Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1053 The key is timidity

What Li Yichen got was a walkie-talkie. He read the description and found that the effective intercom distance of this walkie-talkie was one kilometer. That is, in the absence of a base station, the walkie-talkie can rely on its own signal frequency to communicate within a kilometer. It's a little short, but it's just enough.

After finding three identical walkie-talkies, Li Yichen went upstairs again, threw the walkie-talkies to the other two people, and then said:

"You two are here to kill zombies. I'll look elsewhere to see if there's anything else I can use! Be careful not to shoot me!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

Huang Dahu answered immediately, and then was stunned for a moment:

"Look elsewhere?

Where to go? "

"Inside this market!"

Li Yichen said, then looked at the surrounding shops, turned around and went downstairs. The location of this shop is actually quite good. If he hides here and slowly kills the zombies, he can eventually kill them all. However, Li Yichen doesn't want to waste time. The reason why I asked two guys to bring a lot of arrows up was because Li Yichen had forgotten that he was an ordinary person and thought that he had unlimited physical strength to draw a bow.

But after shooting several waves of zombies on it, Li Yichen discovered that the arrows were enough, but he didn't have enough physical strength. He had to rest for a while after shooting more than 20 arrows in a row, and as time went by, he had to rest. The time will definitely get longer and longer, and eventually even the arm will become swollen due to the ultra-intensity exercise and will become useless.

Therefore, for Li Yichen, using a bow and arrow to kill zombies is even more laborious than using a knife to kill them, especially since he forgot about physical strength earlier and asked Huang Dahu and the others to take so many arrows. It would take him a whole day to shoot one in a row. It would be too shameful if the box of arrows were not used up, so Li Yichen had to think of other ways.

Back on the first floor, Li Yichen walked around the store, took two daggers, two machetes, and changed a set of clothes. Then he opened the door and walked out, because the two guys above were shooting and killing. Zombies, there were no zombies hanging around the door. He turned around and locked the door with the door lock. Li Yichen shouted to the top:

"Dahu, I'm going out, please stop for a moment!"

The two guys were still shooting at zombies with crossbows. Li Yichen was worried that these two guys might not be accurate enough and would try to shoot him again, especially since he had changed his clothes, so he shouldn't mistake them for zombies.

Huang Dahu and Guo Qing immediately stopped shooting and watched Li Yichen walk out. When they approached the group of corpses, they pulled out their machetes and started hacking away at the zombies, then rushed out.

"I'll go! When will I be able to attack the corpses directly like the boss?"

Guo Qing looked envious from above.

"Hmph! In fact, we can do it anytime we want. We think we can't be like the boss. It's not because the boss is much stronger than us. The key is that we are timid!"

Huang Dahu snorted and said:

"Have you noticed that the boss is actually about the same physical strength as us, maybe even not as strong as me, but he doesn't seem to have any fear of zombies at all, which we definitely can't do!"

"If you let me use a crossbow to kill zombies here, I won't be afraid no matter how many there are below, because I know they can't reach me. But if I was asked to rush into the zombies with a knife like the boss, I really wouldn't be able to Dare! The distance is too close, if you are caught by that thing, it will be scrapped! The psychological pressure is not on the same level!"

"Speaking of the pressure on my heart... didn't we also kill zombies face to face on the ship?

The boss specially asked us to practice! "

Guo Qing said a little confused.

"Bah! Can that be the same?"

Huang Dahu said:

"We were followed by the boss at that time, and there were four of us in total. Even if sometimes there was only one person at the front, at least we knew that there were others behind us, so we didn't have to worry about what was behind us, and we had peace of mind! But where is the boss?

He rushed in alone, surrounded by zombies on both sides. He could be dead if he wasn't careful. At least I don't dare to do that now! If you want us to go in back to back, then maybe we can try it! "

"No need! I think we should just kill here, safety first, and the boss didn't let us go down!"

Hearing Huang Dahu's words, Guo Qing immediately shrank his neck and said.

"Haha! That's all I said. If you ask me to go down, I won't go! Who knows if you are reliable?

If the boss takes me, I will definitely dare! "

Huang Dahu said with a smile, but at this time, Li Yichen had already walked away. He aimed the crossbow that he had already prepared at a zombie, then pulled the trigger and killed it directly.

"Hey! It seems we're a little close, we can't kill you! Huzi, you kill here first, I'll go check the door below. Did the boss close it when he left?

If we don't let them rush in, we will be dead. "

"There's no need to watch, the boss won't make such a mistake!"

Huang Dahu waved his hand, then grabbed Guo Qing's strung crossbow, pointed it at the zombies below, and then said:

"Let's divide the work. You will be responsible for winding the string, and I will be responsible for killing zombies. This way, we will definitely be able to shoot a lot faster. Otherwise, we have to change positions to string the arrow after shooting an arrow, which is a bit of a waste of time! Don't let the boss find us when he comes back. This place is already surrounded by zombies.”

"Okay! I'll wind it up first, then I'll switch to you when I'm tired!"

Guo Qing thought for a while, and it seemed to work like this. One of them could just pull up the string, and the other could pull up the arrow and shoot the arrow. This would indeed make it a lot faster, but he still felt uneasy in his heart, so he said:

"Then I'll go down and get some more crossbows. If we use this method, just two crossbows will definitely not be enough!"

With that said, without waiting for Huang Dahu's response, he ran down first. Of course, Huang Dahu didn't stop him. He directly cocked both crossbows, loaded the crossbow arrows and fired again...

Li Yichen had already walked about a hundred meters into the market. There were shops and stores blocking the way. Those zombies were not a great threat to Li Yichen. Moreover, Li Yichen did not mainly kill zombies now. He was looking for Some suitable weapons!

There are many ways to deal with zombies, such as Molotov cocktails. It is simple to make. Just take a bottle and find a car to pump some oil. It is quite powerful, especially when dealing with dense zombies. But the problem is that it cannot be used here. They We also need to collect supplies here. We are not here specifically to kill zombies. The market is fire-proof and surrounded by flammable materials. It is easy to burn the entire market to the ground.

Moreover, there is no gun shop here, so it is impossible to get some guns. The market does have a police station, but a police station of this size rarely has guns. Even if it does, it only has one or two pistols and bullets. It's not much, and it's of little use. Therefore, Li Yichen's current goal is a store that sells fireworks.

Fireworks also contain gunpowder. Although they are not very powerful, they can be used after modification. Although there are still hidden dangers of causing fires, as long as the range is controlled, there will be no problem. Unlike Molotov cocktails, throwing them will cause a big ball of fire. No control!

After killing more than a dozen zombies along the way and constantly attracting their attention by throwing things to the side, Li Yichen finally came to a fireworks and firecracker store. However, to Li Yichen's surprise, the rolling shutter door of this store was closed. He didn't know there was something inside. nobody.

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the rolling shutter door twice, but there was no response inside. However, all the zombies nearby were knocked over. After killing the zombies, Li Yichen gently raised the rolling shutter door and found that it was raised directly. He couldn't help but frown. .

This kind of rolling shutter door is an old-fashioned one that can only be locked from the outside and cannot be locked from the inside. So...since it is not locked, it is possible that the shop owner was in the shop when the apocalypse came. After seeing the danger, I just closed the rolling shutter door. Anyway, zombies don’t know how to open rolling shutter doors. This kind of rolling shutter door that opens up and down makes no difference to the zombies whether it is locked or not.

After feeling that there might be someone inside, Li Yichen became cautious. In fact, for Li Yichen now, the threat from humans is higher than that from zombies. After all, he is good at dealing with zombies, but if it is a human, it is not that big. Guaranteed, just like just now, when he left, if Huang Dahu and the others had any intention, they could kill him with crossbow arrows directly on top.

"I'm a living person! I need to use some fireworks to kill the zombies. People inside don't need to panic. I've already killed the zombies at the door!"

Not caring about attracting zombies, Li Yichen said directly, then hid aside and carefully pulled up the rolling shutter door...

"Don't touch my door, and don't come in!"

Sure enough, there was someone in the fireworks shop. Li Yichen had just opened the rolling shutter door about halfway when a voice came from inside. The voice belonged to a middle-aged man.

"Brother! Even if I don't open the door, how long can you hide in there?

Fireworks and firecrackers cannot be eaten! The market is full of zombies, which means you are trapped inside. If you let me get some fireworks, I can kill all the zombies in the market! You will be safe. Even if you don't want to leave here, you can at least come out and get some food, right? "

Li Yichen shouted to the inside, and at the same time he squatted down and looked inside. Although there was no light inside, Li Yichen with eagle eyes still saw a fat man hiding in the corner inside, half of his face exposed. Look outside.

"Why should I believe you?"

The middle-aged man shouted.

"Brother, if you have any brains, you should know that if I wasn't dealing with zombies, why would I come to your store?"

Li Yichen said:

"This isn't a supermarket or a grocery store. If I go in, I can get some food and drink. Even if I go to a field equipment store, I can at least get some weapons. What do I want from your fireworks spot?

Let's set off fireworks to celebrate the arrival of this damn world? "

"There should be a lot of people alive in this market. If I kill all the zombies, and then gather everyone together, the chance of survival will be higher. You don't want to just hide in your shop all the time, do you?"

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