Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 955: Treating others with their own way

The third whip shadow - swiftly wrapped around the neck of the little fat man, a poisonous barb was deeply plunged into the flesh, and quickly slanted a lot of poison, causing the little fat man's neck to be swollen. A large circle, like a thick neck disease, the edema of the flesh seems to flow with a disgusting yellow pus!

"Ah-no! Just because you dare to play poison in front of me... Hahaha, I am the strongest poisonous warlock in Hainan. I can't win you, but I can definitely poison myself, and I am happy to go underground!"

The painful pain from the neck is like a knives of sharp knives that frantically cut every pain nerve. Every muscle, every cell under the body hurts almost to burst into a thick paste. The pain is changed to ordinary people. I’m afraid that the nerves will collapse and die in less than half a second, but the little fat man is nervously hysterical:

"It's useless, I tell you... it's useless... Abandon my arm and get rid of my lower body... What about it, hahaha, can those who are killed by me be resurrected? Those who are eaten by me Can the baby that fell off spit out of my mouth? Can the woman who was killed by my adultery crawl out of hell? Just take the rotten **** and kill me. Can her film recover? Ah, hahaha, I am a scum from childhood, and anyone can trample on my feet, but I have tasted all the enjoyment in the world, and I have already died without regrets-"

The little fat man spit purple blood in his mouth, his face was blue and violent, and he felt like a goblin. He held a long whip around his neck and reached out to his arm. It was no longer touched. The existence of the reproductive organs, looked at the "testicles" on the ground, and looked up at Li Jiayu, and said:

"Yang An, can you help me, you saved the bitch, do you want to put her into the harem? I tell you, you can only **** the old son's broken shoes. [Latest chapter reading. Baoliny.] In the past two months, the man who had been to her had almost four digits. Even the shackles on the street had done her. The forests and totals had been added up. She had been worked over 10,000 times, hahaha-"

"court death!"

Li Jiayu wanted to slowly torture the little fat man. He never thought that the short fat man would be able to swear by his neck. And broke out such disgusting words, even if Li Jiayu has always been calm, but also because of the short fat man said a nausea, the heart surge!

He looked at the girl next to him, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes. No wonder... No wonder the first thing this girl wakes up is not thinking about revenge, but thinking about committing suicide.

It turned out that she was suffering too much shame... Her experience was only a lot worse than the military squad during the war. After half a year, her parents died, and in a sixty-day period they became a group of men’s toilets and bitches, and they were forced. Swallowed a lot of new poisons with psychedelic effects, and stumbled on unacceptable shameless things...

She is just a girl under the age of seventeen... She should have enjoyed her happiest student time at school. She should have been loved by her parents like a pearl, and her classmates are admired...

But now. She lives like a human being, not like a ghost!

What is chilling is that the culprit that caused her tragedy is not the end of the world, nor the worms... but humans! It is a human being whose morality is distorted after gaining power!

What is the darkest in this world?

Not a cruel environment, but a distorted heart!

The distorted human being is the real devil that collapses in the world, and the harm caused by them. More than the insect zombies that invade the earth!

"Don't say it, don't say it anymore..."

The girl screamed exhaustedly, and the 羒砭    孀 孀 孀 洌 洌 洌 庠偬 庠偬 庠偬 庠偬 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦 氲闵簦车 嗫 嗫   跏窍胍靡酝 跏窍胍靡酝 跏窍胍靡酝 跏窍胍靡酝 跏窍胍靡酝 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 氐 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭 渭Panic-smelling 赶 赶 缫丫 缫丫 缫丫 髁 髁?

"Hello, hahaha, what am the scum? I am going to commit suicide, but I will abuse you again at the last minute before dying, so that you will die better than death. The eternal life will live in the shame that I bring to you - Now, I can go to hell, and to hell, my Lu Haixian will still be a fortune, and your devil mother will still be my bitch, and I will never reincarnate, hahaha-"

Lu Haixian is as stunned as a sly cockroach, his mouth almost stretched to the root of his ear, apparently what kind of toxic work to use, to detonate the toxins in his body, so that he can die.


Will Li Jiayu let him succeed?

In love, it is absolutely impossible to let this scum break into hell!

This kind of scum, even if it is 10,000 deaths, it is impossible to repay the sins he committed!

"The sacred light of the world, dispel the haze!"

Just when Lu Haixian detonated the toxins, Li Jiayu sneered and waved his hands, stirring up a large piece of mighty white light, and instantly surrounded Lu Haixian!

This kind of light is that at this stage, Li Jiayu can make the highest level of exorcism, and the ordinary lord lords should be purified into fly ash powder at once!

This kind of light is enough to get rid of most of the evil and sinister substances of the world... including the poisonous toxins in Lu Haixian and the poisonous insects that live in him!

"Ah... this light... is not good, the toxins in my heart are all gone!"

Lu Haixian panicked and screamed, and found that the dark toxins and evil poisonous insects in his body disappeared in less than a second, leaving only some weak toxins with no dark attributes, but these weak toxins have no way to let him Suicide, it can be said that he has eliminated ten of his strength, even if it is quite inferior to the second-class inheritors!

Not only that...

The sacred light not only dispels his toxins, but even regenerates his limbs. The broken left arm naturally can't recover so quickly, only a little granulation grows, but his completely broken genital organs, actually Miraculously re-grow!


Li Jiayu took a long whip, and Lu Haixian, who was wrapped around his neck, confessed that Pan was chewing, and Yan Yan’s 槐呔趴窈穑槐咚 槐呔趴窈穑槐咚 蠛 蠛 ??

"No! This is impossible! Why do I have no qualifications for self-destruction? Why do you want to stop me from committing suicide? I just want to die!"

"Dead? You are not worthy to die!"

Li Jiayu sneered a sneer, looking down at the scum of this sinister sin. The more he saw, the more ugly the human being was. The ugly was not the appearance of a fat man, but the ruthless, cruel, distorted heart, the poison of the fat man. Not terrible, what is really terrible is his cold heart!


Li Jiayu trampled on the head of the little fat man and forced the head to fall into the mud. At the same time, the long whip in his hand increased his strength, and the cervical vertebrae of the fat man made a "Kerala" sound. Almost want to stir his organs into pieces!

"You have been bullied since childhood, so you have to retaliate against the society, and magnify your pains thousands of times to harm innocent people? You have the power that God has given you, so you can be unscrupulous and unscrupulous. Looking for benefits, even if you build happiness on the suffering of others, you are not ashamed. You are a humble pity, and you really think that you will continue to kill and harm people. What is the league's spokes?

"Killing, harming, eating people, smashing B. 诒 诒 诒 诒 诒 诒 λ λ λ λ λ λ λ λ 沂 沂 沂 沂 沂 λ 沂 沂 沂 沂 沂 沂 沂DDT owes an affair to Ai Yi, a dumpling, and says that he is flustered, screaming, screaming, screaming, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant Yu Yu’s ruling is also ridiculous, 缁幔缁 缁幔缁 缁幔缁 缁幔缁 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 绱 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比 比"Bathing 揖 揖 比 比 衲 衲 沂 沂 沂 沂 比 比 比 比 比 比 衲 衲 衲 衲 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺 趺

Even if the little fat man is about to break his head and his neck is about to be broken, he is still making excuses for his ugly behavior.

"Yes, I am thinking about how to make you regret, paying for everything you do... Oh, right, how is it to rule someone with his own way?"

Li Jiayu’s ice-blue scorpion sparkled with a hint of suffocation. He hadn’t applied the dark magic for a long time. When he only hated it in his life, he would use that dark magic—that is, make people Live a dead body!

Once the enemy has this magic, it will become an immortal zombie. The soul will always be imprisoned on the rotting corpse. It will endure the burning pain of the body and the pus, and the dark power of the undead will also The enemy's soul will fall into the abyss forever, and soon it will be completely mad, and become a ghost!

The magic of the darkness suddenly jumped from the palm of Li Jiayu. The devil's hand has already mutated several times in these few months. The dark magic has increased greatly, and it has risen to the level of the lord. It is the horror of Li Jiayu's dark magic. Extremely peak, although I want to display a living corpse, although it is still a bit reluctant, it is not difficult!

"Ah... what do you do to me! Yang An, do you want to torture me to vent your hate? It’s useless. I tell you, I have to endure what kind of pain, killing people, but you can only torture at most. I am three or four days, I can still bear this bitterness..."

On the occasion of the little fat man, Li Jiayu's devil's hand has completely covered the head of the little fat man, and a circle of dark magic runes has been drilled into his body. The gloomy death scent erodes his flesh and blood and destroys his vitality. Let him gradually transform into a living body!


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