After the super-patterned person awakens, the body will have the corresponding blood power.

Zhang Linlin awakened the five-clawed golden dragon, which can be said to be a peerless elixir for this giant dragon.

Just by absorbing Zhang Linlin's blood, the giant dragon successfully transformed into a dragon.

It was just a pity for Zhang Linlin. At this moment, her face was pale, and most of her blood was taken away by the giant dragon for evolution.

But she still opened her eyes weakly and dazedly and saw her father Zhang Qingyuan.

"Dad... you're okay, so good!"

Zhang Linlin's eyes showed surprise. She only had her father and grandfather left. She had to protect them even at the cost of her life.

Seeing that her father was safe and sound, Zhang Linlin was so happy.

But soon she found that she was lying in a man's arms.

Her face turned red immediately.

She wanted to get up and leave, but she had no strength at all.

Seeing this, Jiang Feimeng smiled and said, "You have been through too many battles before, and you have been seriously injured. In addition, you have lost too much blood. It is better not to move."

"Yes, yes, this young man is right, Linlin, you must not move."

Zhang Qingyuan's eyes were full of guilt.

Before the great changes in the world, his daughter had always been his little princess, and he was afraid that she would melt in his hands.

But after the great changes in the world, he had to let his daughter protect him.

Zhang Qingyuan secretly hated his uselessness.

"I'm sorry, Linlin, it's all because of Dad's uselessness!"

Zhang Qingyuan silently clenched his fists.

Then he looked at Jiang Feimeng and asked hurriedly, "Brother, can you save my daughter? No matter what the price, as long as you can save my daughter, my life will be yours in the future."

Looking at Zhang Linlin's weak appearance at the moment, Zhang Qingyuan was worried that his daughter would leave him.

Jiang Feimeng thought for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "It's not that there is no way. Just sign a tattoo contract with me, and my power will help her recover from her injuries. Although she is seriously injured, consuming my power can save her."


Jiang Feimeng hesitated.

Zhang Qingyuan immediately asked: "But what? Brother, it's time, no matter what the price is, I just want my daughter to be alive."

Jiang Feimeng couldn't say in front of a father that he would press someone else's daughter's chest.

Immediately leaned over to Zhang Linlin's ear and told her what to do to conclude a contract.

"Cough cough cough..."

After listening to Jiang Feimeng's story, Zhang Linlin blushed and then coughed violently.

She didn't expect that concluding a contract would be like this.

Looking at her father, then at the man in front of her, feeling her increasingly dizzy head, Zhang Linlin finally nodded and said: "Okay, I agree to conclude a contract with you, but you take me behind the tree over there."

Her father was right in front of her.

Zhang Linlin's face turned redder after saying this, and it was already red to the root of her neck.

However, in order to be able to live and accompany her father and grandfather, Zhang Linlin still chose to agree to this contract method, which was a bit embarrassing but would not affect anything.

Hearing this.

Jiang Feimeng was also very happy. This was the owner of the five-clawed golden dragon tattoo.

Once a contract was concluded with him, it would be a great help.

At this moment, only Zhang Qingyuan was confused.

However, seeing his daughter's appearance, he also knew that this way of concluding a contract was a bit difficult to talk about.

He was smart and didn't ask more questions.

After all, it was about his daughter's life.

Jiang Feimeng glanced at the sky.

At this moment, the giant dragon beast king transformed by the giant dragon had been bruised and battered by more than a dozen vicious dogs, and his body was being eaten by more than a dozen vicious dogs.

It would not be long before it became the food of more than a dozen vicious dogs.

Jiang Feimeng stopped looking at it and quickly carried Zhang Linlin to a big tree where no one could see.

After that, Zhang Linlin took off her clothes with great effort, blushing and saying, "Okay, let's sign a contract."

"Well, after the contract is signed, we will have a connection. From now on, you relax and think about your tattoo."

After the two pressed each other's chests, Zhang Linlin obeyed and did as she was told.


Both of their tattoos glowed.

Zhang Linlin's back was bright.

Jiang Feimeng's rune tattoo also emitted bright light.


Zhang Linlin couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

She didn't expect that signing a contract would feel like this.

Blushing, she didn't dare to look into Jiang Feimeng's eyes. She actually made a sound, which was too embarrassing.

But soon, Zhang Linlin felt a strong force, through the connection between the tattoos.It began to enter her body.

Her originally weak body was instantly revitalized and regained strength.

Her face gradually became ruddy.

This surprised Zhang Linlin.

What shocked her even more was yet to come.

This energy was so strong that it seemed to burst her body. Her tattoo was forced to glow brightly, and the whole person suddenly floated up.

Then, it turned directly into a five-clawed golden dragon.

It kept circling in the air, like a king.

The dragon roared continuously, and countless beasts in the valley trembled.

Today, these mutant beasts have suffered a lot. First, the vicious dogs, then the giant dragon turned into a dragon, and now there is a real dragon circling.

Zhang Qingyuan was surprised to see this scene.

He had naturally seen his daughter's appearance after turning into a dragon. Now it seems that his daughter should have recovered.

Cui Huanzhu, who turned into a drought demon, also noticed this scene.

He smiled.

The beast king who had transformed from a giant dragon had been completely devoured by her dozen vicious dogs.

They were evolving one after another.

They kept roaring.

Their bodies had grown several times larger, and they all looked very powerful.

They had all evolved to the beast king level.

They were in harmony with the five-clawed golden dragon in the sky.

However, after a burst of dragon roars, the five-clawed golden dragon that Zhang Linlin had transformed into also rapidly grew larger, and its five claws began to grow again.

Soon, it had a few more claws, and eventually became a giant dragon hovering over the entire valley.

Its size was so large that it almost covered the sky and the sun.

If you count the dragon claws, you will find that the five-clawed golden dragon that Zhang Linlin had transformed into now had nine claws.

The originally golden body had also changed, and it looked more like a mysterious golden color.

There were countless mysterious rune lines wrapped around it.

"Ancestor Dragon!"

Jiang Feimeng was also surprised.

The Xuanyuan Sword that Jiang Meier transformed into last time, and Zhang Linlin this time, both proved one thing, that signing a contract with him can make the tattoo evolve again and become more powerful.

Zhang Linlin at this moment is the best proof.

When the transformation stopped, Zhang Linlin was also shocked. She felt that the power in her body was bursting, far more than before.

And the dragon head that was transformed at this moment looked at his huge body and was also shocked.

"I... How did I become like this!"

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