Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1004 Strengthening the world?

Soon, the Heart of Heaven was dug out again, but after Wan Shan put the two Hearts of Heaven together, he waited for a while and shook his head at Li Yichen. It seemed that the absorption of the Heart of Heaven, It takes a while.

"Then just take this and wait until it's completely absorbed, then ask me for it again!"

Li Yichen looked at Wan Shandao, then lowered his head and looked at the pit where the Heart of Heaven was buried:

"It's not troublesome enough to dig like this every time. Why don't we just build a fortress here and get an elevator directly to the Heart of the Sky? Wouldn't it be much more convenient?"


Wan Shan nodded, then picked up his personal terminal and started looking for people. If he wanted a fortress, of course he had to lay a foundation. Moreover, what was placed here was the Heart of the Heaven Realm, which was no less important than the entrance to the Tian Realm. Safety must be guaranteed.

"Lao Wan! You do this first, I'll fill in the dug foundations, and then you can arrange for people to do the planning!"

Seeing Wan Shan start to be busy, Li Yichen got on the motorcycle again and said to Wan Shan.

"Okay! Then go quickly!"

Wan Shan immediately replied that he knew that what Li Yichen said about filling in the foundation was to put the previously designed buildings there. They had planned it before in Tianyu, and Wan Shan also organized manpower to dig out all the foundations. Now All it takes is construction.

Before Li Yichen came back, the life of the people in Hell City was not very good. Because there was not enough living place, most people had to live in tents. Just because Li Yichen didn't come back, those buildings were not in place yet!

This time, Li Yichen stayed away for a longer time because he had to cover the entire pre-expansion world. Although there was a foundation, it still took some time to place the buildings.

This time, Li Yichen really spent a lot of money. Although these buildings are just ordinary buildings, because they are far away from the entrance of Tianyu, these buildings are unlikely to participate in the defense of invasion, but Li Yichen still used all-metal construction methods. Instead of using reinforced concrete structures that consume less material!

Of course, although it is an all-metal building, Li Yichen did not use all the highest grade metals to build these buildings like Tianyu Entrance, but it was almost enough!

If all the highest-grade metals were used to build these buildings, even Li Yichen wouldn't be able to afford them. If less than a third of them were built, all the system's inventory would be used up!

Although Li Yichen can now directly absorb the rules of heaven and earth in the fog, the absorption speed is not that fast, and Li Yichen also feels that it is impossible for him to stay in the fog all day long to absorb those rules of heaven and earth. There are still many things to be busy with.

Now we need to build the Tianyu. This requires the system to redeem the buildings, so Li Yichen must do it himself and cannot rely on others!

As for the other one, on the other side of the trial ground, the demons and vampires have been repelled, but their space passage is still there. They can enter the trial ground again through the space passage at any time. Therefore, after Li Yichen finished After what happened here, I still need to go back to the trial place.

After the matters in the trial ground were resolved, Li Yichen wanted to return to Earth and recycle the resources there. After all, this recycling method was the fastest, and now he was starting to lack various materials.

At present, there is no problem for Li Yichen to finish all these foundations. After all, this is what they have planned for a long time. But the problem is that now that the Tianyu is expanding again, Wanshan will definitely not waste the newly acquired land. Li Yichen will definitely still have it by then. consumption.

In addition to the marine playground, bathing beach and other projects that Li Yichen just mentioned, these all need to be built by Li Yichen. Although it can be completed by finding people from the capital of hell, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so it is not as good as Li Yichen doing it himself.

However, when placing those buildings, Li Yichen saw a lot of farmland being cultivated and pastures being raised, which made Li Yichen feel a lot happier.

Needless to say, there are many kinds of plants in the farmland, some of which Li Yichen has never even seen before. I don't know if they exchanged them from the brain, or if they newly discovered them in the source world.

There are also many more novel animals in the pasture. It seems that Wan Shan is very interested in this aspect! Thinking about it, when he was at the Wanshan base, Lao Wan was worried about food. Now, although the conditions have improved, Wanshan is still the main force in developing agriculture. He is hungry at first glance!

While placing the buildings, Li Yichen recalled the previous plot in the world of I Am Legend. He wanted to ask questions later, but he was teleported directly and had no time to ask.

However, it seems that the voice is not resistant to the questions and answers whatever is asked. In this case, should I prepare more questions before climbing the tower and ask the questions immediately after the completion? Isn't it possible to get a lot of what I want? Do you want to know the answer?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen made a decision. After finishing the work here, he would go to Tiandao Tower and continue to solve the puzzle. After solving the puzzle, he must ask a few questions that he had never understood.

Despite the system, Li Yichen's placement work still lasted a day! After he put the last building into the foundation, he went directly to the top floor of the building and looked down at the sky!

To be honest, the Tianyu is quite beautiful. The entire Tianyu is basically a plain terrain with rich vegetation and many woods. Moreover, since the Tianyu is a regular circle, it is quite complex when planning. It’s simple, just divide a few areas and that’s it!

But these are not what Li Yichen has to worry about. What he has to do is to get as many Heavenly Domain Hearts as possible to ensure the expansion of his Heavenly Domain. One is to fulfill Wanshan's dream, and the other is to verify himself. an idea.

What Li Yichen was thinking was that the Heaven Realm was actually a complete world. So, if he continued to be swallowed by the Heart of the Tian Realm, to what extent would the Heaven Realm expand?

Is there an end to the expansion of the heavens?

If expanded to a certain extent, will it grow into a real world?

From the world of I Am Legend, Li Yichen understood that this world has many incomplete dimensional universes, just like the world of I Am Legend where there is only one Niu Yue City.

Moreover, these worlds are actually not stable and may collapse and disappear at any time. Just like before, Li Yichen had obviously helped Robert and Casey recover all the zombies in Niuyue City. They even held a carnival and even held a carnival. To discuss how to rebuild the city.

However, that night, because Robert was able to see the video and pause it like Li Yichen, the world that was recovering and that everyone was longing for actually disappeared.

Although I didn't see the world disappear and I couldn't confirm it, judging from the voice's answer, the world should have collapsed.

Because Robert changed his life trajectory, he did not stay in Niuyue City, but left Niuyue with his family. Although after leaving, he would definitely use the reversal potion that he had developed long ago. Come out, but... will Otis and the others still be the original Otis?

Absolutely not. The Otis that Li Yichen knew was the Odis who turned into a zombie leader and then returned to human form. With Robert's departure, he may turn into a zombie again, but there should be no chance of becoming a zombie leader. The development trajectory of Niuyue City will definitely change.

There will no longer be a situation where all the zombies are in a single city. After Robert leaves, the reversal potion will appear soon. In that case, the virus in Niuyue City and even the whole world will be contained soon. Niuyue City will definitely not There will be so many people turning into zombies.

Therefore, the world that Li Yichen saved at the beginning should have shifted from the very beginning, and the entire world will naturally change. Then, what Li Yichen did before may not happen again.

Li Yichen didn't know where those people would go after that world collapsed, but would such a situation happen in his own world?

What if his world was also a world like the one in I Am Legend?

He will disappear at any time due to the collapse of the world. Li Yichen will never allow this to happen. Therefore, Li Yichen must try his best to strengthen his world so that it can surpass those powerful rules. Only in this way can he avoid the collapse of the entire world!

Of course, this is just what Li Yichen thinks in his own mind. Whether it is true or not remains to be verified, but at least this is the goal Li Yichen has set for himself now!

After placing all the buildings, Li Yichen thought for a while, looked at the remaining materials in the mall, and then came to the Misty Sea. Then he asked the system to make a water park and place it on the beach. This was also an experiment to see what the future would bring. When the territory expands again, will this maritime paradise be pushed into the sea, or will it be left on land?

Anyway, there is a system in place. Even if this paradise is left on land, it can be recovered in the future and then placed on a new beach.

After setting up the paradise, Li Yichen exchanged for many boats at the beach. Of course, they were all small boats, used for playing in the offshore. There was fog in the distance, and no one else except Li Yichen could get close to it. It was useless to ask for a big boat!

After setting up the water park, Li Yichen looked at the fog in the distance and hesitated for a moment. He was thinking whether he should go into the fog first to see if he could enter the Tiandao Tower from here, or go back to the trial place first. After eliminating the hidden dangers of the demons and vampires and withdrawing the troops guarding there...

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