
B...B-class life? "

All those in charge were stunned! Most of them are beings created by humans, so they were born in the Source World, and the humans used their own genes to fuse with the genes of other species to deal with the Zerg, so their strength is certainly not bad, plus the Heaven Realm's Bonus, so their clan members, even the worst ones, are at least B-level, so in their eyes, B-level lives are indeed like ants!

Even the Chancellor looked over, because he is a human race. Due to physical reasons, the human race in the heavens will occasionally have C-level lives, and they cannot reach B-level or above 100%, but even so, B-level lives In the eyes of the Grand Speaker, he is indeed an inferior being.

"Do not believe?

You can go to my heaven and have a look. We came in from the outside world, so... even ordinary people are there - and by ordinary people, I mean the kind who have not even entered C-level beings! And such people account for the vast majority of us, at least more than 80%! "

Li Yichen looked at everyone's expressions, shrugged his shoulders and said, although basically everyone in the capital of hell is an enhancer or evolver or above, but... as long as they have not reached C level, even if they have not entered the real life system, It’s not considered an advanced life form!

"Well... I seem to have heard from the people in my heaven that there are still many lowly beings there!"

The Grand Speaker also remembered at this time that someone seemed to have said this when he was in his own realm, and his expression was very disdainful! At that time, the Grand Speaker was still sighing secretly in his heart, this guy is just B-level, what right does he have to despise others?

Fifty steps and a hundred steps to laugh!

"I don't need to lie about this. Besides, I don't think you like to hear the key points when listening to stories!"

Li Yichen looked at everyone and smiled:

"I said before... I have entered the Zerg realm, right, and I also used nearly a hundred missiles to bomb them. Although I did not cause any real losses to the Zerg, I made a scene in the Zerg realm. After a while, I can still stand here safe and sound, so... I think the Zerg seems to be... not as powerful as you say!"


Li Yichen's words silenced everyone again. They looked at each other, with shame in their eyes. Li Yichen was right. In fact, many of these controllers had never really fought against the Zerg. It was just because Hearing the rumors about the Zerg, everyone spoke loudly, so they regarded the invincibility of the Zerg as an iron rule. When they heard about the Zerg, they thought not of how to resist, but how to escape!

In addition, the goals in the minds of the controllers here are to complete all the puzzles in the Tiandao Tower and completely understand the rules of the world they control, in order to obtain the power to compete with the Zerg!

It is actually correct to think so, but the problem is that over time, in their hearts, they have determined that before they fully understand the rules of their own world, they will have no way to fight against the Zerg. Subconsciously, they will fight against the Zerg and completely understand it. The rules of heaven and earth are tied together.

Those who came first thought so, and those who came later, in this subtle atmosphere, of course thought so too. Li Yichen was the last to come, and was not familiar with these guys yet, so he was not instilled with this "common sense" , In addition, even if someone told him about the power of the Zerg, Li Yichen would probably sneer at it. After all, he had killed one in the trial field.

"When I was a B-level life, I was able to destroy the nest of an S-level insect king, so in my eyes, the insect race is just like that. I went to visit their nest, did they keep me?

I'm going to the Tiandao Tower now, and after I get out, I'm going to go for a walk in the Zerg's world. I just want to know if the Zerg is really unkillable! "

Li Yichen looked at everyone, chuckled, then turned and walked towards the tower door. Those in charge looked at Li Yichen with complicated expressions, and no one said anything.

When he came to the tower gate, Li Yichen did not continue to enter the tower gate with time rules. He now wanted to see if he could be recognized by the Tiandao Tower after his space rules were improved. Those who controlled it didn't say that the role of the tower gate was to help. Do they understand the rules of heaven and earth in order to achieve complete control?

Although Li Yichen is not sure whether his control over space rules is complete and whether he can improve it later, he still has to try it first, right?

With a little sweep, Li Yichen found the tower door of the space system, which was not far from the time system, so he walked over, then stretched out his hand, and the whole person disappeared in an instant...


He...didn't he enter the time-based tower gate before?

Why did you enter the space system again?

Is he dual-type? "

A controller asked in shock, and the controllers next to him were also stunned at this moment. When Li Yichen spoke before, they were too shocked by the news they heard, so they didn't notice that Li Yichen was talking about his experimental space. They entered the Zerg realm at the time of the rules, but in their impression, Li Yichen mastered the rules of time...

"No! I just remembered now that when this little guy came here last time, his aura had not yet entered our realm, but just now... he seemed to be like us!"

Another controller thought about it carefully and said with some horror.


It seems to be true! "

The Grand Speaker also thought about it and found that it was indeed the case. The Grand Speaker knew the best about Li Yichen's strength. He even brought him into the Tiandao Tower. At that time, Li Yichen was just a guy between A and S. The little guy in between, I didn’t expect that after just a few days, this guy would be in the same realm as me!

"This kid is not simple. Let me see... maybe he really has a way to deal with the Zerg!"

The Great Speaker looked at the tower gate of Space Rules and sighed:

"The rules of time, the rules of space, the two top rules appeared on him at the same time. This is simply... haha! Even dual-system controllers among us are very rare, and now there is a controller of dual top-level rules!"

"I hope he can go further and further!"

One of the controllers sighed.

“I’m not from your race, so what are you looking forward to?

Besides, he is just a young man, and he became arrogant after getting the top rules. I don’t know what will happen next. Maybe next time he enters the Zerg realm, this kid won’t be able to get out! "

The other controller couldn't help but mock.

"Haha! Although he is not from our race, if he can destroy the Zerg, it will be equivalent to saving us! What! I dare not face it myself. I am a coward. Can't I expect others to become stronger? "

"That's right! You'd better be careful what you say. Don't be so arrogant. You don't dare to go there by yourself. You are jealous when you see others being strong. What the hell?

Why don't you treat your own trash like others? "

Another controller also said to the guy who made the sarcastic remarks.

“I’m telling the truth, okay?

That kid..."

The sarcastic controller curled his lips and said, but was immediately interrupted by another controller:

"Murai Ueki! Shut up for the hell, do you believe that if you talk again I will destroy you?"

Murai Ueki turned around and saw that the person scolding him was a controller with a crocodile head. He couldn't help but shrink his neck. Murai Ueki was a fire element controller, and the crocodile was a water element controller. They just restrained him. So he muttered:

"Tiandao Tower has rules. Everyone should not interfere with each other. Do you want to break this rule?"

"That's right! We said we shouldn't disturb each other, but now you've disturbed us!"

The crocodile-headed controller stared at Murai Ueki and said:

"No matter how that little guy is, at least he has the courage to fight against the Zerg. To be honest, after listening to his words, I realized that I have never seen the Zerg at all. The reason why I am so afraid of the Zerg is because there are things like you constantly Emphasize the power of the Zerg!"

"Did I say something wrong?"

Murai Ueki said unconvinced:

"In my opinion, even if we completely control the rules of heaven and earth, there is still no way to fight against the Zerg. They are physically immune, and the resistance of the rules of heaven and earth is also surprisingly high. If a hundred percent of the power hits them, there will only be ten left at most. Left and right, what can we do to resist the Zerg?"

"Then according to your statement, we will ignore the Zerg and let them devour all our heavens and kill all our people?

And we can only hide here in the Tiandao Tower and don't care about anything? "

The Speaker suddenly spoke:

"Why do we become stronger?

In the earliest days, I wanted to become stronger in order to protect myself and my relatives. Now, my relatives are gone. Even those who are still alive are my great-great-grandchildren, so I am still trying my best to understand the rules of the world. In fact, I want to protect my heavenly domain and our people. After living for such a long time, they are the only ones who can still prove the meaning of my existence! "

Having said this, the Speaker's eyes flashed, he came to Murai Ueki, stared at him and asked:

"Speaking of which, I really have a question. Are you here to understand the rules of heaven and earth?

Why haven't I seen you enter the tower gate? "

"You...you're talking nonsense!"

Murai Ueki was stunned for a moment, then shouted, looking a little panicked!


He didn't enter the tower gate? "

The other controllers were also stunned, because they came here to understand the rules of the world, so they usually either entered the tower gate to solve puzzles, or studied next to the tower gate, and did not pay much attention to others.

The Speaker was originally like this, but he brought Li Yichen here during this period. In order to verify Li Yichen's strength, he did not enter the tower gate and stayed here. During this period, Murai Ueki even I have never entered the tower gate once, and I am not comprehending. Instead, I am wandering around and running over to chat when I see someone free...

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