Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1069 Saber-toothed leopard?

Now, it is still the time to be more patient. Of course, he is not afraid of this Li Yichen. No matter what the creature in the bush is, it is still an animal. Even if it is a mutant beast, it is just a stronger animal. It is more patient than humans. ?

joke! !

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes passed. Li Yichen did not relax at all. He kept holding the arrow on the bowstring and pointing it at the bush. The distance from the bush to the rabbit was only a few meters away. For a mutant beast, Even if it's not a speed type, it won't take more than three seconds.

Sure enough, Li Yichen's waiting was not in vain. About fifteen minutes later, a black shadow suddenly rushed out of the bushes and rushed towards the rabbit. His body was as fast as lightning, and Li Yichen's bow was also swift. Pulled open, and then there was a sound of a bow, and the arrow accurately penetrated the body of the black figure...


The black shadow let out an earth-shattering roar, rolled its body on the ground, and then immediately got up, gave up on the rabbit, and ran directly towards the edge on the other side.

However, it had been injured by Li Yichen, so its speed had dropped significantly. At this time, Li Yichen shot two arrows again. The two arrows, one after the other, shot into the black shadow's head with great accuracy. The black shadow fell down again, roaring continuously, but it only struggled for a minute or so before calming down and lying motionless on the ground, with blood spreading under it...

Li Yichen still didn't move. He just put an arrow on the tree and waited again. However, this time he didn't hear any sound from around him until it was dawn. Li Yichen got up and climbed up. After climbing all the way to the top of the tree, Look around.

This jungle is quite large and is surrounded by mountains. There is only a gap where Li Yichen came up. After looking carefully, Li Yichen climbed down from the big tree and came directly to the prey he shot to death. , first pulled out the arrows from its body, and then turned its body over.

This creature is a bit strange to Li Yichen, at least he has never seen it before. It looks a bit like a leopard, except that it is completely black and has four fangs on its mouth. It looks a bit like... the legendary saber-toothed tiger, but it is larger. , not counting the tail, the length is more than two meters, and judging from its initial speed, this guy is quite fast. If he were to fight this guy face to face, Li Yichen felt that he would be in trouble!

After taking a look deep into the jungle, Li Yichen finally took a breath, and then picked up the body of the black "saber-toothed leopard" and put it on his shoulders. This guy's body was estimated to weigh nearly 200 kilograms. Fortunately, although he lost his strength, But Li Yichen's physical fitness was still there, so it wasn't too strenuous.

Walking back and picking up the rabbit, Li Yichen turned around and headed back the way he came. The island seemed a bit dangerous, so Li Yichen planned to go back to the boat first, not to take risks, but at least to observe the beach of the island and see the island on the boat. Make a decision after seeing what animals are there.

Because he didn't have to observe so carefully when he came back, Li Yichen was still faster than when he came back even though he was carrying the saber-toothed leopard. He returned to the beach soon. The footprints were still there, but some of them had begun to fade. After all, they are footprints left on the beach, which can easily disappear when the wind blows.

However, Li Yichen ignored this. After carefully observing his surroundings, he tied the rabbit to himself, and then swam toward the sea with the leopard on his back...

"The boss is back!"

Because it was already daylight, the people on the boat no longer hid, and they all looked towards the island. Because they had telescopes, they also saw the footprints on the beach on the island. Everyone was a little surprised. When Li Yichen's When the figure appeared on the beach, the stone in Huang Dahu's heart finally fell to the ground!

Later, when he saw Li Yichen carrying the body of an unknown animal into the sea, Huang Dahu immediately asked Guo Qing and Fu Qiang to drive a small boat over to meet him!

"Boss! What is this?"

When Li Yichen was brought back to the cargo ship, everyone looked confused when looking at the body of the saber-toothed leopard he brought back. No one had ever seen this kind of creature. Could it be the mutated beast that the boss once said?

"I don't know either!"

Li Yichen shook his head and pointed in the direction of the island:

"I met him there, so I killed him and brought him back to have his teeth beaten as a sacrifice!"

"Is the meat of this thing... edible?"

Kaizi asked hesitantly.

"no problem!"

Li Yichen nodded. He had already tasted the blood of this leopard. It was not a mutant beast, and it was not infected. He had been a hunter in the trial place for so long, so he still had this ability!

"I'll go! This guy's teeth... are so sharp!"

Huang Dahu grabbed the saber-toothed leopard's tooth and tried it with his hand. He couldn't help but be shocked. Generally speaking, the teeth of animals are mainly sharp. After all, they rely on the tips of their teeth to pierce the prey's body when hunting. But the teeth of this saber-toothed leopard are not only very sharp at the tip, but also very sharp on the inside of the curve, just like a sickle! !

"Yeah! Remove its teeth and you can use them directly as a dagger!"

Li Yichen nodded and said, he had tried it before and almost got cut. If they hadn't picked him up, it might not have been easy for him to get the leopard back!

"Take care of this guy, be careful!"

Huang Dahu nodded, and then handed the leopard to Li Tian and the others to take care of, including the rabbit. Anyway, it was already agreed that they would be responsible for the logistics!

Of course Li Tian and the others didn't have any objections. They brought some sea water up to clean it, and then started peeling it off!

"Boss, what are the animals on the island?"

While they were packing up their prey, Huang Dahu, Guo Qing, Fu Qiang and Kaizi all gathered around Li Yichen who had changed his clothes. Huang Dahu looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"We saw a lot of huge footprints on the beach. Are they mutant beasts?"

"I don't know! I didn't see them!"

Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"After I got to the island, I saw the beach over there. The beach was actually very steep, and there was a jungle above it. After entering the jungle, I didn't see the owner of those footprints, at least I didn't see any large creatures. First of all, I didn't see the owner of those footprints. What I encountered was the rabbit, and after I shot it to death, I used it as bait to attract the leopard. After I shot the leopard to death, I kept in ambush, but no creature ever appeared!"

"Maybe... the area where you are, boss, is this leopard's territory!"

Kaizi frowned and said, because everyone on the boat called Li Yichen Boss, so this guy also called him "Boss".


Li Yichen looked at Kaizi. He knew what Kaizi meant. Generally, predatory animals have their own territory, such as tigers. In their territory, other predatory creatures will basically not easily Enter, because once you enter there will definitely be conflict, even a battle of life and death!

But Li Yichen didn't go very deep into the jungle before. It was still on the outskirts of the jungle. If that was the leopard's territory and other creatures would not enter, how did the owner of those footprints get from the jungle to the beach?

He didn't think that such a small leopard, which was not that big, could scare those creatures whose footprints were three to five meters long and dare not go there, and the footprints were from the sea into the jungle, along the way. Li Yichen also saw traces of many creatures walking by!

"That leopard... I don't think it can intimidate the owner of those footprints. Although the animal world is not based on absolute size to determine strength, this leopard is too small after all. The longest footprints are five meters long. There are many, almost four meters wide, and with such footprints, those creatures are definitely huge. They can't possibly be afraid of a leopard that's only two meters long, right?"

Li Yichen expressed his doubts.


Huang Dahu nodded:

"Maybe... because boss, you went at night, right?

Maybe the animals here have night blindness and only come out during the day? "

"It's possible! No matter what, this island must be very dangerous, even more dangerous than the mainland full of zombies!"

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"This leopard was very fast. I was able to kill it successfully because I was hiding in a tree with a bow and arrow. If we were face to face, I would definitely be the one who died!"

As he said that, Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu and the others:

"You have to think carefully, just such a little leopard is so vicious, let alone the other creatures on the island. Judging from those footprints, there must be a lot of animals on this island. I must go to the island. But you...actually don't need it!"

"Boss! I'm afraid we have to go to the island too! And we must find a place on the island where we can live!"

After hearing Li Yichen's words, the others looked at each other and seemed to be hesitant, but Huang Dahu said without thinking. Everyone else, including Li Yichen, all looked at Huang Dahu.

"This island... seems to be the only land we can land on right now. What will we do if we don't get on?

Continue sailing and watch the island appear before us again and again?

Or should we just park the ship here until all the supplies on the ship are consumed, and then throw it into the sea to feed the fish? "

Huang Dahu pointed at the island and smiled bitterly:

"Have you forgotten that we can't get around this island at all?"

After hearing Huang Dahu's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that yes, it seems that they can't go anywhere else now. If they want to land, they have to go to this island, otherwise they will have to stay on the ship. Although their supplies are There are many, but no matter how much supplies they have, they will always run out. At that time, they will really be desperate. Instead of doing this, going to the island is their only way out...

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