Cui Huanling was stunned.

Her eyes followed Jiang Feimeng's gaze and she was slightly surprised to see a pretty woman with a big belly.

She looked at Jiang Feimeng suspiciously and asked, "Brother, you won't even let go of other people's wives, right? And her belly is so big..."

Jiang Feimeng's face darkened, and he couldn't help but tap Cui Huanling's forehead: "What are you thinking about? I feel that she is a little suspicious, or it may just be my illusion. Anyway, you can just stare at her when you have nothing to do, but don't overdo it. Maybe I really think too much."

After all, she just returned to Lichao, and Jiang Feimeng didn't want this matter to cause trouble.

Cui Huanling nodded thoughtfully, as if she understood what Jiang Feimeng meant, and smiled:

"Okay, I'll remember it. Is this thing going to be born? I also want to see it with my brother."

Jiang Feimeng glanced around. At this time, there was no one around, including the person in charge of the institute, who had left the nano research institute.

He was quite confident in his own strength. With him here, he was not worried about Cui Huanling getting into trouble, so he nodded:

"Okay, then you stay by my side and don't leave me."

"Okay, brother, don't worry, hehe..."

Cui Huanling hugged Jiang Feimeng's arm, feeling very safe.

At this moment, the egg of the king-level weird creature had begun to change naturally, and the vibration became more irregular. At the same time, golden patterns flowed on it, looking extremely gorgeous.

The surrounding air seemed to be crushed, and there was a cracking sound. The birth of this king-level weird creature was indeed extraordinary.

Cui Huanling looked at it nervously, and couldn't help but hold Jiang Feimeng's arm tighter.

Not too long after, with a cracking sound, cracks began to appear on the golden giant egg, which kept getting bigger and breaking, and finally turned into energy again and was absorbed by one of the creatures wrapped in golden mist.

The king-level weird creature was wrapped in golden mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

Until the eggshell was completely broken and absorbed, the king-level weird creature finally appeared.


Jiang Feimeng was stunned, and then his nose was hot.

The king-level weird creature actually had a woman's face, and it was an extremely beautiful woman's face. It was naked, and only the back and tail had some characteristics of weird creatures. The golden eyebrows and long hair made it look like a goddess.

Such a king-level weird creature completely made people forget that it was a weird creature.

Cui Huanling immediately covered Jiang Feimeng's eyes, and her face blushed and said: "Brother, don't look at it, I think this is a vixen."

Gently pulling Cui Huanling's palm apart, Jiang Feimeng smiled and said: "Xiaoling, don't make trouble, brother still has this little bit of self-control, let me see what's going on?"

At this moment, the golden eyebrows of the king-level weird creature trembled slightly, and finally opened his eyes, with a trace of confusion, and even a little helplessness.

He noticed Jiang Feimeng and Cui Huanling at a glance, and gently put a finger into his mouth to think, still confused.


"Could it be that the king-level weird creature was like a child when it was just born?"

Jiang Feimeng guessed here.

After all, all other weird creatures were dealt with by him, and no weird creature would teach this king-level weird creature.

At the same time, he was speechless. The appearance of such a delicate, beautiful, and inexperienced king-level weird creature really disrupted his plan.

In his original plan, he was going to wait for this king-level weird creature to be born, beat it half to death, and then take it to Professor Zhang for research, and then take out the original flint to strengthen the litchi nest.

But in this situation, this plan is obviously not suitable.

Just as Jiang Feimeng was still thinking, the king-level weird creature had stood up and moved lightly to the two of them. Seeing that she did not take action, Jiang Feimeng did not take action either.

I did not feel any murderous aura.

When the king-level weird creature came to Jiang Feimeng, it sniffed around Jiang Feimeng, then suddenly hugged Jiang Feimeng, stretched out countless tiny tentacles from its back, touched Jiang Feimeng's face for a while, and then closed its eyes and fell asleep.


Jiang Feimeng was stunned.

This was the first time he encountered this situation, and he did not feel any malice, and even felt a lot of kindness and disgust.

After being in a daze, he also thought for a while and was a little entangled.

"Oh! Forget it, take it back and study it carefully, and then we can talk about it after we figure it out."

Cui Huanling on the side was also surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Brother, didn't you say that this kind of king-level weird creature is scary? I think she doesn't seem scary at all, and she's a little pretty."


Jiang Feimeng was speechless.

In his previous life, he had only seen a few king-level weird creatures,But they are all very fierce. Even if they are similar to human forms, they will treat all living things as grass. When they eat people, they are not ambiguous at all.

"Every king-level weird creature is different. Maybe this one is also special. Now it seems that I can only take it back and figure it out first, and then see how to deal with it."

As he spoke, Jiang Feimeng took out a set of clothes from the space items and put them on the king-level weird creature. Although it was men's, it could be worn temporarily.

Then he carried it away.

On the way, he asked Cui Huanling to help find some clothes for women, and he carried the king-level weird creature into his room.

Put it on the bed and carefully examine it. Except for some characteristics of weird creatures, there is not much difference between its appearance and humans. There is some transparency on the chest that appears and disappears from time to time.

One of the heart-sized original flints is burning with golden flames. The original flint is also golden, which is obviously different from other original flints.

Although it is small in size, Jiang Feimeng knows that the energy contained in it is completely different from that of other original flints.

With long golden hair, she was lying there quietly with her eyes closed and sleeping soundly. Even after Jiang Feimeng checked her and called her twice, she didn't wake up.

She knew that she might be a little weak because she was just born.

After waiting quietly, Cui Huanling found a few sets of her own clothes and handed them to Jiang Feimeng, saying, "Let her wear my clothes first."

"Then I'll leave it to you, brother. I'll go first and see what's going on with the woman you mentioned."

Jiang Feimeng paused, thinking that it was just a king-level weird creature, and there was no need for two people to guard here together, so he nodded:

"Well, go ahead and take a look. If there is really a problem, don't go up."

"Hehe, I know."

Cui Huanling left.

Jiang Feimeng continued to study until the evening, when the king-level weird creature opened its eyes again.

The same confusion and doubt appeared again, but the difference this time was that the king-level weird creature naturally hugged Jiang Feimeng, as if it could feel warmth from him.

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