Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1042 Difficult Choice

The moment the controller spoke, everyone looked at him and subconsciously moved away from him, because this time was too sensitive, and other controllers also thought this method was good. The Zerg really cannot master the rules of the world, so The tower door cannot be opened, so it is no problem to verify who is the Zerg.

At this time, someone suddenly refused, and of course others subconsciously thought that there might be something wrong with him.

Seeing the reactions of others, the controller also realized this problem and quickly waved his hand:

"No! I'm not a Zerg. I mean, there are so many of us here. If we all need to activate the Tiandao Tower, how long will it take?

You know, after activating the Tiandao Tower, we must enter the Tiandao Tower and experience a puzzle! "

Having said this, the controller's face suddenly became sad. He lowered his head and said:

"Before I figure out how to solve that mystery, I don't want to enter the Tiandao Tower again, because I don't want to see their bodies again and again!"

Hearing the words of this controller, the other controllers looked at each other. Then the clever controller with Brother Yi immediately ran to the stone tablet, stretched out his hand to touch the stone tablet, then quickly retracted his hand, looked at the controller and said:

"He is not a Zerg! I saw his memory! That puzzle... really makes people not want to experience it too much!"

It turns out that the controller went to the stone tablet to read the controller's information. Although he had stored the controller's information in his mind, it would take a long time to read it bit by bit. After encountering the stone tablet, the time to check the memory will not pass by!

Hearing this person's words, the previous controller squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, crying silently. He was a controller of the fire element and had high control over the fire element, but... when he broke through the realm once , because he failed to control it well, he actually set his house on fire, and his family members all died because they could not withstand his flames.

Because he was in the process of breaking through, he didn't know it at the time and had been immersed in the understanding of the fire element. When he completely completed the breakthrough and woke up from the understanding, he found that his home had been burned to ashes. ruins!

He found his family members who had been burned to charcoal in the ruins, his two children, his wife, his parents and his father-in-law, a total of six bodies were there. That experience made him begin to hate himself. The fire element has not been used for a long time, and he has even decided that he will never use the fire element again in the future.

After burying his family, he lived alone in the cemetery without interacting with anyone. He guarded the tomb alone for thirty years. During these thirty years, he really never used fire. The elements, not even natural fire, were used. They only ate some fish and small animals, just brought them and ate them raw!

Later, a group of people strayed into the place where he lived. At that time, he just left to catch fish by the river. When those people saw a cemetery, they wanted to see if it was the grave of a strong man, so they dug up all the remains of his family. , trying to find some good stuff!

This scene just happened to be discovered by this person. When he found out that his family's purpose was all dug up, the ashes were scattered everywhere, the whole purpose was messed up, all the ashes were mixed together, and it was no longer possible to tell who was who. , this person finally broke out.

He subconsciously used the fire element that he had not used in thirty years. Perhaps it was because he had continued for too long, or perhaps because of the anger in his heart. In short, the fire element he used this time far exceeded what he had used before. Level, the monstrous flames instantly covered the mountain top, and all the vegetation on the entire mountain was ignited. In the end, it was completely burned, and all the intruders were burned to death.

When he saw the same intruders as his family members who were burned to death, this man collapsed instantly. He didn't even notice that he had entered the realm of the controller. He left there as if he was running away, in a daze. Wandering for many years, until one day, he returned to the location of his former home and saw that the original ruins had once again become a beautiful building, with another family living happily inside.

He sat across from that house and watched that family for a month, watching them eat, sleep, talk, and do housework every day...

A month later, he finally stood up. It was at that time that he was reborn from the ashes and came here to become a member of the controller.

Maybe it was because he was reborn from the ashes after seeing that family. When he first came here, his level improved very quickly, far surpassing other controllers, and he solved a lot of puzzles, until He encountered the puzzle.

In that puzzle, he returned to the previous breakthrough where he burned his family to death. Therefore, every time he experienced a puzzle, he had to watch the tragic death of his family, and he was still burned to death. .

The originally frozen heart was once again activated by the corpses of his family members. This man could no longer maintain his once indifferent state of mind, so the mystery was never solved by him. Perhaps he did not want to solve it, and even subconsciously resisted entering the mystery. Among the puzzles!

After knowing the mystery of that person, of course no controllers would think that he was a Zerg anymore. Because he had entered the Tiandao Tower, the suspicion was naturally eliminated, and because of this, the controllers were reminded that they actually used There is no need to activate the Tiandao Tower, just check the memory in the stone tablet.

Everyone who enters the Tiandao Tower will leave behind the memory of solving puzzles. Only those who failed to pass it once will not have it. And these controllers have been here for tens of thousands of years. How could they not have passed through one level of the Tiandao Tower? ?

Moreover, even if there are, they must be a very small number. It will not take long for these people to activate the Tiandao Tower. So, the controllers started a large-scale investigation, and the investigation was completed quickly, and no Zerg was found again. !

Of course Li Yichen didn't know what was going on here. The moment he touched the tower door, he suddenly heard a voice:

"Top space rules detected, the ultimate space trial begins!"

Afterwards, Li Yichen came to a place he was very familiar with...

"Sweeper of the streets! Let's go! What are you doing here?

Want to sweep the floor? "

A young man walked past Li Yichen and shouted to him.

Li Yichen knew this person, his classmate Guo Tian, ​​and Li Yichen nicknamed him Guotie! And Guo Tian didn't show any weakness, calling Li Yichen a street sweeper, because Yichen = a dust, which means spotless, so it would be just right to sweep the streets - this was Guo Tian's explanation.

But the problem is that Guo Tian was his classmate when he was on Earth, and Li Yichen was vaguely familiar with this situation now, as if he had experienced it when he was on Earth.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. Sure enough, the time was actually the year he left the earth, and... wait! surface?

Why isn't it a personal terminal?

Only then did Li Yichen realize what he was wearing. He quickly looked at himself and saw that it was the same clothes he wore on Earth. Moreover, he was run over by a truck while wearing the same clothes.

Although I have never seen what I will look like after death, I know with my knees that this suit of clothes must not be worn anymore! As for his body...well! He traveled to the trial place with his body attached.


Did he actually return directly to Earth this time?

Isn't it my body traveling through time? "

Li Yichen looked at his hands, then touched his face, and finally confirmed that not only had he changed his clothes, but his body was still the same as before on Earth!

"What's the solution to this puzzle...?"

Li Yichen looked at Guo Tian in front of him and thought in his mind that he remembered hearing a voice when he entered the puzzle, saying that he was entering the ultimate trial. Since it was the ultimate trial, it must not be that simple.

He looked at his watch again. It seemed that it was only ten minutes before he was hit and left this world. He looked around and saw, well, yes, two blocks away, he was hit and killed at the third traffic light. of!

I turned around and looked around myself, but I didn't find another self. So, this puzzle is that I return to my previous body and solve it?

"I entered the tower gate of space rules, so the trials here should be related to space rules, not time rules, then... the world I am in now is not the world when I left the earth, because if In the same world, you have to go back in time! The rules of space cannot do this!"

Li Yichen murmured:

"Then...if I am not killed for a while, it should not affect my previous time travel, but what if this puzzle requires me to go to the trial place to complete it?

After all, I became a strong man and mastered the rules of space only after I went to the trial place. "

"Furthermore, if I hadn't been hit, I would have stayed on the earth. But the original me didn't live on the earth after that. It seems that... there is no way to practice here! The earth doesn't even have a strengthener, how could there be someone who can control it?" Do the rules of heaven and earth exist?”

For a moment, Li Yichen began to get entangled, because he didn't know whether his puzzle needed to be completed on earth or in the trial place.

Li Yichen can now choose between these two places. If he wants to go to the trial place to solve this puzzle, then go directly to that intersection, and then wait for the truck to come and let it hit him again. If he wants to stay It's even easier on Earth. He doesn't even have to do anything, just stay here.

Therefore, what Li Yichen has to decide now is where to choose, the earth or the place of trial. This is definitely a difficult choice for Li Yichen...

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