Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1059 Volunteers needed

It was completely silent down there. The most powerful ones were all killed at once. How could the remaining people dare to speak?

They all lowered their heads and looked at their toes, as if their shoes were everything in the world!

"No, right?

Very good, let me tell you another news now, that is... there are still some of my things in this market. Since you just wanted to steal my things, you need to be punished now, so you go and take them now. Move my stuff over here for me! "

Li Yichen looked at the people below and said:

"After getting all my things, we will leave. This market... is yours. There are no zombies here. There is food and water. If you stay here, you may be able to survive for a while and use some In exchange for labor, it shouldn’t be too much, right?”

After hearing Li Yichen's words, those people looked at each other, but no one responded.

"It seems you didn't understand what I meant?"

Li Yichen frowned and placed an arrow on his bow.

"I understand, but...this...big brother!"

The expressions of all the people on the road below changed at this situation. One of them quickly stepped forward, looked up at Li Yichen on the carriage and asked:

"It's definitely okay for us to get the things you...forgot in the market, but...we don't know what your things are! Otherwise...you give us a list or something, and we'll go and give them to you right away. You move things!!”

"give him!"

Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu and said, Huang Dahu nodded immediately, put down the crossbow, took out the list he made, and took out a pen, intending to cross out the things he had already taken, but at the moment when he was about to write, Huang Dahu suddenly felt something in his heart. He leaned into Li Yichen's ear and said:

"Boss, we can actually get more cargo. Originally, cargo ships had to be ballasted with heavy objects. I originally planned to use stones, but now that we have people, we can simply get more and use them for ballast. After all, in Any accident can happen at sea, so there’s nothing wrong with us being more prepared!”

"Okay! Do whatever you want!"

Li Yichen nodded.

Huang Dahu immediately drew an X on the list, followed by a 2, then handed the list to the man and said:

"This is the goods we left in the market, help us get it!"

The man's mouth twitched and he looked at the X2 above, thinking to himself, why the hell is this a temporary addition?

However, after catching a glimpse of the bow in Li Yichen's hand from the corner of his eye, the man obediently chose to shut up, bowed to Li Yichen and said:

"Okay, we will get the things soon, please wait a moment!"

Then, the man returned to the crowd with the list, showed it to others, and said:

"There's a lot of stuff, so let's split up and get everything up here!"

"No! Do we really have to help them move their goods?"

One person looked at Li Yichen and the others and asked in a low voice:

"His bow is great, but we can just pretend to agree and then sneak away. Why do we have to work for them?"

"That's right!"

Another person also whispered:

"There are so many of us, and they won't be able to stop us if we just run away. I don't want to be their slave!"

"Yeah! I think too, let's just pretend to move the goods and then sneak away, no matter what!"

Another person joins the chorus of approval!

"Whatever you want! Ah! I don't care so much! As long as you think it's good to run away, then you can run away!"

The man holding the list looked at those who suggested escaping with disdain:

"I know what you are thinking. You don't simply don't want to move things for those people, but you think that what they want is food, drinking water and daily necessities. If these things are given to them, we can keep them for ourselves. There will be less rain, right?”

"Okay! You are right, and you are right. There are only so many supplies. If we give them to them, of course we will have less. But have you ever thought about it, if those people dare to ask us to move things, don't they know how to do it? Staring at us?

Let me tell you, if anyone doesn’t want to do it, tell him now, and tell him, don’t sneak away by yourself, after all, we still have people here who want to help him move things honestly, and then send away these murderous gods. people! "

The man's face turned cold and he said:

"I actually don't care whether you run away or not, but I'm afraid that after discovering that you plan to run away, he will regard us as being with you, which will cause us trouble, so... I'm sorry!"

Having said this, the man suddenly turned around, looked at Li Yichen and shouted:

"Sir, we are willing to help you get your things here, but some people feel that they have no obligation to help you move your things and want to just sneak away, that is, this, this, and this!"

While talking, the man reached out and pointed out the person who just suggested to escape. The expressions of those people immediately changed, and then they turned around and ran away. Li Yichen looked at the three people's fleeing backs, drew his bow again, and struck three times in a row. Three arrows were shot out, piercing the backs of the three people who were trying to escape.

What Li Yichen shot was not the heart, so none of the three people died immediately. They just kept rolling on the ground, screaming sadly, and even begging Li Yichen for mercy:

"Brother! I was wrong, please forgive me!"

"Don't kill me! I'm going to move things. I'll move whatever you want! Don't kill me, I don't want to die!"

"Wu, you must die a good death! I curse you to go to hell!!"

There was also one of them, holding the arrow in his stomach while loudly cursing the snitch!

"You scolded the wrong person!"

Li Yichen put down his bow, looked at the man who was hit by the arrow and cursed:

"The reason why you died is because I said before, whoever runs away will die, it has nothing to do with anything else."

With that said, Li Yichen turned to look at those people and said:

"The same goes for you! I just asked you to help me move my things. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter, just leave! However, we cleaned up the zombies in this market, so this market is mine. If Whoever is dissatisfied, no problem, just ask you to kill as many zombies as us and come back!"

"I know this market originally belonged to you, but it was surrounded by zombies before. If we hadn't cleared away all the zombies, you might have stayed inside and waited to die. Therefore, this market should be said to belong to the zombies. Since we have killed them all If we kill the zombies, that means we have grabbed this market from the zombies, right?

So everything in this market belongs to us. "

"Now, we need to take away some of our things. Those who can help can help us. We will leave the things as reward. If you don't want to help us, you can leave now. We saved your lives. You didn’t say thank you, so we don’t care, but if you want to use our stuff again, we might be unhappy!”

After hearing Li Yichen's words, everyone looked at each other, and then they all went to that person and looked at the list. Then, under the person's suggestion, they divided the items on the list according to the areas they were familiar with and split up. Go get ready!

Although Huang Dahu and the others knew about this market and had been there a few times, when they bought things, they always had the goods prepared directly, or even delivered directly to their doorsteps and moved directly to the dock, so they did not care about the goods here. It’s not very clear, but these people who have been in the market are different.

They are the people here, not only the store, but also the warehouse. They are very familiar with it, so after seeing the materials and quantities in the list, they go directly to the warehouse. Although some warehouses are not their own, but now this one Who has any scruples now?

Just break the door open and move in!

Soon, electric vehicles pulled the things Li Yichen and the others wanted to the parking lot. When these people went to collect supplies, Li Yichen and the others also drove some trucks again, but there were only four of them, so at most Only four trucks can be driven away!

"Boss! You can ask them to help drive two cars there!"

Huang Dahu made a suggestion. Now the speed at which they collect supplies can be said to have increased by more than ten times. Originally, they thought that if they had to find these things by themselves and bring them back, they would have to make at least five or six trips or even more. It takes about two to three days, mainly because it takes a lot of time to collect supplies.

Now, with the help of so many people from the market, they don’t have to look for it themselves. The supplies are brought directly over, so they only need to drive back. In this way, they can finish it in one day, which they expected to take two or three days. finished work!

Huang Dahu made a rough estimate and found that it would take about six trucks to pull all their goods away. There were only four of them, so if they had to rely on themselves, they would need to make two trips back and forth. But if the other party could provide two drivers, then they would only It only takes one trip.

Huang Dahu is not afraid of making that extra trip. He is mainly afraid that if it takes a long time, something could easily happen here. If they all leave, these people will probably have other ideas if they get together. , what kind of traps are they making here, they are hard to guard against, if nothing else, just say that they hide some gasoline in the remaining cargo, and then light it after they drive away, then they will be in trouble, especially since they just Burning zombies with fire must be fresh in these guys’ memories!

Li Yichen didn't know that Huang Dahu had so much on his mind. He just looked at the eight trucks they had prepared, and then looked at the people who were bringing the goods. He hesitated and said to them:

"We need two to four volunteers to help us drive there. Is any of you willing?"

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