Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 856: Phoenix anger

The violent frost power of the ice round pill ruined into the body of the black-horned dragon, and instantly destroyed its cranial nerves, completely letting it lose its life fluctuations!


Yang An’s figure has appeared behind Li Jiayu. He applauded and praised: “The two tricks will clean up the black-horned dragon. Haha, Jiayu, your strength is beyond my imagination... It seems that I have to stay a little longer. Lest you start to murder your husband, I can be guilty..."

Li Jiayu looked at Yang An like an idiot. She was too lazy to go to aerodynamic anger. She recovered her strength and took off her women's clothes. Her mood recovered very well. It wouldn't be a big fight with Yang An because of the chicken skin and garlic. Big trouble.

"You don't have to slap any more... You can see that I am a goddess of light, and the black-horned dragon has a dark attribute, just being restrained by me, so I can kill it with a blow.... Changed you. Come, I am afraid you can still do it..."

Yang An nodded, laughing and not speaking, but he looked at Li Jiayu's eyes more and more playful, and he did not know what abacus he was playing.

Li Jiayu took back the ice-rolled pill that was drilled into the black-horned dragon's head. At this moment, the ice-rolled pill has a black rolling dragon crystal stuck on the tip of the knife. It is as big as a basketball, and it emits a pure and cold dark energy. Such a large dragon crystal, it is extremely inconvenient to carry around, Li Jiayu is in a difficult situation, Yang An smiled slightly, silently recited the spell and let the dragon crystal in the hands of Li Jiayu disappear.

"Where did you get my dragon crystal?"

"Hid it in the space ring... Don't worry, when we leave this deserted island, I will naturally return it to you, your stuff, how dare I covet, you know that I am a qualified husband..."


Li Jiayu went over and no longer disputed anything with Yang An. He wanted to take advantage of him if he wanted to take the lead. Anyway, Li Jiayu had nothing to do with him.

After killing the black-horned dragon, the two set off at the deepest point of the desert island. The former two people were only able to walk on their feet, but now they are different. Yang’s body is filled with large pieces of black smoke and fog. Soaring, and Li Jiayu is summoning her unparalleled dark gryphon. The bat wings open, and immediately cover the sky, sweeping the whistling wind, carrying her through the wind.

Yang An saw the dark lion cubs summoned by Li Jiayu. He wanted to sit on it and wanted to sit down with Li Jiayu and talked and laughed. But Li Jiayu refused with a black face. She didn't want to talk to Yang An. There are too many physical contacts, and I don't want her summoned beast to have contact with Yang.

Because both of them are flying in the sky, the speed is incredibly fast. It has been hundreds of kilometers in half an hour. There have been dozens of tyrannical atmospheres on the ground. All of them are all masters and quasi-legends. The monsters are unique, but both of them fly high, and naturally there is no need to conflict with them.

I rarely encounter monsters along the way, let alone the legendary birds, even the mutated pterodactyls are rarely encountered. The only pterodactyl is also sucked up by Yang An with the power of dark fruits. The essence of life, and finally became a dry corpse fell to the ground.

Soon, the two arrived at the deepest part of the desert island. It was a doomsday scene, completely different from the previous beaches, forests, and streams. The whole sky was covered in a gloomy and darkness. The extreme oppression of the cloud black pressure seems to be crushing the whole earth, looking up, there is no vegetation and green water, and there is only endless desolate... and erupting volcanoes!

On the ground is a deep and sloping gully, and a small magma that flows like a **** red river, filling every corner here, like a blood river covering the battlefield. !

From time to time, a flame will be sprayed in the seam, and a magma will be sprayed out. The air is full of sulfur smell...

When Li Jiayu came here, he felt a blazing heat wave coming from the face, and even breathing was a little difficult.

"It should be that there is nothing wrong here... Phoenix likes to stay in this kind of flame, but I didn't think that the center of this desert island would be such a scene..."

Li Jiayu muttered to herself, she always thought that this desert island should come from another world, and it would flow to the earth for unknown reasons. However, today the desert island will erupt with magma, which does not mean that the desert island has The deepest parts of the earth are connected together and become part of the earth?

"... Jiayu, it’s better for us to go back and do something right, wait for us to come back after the legendary level..."

Yang An sorted out the messy blond hair and said to Li Jiayu that it was not his timidity, mainly because the magma temperature here was unusually high. Breathing a breath here would make his trachea very uncomfortable, let alone In the face of the phoenix, I do not know why, there is always an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Come on, why are you so grind! Are you still a man?"

Li Jiayu turned his head and glared at Yang An, and then the dark lions took it back and strolled in the void, holding up a layer of bright shields around them, in isolation from the heat waves that rushed around.

Yang An touched his nose and did not say anything, silently accompanying Li Jiayu.

Both of them speeded up, soaring in the air, rushing past the most majestic towering volcano not far away!

The volcano apparently just erupted, still sizzling with smoke, and there are still many faint lava around the mountain. Although it is no longer red and hot, and it is about to solidify into a stone, the high temperature is still rising. A ** heat wave!

In the hillsides, there are slits in the vertical and horizontal direction of the gully, and there are countless treasures of minerals and agglomerates that shine under the light...

Li Jiayu and Yang Anfei are above the crater. They can see that the crater is boiling again. It seems that a new round of eruption is brewing!

Suddenly, the crater suddenly blew a more blazing heat wave. Between the magma surging, the wind and cloud changed color, followed by a suffocating sense of suffocation, and the mighty legendary phoenix drilled. Out of the head, I looked up in the magma and watched Li Jiayu in the sky without emotion!

The spirit of a stock spirit rushed into Li Jiayu’s mind: "Poor chess piece... Are you looking for me?"

"Yes! Just looking for you, I want to ask you to ask something clearly!" Li Jiayu is not afraid of the blazing heat wave, facing the whistling wind, facing the terrorist pressure brought by legendary creatures.

"What you want to ask... I don't want to answer..."

The phoenix shook his head, and a large amount of magma came out from the crater. There was a flame and a violent atmosphere everywhere. I don’t know how terrible the temperature is. Any creature below the lord level is impossible. Survival here, once you meet the hot lava, you will die!

"Why don't you want to answer, as long as you tell me everything... I can do a lot for you!" Li Jiayu said.

"Oh, just don't want to tell you a humble creature... You want to know the truth, you can wait patiently for the passage of time, when the time is right, everything will naturally come to the fore..."

When the voice of the phoenix just fell, it glanced at Li Jiayu very impatiently and wanted to sink into the magma.

"Don't go!"

Li Jiayu can miss this opportunity. In a hurry, he even condenses the bright light energy in his fist and hits the phoenix. He wants to stop the phoenix from sinking!


The punch of light, hitting the colorful feathers on the top of the phoenix's head, hurts the phoenix, but makes the phoenix's colorful feathers have some damage.


The phoenix suddenly became violent, and the huge mountain body rushed out of the hot magma, opening a pair of vast phoenix wings, burning all the more flaming and flamboyant crimson flames, bursting out a vast ocean The sea-like fury swept Li Jiayu, making her like a small boat in the sea ravaged by the storm!

The phoenix is ​​angry, not only because Li Jiayu dares to do it, but also Li Jiayu messes up its colorful feathers. The dragon has a reverse scale, and the toucher dies. The phoenix also has colorful feathers.

"If you tell me the truth earlier, I will not offend you... Phoenix predecessors, you tell me everything you know, there will be no loss for you, but for me, it is no different. In the re-creation of grace!" Li Jiayu bit his lip and arched the phoenix in the void to show respect and apology.

"It's too late! Even if you are the container of the goddess of light... you have to pay enough to leave today!"

The Phoenix is ​​displaying its wings, flying like a gust of wind from the lava of the crater, a kind of murderous breath, a blazing flame that burns everything in the heavens and the earth, and it is the violent and violent force unique to the legendary creatures. It is only natural to exude, it is ten times stronger than Li Jiayu and Yang An, and it is a successor below the third level. I am afraid that I will be scared to death!


The phoenix has swiftly fanned its wings, and a large violent flame of anger and anger has broken through the void. It spreads out in the sky, and the red light dances, and the sea rushes toward the two people all the way!


Li Jiayu and Yang An felt a fatal sense of crisis at the same time. Even the tail spine was faintly painful, especially Yang An, who had the fastest response. He also refused to consider whether Li Jiayu would hate it or not, and turned it into black fog. The smoke rushed to Li Jiayu, and she hugged her, and she evaded the raging anger of the face at the fastest speed!

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