Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1 You are so disgusting

The midday sun scorched the earth, and the heat rising from the ground distorted the vision. There was a faint smell of corruption in the weak wind, which was a smell... very close to death.

A young man of about 18 meters tall, wearing a black combat uniform and carrying a tactical backpack, walked towards the road through the heat wave. He held a wooden recurve bow in his left hand and hung on the side of the backpack. He was holding a quiver, and there was a military spur stuck to the side of the combat boots under his feet.

Along the road, the young man slowly walked into a city. This was a city that had long been abandoned. The buildings in the city were submerged in various vines and plants. In the gaps covered by the vegetation, dark black blood stains from the past were faintly revealed. , together with the unrestrained green, give this small city a layer of romantic camouflage.

The young man seemed to be very familiar with this city. He walked around and arrived in front of a building. When he was about to enter, he suddenly looked to the left - there seemed to be something moving over there?

About half a street away from the young man, six or seven people were desperately rushing towards a ten-story building. The person running at the end kept looking back at a licker that was approaching them quickly from behind. His face was full of panic, and he yelled at the top of his lungs:

"Quick! Hide inside the building!"

"It's locked!"

The person running at the front was a very fast thin man. When he reached the door of the building and reached out to pull it open, he found that the door was locked, and he couldn't help but let out a desperate cry.

"Get away!"

The strong man in the middle of the team roared loudly and sprinted hard. When the thin man got out of the way, he hit the French window next to the door with his shoulder...


The glass window shattered instantly, and the strong man rushed into the building. Several bloody arrows shot out from his body.

Seeing that there was an entrance, others rushed into the building regardless of the remaining broken glass on the frame.

The thin man who was the first to arrive was now pushed to the side and was the last one to get in, but at this time, the licker had already caught up.

The moment he entered the building, the licker's long tongue flew over and wrapped around his left leg, which was left behind, and a huge force pulled his body backward.

The thin man quickly grabbed the window frames covered with broken glass on both sides. The palm of his left hand was instantly pierced by a sharp angle of the triangular glass. He didn't notice it and shouted with a ferocious expression:

"Ah! Help me~~!"

The people inside didn't seem to hear his words, and hurriedly moved a shelf to prepare to block the broken exit:

"Quick, quick! Push hard and block that window."

"Dali! Go and bring two more shelves over, this one is not enough!"

"Hurry! Don't let that damn monster in!"

Seeing the actions of his companions, the ferocious look on the thin man's face turned into despair, and he burst into hysterical laughter:

"Hahahaha~~retribution! I will wait for you in hell!"


At this moment, an arrow flew over, miraculously penetrating the licker's tongue that had become elongated due to stretching, and nailed it to the ground opposite.

The tongue that was under tension was instantly disconnected, and as the licker screamed in pain, it trembled irregularly like a leaky high-voltage wire, and quickly flew back into the licker's mouth, with black blood gushing out from the wound. An irregular trajectory was left in the air, slowly falling towards the ground...

It was the young man in black who inflicted heavy injuries on the licker. At this time, his hand had once again pulled out an arrow from the quiver behind him and placed it on the bowstring.


The angry licker roared, exerted all his limbs, and rushed towards the young man. The young man remained motionless until the licker approached, flew towards him, opened his mouth and threw the half of his tongue towards him, and then he turned slightly. head, and draw the bow string at the same time...


The feather arrow penetrated the licker's open mouth, and the tip of the arrow came out from the back of the head, killing the licker instantly, and the half of his tongue was lost because the young man tilted his head...

The licker, whose body was in the air, fell heavily to the ground and slowly slid to the young man's feet. The young man raised his hand and wiped it on his right face, then took it away and looked at the blood on his hand with a look of disgust. Watch Licker:

"Shit! You are so disgusting!"

Although he escaped the licker's attack, it was not perfect - because he was splattered with blood from the injured tongue.

He stepped on the licker's head with his feet, pulled out the arrow with force, and put the bloody arrow directly back into the quiver, [District 8 www.yeyin8.com].

"You...your face..."

The moment his tongue broke, the thin man fell directly to the ground, but this result was obviously much better than being pulled back, so he originally felt lucky, but now, with a look of horror on his face, he pointed at The young man stammered.

The young man suddenly smiled, but because his face was covered with blood, the smile did not look sunny. Instead, it looked a bit ferocious because of the reflection of the sun. He looked at the thin man and asked seriously:

"What's wrong with my face? Isn't it handsome anymore?"

The thin man did not answer, but carefully pulled away the half of the tongue, freed his "left leg on the tip of the tongue", and then rushed into the building while crawling. After entering, he shouted:

"The licker's blood is poisonous. If it touches your mouth, you... you will turn into a zombie."

"Really? I don't know this!"

The young man walked forward with a smile, as if he wanted to enter the building, but seeing the young man's actions, the people inside suddenly became nervous.

"Don't come over here!"

A strong man pulled out the knife from his back and pointed it at the young man. There was a trace of ridicule in the young man's eyes, and he looked at the strong man and said:

"I seemed to have saved you just now, right? Is this how you repay me?"

"We didn't ask you! You did it voluntarily. You were infected because you were careless. What does that have to do with us? It's already a mercy on our part if we don't kill you immediately and let you live for a few more hours. Hurry up Leave far away!"

The strong man glared at the young man fiercely.

"Dali is right! Leave immediately! Don't stay here and harm others."

"Boy, if there is a next life, you must remember that in this world, good people generally do not live long, especially people like you!"

"What's the use of teaching him this now? He's already dead! He will turn into a zombie soon. If I meet him in the future, I might kill him as a way to repay his life-saving grace."

Others also spoke one after another. After hearing their words, the young man suddenly raised his head and looked up. The smile on his face became extremely bright. He pointed at the person who gave him the "hum instruction" and said:

"Thank you! I think your teaching is still useful to me, because: there are three lickers here... in total!"

"Touch! Touch!"

As soon as the young man finished speaking, two lickers fell from the sky and landed behind the young man. Their ferocious heads turned this way...

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