Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1026 The prosperous Wucheng

Looking at Li Yichen who seemed a little angry, Li Fangzhou couldn't help but be startled. He didn't seem to have provoked this guy, right?

And you don’t even know him?

Why does he seem to be angry with himself?

Moreover, this guy had saved himself just now. If it hadn't been for him, he would have been beaten to pieces. If he really had a grudge against him, how could he have saved him?

"Mr... this gentleman! Thank you for saving me!"

Although Li Fangzhou was a little confused, he still thanked Li Yichen gratefully. It didn't matter that he saved him. The key was that this man also got the necklace back for him. This is something related to the rise and fall of mankind. Although Li Fangzhou also He didn’t know what this thing was, but his teacher would never lie to him.

"No! It's just convenient!"

Li Yichen was still looking at the sky and replied:

"In addition, try to be more concise when speaking in the future. If you have something to say, don't talk about unnecessary things!"


Li Fangzhou was stunned again, as if he had said two words from the beginning to now: Who are you?

Sir, thank you for saving my life! Is this complicated?

What do you mean, don’t talk about unnecessary things?

To say that it is redundant, it is just the word "inner".

Of course, Li Fangzhou didn't know that the nonsense Li Yichen hated him would only be spoken in the future, so of course he was confused. And Li Yichen had just saved him, leaving him without the courage to argue!

Seeing that the target he wanted to kill was rescued, the fleet commander was furious and even wanted to order a fire to directly destroy the trial place.

But in the end, he held back, because the higher-ups had issued very clear orders. Even if he wanted to disobey, other warships would not cooperate. Originally, his order to raid the flagship was considered disobedience, but fortunately it was only a flagship. , other captains would not offend themselves for this.

But if he really ordered the destruction of the trial ground, not to mention other captains, even his own flagship might not fully cooperate, and he would definitely be punished after he returned, and he might even be shot.

Even if no one cares about those deserters, they will kill them in order to maintain the dignity of military orders. This is definitely possible.

Therefore, after waiting for the personnel in those battleships to escape into the trial area, the commander ordered the destruction of all the space battleships, and then reluctantly issued the order to retreat. However, after he returned, he would definitely tell the mysterious The news of the strong man was reported, and he could teleport continuously in the universe. This should be an SS or even SSS level space powerhouse.

There must be no such strong people in the Trial Land, so they can only be the people in that fleet. The existence of such people may pose a threat to them. After all, there is a path to the Source World in the Trial Land. space channel.

Although the people in the trial place don't know the location of the passage, with this space system powerhouse here, it should only be a matter of time before they discover the space passage!

Li Yichen didn't know that they had evacuated. He just looked at the landing craft that kept rushing into the atmosphere. These were the people of the Ark Fleet. They all abandoned the space battleship and entered the trial place. There was no other way. If they stayed in the space battleship, There was no way for them to survive.

Although it may not be safe to enter the planet, you can live a little longer!

"Those are our people, I want to call them over!"

Seeing these landing craft, Li Fangzhou said quickly, and tried his best to carefully simplify his sentences.

"I'll help you!"

Li Yichen looked at Li Fangzhou, then grabbed him and jumped into the air. Then he solidified the space under his feet, put Li Fangzhou down, and shouted loudly to the surroundings:

"Li Fangzhou is here! Everyone, come and assemble!"

Because his strength was restored, Li Yichen's voice spread far away. This method is definitely better than Li Fangzhou running over to find someone!

Sure enough, after Li Yichen roared, the landing craft all turned around and converged here...

Although the speed of the landing craft was not as fast as that of the fighter planes, they were flying in the sky after all, so soon all the landing crafts came around. Because there were communication equipment in the landing craft, they notified each other. Even those who did not hear Li Yichen's voice had to I know Li Fangzhou’s location.

Li Yichen had returned to the ground at this time, and the landing craft also landed one after another. The people inside ran out and gathered around Li Fangzhou. Although several space battleships were destroyed, there were still tens of thousands of people who survived. .

At this moment, a huge shock suddenly came from outer space, and then, the wreckage of countless space battleships broke through the clouds and fell like rain. This was when the Source Star Fleet began to destroy those abandoned space battleships.

Because the space battleship stays in the orbit of the planet, after the explosion, there will naturally be countless debris attracted by the planet's gravity and entering the planet!

Li Fangzhou and others also knew what it was, and they all looked at the wreckage with angry or sad expressions. Li Yichen was also looking at the wreckage falling in the air, calculating the direction of their fall. If there was any threat to the people below, He will take action and knock it away.

After all, tens of thousands of people occupied quite a large area, so Li Yichen took action more than a dozen times and did not stop until there was no more debris falling from the sky.

"who is he?

It seems like they are not from us, right? "

The people around Li Fangzhou looked at Li Yichen in surprise. They were shocked at how powerful Li Yichen was, and they also found that this man was a complete stranger to them and had never seen him before!

"Not one of ours!"

Li Fangzhou replied:

"Maybe they are people from this planet!"

When he came down just now, and when Li Yichen took him to high altitude to gather everyone, Li Fangzhou looked at the ground from above and found a city in the distance, which meant that there was intelligent life in this world, and the mysterious Li Yichen might have come from. of that city.

Because Li Yichen appeared suddenly, Li Fangzhou guessed that only people from this planet could do this. Otherwise, no matter how powerful a person is, he would not be able to rely on his own body in space without any preparation. Traveling?

Li Fangzhou's guess is certainly reasonable. Although Li Yichen can stay in space, it does not mean that he has the ability to use his body to travel in space. He uses the rules of space to protect his body, which requires continuous consumption of his body. The energy cannot last.

Moreover, the universe is so big that the distance between two planets is often measured in light years. With Li Yichen's way of moving for half a day on one foot, he probably won't be able to go very far in a hundred years!

When the debris stopped falling from the sky, Li Yichen continued to look up. After a long time, he felt relieved, because there were no fighter planes or other flying objects in the sky, indicating that the space fleet probably had no intention of coming in to continue the pursuit.

That's good. Otherwise, Li Yichen will continue to protect Li Fangzhou. This guy must not die, otherwise the Ark Project will be gone. Although Li Yichen did not borrow too much light from the Ark Project, his power mainly comes from the system, but After all, this may be the world he lives in. If the Ark plan changes, who knows whether other events will have a chain reaction?

Previously in the world of I Am Legend, Li Yichen discovered that the future is definitely related to the present, but he didn't have to care there. After all, it was not his world, and I Am Legend was just a movie with no follow-up, so what happens next? I just don’t know, and it doesn’t matter whether it changes or not.

But the world of my own is not good. It is best to follow the trajectory that I am familiar with and don't make any mistakes. If the direction of my travel is changed because of this, it will be miserable if the road-crazy system cannot find me!

In fact, Li Yichen originally thought that even if he changed history, it would not necessarily affect his future because there were countless timelines. But when he came, what Li Fangzhou said made him wary. If he did something major, Change may really affect the world in which you live.

Especially at the moment when his strength is restored, the shock wave he feels does have countless timelines, but will this shock wave spread infinitely and affect all timelines?

Li Yichen vaguely felt that this was possible. In the world of I am Legend, Li Yichen felt that he might have to change all timelines before he could truly control the rules of time. And that Li Fangzhou seemed to have found this method. And did it using that machine!

"Are you from that city?"

Seeing Li Yichen standing in the air in a daze, Li Fangzhou thought for a while, and finally came down below, pointed in the direction of the city he had just seen, raised his head and asked loudly.

Hearing Li Fangzhou's words, Li Yichen couldn't help but look over and found a city, and... that city seemed a bit familiar?

"I'll go over and take a look first! You'd better wait here first!"

Li Yichen said to Li Fangzhou below, and then headed towards the city. Before he reached the city, Li Yichen laughed. Looking at the road leading to the city, he already recognized the city - Wucheng!

The city where he led Chang Guchuan and Wanshan to stop the zombie tide!

However, Wucheng is not abandoned now. There are many people inside and it looks quite prosperous. Li Yichen ran all the way to Wucheng and finally entered the city.

No one stopped Li Yichen, and no one even paid attention to him. Maybe the people in Wucheng regarded him as an ordinary person.

Li Yichen noticed that there were no protective buildings such as city walls in Wucheng, and it was completely open. That means that the trial place at this time should not have entered the trial period yet, and there were no zombies, so everyone watched It's very laid back.

That's right, Li Yichen nodded in his heart. In this case, Li Fangzhou and the others should have enough time to adapt to this world, and they won't have to face the end of the world when they come in...

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