Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1049 Cleaning the cabin

In fact, zombies are really not scary. They move slowly and have no consciousness. They only know how to act by instinct. If their numbers were not too large, the apocalypse would not be so scary at all. With Li Yichen's command, Huang Dahu and the others quickly adapted. He came over and killed the zombies faster than Li Yichen.

After all, Li Yichen's current physical fitness is not much different from theirs. Of course, killing with three people will be much faster than killing with one person. Moreover, seeing the three people killing with great enthusiasm from a high place, Li Yichen suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Since they were leaving on a cargo ship, they must have prepared a lot of supplies. Whether Li Yichen had ever been to the sea, he didn't even know how long it would take for the cargo ship to reach his destination. Moreover, if these people hadn't appeared, Li Yichen would have So if he leaves in a small yacht, even if there are no mutant beasts in the sea, he will never reach his destination!

For a person who has no experience at sea, the sea is very scary. It is calm one second, and there may be huge waves the next second. Moreover, even if the weather factors are excluded, Li Yichen will not be able to travel smoothly. When he reaches the deep sea , couldn't see the land's hand, he couldn't even tell the direction!

However, after being reminded by Huang Dahu and the others, Li Yichen finally understood that it might not be that easy to reach his destination across the sea. Therefore, they still had to make as many preparations as possible. In this case, it might take a while longer It's time, and we have to go out to collect supplies.

Anyway, if you want to live with these people for a period of time, then just help them. Li Yichen is an ordinary person now. Without a system, Li Yichen cannot strengthen their bodies, but his life experience in the apocalypse But they are quite rich. If he is willing to guide them, these people may not be unable to become stronger.

Li Yichen had an idea in his mind, so he climbed to the commanding heights of the cargo ship, carefully observed the cargo ship, and after planning a route in his mind, he returned to his previous position, watching the three people with excited faces and shouting "Little Screaming and killing zombies!

Although these three people kept making noise, this was a cargo ship, and there were still many zombies isolated in other areas and unable to come over at all. Therefore, it didn't take long for the three of them to clean up the zombies in this area. Got it!

"How about it?

Zombies are actually not difficult to deal with, right? "

After Huang Dahu killed the last zombie that came towards them, the three of them cheered together, with a sense of accomplishment on their faces. Li Yichen looked at them and asked with a smile.

"Hehe! Boss! It's really not difficult! As long as you're not afraid of them, it should be fine!"

Huang Dahu smiled at Li Yichen.

"Do you want to go further in this apocalyptic world?"

Li Yichen asked again.


The three of them looked at each other, then nodded together.

"Yea, very good!"

Li Yichen nodded, then pointed to other areas on the cargo ship and said:

"There are still a lot of zombies here. We now have two options. One is to use the previous method, go there, there, there and there, attract all the zombies here from a high position and then kill them! The advantage of this is that it is quite safe. We are not in any danger!"

"The other one... let's go down and kill these zombies, face to face! In this case, you may be in danger, because in the battle with zombies, as long as you are bitten by them, or even by their nails Draw a line, and you will all mutate quickly and become a member of the zombies!"

"But the advantage of doing this is that you can learn and adapt to how to fight when you are close to zombies! The end of the world has arrived, zombies are everywhere, anyone may be blocked by zombies in the future, and you cannot find them every time It’s a very good terrain that allows you to stand on it and kill zombies happily! So I think it is necessary to accumulate combat experience!”

"Uh...boss! Do you want us to jump down and kill the zombies?"

Huang Dahu swallowed his saliva and asked.

"Yeah! That's what it means. Of course, you can choose this by yourself. If you don't want to, I won't force you!"

Li Yichen replied calmly.

Huang Dahu looked back at Guo Qing and Fu Qiang, both of whom nodded to him at the same time. Then Huang Dahu looked at Li Yichen again, a fierce look suddenly appeared on his face, and he gritted his teeth and shouted:

"Okay! Boss! We're done!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Seeing Huang Dahu looking like he was about to die heroically, Li Yichen couldn't help laughing, then shook his head and pointed to the cabin:

"No need to be so nervous! This is a cargo ship. It's different from the outside. The terrain is very narrow. For a small team, this terrain is just more suitable for hunting zombies! Do you see it?

The passage on the ship is less than two meters wide and can be guarded by one person, so we don't have to worry about being surrounded by zombies. "

"After killing so many zombies, you should know by now that it is not difficult to kill zombies. Zombies are not as powerful as you think. As long as they do not form a certain number, there is basically no threat! You guys take a rest first and recover. Recover your strength! After you recover, I will take you to clean up the zombies on the ship. I will first teach you how to kill zombies while protecting yourself. You learn first, and then take turns at the front!"


The three of them nodded together again. Li Yichen stopped talking and waited quietly for them to regain their strength. Ten minutes later, Li Yichen stood up and said to the three of them:

"Okay! Get ready to start!"

With that said, Li Yichen jumped down and walked towards the next area. Huang Dahu and the others looked at Li Tian and others on the pier and found that there were no zombies approaching them, so they all jumped down.

"The only weakness of zombies is their heads, so when fighting zombies, unless there is an emergency, there is no need to attack other parts of their bodies!"

Li Yichen led them forward and said:

"In addition, although the bodies of zombies are basically rotten, their skulls are still hard. You should have felt it just now, right?

Killing so many zombies takes a lot of physical energy! Therefore, when we kill zombies, we should try to use stabs more and less chopping! "

While talking, Li Yichen and the others had already arrived at a passage blocked by cargo boxes. Looking at the zombies on the opposite side, Li Yichen used force to overturn a cargo box in front of him, jumped on it, raised the flagpole and stabbed a In the zombie's eye socket, he said:

"Stab the zombie in this position will save you a lot of effort, because behind the eye socket is the zombie's brain, and the bones here are much softer than the skull. Both the left and right eyes are fine, but don't stab their mouth, especially when you are looking down. When the time comes, it won’t hurt their brains!”

Afterwards, Li Yichen walked at the front with a flagpole in one hand and a knife in the other. While killing, he kept explaining. Perhaps because he was leading the way, even though they saw the zombies blocking the passage in front of them, Huang Dahu and the others no longer felt fear, and even Some are eager to try it!

"Come first and join me!"

Li Yichen looked back at them and stepped aside a little. Huang Dahu was the first to rush forward, walking side by side with Li Yichen. At the same time, the flagpole in his hand kept piercing the eyes of the zombies!

"Slow down, don't just look at the zombies in front of you, pay attention to your sides and feet as well!"

Li Yichen reminded from the side:

"If there is a zombie that is not completely dead, but just fell down, and you don't pay attention to your steps, he will probably give you a bite. Remember, in the battle with zombies, you cannot take it lightly, any negligence, It may all be the cause of your death!"

"I understand, boss!"

Huang Dahu agreed, and sure enough he began to adjust his rhythm and kept moving forward side by side with Li Yichen, while Guo Qing and Fu Qiang behind him also began to stare at their feet and sides with wary expressions on their faces!

After a while, Li Yichen stepped back and let Huang Dahu go up. Then Guo Qing and Fu Qiang walked side by side. Li Yichen and Huang Dahu looked on both sides for them, and then it was replaced by Fu Qiang. At the front! Later, it was replaced by Guo Qing. Because Li Yichen was watching, there were no accidents.

Of course, there were still some dangers, such as a zombie suddenly rushing out of the cabin next to it, etc., but they were all easily resolved by Li Yichen, and the three of them also learned from it!

After killing all the zombies on the entire deck, Huang Dahu and the others were about to throw all the zombie corpses down, but Li Yichen stopped them:

"Remember! To clean the battlefield, we must first confirm that the battlefield is safe. Now we have only cleaned the deck, and there are still lower floors and some cabins that we have not visited. Therefore, these corpses will have to wait until the final treatment. Now we will split up. Fu Qiang will follow me. , Dahu, take Guo Qing with you! Remember, you must be cautious! Don’t lose your life!”


The three of them agreed, and then started to separate. It took more than an hour to inspect the entire ship and kill more than a dozen zombies!

"Okay! Now we can start cleaning the battlefield. Throw all the corpses of the zombies into the sea, and then clean the boat. Dahu, first think about what supplies we need to collect. If you know where they are, they are also on the map. Mark it!"

Li Yichen said after gathering the three of them.


Huang Dahu and the others were very excited at this time, especially Huang Dahu and Guo Qing. The two of them had just inspected the cabin together and actually killed seven or eight zombies without any accidents!

So, Huang Dahu called all the five people waiting on the dock to board the ship, and asked Guo Qing to guard the gangplank. The others began to throw the bodies out and clean the cabin. Huang Dahu began to write a list of needed supplies on a list...

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