Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1033 Connecting Dimensional Spaces

Li Yichen searched around for a long time, but in the end he didn't see anyone. None of the guys who were originally gathered here could be seen.

"Did something happen?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but frowned, and then came to the tower door where the space rules were located. Although Li Yichen could no longer feel the time rules and couldn't see any of the tower doors, the tower door should be there. If he touched it, it would probably ...Maybe...should be able to enter the Tiandao Tower, right?

Just as he was about to take a step, Li Yichen suddenly remembered something and turned to look at the stone tablet on the other side. This was the Tiandao Tower in another time and space. So...are the records on the stone tablet different?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen turned around and strode towards the stone monument. Then, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the stone monument...

"Ding! A living body has arrived, the Tiandao Tower is being activated... the activation is completed, the Tiandao Tower is being initialized... the initialization is completed, the Tiandao Tower is officially launched!"

The moment Li Yichen's hand touched the stone tablet, a voice suddenly sounded in Li Yichen's mind. Then, the stone tablet began to light up, and finally the whole body turned silver-white, crystal clear.


Li Yichen couldn't help but be shocked, but at this moment, the stone tablet in front of Li Yichen suddenly shattered and turned into countless light spots, flying behind him. When Li Yichen turned around, he found that all those light spots fell to the ground. , turned into a series of light gates - the tower gate is actually formed by a stone tablet?

Looking back at the stone monument, he found that the stone monument had disappeared. At this moment, Li Yichen remembered that the Speaker seemed to have said that this stone monument was built by the first batch of controllers. Then...the stone tablet that he had just destroyed was made by those controllers. Is it built, or is there originally a stone monument here, which was just used to build the Tiandao Tower. Those who control it have not come yet, and they will arrive here later and build another stone monument?

If he goes by the voice he heard before, it seems... he just activated the Tiandao Tower, and then the tower door appeared. In other words, he didn't see the tower door just now because it didn't exist at all just now, not because he felt it. Not following the rules of heaven and earth!

Looking around again, there was still no one. Li Yichen felt that what he guessed was very likely. When he came just now, the Tiandao Tower had not been opened yet, so of course there was no one here, but... if this was really the case, The timeline is wrong again.

In this time and space, he obviously knows about the Tiandao Tower, and judging from his tone, he should have broken through many levels. If the Tiandao Tower has not been opened yet, where did he break into the tower?

"Could it be that...the timeline changed again when entering the vortex?"

Li Yichen murmured, and then he didn't leave and waited here for more than a day. However, no one came here, which made him very hungry. After all, he was just an ordinary person now.

"Forget it, no matter if the timeline is messed up, let's go to the tower gate of the time rules and try it first. That guy said that as long as I enter the tower gate, I will return to the previous time and space. Let's see if he is right first. It feels like...this guy seems to know something!"

Li Yichen shook his head, and then walked towards the tower door of the time rules. He couldn't tell what rules of heaven and earth these tower doors represented, but he still remembered the location. He hoped that the location of the tower door here was the same as that of his own time and space. the same.


The moment he touched the tower door, Li Yichen's eyes suddenly blurred, and a familiar feeling came over him. Then, he looked around and breathed a sigh of relief. He... must have been back.

He was still next to the tower door, his position had not changed, and the scene around him was exactly the same. However, the people from before appeared again, and even the Speaker was watching not far behind him. Looking at him.

What reassures Li Yichen the most is that he has regained his strength, and he also has a Heart of Heaven in his hand - this is the reward for solving the puzzle!

Raising his hand and looking at the Heart of Heaven in his hand, Li Yichen had some doubts in his heart. This time the puzzle...he seemed to be a little baffled by the solution. Could it be that the solution to the puzzle was really what he thought, which was to return to the way of heaven? Is the tower finished?


Are there any repeats of the puzzle this time? "

The Grand Speaker looked at Li Yichen's still confused expression and couldn't help but come over and ask.

"No repeats!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"But... I don't know how to untie it myself, and I'm still a little confused now!"

According to Li Yichen's previous conjecture, he felt that these puzzles were actually increasing people's understanding of the rules of the world, but his last puzzle seemed not to have this effect at all.

"What does the puzzle look like?"

The Grand Speaker also asked curiously.

"See for yourself!"

Li Yichen turned and walked towards the stone monument, looked up at the stone monument, and then looked back at the tower doors and the lives around them. Do they... know that these tower doors were formed from the original stone tablet?

He turned back and put his hand on the stone tablet. This time, the stone tablet was not lit up, but absorbed the memory of Li Yichen's puzzle solving normally.

Seeing Li Yichen take his hand away, the Speaker quickly stretched out his hand to press the stone tablet. Li Yichen said that this time the puzzle was not the same as the previous one, so of course he had to take a look. Others also gathered towards the stone tablet, obviously too. I want to see Li Yichen's memory.

Li Yichen ignored these people and left the Tiandao Tower directly and returned to his own heaven. He wanted to go back first to see the Ark's space-time machine and recycle it.

After leaving the fog, Li Yichen naturally teleported into the air. He was about to exchange for a helicopter. Suddenly he remembered what he said before, so he refrained from redeeming it. Instead, he landed directly on the ground and sat on the beach, looking at the fog in the distance. .

"How did that guy... use teleportation to travel through space?"

Li Yichen didn't think about the system at this time, because...he used his thoughts to talk to the system. Although he didn't actively contact the system, the system didn't know what he was thinking, but that was just what the system said. Li Yichen I don’t know if this is true or not!

Therefore, let’s first study how that guy teleports across multiple spaces. As for the space-time machine... there is no need to worry now, because that one also needs to be recycled by the system and then copied.

"Teleportation...actually means converting two spaces. Now I can convert two points in the same space. How can I convert two points in different spaces?"

Li Yichen frowned and thought, it was like he was in a room. He could move the objects back and forth in the room at will. As long as he could move the objects, it wouldn't be difficult.

But now, he wants to move the objects in this room to another room, and he can't walk from the door of the room to the other room!


This seems... very similar to the time rules, right? "

Li Yichen suddenly thought that if he imagined space as a line, then... this would be almost the same as the rules of time. Moreover, time and space are originally integrated. In other words, he can combine the rules of time and the rules of space. .

Time rules can affect other timelines. So, if you use this method and use space rules here, can you also touch the space of another space?

"That's what he should do, but how can he sense the space in other dimensional universes?"

Li Yichen closed his eyes and tried to sense the space of the source world. At the beginning, he couldn't sense anything at all. However, Li Yichen was not discouraged. He tried to immerse all his mind in it. Slowly, he seemed to I feel that I am beginning to merge into the Tao space.

It was a strange feeling, a bit like the soul leaving the body, but it was not like what was shown on TV. He was flying higher and higher and could still see his body. He felt that he seemed to be slowly turning into a human being. Space, and my body is being contained by myself.

This feeling was very strange, but Li Yichen did not try to break away from this state. He felt that he seemed to be getting bigger and bigger, and began to gradually spread into the distance, and as he spread, he could also "see "Everything going on around me...

I don't know how long it took, but Li Yichen felt that he seemed to have encompassed the entire sky. From the fog of the sky to the entrance of the sky, and then to the opposite sea, the entire sky was within his senses.

He saw the members of Hell City who were working, the orcs who were still digging the foundation, and Wan Shan and the others who were having a meeting in the central area to discuss something. Even the content of their discussion was clearly heard by Li Yichen. .

Moreover, Li Yichen found that after he fused with space, it seemed that he was just a fusion of spiritual power, that is, his soul, and his body was still sitting upright on the coast of the Tianyu Sea. This feeling of looking at himself from another angle was quite magical.

However, after filling the entire sky, Li Yichen found that he seemed to be unable to expand any more. There was a layer of something outside him that was blocking him, preventing him from continuing to spread.

"This...should be the crystal wall between the two spaces, right?"

Li Yichen thought to himself that he actually didn't know what this thing was called, but when he was on Earth, he had read some fantasy novels where the things that divided space seemed to be called space crystal walls, so he just called it that. Got it!

"If I break this thing, can I connect to another dimension?

If the two dimensional spaces are connected, wouldn't it be possible to teleport across the dimensional spaces? "

Li Yichen suddenly thought, but... the space crystal wall seems to be quite hard, and since he is still in a soul state, it seems to be difficult to break through the space crystal wall...

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