Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1055 The boss ran away?

Chapter 1055 The boss ran away?

Maybe it was because he didn't have much time and had no choice at all, so the fat store manager didn't say anything nonsense. He grabbed the bag and plundered a lot of things in the canteen like a whirlwind. His fat figure didn't seem to affect him at all. In just two or three minutes, he filled two large bags. Then he took a smaller bag and filled it again. Finally, he returned to Li Yichen and looked at him. He said with a sad face:

"These two bags are for you. This bag... I hope to leave it to my daughter. You... don't hurt her until the last moment, okay?"


Li Yichen didn't say anything, he just looked at him seriously and nodded, then looked at the little girl, turned around and walked out of the canteen carrying the two big bags! The fat store manager also quickly grabbed the small bag, picked up the little girl, and followed Li Yichen out.

There were still some zombies on the road, but they were not concentrated enough, so Li Yichen slashed them all the way, leading the fat store manager and the little girl forward. At this time, the outdoor equipment store was already full of zombies, and Huang Dahu and Guo Qing were still shooting with crossbows. Kill zombies. Outside the store, zombie corpses have gradually piled up.

"Dahu, I found two survivors and sent them back first. You guys wait for me here!"

After looking at the situation in the equipment store, although it looked scary, the door below had not been broken through and was blocked by many zombies. Li Yichen picked up the walkie-talkie and said.


When Huang Dahu heard the voice on the intercom, he raised his head and looked around, and found Li Yichen, the fat shopkeeper and the little girl behind him:

"Where are you going back?"

"Get back to the ship!"

Li Yichen said:

"I'll drive the truck back, send these two people back, and then refuel it before coming back. By then we will clear out all the zombies in the market and bring supplies back. The zombies below... you can take care of it yourself. I have more The best way to kill them is if you want to kill them, just kill them. If you don’t want to kill them, just rest. They can’t get in anyway, so just turn off the sound!”

"Got it! Boss!"

Huang Dahu replied immediately, and after Li Yichen also said the word "be careful" into the intercom, he led the fat store manager and the little girl to bypass the zombies surrounding the outdoor equipment store and rushed out of the market!

"No...why did they leave, boss?"

Looking at Li Yichen leaving, Guo Qing was stunned.

"Didn't you listen to the boss saying that he would go back and give it away?"

Huang Dahu said a little impatiently.

"Those two people...do you know the boss?"

Guo Qing frowned and asked.

"You know me, the boss doesn't even know there is a market here!"

Huang Dahu glared at Guo Qing and said.

"Then why did the boss send them on a special trip?

Wouldn't it be okay to leave them here with us? "

Guo Qing continued to ask persistently.

"Fart, didn't you see so many zombies down there?

The boss himself should be okay, but how can he rush in with these two people? "

Huang Dahu said angrily.

"Huzi... Huzi, don't tell me. You didn't see that man's shoulder. There was so much blood and it wasn't bandaged. How do you think... that guy was injured?

Was it scratched by the glass? "

Guo Qing placed the strung crossbow next to Huang Dahu, looked at him seriously and asked.

"You're asking me, right?"

Huang Dahu hesitated for a moment, then put down the crossbow he had just picked up, and pointed at Guo Qingdao with the arrow he was going to put on the crossbow:

"Okay! Then let me tell you! The guy's shoulder was not punctured by glass or hit somewhere. I can see clearly that it was definitely bitten by a zombie!!"

As he said this, Huang Dahu seemed to be afraid that Guo Qing would not believe him, so he pointed at the sight on the crossbow and said:

"Believe me, with this, I can see more clearly than you. I can even tell you how many teeth are imprinted on that wound!!"

"Okay! Then tell me again, why did the boss rather take them away than take us with him, and let us wait for him here?"

Guo Qing simply sat down, stared at Huang Dahu and asked:

"You should know that after being bitten, that person will turn into a zombie. I admit that the boss is very good, but I don't think he can treat the bitten person so that he does not turn into a zombie, but he still turns that man into a zombie. What if that guy mutated on the ship?

Are we all buried with him?

? "

As he said that, Guo Qing seemed a little excited, pointing in the direction Li Yichen left and saying:

"Also, the boss said he was coming back, but now look, there are zombies down there. Even if the boss comes back, how can he get in?

Um! He is very powerful, I assume he can still fight in alone, but how can he lead the two of us to fight out together? "

"You just said that the two of us will definitely not be able to reach the level of the boss now. We don't have the guts to break into such a group of corpses. Don't tell me that you dare to break in now. This has just happened. It’ll take an hour! Even if you change, you won’t change so quickly, right?”

"You seem to have said the wrong thing!"

Huang Dahu looked at Guo Qing calmly, then looked at the zombies below, and found that even though they had turned off the noise that attracted zombies, they were still blocked by zombies in the outdoor equipment store at this moment! So Huang Dahu simply turned over and sat up, looked at Guo Qing and said:

"I said before that I didn't dare to go down and attack the corpses. What I said was that I didn't dare to join you. If it were the boss, I didn't say that I wouldn't dare!"

"what do you mean?"

Guo Qing couldn't help but frown and asked.

"Literally, it means that I have the courage to accompany the boss into the corpse group, but I dare not accompany you, because it takes more courage to accompany you!"

Huang Dahu said seriously:

"I know that you are doubting the boss now, worried that he will not come back to pick us up, then we will have to stay here and wait to die, but now I tell you, I believe the boss, if he says he will come back, he will definitely Come back, if he doesn’t plan to come back, why did he say that to us?”

"That's because he wants us to stabilize ourselves so that we can help him attract zombies!"

Guo Qing replied without hesitation, maybe this was what he had thought of for a long time.

"In the apocalyptic novels you read, do you ever see a plot where the protagonist deceives his brother and escapes on his own?

This is a bit destructive, will it be scolded by readers? "

"Depend on!"

Guo Qing immediately became angry. He glared at Huang Dahu and said:

"I'm talking about a novel, but what we are experiencing now is not a novel! Do you understand?"

"Of course I understand!"

Huang Dahu suddenly turned back, grabbed a crossbow, put the arrow back in his hand, then pulled the trigger, knocked down a zombie, and then threw the crossbow to Guo Qing:

"Shangxian, don't think about so many messy things, and... I would like to advise you, don't say anything like what you said just now. Even if you have doubts in your heart, as long as you know it, I will pretend that I have never heard what you just said. , but this is the first and last time!”

"Do you really believe in the boss?"

Taking the crossbow handed over by Huang Dahu, Guo Qing asked unwillingly.

"I don't believe in the boss, I just believe in myself. First, it's my own intuition. Second... you should know it if you think about it carefully!"

Huang Dahu didn't look back, grabbed another crossbow and loaded the arrow again, and replied.

"think carefully?

What am I thinking? "

Guo Qing asked after being stunned.

"It's very simple! First, our ship doesn't have any supplies now. If the boss doesn't come back to get supplies, will he dare to drive the cargo ship out to sea now?"

Huang Dahu replied:

"Second, if the boss intends to give up on us, then he must not leave us alive, because we may go back to expose him at any time. Only the dead can truly keep secrets. So, if I were the boss, I would leave before , get some fireworks and throw them in front of us, that will at least double the number of zombies in front of us!"


Guo Qing was stunned.

"Look there!"

Huang Dahu took off the sight on the crossbow and handed it to Guo Qing, then pointed in a direction and said:

“Look for yourself, what is there?

Let me tell you, although I was shooting before, I have been observing the boss. His goal was very clear and he went directly to the fireworks store. However, it may be that the communication with the people inside was not smooth, so he broke open the store door and He kept throwing bottles into it, and then...a few zombies got in! "


What next? "

Guo Qing picked up the scope and looked in that direction. He immediately found the fireworks shop and asked

"Then...the boss rushed into the store and came out with two people not long after! He entered the canteen next to it!"

Huang Dahu replied:

"They didn't stay at the canteen for long before they came out. What happened next... you should know!"

"What do you think?"

Guo Qing looked at the fireworks shop and the canteen carefully through the scope and asked.

"Actually, I have a guess, but even if I tell you, you might not understand, so I'll just tell you one thing. The boss doesn't want us to die!"

Huang Dahu said:

"First, the boss's purpose has been very clear from the beginning - he wants to go to sea, but now one is that the supplies have not been brought back, and the other is that if there are less of the two of us, there will be fewer people to sail the ship, and the two of us If they don't go back, the boss will just let them sail the boat. Don't they have some ideas in mind?

Boss, there is no need to arouse the suspicion of our friends on the ship because of those two people! ! "

"And the most important thing is..."

Huang Dahu pointed to the fireworks shop and said:

"If he wants us to die here, the boss doesn't have to say a word at all. He just needs to run over and throw it to us, and we will be completely trapped by the zombies coming!"

"You mean...the boss will definitely come back to save us?"

Guo Qing asked.

"No! Not coming back to save us, but joining us!!"

A smile appeared on Huang Dahu's lips, and then he picked up a crossbow and aimed at a zombie below...

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