Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 899: Heart of phoenix

The reason why Li Jiayu feels so panicked is that she knows that the violent man is Li Jiayu from previous lives!

Anyone who sees another one will feel very incomprehensible,—,—...

And Li Jiayu's mood is not only complicated, but clearly it is unacceptable!

She has always been skeptical, perhaps everything she experienced in her previous life is just a dream, just the illusion created by the goddess of light, but until this moment, when she saw the crazy and violent Li Jiayu, she realized that Everything is not a dream, but a real existence!

But she also knows deeply how terrible Li Jiayu, who lost everything, is almost distorted. Whoever is uncomfortable will destroy the door, and any enemy that falls into his hands will be refined into a body, let him Manipulating the day of no peace!

And Li Jiayu's heart is also extremely miserable. Although he is superficially strong, his heart has long been riddled with sensitivity, but it is brittle...

However, this Li Jiayu was able to completely degrade the soul to the darkness, without any concern, only knowing that revenge kills the enemy, abandoning all feelings, and degrading it to the destruction machine dominated by the killing.........

Therefore, he possesses an unstoppable terrorist force, and is more useful to the ten powerful and unparalleled legendary summoned beasts. The level of the Dark Summoner has reached an amazing level of legendary high-level, and the legendary peaks are not necessarily his opponents. At this stage, Li Jiayu, only two people who can suppress him in the Tian Dynasty!

That is, the 929th chapter of the dynasty is chaotic!

Seeing the pressure of the frosty dragon, Yang An attracts a sigh of coolness, and the scorpion blooms out of the glory: "Jiayu,-...the frosty dragon is very strong morning--but it should not be possible Did you summon it?"

If Li Jiayu has the power to summon two legendary summoned beasts, then Li Jiayu can traverse the world, and even Yang An will bow down and bow down.

"Of course not! How can I have this kind of ability... It was the man who summoned it... Yang An, you quickly put the dragonfly away, then converge, and blacken your face.........

Otherwise, you will be killed! ”

"Well? What do you mean?"

"I told you to do it, and you will do it quickly!"

Li Jiayu deeply knows how fierce the anger of the black robe man’s hatred of Yang An, almost to burn the coffin, Li Jiayu wants Yang to die quickly, but she has her principles, she hopes Yang’an defeated the world’s Yang’an, instead of letting the former Li Jiayu kill the world’s Yang’an....—His real enemy should be his world’s legendary high-ranking Yang’an!

"Okay, I understand."

Yang An nodded and immediately took back the golden dragon, and took a black towel from the space ring to cover his face and head, only revealing a pair of eyes, and at the request of Li Jiayu, he also He let go and no longer hold Li Jiayu's waist.

the other side-,………

The battle has come to an end. The phoenix was scratched by the scythe of the **** of death at the beginning. It was hit hard. Now it is strangled by the **** of death and the frost dragon. Even if it is a volcano, it belongs to the phoenix. On the battlefield, it is still unable to return to the sky, but sees more and more wounds on it, the flames are getting more and more bleak, and the hope of escape is becoming more and more ambiguous...

This is the feng shui turn!

Just now it forced Li Jiayu to go nowhere, had to borrow the power of the fate of the fate, consumed her long hair like a waterfall, and the pair of crispy **** like a melon... Now, finally, the phoenix is ​​suppressed like a funeral dog. !

"You.........--you are not a person in this world..."

Phoenix came from a weak spiritual wave and unwillingly shouted: "The world today... is not enough to withstand a powerful life... at most, there can only be legendary low-level,...but why do you have a legendary high-order? Human beings can appear here, which completely violates the established rules!"

"Hahaha, what is the **** rule! I am the law! My Dark Summoner is the master! You only need to go to death with peace of mind. Your phoenix heart is a good baby, give it to me. I will give you a happy death!"

The man in the black magician robe laughed wildly, revealing endless fierceness and arrogance, as if all the creatures were to be wiped out to vent their hatred. His momentum made people extremely uncomfortable, as if to see him. Just a nightmare!

"It's him! It turned out to be him...-, I remembered... He is the enemy of Fang Yun's prophet..."

Yang An brow wrinkled, his heart swayed, whispered out!

At the beginning, Fang Yun came to the door with a female prophet. The female prophet had a river map and had a crystal ball that could be used for divination.

From the crystal ball, Yang An saw his enemies, not the fierce and violent black robe man in front of him!

"Jiayu,-...you know that man"---I know why you have encountered so many misfortunes, the man has such a terrible strength! It is he who tainted you, he made you pregnant, right! You can rest assured that I will defeat the man and take you out of his claws. I will let him exert the pain on you and return it thousands of times! ”

Yang An also twisted his face, and said to Li Jiayu in a word, every time he spit out a word, his anger rose by one point, as if he had to become a raging thunder!

The rivals met, and the eyes were red, not to mention that Yang An also saw the evil enemy who broke Li Jiayu's chastity!

"You, what the **** are you talking about... When was I tainted by him? Are you getting into the water?"

At this juncture, her heart was as uncomfortable as knocking over the five-flavored bottle, but Yang An, who was next to her, was inexplicably nervous, making her all white smoke!

"Kill me, you will be punished by fate...を

The phoenix screamed and opened his wings. He suddenly rushed out of the encirclement of the **** of death and the frosty dragon, madly rushing toward Li Jiayu and Yang An!

It smells that it must die...-,

However, it still wants to die in front of the bright goddess Li Jiayu, what it is trying to figure out, even Li Jiayu can not tell!

"Hey, do you think you have escaped! Kill it!"

The black robe magician Li Jiayu snorted and ordered the death and the frost dragon to chase after him. The death instantly moved, and it appeared in front of the phoenix. The sick slasher took the trajectory of death. On the other side of the phoenix's neck, a long scar was opened, and the frosty dragon spewed the cold dragon's breath, and the phoenix's tail was completely frozen into frost!


At this moment, the phoenix can no longer support it. After a scream of sorrow, it is completely transformed into a flame!

"Okay, finally let it die! Phoenix heart, it should belong to me!" (To be continued)

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