Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1002 The Creator God is Wanshan?

"All right!"

Seeing Li Yichen's insistence, the Grand Speaker had no choice but to nod, and then took Li Yichen back to the exit of the Tianyu. Everyone in the Gu Yan Federation was shocked when they saw Li Yichen coming back with their Grand Speaker. This human being... had already been separated from their own. Is the Speaker so good?

Judging from the tone of conversation between the two, it turned out that the Speaker was more polite, so everyone treated Li Yichen with even more respect!

Li Yichen didn't care, he said goodbye to the Speaker directly, and then left the realm of the Gu Yan Federation...

"You all remember! If this person comes to our place in the future, treat him as if he is me, and there must be no unreasonable behavior!"

The Great Speaker said to everyone in the Gu Yan Federation, and then immediately turned around and returned to Tianyuhai. He now has many questions and needs to quickly return to Tiandao Tower. As for what Li Yichen said... at least he is not planning to stay. Build this world!

"System! What state were you in after I entered the Tiandao Tower?"

When heading to his own realm, Li Yichen did not exchange for a vehicle, but just ran all the way, and asked in his heart. In fact, he wanted to contact the system when he first came out, but the Speaker was always by his side, so he had to wait until now.

"have no idea!"

The system answered honestly:

"I didn't feel it at all, and I didn't even know that you had entered the Tiandao Tower. It seemed that... when you entered the Tiandao Tower, there would be no passage of time, at least to me!"


Li Yichen was stunned and stopped. He didn't ask the Grand Speaker about this, but he couldn't do the same thing when he went back now. After all, what he entered was originally a puzzle of time rules. If it didn't consume outside time, it would make sense! So he took another step and ran towards the heavenly realm of the capital of hell.

"Brother Yi! Are you back?"

Before approaching the entrance to the Heavenly Realm of the Capital of Hell, a member of Yi Ge's Death Shadow suddenly appeared and shouted in surprise. Li Yichen was not surprised. The system had already detected this guy, but Li Yichen had learned from this Death Shadow. I felt a familiar aura in the energy fluctuations, so I knew it was one of my own!

"Well! What's going on recently?"

Li Yichen stopped and asked.

"Report! No! Now that all the construction inside has been completed, just waiting for you to come back, Wan Tou has also started digging outside, saying that he plans to set up a military area outside Tianyu after you come back!"

"Okay! I understand, you continue!"

Li Yichen nodded. He mentioned to Wan Shan about setting up a stronghold outside Tianyu. He didn't expect this guy to move very quickly, but it made sense. Things were done inside, so of course he had to work on the outside!

"Lao Wan!"

When he saw the entrance to Tianyu, Li Yichen saw Wan Shan who was giving instructions outside, and immediately teleported to Wan Shan's side and shouted.

"Haha! Are you back?"

Wan Shan looked Li Yichen up and down:

"When I knew you entered their territory, I asked Chang Guchuan and the others to withdraw. There are not enough people working here, and we still need manpower to guard us outside."


Li Yichen nodded and ignored this. He looked at the busy construction site outside and asked:

"How about it?

How long will it take for it to be completed? "

"Well... this is my current plan, not just to create a fortress, but to create a gathering place, and then use the fortress to cover the entrance to Tianyu.

Get some houses and farmland around the fort. "

Wan Shan said:

"In this case, even if others see us here, they will only think that this is the living area of ​​​​one race, and they will not easily come to attack!"

"Okay! You can take care of this. Just lay the foundation and tell me what you want!"

Li Yichen nodded.

"Haha! If you don't tell me, this job is yours too!"

Wan Shan laughed and then took out a drawing:

"No! That's how the castle is. Make it more imposing, so that you can shock others!"

"Okay! Is everything done inside?"

Li Yichen took the drawing and put it into the system without even looking at it. The system was doing the work anyway, and it didn't matter whether he looked at it or not!

"Yes! Everything is done inside, just waiting for you to come back. When you come back this time, let's finish the inside first!"

Wan Shan was not polite and said directly.

"Let's go! Go in and take a look!"

Li Yichen walked towards the entrance of Tianyu and asked:

"How's it going over there at the Trial Ground?"

"Everything is done! Xiaomao has wiped out all the demons and vampires, but their leaders have all run back, and Xiaomao doesn't care. He has sent people to guard their space passage!"

Wanshan Road.

"Yeah! Not bad!"

Li Yichen nodded and said, he was not here. Although Xiaomao and the others had the help of Lin Pingzhi, it was still very difficult to keep the leaders of the blood clan and the demon clan behind!

Anyway, as long as the trial land is pacified, there is no need to worry about the rest, and Li Yichen feels that after returning to the Tianyu, they can completely abandon the trial land.

The level of the world here is definitely higher than that of the Trial Land. Although it is said to be the place where Li Yichen rose to prominence, Li Yichen has no idea of ​​returning to his roots. The only thing he misses is that he doesn't know whether the original arbiter will go back. If he stays, Click on the person over there. The arbiter has appeared. You can also get the news and meet the arbiter.

After meeting the Controller, Li Yichen actually didn't take the Arbiter seriously anymore. At the beginning, he almost thought that the Arbiter was the one who created the world. But now it seems that the Arbiter race may be powerful, but it is definitely not as powerful as the Arbiter. If you are not in control, your name will be louder!

Entering the Tianyu, Li Yichen was shocked to find that Wanshan seemed to have moved the entire capital of hell. On the outskirts of the Tianyu, Wanshan had been directly turned into a food base, with large areas of farmland, pastures, and even fishing grounds in the Tianyu sea.

"I brought over all the animals from the pasture in the trial area. They actually grew quite healthy here without any discomfort, so I caught a lot of fish and threw them into the Tianyu Sea. According to observations, These fish live completely offshore and don’t dare to get close to the fog, so we should have no shortage of food in the future!”

Wan Shan said while taking Li Yichen on a tour.

"Lao Wan! This is all a fishing ground, but you haven't built a few bathing grounds?"

"What the hell?"

Wan Shan was stunned.


Li Yichen pointed to the Tianyu Seaway. After seeing the fishing grounds of the Tianyu Sea, he thought of the bathing beaches of the Guyan Federation. People in the capital of hell also need entertainment, and Tianyu is surrounded by the sea. The fishing grounds are of no use at all, so the rest are simply turned into bathing places, water parks and the like. There are a lot of children in the capital of hell now!

Moreover, these facilities are not only suitable for children, but adults can also play. If it is all about fighting, the spirit will be too tense, and necessary entertainment and relaxation are still needed.


Wan Shan looked at the seaside and shook his head slightly. For him who was used to living in the apocalypse, the things he had to play with were too luxurious. Food and drink would satisfy him, and then he would just improve his strength. How could he have time to play?

"Lao Wan! Now that we have a safe place to live, we can no longer be as nervous as in the trial place. Let's relax for a while and balance work and rest!"

Seeing Wan Shan's expression, Li Yichen knew what he was thinking, so he patted his shoulder and laughed.

"Humph! Born in sorrow and died in happiness!"

Wan Shan muttered:

"Besides, there's not enough space. Where can we find space for them to have a playground?"

"Not enough open space?"

Li Yichen was stunned!

"It's not enough, but now it's just barely enough!"

Wan Shan said:

"The Sky Territory is such a large area. What I think is that since this is still our home, we should build it properly. We must have the necessary farmland and pasture, and then dig inland lakes and build a few mountains. Come, let this place be as close to our world as possible!”

"We can't think that our descendants will not be able to see terrain like mountains and rivers, right?

Just the woods, grasslands and the sea? "

Pointing to the distance, Wan Shan said again:

"Moreover, I plan to circle an area and turn it into a base for wildlife protection. I will put some animals in it and let them fend for themselves and cultivate their wildness! Otherwise, all of our animals now are farmed. We Most children will not know that there are wild animals in this world!”

"Lao Wan! Are you... planning to build a real world and rebuild the trial place?"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan in surprise. He didn't expect Wan Shan's ambition to be so big!

"Originally, I just planned to have a place to stay, but as the stall grew bigger and bigger, my heart grew bigger and bigger!"

Wan Shan smiled and said:

"I just plan to... leave a normal world to the children so that they can live the life of the children in the old days. I know this is quite difficult, but there must be some purpose in life, right?"

"Yeah! That's true!"

Li Yichen nodded, then suddenly reacted and raised his head to glare at Wan Shan.

"You...what are you doing?"

Wan Shan was stared at, feeling a little guilty, and asked with twinkling eyes.

"Damn! You guy... are you going to be a father?

Is there a sister-in-law? "

Li Yichen shouted exaggeratedly.

"Hey! It's been four months!"

Wan Shan grabbed his hair and said with a blush on his face.

"I'll go! Okay!"

Li Yichen was very excited and suddenly thought of something, so he took it out and gave it to Wan Shan:

"Then! This is my gift to the little guy, regardless of gender! I will be the godfather! It's settled!"

"This is...the Heart of Heaven?"

Wan Shan looked at the crystal in his hand and suddenly shouted!

"Well! I got a total of three harvests from this trip!"

Li Yichen said:

"Lao Wan, don't worry. Since you think so, I have enough control over the Heart of the Domain, but it seems that this thing can't be swallowed continuously, so I'll give you one first. I'll still have it here when you're done. Just follow your ideal design. Soon Want to build a world?

I'll come with you! ! "

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shan and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He thought of the Grand Speaker and those in control. They said they wanted to become the creation gods who could create the world, but now, Wan Shan seemed to have begun to create his own world... …

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