Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 103 Law Enforcement Team?

All of these people have no skin, their muscles and blood vessels are so exposed to the outside world, and some even have their bones removed. And these are not the most terrifying things.

None of them still maintained their human form. They were all divided and spliced ​​together. In front of Li Yichen, there were various grotesque combinations...

Only the upper body, but with more than a dozen arms, like a big spider, more than a dozen bodies radially put together, sharing a head, but no hands and feet, like a turntable, and even a head, which was directly It was attached to a thigh and looked a bit like a Hercules Cup that had been hit by a car...

All kinds of strange combinations can be seen here, but no one should be in the mood to appreciate them all.

In the middle of the darkroom, there was a huge metal table, and on the table... several piles of rotten meat! Yes, Li Yichen could only describe them as rotten meat.

Judging from the volume, each of these piles of rotten meat should be composed of a human body, but their skin and bones have been completely removed, leaving only muscles, internal organs and tendons piled on the metal On stage.

Their brains were completely taken out and placed on the top of the pile of meat. Under the brain, there were two of their eyes. The blood vessels on the brain beat slightly, and the eyes moved from time to time. There were all these signs. , all indicate that they...should still be alive!

Is this... cultivating the brain?

Li Yichen secretly thought to himself that he was surprised that he could still think of this now. After taking a deep breath, Li Yichen scanned the darkroom again, and then silently closed the place...

This should be the place where the laboratory studies biogenics. The armored tyrant he killed before may have been born here, but Li Yichen's goal today is not here...

After calming down a little, Li Yichen came to the second place that he found suspicious. Not long after, he successfully found the second darkroom and opened it in the same way.

The thin glove on his hand had Wu Tian's palmprint on it. When he shook hands with the guy just now, he asked the mall to record it and made it by the way.

After seeing the situation in the darkroom, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief, because this was his goal today.

The darkroom was smaller than the previous one and empty. Except for a large smart terminal in the center, there were only a few chairs and nothing else.

Arriving in front of the smart terminal, Li Yichen stayed for more than ten minutes before carefully erasing the traces he left and exiting the darkroom!

As for the process of leaving the laboratory, it was not too troublesome. He knocked out a researcher, took off his white coat and put it on, then removed the disguise that originally belonged to Clark and restored his own appearance. Li Yichen walked straight out of the still darkness. 's laboratory.

When passing Wu Tian and the others, Li Yichen slowed down and slipped away from behind them. Those people only stared at the iron box, and no one looked anywhere else.

At the main entrance, Huang Huangfu and the others saw Li Yichen, but Li Yichen was wearing a mask and a white coat. Huang Huangfu did not recognize him, but instead asked him what happened inside and why there was a power outage.

Li Yichen ignored him, snorted and walked out among them. Huang Jinfu and the others did not dare to stop him. In this way, Li Yichen could say that he achieved his goal easily and left safely...

When Li Yichen took Clark back to the Hell Capital base, Lone Wolf and the others had already arrived, but the two envoys from the Kingdom of Heaven did not show up either, so the base seemed calm.

This was also what Li Yichen expected. As soon as Lone Wolf entered the communication range of the walkie-talkie, Xiao Mao had already activated the first level of combat readiness. In addition, the two envoys definitely did not want to attack the capital of hell, so again After confirming Lone Wolf's destination and roughly understanding the strength of the troops here, they should retreat.

Because of the walkie-talkie given by Li Yichen to Lone Wolf and the recording Li Yichen recorded in advance, Lone Wolf and the others successfully entered the base, and Wan Shan directly found a room to settle them down.

But before everyone had time to rest, Li Yichen came back, so everyone, including Lone Wolf, rushed over again.

In the conference room on the tenth floor, all the management of Hell City have arrived, and now there is another lone wolf! Because it was Li Yichen who called him, no one had any objections.

This time Lone Wolf came, he was different from before. When he first met Li Yichen, he was a cruel and arrogant guy. But when he met Li Yichen for the second time, Lone Wolf turned into a man different from Chang Guchuan. A flattering flatterer.

The last time Lone Wolf came to the base, he looked like an Avenger who wanted to destroy the world and his eyes were filled with overwhelming hatred!

But now the lone wolf seems to have completed his transformation. Although he has not yet avenged the tiger shark, the hatred in his eyes has disappeared, and the blindfold has been taken off. There is no expression on his face, and his eyes are calm and silent. Standing behind Li Yichen, even when Li Yichen asked him to sit aside, he just shook his head slightly and persisted in his opinion.

Li Yichen had no choice but to follow him, so he turned to look at the crowd and said:

"I just went to the Tiger Shark Base and learned about some of the situation. Next, I will arrange everyone's tasks for the next period of time!"

With that said, Li Yichen turned around, patted Lone Wolf's arm, and introduced to everyone:

"This is Lone Wolf. He and the people he brought are all new members of our Hell City. In addition, Lone Wolf is also the law enforcer I selected for the base. Starting tomorrow, he will form his own law enforcement team. He can choose everyone in the base, except Wan Shan, Li Dong, Xiao Mao and Xiao Hu, he can choose everyone he wants!"

"This law enforcement team is led by Lone Wolf and is directly responsible to me. Anyone who has an opinion against him or his law enforcement team can come directly to me to complain. If you argue with them directly, they have the right to treat them with contempt. Arrest you for law enforcement charges!”


Hearing Li Yichen's words, everyone was shocked and looked at Lone Wolf together. If this was true, Lone Wolf, the newcomer, would have directly entered the core leadership. It could even be said that he was under one person and among ten thousand people. It exists!

Before his arrival, even Li Yichen, the commanders of the three legions: Chang Guchuan, Xiaomao and Xiaohu, did not let them directly take responsibility for him. In other words, Wan Shan and others could still mobilize these three legions, but this The law enforcement team... according to Li Yichen, do they only take orders from him?

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