Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1018 Video of Soul Clone

Although they knew that this space battleship might have flown out of this planet, the soul clones at that time had no choice. Their surviving space battleships were all injured and could not fly for a long time without repairs, let alone There is another space fleet chasing them.

If the space battleship is blown up, all the people inside will die in space. These humans do not have the strength to survive in space!

As a last resort, the soul clone flew to the planet with the remaining space battleships, and after entering the orbit of the planet, abandoned the space battleships and relied on the landing craft to enter the planet, and that planet... was of course the place where the trial took place. land!

After arriving on land, those space battleships did not pursue again. They just blew up all their space battleships and left. The soul clones also found the same humans as them in the trial place. After the initial misunderstanding , the soul clones finally understood that the people they met were the human races from the Source Star that they wanted to find!

However, this human race seems to be worse than Li Fangzhou and others. At least for now, it seems that they are not doing well. After asking many people, the soul clone finally understood that after leaving the Source Star, although those humans successfully entered The coordinate point left behind at the beginning, but it was discovered that although the planet where the coordinate point is located is still suitable for human survival, there are countless small stars in the orbit of that planet!

Therefore, leaving that planet has become a problem. Moreover, the resources of that planet itself are also limited, not even as good as the earth, and most of them are non-renewable resources!

Although there is no problem with food and other things, if they stay on that planet, these humans will not be able to develop at all. Instead, they will become increasingly difficult due to depletion of resources!

Especially... there is a space passage connected to the Source Star on that planet. The Zerg may enter their planet through the space passage at any time. Therefore, these people finally decided that they must leave the planet and find another place to live. land.

It's not that they haven't thought about going back, but one of them had a quarrel with another faction that stayed in Source Star when they left. If they just go back like this... they will feel very embarrassed, and the other... even if they go back, They have no way to ask for more heavenly realms from others. If they want to leave Source Star, they can only enter this planet, because in the heavenly realm controlled by their faction, they have only found this one that leads to the outside world. space channel.

Li Fangzhou and the others left and took the space passage that was later discovered, which is the one leading to the earth. If this passage had appeared earlier, those people would have entered the earth. The condition of the earth would undoubtedly be better than their current planet. It's a pity that when the earth channel was discovered, this wave of people had already left for thousands of years.

In the end, these people decided to build a space battleship and leave that planet to find other homes. They did not choose to return to the Source Star to find another way out!

Of course, there were still some people who stayed on that planet because their space battleships and resources were not enough to support all the people to leave! As for the people who stayed on that planet, because of the reduced population, they could barely survive for a long time. As long as the Zerg did not appear, survival at the very least should not be a problem.

The departing space fleet suffered heavy losses in those asteroid belts when they first left the planet. Finally, when they arrived here, they were ambushed by another fleet and had to make an emergency landing at the trial site!

After they crash-landed, all the space battleships were also destroyed, so these people were trapped in the trial place for hundreds of years until the arrival of their soul clones!

Even though they have lived in the Trial Land for tens of thousands of years, the situation of human beings in the Trial Land is still not very good, because the trials in the Trial Land had already begun before they came here.

In fact, this is the trial place created by those who stayed in the Source Star, and the trial place also has a space passage to the Source World. As for the ambush of the two space fleets before and after, of course it was also done by those people. !

Their purpose is to trap these people here and see with their own eyes whether their trial can succeed and whether they can find a race that can truly restrain the Zerg!

Because more than ten thousand years have passed, even though both parties are still human beings, the Source Star people have always been hostile to the people who left the Source Star. For them, those people who left the Source Star were a betrayal of humanity and were completely unworthy of sympathy.

If they didn't want them to see their success with their own eyes, maybe those people would directly enter the trial place and drive them all away!

Therefore, Li Fangzhou's soul clone could only stay in the trial place. His space fleet had been destroyed, and it was impossible to leave. Even if they could build another space fleet, the Yuanxing people He won't let them go easily.

However, there is an advantage to staying in the trial land, because there will be trials here, so the rules of the world are stronger than those on the earth, and those trial races can also become the source of their life energy.

Because he was originally from the same faction, Li Fangzhou's soul clone quickly united with the humans in the trial land. But what made him a little depressed was that, for some reason, after meeting these Source Star people again, Li Fangzhou sealed himself. The main body did not automatically unblock!

Of course the soul clone couldn't figure it out, and by this time, the task Li Fangzhou had given him could be said to have been completed, because he had found another wave of people who had left Source Star!

However, because Li Fangzhou's body did not wake up as planned, the soul clone had no choice but to find another way. There are two conditions for unsealing the seal. One is to meet the original Source Star people. This has been completed, but the seal has not been unsealed!

The other one is to return to the Source Star. Since the first condition is not triggered, the soul clone can only think of a solution from the second point.

Therefore, the soul clone gathered all the people who came with him, while leaving some places to store information in the trial place, and then attracted some people from the trial place, and began to prepare a plan to return to the Source Star. And this plan is called the Ark Project!

They set the execution location of the plan in the Far North Continent, which was the gathering place for all the trial races to enter the world. Although it was dangerous, it was also the best place to attack them as soon as they arrived.

Otherwise, if they go to other continents, these trial races will only be able to appear in other continents when the trials officially begin. By that time, their strength will have been completely restored, and S-level or even SS-level experts will appear. , this kind of power cannot be resisted by humans!

Moreover, they also established an underground base in the Valley of the Dead Army, and as humans continued to hunt and kill the trial races and plunder their life energy to improve their own strength, strong men began to appear among humans, allowing them to establish themselves in the Far North Continent. Gradually he regained his footing.

The Ark, the suppression point in the Valley of the Dead, and the underwater space passage were all created by the strong humans at that time! They also paid a heavy price for this!

And they made such a big noise in the trial place. They even started to snipe at the trial races at the beginning of the trial, which seriously affected the progress of the trial. Since the people of Source Star noticed it, they Countless strong men were sent into the Source Star and began to eliminate the strongest among humans.

They don't care about ordinary people who are not that powerful, because they want to keep them to witness their success. All they have to do is kill those strong human beings who will threaten their experiments!

It was at this time that Li Fangzhou's soul clone was attacked and his soul was about to be annihilated, so he left several information points at the trial site, then completed the Ark Plan, and arranged many "Li Fangzhou", Only then did it completely dissipate, and the recording on the screen ended abruptly...

"Did you get this thing at the Trial Ground?"

After the recording ended, Li Fangzhou didn't speak for a long time, and Li Yichen was also silent. After an unknown amount of time, Li Fangzhou picked up the necklace, looked at it and asked.


Li Yichen replied softly, according to the timeline, when he arrived at the trial site, the video had been completed, so it made sense for him to get the necklace at that time!

But the problem is... Li Yichen remembers very clearly that he got this necklace after traveling to this world, and he also dreamed about the battle of the space fleet. It seems that the necklace was also obtained during the battle!

What's going on?

Could it be that what I dreamed about was not real?

But those images are definitely related to the necklace, that’s for sure!

Li Yichen felt that he was a little confused now, because he thought that many of the scenes he had seen seemed a bit unbelievable and would never appear in this world. Let's talk about the time when he was snatched away by the vampire earl in the Far North Continent.

At that time, he entered another soul space and saw a guy who was killing crazily. The guy's soul was annihilated by the blood count who was about to seize him at a glance. If not for this, I'm afraid Li Yichen would have been taken away by the blood count. Hell. The capital will also become a war tool of the vampires.

Then there is the scene of the space war. Although he now has a space battleship, he cannot fly out of the source world. Li Yichen just wants to put the Ark here to act as a deterrent and to use it as a landing ground for fighter planes. He has no intention of doing so. If you drive it into space, how can you experience a space battle?

"Is it time that is messed up... or space that is messed up, or... that time and space are completely messed up?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but knock his head and moaned in a low voice...

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