Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1014 Past Events of Source Star

Chapter 1014 Past Events of Yuanxing

Sure enough, next, Li Yichen heard the words he expected, and Li Fangzhou's somewhat deep voice sounded:

"After the target was determined, all the weapons were fired together, pouring a large amount of ammunition on the insect nest. The huge mushroom cloud and smoke covered the entire insect wave, but there were still people who were afraid of being unsafe and continued to fire at the insect nest. Rockets, bombs, and even nuclear weapons were thrown at us!”

"Finally, the explosion subsided, and everyone stared at the screen, wanting to know the effect of the attack. People at that time were quite confident in their weapons. They felt that the bugs must have been blown into pieces. The fly ash won’t leave even a single residue, and there will be huge deep pits on the ground.”

"However, when the smoke gradually dissipated, people actually saw the insect nest again. The explosives destroyed most of the ground around it, but the insect nest did not seem to have suffered any substantial damage. Then, a large group of insects Rush out of the insect nest and charge towards the people!"

"Although the launch site is twenty kilometers away from the insect nest, the speed of those insects is quite fast. Even if people had reacted at that time and wanted to withdraw the weapons and the troops operating the weapons, it was still too late!"

"Insects are like a tide, endlessly pouring out of the insect nest. Although some troops reacted quickly and immediately started to block the insects, there were too many of them, and they soon drowned all the troops!"

"In desperation, people began to retreat and even abandoned many cities. Only then did they temporarily avoid the attack of insects! Those insects are like locusts. As long as they pass by, all living things will be destroyed!"

"And! Through drone reconnaissance, people discovered that there are actually bugs in the insect nest that continue to enter the fog and then return. They don't know what they are doing. And those strong people guessed that these bugs should be able to Loot the rules of heaven and earth in the mist!"

"As time went by, the insect nest became larger and larger, and began to gradually expand into the fog. Finally one day, the fog completely disappeared!"

Li Fangzhou took a deep breath and looked at Li Yichen:

"The disappearance of the fog has given mankind an opportunity to continue struggling, because with the disappearance of the fog, people have discovered the Heaven Realm in the Source Realm!"

"No one knows the reason for this, but everyone guesses that this Tianyu is actually made of the original fog! After the discovery of Tianyu, all the cities were abandoned, because compared with the cities, Tianyu It is much safer. At least, as long as the space channel of the Sky Territory is blocked, the entire Heaven Territory can be defended, and the city... is unable to withstand the attack of a large number of bugs."

"Since then, the pattern of the Source Realm has changed. The Sky Realm is the foundation for human survival. As for the Source Realm, it has basically been given over to the bugs. Even in places where the bugs have not yet reached, there are no traces of humans! Everything! All the cities have become empty cities, and not a single soul can be found!”

"However, the Sky Realm is not absolutely safe. Although it is very simple to defend the Sky Realm, the number of bugs is a hurdle that humans cannot overcome! They just attack the Sky Realm so hard, relying on their numbers to overwhelm the defense forces inside. The ammunition is used up, and then there will be a tragic massacre in the sky!"

"Because it is in the Heaven Realm, once it is breached, the people inside will not even have a chance to escape. And as each Heaven Realm is breached, human beings' fear will grow infinitely!"

"Later, some people discovered that there was a space passage to the outside world in the Heaven Realm, so some people wanted to leave the Source Realm through the space passage, leave the Heaven Realm, and go to a world without bugs, although they had also seen the outside world. , the density of the rules of the world over there is quite thin, and quite barren, but there are still people who want to leave! For them, as long as there is no shadow of the Zerg, they can survive on even the barren land!"

"The disagreements I mentioned before appeared at this time. Some people wanted to leave and said they would come back after finding a way to deal with the bugs outside! But there were also people who were unwilling to admit defeat and wanted to fight the bugs to the end!"

"Moreover, those who insist on staying think that those who want to leave say that they want to find a way to fight against the Zerg is just an excuse! This will give them enough reasons to escape, just like two groups of people fighting, the one who loses will always They will say a few words such as "You wait for me" before leaving! They think that the people who want to leave actually have this idea in their hearts! Now they don't have the courage to face the bugs, how can they have the courage to come back in the future? "

"Despite being criticized, those who wanted to leave insisted on their decision, and in the end, they did leave. Those who remained who were unwilling to give up their homes were criticized by those who left. Be inspired to start studying new species!”

"This was an idea put forward by a person who insisted on leaving. At that time, no one knew whether he was sincere or just looking for an excuse. In short, he said that with the current power of human beings, it is impossible to fight against the huge number of Zerg, especially when When our weapons don’t work against the Zerg nests!”

"Human weapons are only effective against those bugs and can barely break through their defenses, but for the bug nest... I don't know what the damn thing is made of, even nuclear bombs can't destroy it! So, no matter what, Hold on, humanity will definitely lose this war, because no matter how many bugs are killed, as long as the bug nest is still there, the bugs will always have a steady supply of troops!"

"So that person said, either we practice hard and use absolute force to kill the Zerg. But this plan basically has no hope, because the three bugs at that time had already almost wiped out the entire army of the top combat power of mankind. Now, talking about using force to destroy the Zerg is just a joke!"

"Force is not enough, and neither are weapons, so that guy finally said that humans have the only last option - to create a new species like bugs to fight against bugs!"

"These bugs must be a new species to humans, and that person suspected that the bugs were born in the mist. They originally lived there, and then they didn't know what the people who went in to explore did to anger them. That’s why they came out to take revenge!”

"Judging from what these bugs are doing now, they may never give up until humans are exterminated! This is an endless war, so he wants to leave and let those bugs think that humans have been extinct, and then he will Conduct research in the outside world, develop a new species based on the characteristics of bugs, and use them to fight against the bugs!"

"Although this man left and went to the outside world, his words were remembered by those who stayed behind. Moreover, there are several biologists who think what he said makes sense. Since force and weapons are not enough, then develop species alright!"

"So, while avoiding the attacks of bugs, humans began to study new species. They used their genes to mix with other organisms to create new species, cultivate them to a certain number, and then throw them out to fight with Zerg battle!”

At this point, Li Fangzhou suddenly stopped and looked down without speaking for a long time. Li Yichen was also a little creepy. Even if Li Fangzhou stopped talking, Li Yichen could guess why there were so many races in the Source Realm. , it was "researched" by humans when they were fighting against the Zerg!

This is really crazy. In order to deal with one race, so many races have been created. And the funniest thing is that it seems that humans can't control the races they created!

"So! The other races in the Source Realm now were originally created by humans themselves and wanted to use them to deal with the Zerg race?"

Li Yichen finally couldn't help but sneered.

"That's right! Those idiots created so many races, but after releasing them, these races did not help them resist the Zerg, because they also have wisdom and will not do things that require death, and they also I have no intention of obeying human orders!”

Li Fangzhou also shook his head and said, it turned out that his previous ridicule was aimed at these people. Obviously Li Fangzhou was not someone who supported this kind of plan:

"Although the new creatures did not play their due role, those idiots still refused to give up and continued to develop new species. Until one day, the species they cultivated in Tianyu developed to a certain scale. , actually killed all the people in that heavenly realm, which made those fools feel a little more vigilant!"

"Later, they stopped doing research in the Sky Realm and began to try to control these new biological clocks. The trial place you are in is one of their testing grounds!"

After looking at Li Yichen, Li Fangzhou continued:

"It should be said that those test sites are still somewhat effective. At least they can command those creatures, because in the outside world, many worlds have very poor resources. If they use resources to control those races, they will not be afraid of those races rebelling!"

"Then...how did you get to the trial place?"

Li Yichen looked at Li Fangzhou and finally couldn't help but ask, the space battleship Ark and the previous Li Fangzhou both appeared in the trial place, and there was one thing that didn't seem to match up. That was what Li Yichen did back then. Judging from that dream and the necklace hanging on his chest, it seemed that Li Fangzhou and the others should have encountered the enemy during the space voyage and then landed in the trial place!

"I... belong to the group of people who left at the beginning!"

Li Fangzhou looked at Li Yichen and said softly.

"Then...how do you know what happened in the Source Realm after you left?"

Li Yichen was suddenly stunned...

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