In order to save space, Luo Linshuang specially renovated this ordinary residential area at the same time.

One layer is nested inside another layer, which saves a lot of space for Lichao and allows many people to move around at the same time.

Jiang Feimeng also gave Luo Linshuang a thumbs up after knowing this.

When seeing these crowded places, many people were instantly dissatisfied.

"Oh my! This place is too small, it's so small, it's crowded to live in."

"That's right, this kind of place is for animals to live in!"

Many people whispered and didn't dare to speak too loudly.

However, Jiang Feimeng naturally knew that some people would think so, and immediately said with a smile: "I believe everyone has seen it, this is just an ordinary residential area, which will be provided to everyone for free."

"At the same time, we have also renovated the intermediate and advanced areas. Living in them will enjoy the treatment of flying. Please watch."

As Jiang Feimeng's voice fell, the picture instantly switched to the intermediate area.

There are many green plants dotted around. There is no warehouse in the air, but a residential area like the outside world, and even a small square.

Above the intermediate area, holographic projection technology was used to create a clear sky, and everything looked no different from the outside world.

Many people were stunned instantly.

This was obviously well prepared, and the preparation was too good.

"Oh my God! This place is better than where I lived before. If I can live here, it doesn't matter whether it is the end of the world or not."

"It's good, but didn't you hear what the leader said? If you don't live here for free, you must pay a price."

"Hehe, there is no free lunch in this world. Even if everyone has to work before the end of the world, we should make the best of it. Isn't it good to be alive? If you don't believe it, just look at it."

At this time, many surveillance images were still playing on the undamaged surveillance.

Many people who did not believe Fang Meiru's words and came to Lichao suffered a tragic fate at this moment, either torn to pieces by wild beasts or eaten alive by birds.

Or they were directly trampled to death by those weird creatures.

Everything proved to everyone how safe this place was.

Many people clenched their fists instantly: "No matter what the cost, I must live in a higher-level area. Perhaps this is also an opportunity."

"Even the intermediate area is like this, what will the advanced area be like!"

Many people looked at Jiang Feimeng on the platform and waited for his next words.

Jiang Feimeng also smiled and said: "This is the intermediate area. I believe you have all seen it. The living environment is very superior and suitable for lifelong residence."

"Next, I will show you the advanced area. It is a paradise for the strong. Whether you can live there depends on your contribution to Lichao."

As soon as Jiang Feimeng finished speaking, in the expectant eyes of everyone, the picture changed again in an instant, and a paradise on earth appeared.

Artificial beaches, barbecue grills, villa areas, coconut trees, various high-end restaurants, cafes, gyms, entertainment facilities, etc., all places that people yearned for before the end of the world, all appeared in the advanced area.

There are even beautiful waitresses in bikinis.

Instantly, everyone's blood boiled.

"Fuck! I must live in the high-level area. It's worth it to live there once!"

"How can I get to the high-level area? What kind of value do I have to provide?"

Many people asked questions.

Even Jiang Feimeng, who was standing on the high platform, heard it.

His voice continued to ring, answering everyone's doubts and saying: "In this doomsday, coming to Lichao is an opportunity for all of you. As long as you can provide corresponding contribution points, you can enjoy corresponding treatment."

"Low-level ordinary areas are free, living in the intermediate area for a day requires 10 contribution points, and the high-level area requires 100 contribution points every day. Just pay enough contribution points."

"As for the contribution points, each of you will get a magnetic card in the future. What kind of treatment you can get in the future depends on your own efforts."

"There are many conditions for obtaining contribution points. You can exchange them with precious items, or simply complete the tasks issued by Lichao, or work for Lichao, and a series of activities to obtain contribution points."

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

There are even many people rubbing their hands.

This is an opportunity for many people.

Many people have awakened their tattoos and can do the Lichao mission. When they get a lot of contribution points, they can live in a higher-level area and enjoy better treatment.

Obviously, the higher the area, the better the food provided.

No oneDon't like to enjoy.

However, many ordinary people are unwilling to do so. They have no tattoo awakening, so they must be much worse than the super tattooers. How can they compare with them at that time?

Suddenly, a laugh broke out in the crowd not far from the high platform: "Hahaha... It's so funny. We ordinary people without tattoos have to serve these guys for a lifetime? I would rather die!"

A man said, and then he looked at Jiang Feimeng on the stage with a covetous look.

Hearing this, Jiang Feimeng was not angry.

This is indeed unfair to ordinary people, and he had thought about it a long time ago.

He laughed and said, "Who said that ordinary people don't have the ability to change their fate? Before the end of the world, I was also an ordinary person. Ordinary people don't bully ordinary people. I will give you a chance to become strong people!"

"People from the Lin family in the north of the city, stand up!"

Jiang Feimeng shouted softly, and some people who knew the Lin family in the north of the city gave way.

Suddenly, the people of the Lin family looked at each other.

Some were confused.

The next moment, Jiang Feimeng looked at Zhang Hu.

Zhang Hu instantly transformed into a fierce tiger, and in a few leaps, he quickly came in front of the Lin family and attacked them directly, and a scream sounded instantly.

Then he brought a man in front of Jiang Feimeng.

Lin Qingshan looked at Jiang Feimeng in horror, not knowing that he was caught here like this.

Jiang Feimeng was very familiar with this person. Luo Linshuang's death in the previous life was due to this guy's rebellion.

Lin Qingshan's family has mastered the cultivation method.

This Lin Qingshan is also a very talented person. Although he has no tattoos, he quickly cultivated to a very high level with this great change in the world.

But at the last moment, he led the Lin family to rebel, resulting in the tragic death of Luo Linshuang and countless people. Jiang Feimeng will naturally not forget it.

Although he had taken revenge once in the previous life, Jiang Feimeng would not let this guy go this time.

Looking at Lin Qingshan, Jiang Feimeng said lightly: "Hand over your Lin family's "Canglong Jue"!"

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