Jiang Feimeng did not fight back.

Fearing to hurt Chang Feifei.

He just raised a wind wall around his body.


There was a loud noise.

Jiang Feimeng stood still, but the Taotie incarnated by Chang Feifei flew out backwards.

The claws of the beast were in pain and cracks appeared.

Jiang Feimeng was shocked and said immediately: "Don't do it. I'm afraid of hurting you. You can't beat me."

Chang Feifei was silent.

Then she became even more angry. This man didn't make a move, but just raised a wind wall around his body, and she was the one who got hurt.

It was so infuriating!

He immediately changed his form again and turned into Taowu. His huge body and cold fangs were terrifying.

He quickly attacked Jiang Feimeng, but it was useless.

It made her crazy and attacked more fiercely.

At the same time, she changed her Taotie form from time to time and bit Jiang Feimeng.

However, no matter how she attacked, she couldn't even break Jiang Feimeng's wind wall.

After a while, Jiang Feimeng simply put away the wind wall and let Chang Feifei's beast attack, because Chang Feifei had been injured by the attack, and was worried that something might happen.

Chang Feifei was immediately discouraged, and the beast incarnated grimaced in pain.

"Damn it! Who is this guy? How can he be so strong? It doesn't make sense!"

"Forget it, we can't fight anymore!"

Thinking of this, Chang Feifei made a prompt decision.

She directly transformed into a half-beast and fled into the distance.

Jiang Feimeng hurried to catch up, and said behind him:

"I really have no ill intentions. If I wanted to kill you, you couldn't get away just now. What I said is true. I plan to take you back. You can use the spirit stones as you like in the future."

Chang Feifei's running body paused when she heard it.

But soon she chose not to believe it.

Suddenly a stranger saw you for the first time, and then told you to go home with him in the future and spend money as you like. This kind of pie is completely bullshit.

And she has no habit of going back with a man casually.

Years of killer training career taught Chang Feifei that she must not trust anyone and cannot expose herself casually.

She has always attacked suddenly, usually in secret. If it weren't for the burning tattoo and sensing that the spirit stone was about to be born, she would not show her head.

Now she is in a dilemma.

While running, she replied: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? I believe you just because I said a few words. No matter what your purpose is, catch up with me first!"

After speaking.

Chang Feifei's half-beast form suddenly emanated fierceness, and her speed increased by several levels.

However, in this early stage of awakening, no matter how fast Chang Feifei was, how could she compare to Jiang Feimeng who had already mastered the power of wind.

No matter how Chang Feifei increased her speed, she still kept the same distance from Jiang Feimeng. Obviously, Jiang Feimeng did not use all his speed.

Chang Feifei was annoyed.

Was this man playing tricks on her? What did he think of her?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got, but he was powerless.

Jiang Feimeng naturally didn't have this idea.

He just knew that even if he caught up with Chang Feifei directly, she might not listen to him. It would be better for you to run while I chased, and then explain the matter clearly.

It also saved Chang Feifei from desperately resisting, which would cause unnecessary trouble.

Jiang Feimeng was also a little helpless when he saw that Chang Feifei did not believe him.

But on second thought, who would suddenly believe a stranger?

The memory of the previous life cannot be transferred to others.

He immediately said: "I know your name, your name is Chang Feifei, you have four fierce beast tattoos, and the Qiongqi tattoo is missing a piece. There was a little accident when the tattoo was done, so there will be problems after awakening."

"The missing part is on the upper right chest, there is a small red mole there..."

"Shut up!"

Chang Feifei's face flushed.

Her body suddenly stopped, looking at Jiang Feimeng in disbelief.

Such a private thing, this guy just said it out of the blue?

And even before the great changes in the world, except for the teammate who helped her tattoo, no one else could know.

Jiang Feimeng was also very happy to see Chang Feifei stop. Although Chang Feifei saved them in the last life, she was also injured. It was Jiang Feimeng who helped her bandage the wound. How could he not remember these things?

If it weren't for winning Chang Feifei's trust, Jiang Feimeng wouldn't want to say these.

But fortunately, there was no one around, so it wouldn't affect anything.


Chang Feifei was about to speak when she suddenly screamed. A big mouth suddenly appeared around her empty body, wrapped her up, and dragged her away quickly.

TowardsA bigger mouth swallowed it.

It was a super large Piranha plant, with many large Piranha plants connected around it.

It looked more like a monster after the Piranha plants merged.

It started out as just an ordinary Piranha plant, and then it swallowed its own kind again and again, and then evolved into a super Piranha plant.

The huge Piranha plant exuded the aura of the beast king level.

Piranha King!

No doubt.

And the connected Piranha plants appeared out of thin air, and the Piranha King actually gained the ability to be invisible to hunt, which can be said to be hard to guard against.

At this moment, huge Piranha plants appeared in the air around them, like giant mouths roaring at the sky.

All the roots are connected to the Piranha King body.

Jiang Feimeng was also shocked when he saw this scene.

After judging these instantly, he also acted decisively.

A fist was thrown at the King of Man-eating Plants, and a straight line of fierce wind burst out instantly, directly hitting the King of Man-eating Plants, which screamed shrilly and strangely, and then quickly disintegrated and turned into powder on the spot!

Just one punch! The King of Man-eating Plants was solved.

The main body was solved, and the large Man-eating Plants connected to it also withered instantly, turning into ashes and disappearing, and Chang Feifei's body reappeared.

She looked at the arrogant Jiang Feimeng with shock in her eyes.

"So strong!"

"If that kind of attack had hit me just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been any better than the King of Man-eating Plants?"

"Who is he? Why does he know about my body? And why did he save me?"

With doubts and confusion, Chang Feifei felt dizzy and fell asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, Jiang Feimeng was giving her artificial respiration.

Although Jiang Feimeng was very powerful, he was not a doctor.

This was the best rescue measure he could take.

Fortunately, it really worked.

Seeing Chang Feifei open her eyes, she said:

"Look, I told you not to run away. You were attacked by the Piranha King just now. The Piranha King that wrapped you was poisonous, so you passed out."

"You are still poisoned now. Let me make it clear that I don't know how to detoxify. I can only help you by signing a tattoo contract. Now that you are awake, let's get started."

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