely recovering a trace of spiritual strength, this is to mourn the mantra, fingers like wearing a butterfly, posing a variety of magical mysterious handprints.

"Clay bomb!"

Li Jiayu condensed all the spiritual power and summoned a fist-sized clay spider. As soon as it appeared, he immediately climbed onto the hardwood block and then exploded.

After the smoke and the smoke disappeared, I saw that the piece of wood had already filled a group of flames...

"Hey, Jiayu, are you actually a summoner?"

Yang An was surprised. He knew that Li Jiayu was a goddess of light and that Li Jiayu was a mermaid...

But he was the first time to see Li Jiayu's display of summoning!

"How, what is unusual? You have four heritages, and I have three or two inheritances and what is strange?"

Li Jiayu glanced at Yang An casually, and then put the dried moss wood chips on the flames, making the fire bigger and bigger.

Later, Li Jiayu went out to find some wet twigs. This kind of branches had very good waterproofness. After peeling off the bark, the wood inside was still dry and it was easy to burn.

After abandoning a lot of effort, I finally got the new bonfire to flourish. At this time, Li Jiayu can roast the bird's legs and eggs, and make a breakfast for myself and Yang An...

No, it is not breakfast, but lunch.

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