Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 968: One step, one white smoke, one knife and one eunuch

"Lu scum is dead, now, it's your turn."

Fish white cherry stood quietly in front of five men, the tone did not bring a trace of emotional fluctuations, the only eyes that were not covered by the cold mask sparkled with grayish black and strange, stunned with a needle-like dead cold light, like a sleeping owl At night, I slammed the dazzling pupils of the same age!

"Lu Laoda is dead?"

The expressions of the five men stagnate in an instant, and then it was a moment of silence, but soon they laughed as if they heard an international joke, and shouted at the mask of the fish white cherry:

"Fish scorpion! You are dead! You dare to curse Lu Bo, believe it or not, he made you a corpse specimen!"

"Does your brain not be too devastating?" Well, how are you awake now, are you pretending to be stupid? Well, no wonder you will appear here now, I want to come to you. I’ve got a bitter meal, and when I’m not paying attention to Lu’s boss, I’ve escaped...”

"I still dare to come back when I escaped. Hey, is the fish scorpion wanting to come back and continue to be squandered by our brothers, or do you want to take revenge? Hahaha, the black robes next to her is her cuddling?"

"Listen to the voice, that black robes are also a girl. You care too much. The fish scorpion is definitely not coming for revenge. She clearly feels too cool. She is especially happy to bring her sisters together here, dozens of them. Brothers are trying to manipulate, which woman in this world is unhappy, hahaha..."

The five men’s foul language has long been accustomed to it. Zhangkou’s mouth shut is “fighting”, and it’s just that the wounds are extremely ruthless. In addition, they have the impression that the fish white cherry has always been a small lamb that can be slaughtered, so it’s impossible to get any wind and waves, so even They know that the person who came is not good, but also ridiculed the ridicule.

It's like a hen raised in your own home. It is just for the sake of laying eggs and slaughtering. But suddenly one day it is angry and angered in front of you. If you want to avenge the eggs you have eaten, you will feel very funny.

What kind of threat does a hen have to humans?

In the same way, the fish-white sakura, a weak and stupid weak woman, can cause harm to the flying scorpion "great hunter".

"Hey, fish scorpion, what to wear on the mask, is it tempting to play the wonderful costumes... Hey, we have a few brothers, but I still remember how angry your face is, wearing a mask. This is not Wasting your pretty face..."


"Hey, why? Don't you talk? Is it wet again?"

The five men sneered and laughed again and again, seeing the fish white cherry did not respond for a long time, then they glanced at each other, smirking at the fish white cherry approaching the past, the man with a yellow face is more lascivious, not directly Extend the pair of salty pigs and try to squeeze the chest of the fish white cherry!


Without warning, a bright cold light suddenly shines...

However, the fish white cherry backhand clasped a curved serpentine dagger, across the chest, sharp sharp knives also exudes cold and biting cold air, especially in the dark night!

The yellow tooth man’s action immediately went on, and a pair of salty pigs were only one meter away from the fish white cherry. He stunned and then laughed again:

"Oh, it’s still a knife and a gun. It’s really a ruthless singer. You just forget how many buddies are waiting for you.... Hey, you’re selling this dagger, it’s still a magic weapon. Come, you have a hand-free woman, how do you know how to use it, and carefully give yourself a slap..."

Fish white cherry cold eyes looked at the clown-like yellow tooth brother, calmly said: "This dagger is not used to swear."

"Not a curse, is it used to cut fruit? Now there is a fart fruit for you to cut, haha ​​one"

Fish white cherry shakes his head, it is still that does not contain half-emotional fluctuations, whisper:

"It is used to swear people..."

"Hey? Are you willing to drop a few of your buddies? Don't forget that this is a woman's favorite thing..."

Not only the yellow-haired brother laughed loudly, but even the four men in the back were smirking, and the eyes that looked at the fish white cherry became more and more playful, and they shouted at the broken copper scorpion:

"I just thought that you were deliberately mad and sold silly. Now I know that I have not been awake, my brain is still ruined by a lot of strong aphrodisiacs. You are not worthy of your virtue. Hahaha, it’s not your brain. I am a peerless master, and I am coming back to revenge and hate? Hey, I am so scared..."

However, the voice is still falling -

Change the burial!

The man’s voice stopped hard, because he saw a pair of salty pigs from the yellow tooth male closest to the fish white cherry falling to the ground!


The fat palms were divided into **** hands and wrists. They fell on the marble floor and splashed with bright red blood. In a flash, the air was filled with pungent **** smell!

The visual impact of this scene was so shocking that everyone stayed until the yellow man’s mouth widened and his face twitched and screamed, and the other four men reacted!

Pick up your hands!

This is a slap in the face, but...

How did the hands be cut off, they clearly did not see the dagger in the hands of the fish white cherry waving...

"Ah! My hand, my hand... fish scorpion, is it that you cut the hands of Lao Tzu, this is impossible, it is the black robes next to you."

The yellow-toothed man was almost sore that he had shattered his mouth full of yellow teeth, and his body was shaking. He screamed and screamed at the side of his throat, while his **** wrist wanted to pick up the hands on the ground, and the forehead had already oozing out. Fine cold sweat.

But at this time...

Still without warning...

The yellow-toothed man's pants smashed a big hole, just like a trousers. In a flash, **** water stained the high-end suit pants.


Dropping a disgusting meat mass on the ground again, it is a male genitalia attached to the ugly egg sac!

Fish White Sakura swears that all the scum that insulted her will be cut off, and now, is the moment when she vows to act!

"Fish, fish, you really dare to move a few buddies to die!"

Seeing that the brothers were shackled and shackled, the remaining four men all looked dignified, but there was no excessive movement because everything that happened just was too strange, and the fish white sakura was not touched by the brothers. After cutting three places, can you say that the action of the fish white cherry that was once slaughtered in the past is almost invisible to the naked eye?

Just when the four men were in doubt, the fish white cherry finally moved. She pulled out with the strength of carrying the mountains and the sea, and kicked the chin of the yellow tooth man who couldn’t afford it. The body of the yellow-toothed man flew up from the bottom up, his head reclined, his jaw broken and his neck was severely strained. The body of 150 kilograms flew six meters high!

Until he hit the white ceiling heavily, the yellow-toothed man fell to the ground again. At this moment, he had already fainted, and his body was twisted like a bone. The most ridiculous thing was that he was still falling. More than a dozen yellow teeth with blood!

One foot!

Just kicking the chin of the yellow tooth with a light foot, breaking the teeth, the whole neck is not naturally twisted...

This, how is this possible!

The yellow tooth is also a second-order low-order mad warrior. Anything else can't be shot. The strength of the ** is very strong. Even ordinary knives can't get into his skin, and the bones are hard. Iron, but why... why he will be ruined by the fish scorpion with no force!

The four men suddenly felt that their heads were short-circuited, blank...

They never imagined that this "bitch" just disappeared for a day, and it got such a terrible power... It was as ridiculous as the female silk was white and beautiful at night, but it happened, and It happened to them!

"Mom, Mom... How can the fish scorpion become so strong!"

"It's her, she is, she must have used her dagger to abolish the yellow teeth!"

"No, no, I didn't see her dagger moving, Mom, isn't she so fast that she can't see it?"

"Where! Fish scorpion, what do you want to do, you know that you are dead! How do you get this skill, ha? It’s not that you refine the **** of hundreds of men, and finally make you Bodywork? Hey, it’s really flying on the branches and turning into phoenixes, but you should disappear immediately. Now come back and look for cockroaches, don’t be afraid that our murderous hunters will kill you! You forgot Lu’s boss and How strong is Wei boss?..."

Four men, some people were suspicious, some people were squatting, and some people pointed at the fish white cherry nose and voice...

Fish white cherry is a step forward, the handle is not contaminated with half a blood. First, it still shines with the icy cold of death.

"Lu people can't save you, I want you to be a waste person for a lifetime!"

The eyes of the fish white cherry became extremely sharp, and the whole person ran into a white smoke, and the speed was terrible. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the man who was screaming.


A soft bang, white smoke and the name of the man staggered past, the smeared figure reappeared in the air, long black hair flowing and dancing...


The screaming man uttered a scream of screaming, and the blood was suddenly squirting like a faucet. It was all his palms and soles were cut, his limbs were still there, and the most important parts of his limbs were destroyed. His belly, Dan Tianqihai, was also smashed by the dagger, and even his fifth limb was broken, and he was stuffed into his mouth with a strong one!

I saw the screaming man "噗通" fell to the ground, the mouth was full of blood, and the remaining three men finally felt the bitter fear!


Calling a man is a second-level qigong master!

Fish white cherry said killing and killing, one hit spike, the speed is as fast as thunder lightning... Even the third-level mid-level windrunner is not likely to do so fast, no, even the third-level high-order is not good!

For a moment, the heads of the three men were short-circuited again!

The old **** fish white grid... actually has the power beyond the third-level high-level, but it is even more powerful than the Lulu boss and Wei boss!

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