The direction that the blade was pointing in was the knight who had completely collapsed to the ground.

They had heard a lot of terrifying legends about this man before.

But after this battle, they were almost completely wiped out, and these scouts were surprised to find that their opponents were much more dangerous than they imagined.

Such a dangerous opponent is now paralyzed.

Is there anything else to do but dismember him?

Three long swords, pointing straight to the sky.

"Boom, clang, clang!" the

knight, covered in heavy armor, remained motionless.

Nor is it something scouts can easily hack.

In a few moments, they were exhausted and panting.

But the leader quickly made up his mind and decided to focus on the neck, where the armor was weakest.

After all, a miracle like the one just now can't be repeated again in a short period of time.

Just simply cut off his head and it's all over.

The three of them scattered and lined up, taking turns slashing the knight's neck.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong!" watched

the rhythm of their swords, as if they were beating rice cakes.

But the flying sparks seemed to strike iron.

"Cut in, cut in! See? I just cut in a small section!" said

the man who looked like a scout captain excitedly to his compatriots.

The others were greatly encouraged, and hurriedly quickened the movements of their hands, and tinkled into iron.

"Dangdang Dang!"

was really loud at this scene.

Big to... The two people in the grass chatted quietly, and they would not be detected to the extent.

Staring at Yu Yujiu's face, Han Xue muttered dissatisfiedly

, "We really didn't do anything, just watched his head being cut off?" "There's

no need to do something, right... Strictly speaking, he's just a stranger.

Yu Yujiu's expression was very calm.

"Are you just watching him die? There are only three weak chickens left on the other side, and have you forgotten... He's dying to avenge your slime!

" "Shuma couldn't have died so easily... I didn't kneel down and beg him for help. Hearing

this, Han Xue couldn't stand this unsentimental man anymore.

She clenched her electric baton and rushed out unexpectedly.

The girl's body was very fast, and Yu Yujiu couldn't react for a while.

He reflexively tried to reach out and grab it, but in the end he just shook the air in vain, and scratched at the loneliness.

With a sigh, he untied the "belt" around his waist.

With a flick, the short poles snapped back into a spear.


Han Xue's fanfare appearance is something that no one can hide at all.

The well-trained scouts, seeing a new enemy, quickly switched their targets and rushed over.

Han Xue hurriedly retreated, holding an electric baton to maintain the farthest contact distance.

The other party looked confused, so far away, except for the attack of weapons, he couldn't hit anyone at all.

Thinking like this, the long sword and the electric baton finally collided together.


A few seconds later, he coughed out a few puffs of black smoke and collapsed foaming at the mouth.

But his fall was meaningful, and he entangled Han Xue for about a second or two.

That earned his teammates just one shot.

But it was used to pierce Han Xue's heart... With

the sword in both hands, the scout stabbed

Han Xue in the chest! Han Xue was so frightened that he fell down on the spot!

The scout laughed, what kind of defensive posture is this?

He danced a sword flower and held the sword with both hands instead.

Raised high, intending to pierce Han Xue's head directly

!"Bang bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

The scout was stunned for a moment, and he was surprised to find that several black dots had randomly appeared on his body.

Chest, arms, cheeks.

Was it a mud spot?

I just wanted to reach out and wipe it off, but then I fell down with a bang.

Hidden in the depths of merit and fame, the figure of the drone looms in the canopy.

Seeing the two younger brothers being killed one after another, the scout captain really couldn't stand.

He stopped slashing at the knight and rushed towards Han Xue.

I'm really coming one by one...

... Anyway, if you are as smart as you, are there still four people in the family?

In the face of something that threatens the master, the [Zhurong] did not hesitate for a moment.

The cannon, which had not yet stopped, was turned again.

"Bang bang!" The

relentless firepower poured madly on the Scout Captain.

His flesh was shattered, his head shattered, and blood splattered from his body.

What is already dead cannot die again....

... It stands to reason that it is.

But even if his body was broken like this, the guy didn't stop sprinting at all.

no, it's not a matter of perseverance... Instead, those broken flesh and blood were frantically deforming, proliferating, and rapidly repairing his body!

Yu Yujiu saw clearly that under the scout captain's cloak, there were some very slender tentacles that were almost invisible.

But after being shot and wounded, they soon became very thick, coiling around the humanoid's body, and finally becoming as tough as rubber.

This has also led to... The bullets rained down like drones, but they couldn't stop a complete monster!

The gunfire flickered, and like rain, the copper bullet casings clanged and fell into the forest.

The bullets in the [Zhurong] inventory have soon bottomed out.

But in addition to making the monster get bigger and bigger like a balloon, it couldn't stop the monster's progress at all!

Han Xue never dreamed that he would be able to encounter such a moth after fighting such a few seemingly ordinary scouts.

She ran and ran and ran until a long shadow covered her.

turned his head sharply and looked at the monster that was rushing towards him, the abyssal jaw that had cracked from head to belly.

Seemingly... Yu Yujiu's cold-eyed attitude is right.

This world, after all, is not a game, and there is no chance to start over.

Myself... I'm afraid I'll have to pay the price for this impulse.

Hopefully, while he's been killed, he'll be able to run as far as he can.

The corners of Han Xue's mouth hung up with an unwilling wry smile.

At this moment, she saw a... A retrograde figure with a spear in hand!

What does he want to do?

I want to use a spear against this one... A monster who can't even do anything with bullets?

!" What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and escape!"

Looking at this little Nizi who was in the way, Yu Yujiu couldn't help but roar angrily.

"Ahh Yes!"

When the two figures staggered, Yu Yujiu didn't notice a few tears floating in the corners of Han Xue's eyes.

In her heart, Yu Yujiu decided to sacrifice herself in order to save her, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

It's the first time a boy has been so kind to her...

Regardless of whether there were those or not, a moment before the two sides made contact, Yu Yujiu used a new skill:

"[Corrosive Combo]!" The

spear fluttered, and the terrifying power even distorted the shaft of the spear.

As for the spearhead blade, with four slash marks glowing with green light, slashed towards the monster!

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